blood clan

Chapter 60 Hidden Flow Surging

It is said that the nightlife of college students is very rich and interesting. Shengjing University does not seem to be in this ranks. It was only 12 o'clock at night, and the whole campus fell into silence. Students either practice quietly in the dormitory or go to bed. In short, no one will wander around the campus at this time.

Tonight is the night of the first day of the month, so the bleak moonlight in the whole sky can't make people see the scenery five meters away. Qinghai is also due to the plateau weather. Even if it has passed winter and entered spring, it will still feel cold outside.

However, no matter how cold the night is or how dark the night sky is, it can't stop human beings from moving forward due to ambition. Desire is always infinite. In order to achieve the goal in your mind, the cold, night and so on in front of you are all floating clouds.

The sound of "sw, swish, swish" passed continuously, and it felt like a car passing by at a high speed. However, no matter how carefully you look, you won't find any cars or anything passing by. This dark night sky is the best barrier.

At Shengjing University, under the floor of Building 1 of the student dormitory building, with the sound of "swish, swish, swish", several dark shadows stopped. After these shadows stopped, they huddled tightly in the darkest place in the corner. If you didn't look closely, you wouldn't find that these shadows were human.

These shadows first discussed in a low voice for a while, and then sat cross-legged on the ground in a long coat, pinching the complicated formula with both hands and saying words. Obviously, these shadows do not speak Mandarin or any dialect of the vast land of China.

Several people in the 1527 dormitory are already asleep at this time. In the paper basket in their bathroom, a ball of paper suddenly rolled and folded itself into a paper crane, and then flapped its wings and flew out.

The paper crane flew around the bathroom, then ignored the existence of the door and walked out of the door like air. After the paper crane came to the living room, it flew straight to the window, and then a milky white smoke came out from above. Then, the window was slowly opened, and there was no sound because of the white fog.

After opening the window, the white crane seemed to be small, but it still passed through the bedroom door like the bathroom door, and then flew to the bedside of the three women sleeping side by side.

The three daughters, Shangguan Qing, Ouyang Xue and Murong Yan, were sleeping soundly. They didn't know which of the three women kicked their ankles, but they just gently covered their feet. Although the three women are wearing pajamas, they are more or less leaking because they have fallen asleep.

The paper crane is like a drunken man, constantly wandering and observing over the three women, like a fire dancing around dry firewood.

And the shadow sitting cross-legged on the ground to cast spells on the floor was trembling all over, and his face was full of obscene smiles. It was not difficult to find that he was already excited and unable to stop himself at this time.

The three shadows squatted on the ground. After seeing the expression of the shadow casting the spell, two of them looked forward to it, while the other snorted coldly and then whispered, "Ba Ga."

Hearing the low drink of the shadow, the other two quickly lowered their heads and looked at the ground quietly, as if they had never seen the shadow casting. And the dark shadow of casting the spell, after hearing the low drink, quickly restrained the expression on his face, his body stopped trembling, and the speed of pinching the formula in his hand was nearly doubled.

1527 The paper crane in the dormitory also began to fly smoothly over the three women, but as the flight continued to emit a stream of white fog from its body, and the paper crane itself shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye and finally disappeared into the room.

The drifting white fog slowly enveloped the three women. When the white fog first came into contact with the three women, they all struggled, but as the white fog became more and more dense, the needles of the three women became weaker and weaker, knowing that they were sleeping deeply.

However, just now, when the white fog became more and more dense, just before Shangguan Qing fell asleep, a piece of jade flashed a bright purple light on her neck, which shone the whole bedroom, but after the light, the whole bedroom fell into darkness again.

The dark shadow downstairs, the caster sitting cross-legged on the ground, opened his mouth and whispered something to the man who had just whispered to him. After getting the permission of the other party, he began to cast spell again.

If someone knows Japanese, you will hear him say, "The goal has been completed, and the suspected guard will be dealt with, and the adult can start to act immediately." And the upper tolerance in his mouth only replied faintly: "I understand, continue to cheer up."

Several people in Qi Wanxiang's room, that is, Dormitory 1528, fell into a coma soon after in the white smoke. The same paper crane flew out of the toilet basket in dormitory 1528. The difference is that the paper crane spontaneously ignited directly in the bathroom, and the white fog quickly spread to the whole dormitory.

Bai Wu also went smoothly that everyone in the dormitory also fell into a coma, but Qi Wanxiang struggled for a long time, and Liu Peng struggled a little shorter than Qi Wanxiang. A Jie and A Lin, like those in 1527, soon fell into a coma.

After Qi Wanxiang, who waited for 1528, also fell into a coma, the young man downstairs also slowly opened his eyes, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and then said respectfully to the person in front of him, "Mr. Murakami, the guard next to him is good strength. My spell can only maintain their coma for half an hour. I hope Adults can act quickly."

After listening to the words of the young man casting the spell, the one who made the village Shinen flashed a surprised look and said, "I didn't expect that there would be such a master here. Thanks to the detailed information and support provided by the owner, otherwise the operation would be very risky. Okada, thank you for your efforts just now. I will kill those guards first in case of accidents."

Looking at Murakami's determined look, Okada hurriedly said, "Mr. Murakami, in fact, there is also a pair of supernatural beauty in the target room. I think if the adult can take them away, it will bring more pleasure than killing the guards."

Murakami obviously listened to Okada's words and thought that if he took them away and handed them over to the master's house, it might have an unexpected effect. Thinking of this, Murakami smiled at Okada and said approvingly, "Yoxi, Okada is good. When I go back, I will report your excellent performance in this operation to your department."

Okada was about to be very happy when he heard Murakami's words, but there was no performance on his face. He quickly bent his waist unbelievably below 90 degrees and said, "Thanks to Mr. Murakami's wise leadership."

When I saw Okada's performance in the village, I was very satisfied. Even the Onmyoji, who enjoyed great power in the empire, was so respectful to myself. I remembered that it was really a wise decision to lead his family to the main family.

Now with the support of the master, I have a position in the power world of the empire, and sometimes I really want to wake up with a smile. Although they dare not say what they say, few people dare to refute themselves. The premise is to abide by the will of the master.

Thinking of my action, I can dedicate these two powerful beauties to my family, and maybe I can get more support. It seems that it is necessary to do it by yourself, and this time it must have a beautiful ending.

Murakami hurriedly said to Okada, "I'm going to take the three of them away, and I'm going to ask Okada to help us cover up the traces we left. Mura* is very grateful." After saying this, he looked at Okada.

Okada quickly said, "Please rest assured, Mr. Murakami, this is my job. I will definitely work hard to complete it. Please rest assured, Mr. Murakami, please rest assured." After that, it was another big bow that completely exceeded 90 degrees.

Looking at Okada's movements, Murakami found that he liked his descendants more and more, thinking that it was necessary to ask their family for it after the action. Murata really wants to know if Okada will be so obedient in his **.