blood clan

Chapter 68 Pig, Deer Butterfly

With a "bang", with the explosion, a burst of smoke first rose at the feet of the people on the side where Wat Zmich was, and quickly spread to cover all the figures of them.

Obviously, this is a masterpiece of ninjas. Ninjas have always been the best candidates for assassins. In their battles, they rarely attack head-on. If they can die behind them, they will never stand in front of you.

The spread of the smoke exceeded Qi Wanxiang's expectation that the smoke did not cover their own side, but quickly spread around. Qi Wanxiang took a look at his spiritual strength and found that this was not a simple smoke, but a special smoke containing energy, and their spread was completely supported by the energy contained in it.

There is no good way for these smoke Qi Wanxiang. Of course, with his current strength, he is also completely fearless of these obstacles. However, their smoke alone seems to have a very negative impact on others.

"Dark Spread" With Qi Wanxiang's low cry, a thicker and darker smoke than the smoke released by the ninja rushed more than two meters high from Qi Wanxiang's body, and then quickly spread forward.

What surprised Qi Wanxiang was that when his "dark spread" came into contact with the black fog released by the ninja, he actually swallowed the other party's smoke, because when Qi Wanxiang found that his "dark spread" came into contact with the other party's black fog, it spread faster than before. Obviously, the other party's black fog was so Qi Wanxiang accidentally destroyed it.

In fact, not only Qi Wanxiang was surprised, but also the ninjas who released these smoke were very surprised. Unexpectedly, he did not steal chickens and lost a handful of rice. This black fog made a wedding dress for Qi Wanxiang, and now his side was subject to others.

"What a bunch of idiots," Walter Zmich cursed in a low voice. Before he could do anything else, he felt that he was shrouded in a melanin containing dark elements. Dark spread" a lazy voice came from his throat. Although the magic ability of Zmich is not comparable to that of the Sinmore clan, its magic ability is still second only to the Sinmore clan within the blood clan.

The magic of "dark spread" is obviously difficult for Wat Zmich, who is 156 years old. His "dark spread" quickly arranged Qi Wanxiang's "dark spread" from around his body and wrapped a group of ninjas and Okada.

In fact, just after Qi Wanxiang released the "dark spread", everyone almost felt the phagocytosis expansion of Qi Wanxiang's black fog at the same time, so everyone took action at that moment.

First of all, Ajie and Arlene, who rushed out at a speed that did not match their current body shape after a neat roar. In addition to the explosive muscles and vigorous posture, the most eye-catching thing about them is the pair of eyes that have become red at this moment, like a big lantern.

Seeing these red eyes, everyone who knows the werewolf clan knows that this is the prelude to the werewolf's last desperate means of 'bloodthirsty', but the strange thing is that although they are full of strong desire to fight, they lack the kind of madness after launching 'bloodthirsty'.

And Linda is not a werewolf. She is a Gungro family. Their racial skills are 'animalized'. How can this also be a pair of red eyes? The most important point is that when you start 'bloodthirsty', you will start to burn blood all over your body, and naturally there will be blood constantly oozing from the surface of the skin, but they do not have this symptom.

In fact, Ajie and Alin have now launched 'bloodthirsty', but this 'bloodthirsty' is after Qi Wanxiang helped them improve. The current 'bloodthirsty' not only overcomes the two shortcomings of the previous long launch time and the heavy burden on the body, but also the most important thing is that the caster can maintain normal reason.

It turned out that in order to protect Qi Wanxiang, who fell into his first sleep last time, Ajie was still knocked down by the strong Hans Assamet after launching the 'bloodthirsty'. Linda had no choice but to complete the complete 'beastization' of 'broken crystals', but she was still not Hans Assamite's opponent. Fortunately, Qi Wanxiang woke up at the last moment. Come here.

After waking up, Qi Wanxiang faced the scarred Hans Assamite. Qi Wanxiang easily cut off his head with blood drink, but at this time, Ajie and Alin fell into a near-death dilemma because of releasing 'bloodthirsty' and 'broken crystals'.

Finally, in order to save their lives, Qi Wanxiang had no choice but to release the spell 'solid soul art'. In this way, although it saved their lives, it made their bodies become the form of the orcs.

As the saying goes, Sai Weng is not blessed to lose his horse. Although the 'fixing soul art' made them unable to recover freely, it also gave Ajie, a wolf clan, the ability to control the dark energy in his body. Alin finally condensed a crystal stone with the help of Qi Wanxiang's 'blood' energy in her body.

In the days when they got together later, Qi Wanxiang tried his best to teach them some knowledge of cultivation, and even taught them some magic that they could release and apply. The new version of 'bloodthirsty' Qi Wanxiang was also taught to them at that time, combined with the 'outbreak' of the Assamet family.

The new version of Bloodthirsty' launches the dark energy of the whole body and completely integrates it into its own muscles, so that the body strength reaches a higher level in a short period of time. Compared with the 'outbreak' that burns dark energy and blood, and the 'bloodthirsty' that burns flesh and blood, the 'new version of bloodthirsty' is now more than brilliant.

Don't talk nonsense. Just as Ajie and Arlene rushed out, the rosefinch that had been hovering over their heads made a "chirp" and pounced on its side. However, when it approached the crowd, the body pulled up again, just like a plane performance, but when it pulled up again, there was much more on its back. Yang Chenggang and Annie are such two people.

Just now, Liu Peng looked at Qi Wanxiang's great power and couldn't help his excitement for a long time. Therefore, at the beginning of the battle, the rosefinch was ordered to fly down, and instructed Annie and Yang Chenggang to let the rosefinch bring them into the air smoothly. Annie and Yang Chenggang are unyielding long-range firepower. Now with the rosefinch, they have turned into the legendary air mobile fort.

After giving orders to the rosefinch, and then ordering Anne and Yang Chenggang, Liu Peng couldn't wait to jump out. His target was the ninja leader. Of course, the count opposite was handed over to the boss. Soon after he became the count, he was almost ready to meet the ninja. However, Liu Peng didn't expect that the other party had the strength of tolerant. He thought that he was the only one who listened to the count's strength.

Looking at the movements of his men, Qi Wanxiang kept watching calmly, while Wat Zmich opposite also looked at Qi Wanxiang quietly. However, when a group of ninjas saw the attack, they formed a two-person battle team led by Murakami and another ninja, and they had no intention of fighting alone at all.

As an Onmyoji, Okada originally wanted to help the ninjas fight, but after seeing the rosefinch in the air and the two people on his back, he shrank behind Murakami's group. On the one hand, he planned to prevent attacks from the air, and on the other hand, he was afraid of the two beasts coming from the opposite side and took advantage of the battle gap to solve himself.

Looking at the guy with blood-red wings, Murakami knew that only he could withstand him. The other team was full of ninja, so he had to deal with the white wolf and the big golden cat.

After giving a brief battle order, Murakami threw a handful of bitterness and shot at Liu Peng on the opposite side. After this Ku Wu was about to get out of hand, it suddenly turned into a pile. There is a yellow rune paper on the back of each one, on which the traditional Chinese characters "explosion" can be faintly seen, flying towards Liu Peng.

After Ku Wu threw it out, Murakami did not stop moving. He pinched his hands quickly, opened his mouth slightly and took a deep breath. When the two teammates in the village saw the captain's movements, they skillfully wrapped up Liu Peng from the left and right sides.

The other team is composed of three families of the famous Japanese "pig deer butterfly". These three families have always been partners. Their families have created the famous "pig deer butterfly" tactic in Japan. Their combination has always been able to play a lot of battles beyond their own strength. Come out.

The battle of "Pig Deer Butterfly" Their opening battle is always carried out by the 'Butterfly' clan, that is, the people of the Qiudao family, because his family's ninjutsu "double" can greatly increase their attack power and attack the sharpest. In the chaos, the 'deer' clan, that is, the people of the Nara family, controlled the battlefield, because his family's ninjutsu "shadow bondage" is a sharp weapon for battlefield control. And the 'pig' clan, the mountain family is generally the main defense, and their high dodge and family ninjutsu "heart god" are the best means of defense.

"Doubleization", Qiu Daoding drank all over, and then his body expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye. Strangely, even his clothes also became bigger, and there was no cracking, which was really incredible.

Qiu Daoding stopped when his body grew to about four meters, and then his right arm grew up in a way that was extremely incompatible with his body with the sentence of "local doubling", and then punched Ajie and Alin in the running.

Qiu Dao Dingding, Shanzhong Zhuya and Nara Deer Hoof are all sons of their respective families and have never been valued by the family. This time they were sent to China to do this dangerous task. Although they complained, they didn't say much, because they knew that this was an opportunity for them to step into the core of the family. As long as they did it well this time, they would definitely get ahead.

Now they have to go all out in the face of this battle. Only in this way can they complete the task, survive and realize their ideals. Therefore, in the face of this battle, their hearts are full of unprecedented fighting spirit and vow to completely smash the obstacles that blocked their ideal path.