blood clan

Chapter 146 You have to live

Chapter 46 You Have to Live

She saved her life at the cost of 300 years of cultivation and filled the unfilled energy in her body at the cost of 200 years of cultivation, which shows the extent of Ami's hatred for Qi Wanxiang.

People's hatred is actually very simple, that is, when their interests are damaged, they will directly have great hatred for the people who cause such damage. Ao Baimei felt that her current bad situation was caused by Qi Wanxiang, so she hated him.

Looking at the claws less than five centimeters from his chest, Qi Wanxiang, who had always cherished his life, had to give up. He had no way to dodge or resist. The other party's speed is so fast that it hasn't took much time since it appeared. This has completely exceeded my reaction time and can no longer resist or dodge this attack.

Looking at the other party's claws approaching his body, Qi Wanxiang even slowly closed his eyes. He has too many nostalgia and too many things that can't be cut off, but now he has been forcibly cut off, and he can't do anything about it in time. Now, you can only close your eyes and enjoy this last life and recall the beauty of yourself.

Looking at her claws immediately entering the other party's body, Ao Baimei has slowly closed her eyes. I wanted to watch the other party die under my own hands and watch the other party's blood splash on the spot. But in the end, Proud Baimei still closed her eyes. It seemed that only in this way could she better understand the feeling of revenge.

With a muffled sound, his claws seemed to have inserted into the other party's body earlier than expected. However, this warm feeling is the feeling of killing countless times. This feeling also reminded her of the feeling when she took revenge on She Quyi. The same made her feel satisfied, an unspeakable comfort, and even she wanted to moan softly. The wonderful feeling made her unable to extricate herself.

With a muffled sound, Qi Wanxiang knew very well that this was the sound made when a sharp weapon pierced his body, but to his surprise, he did not feel any pain, which made him wonder from the bottom of his heart. With my eyes closed, I clearly heard the sound of my body being pierced, but why didn't I feel any pain?

With doubt, Qi Wanxiang slowly opened his eyes. What came into view was not the twisted big face of the huge fox, but a back, a back penetrated by claws, and a blood-red back that had been reflected by its own blood. Qi Wanxiang's back is so familiar, and the fragrance emitted from the owner of this back, Qi Wanxiang remembers it clearly. But now, this fragrance is mixed with a faint smell of blood.

"No..." Looking at the back in front of him, Qi Wanxiang let out a heartbreaking roar. With this roar, blue veins had bulged on his neck, and his eyes had become blood red, just like a beast that chose people to eat.

Listening to this heartbreaking roar, Ao Baimei kept fantasizing about Qi Wanxiang's painful struggle in her mind. The claws were also under her control and pulled out at once. Even with her eyes closed, she could imagine the bloody beauty, which took her excitement to the next level, and finally moaned uncontrollably.

Looking at the blood flowing in the air with the withdrawal of Aomei's claws, Qi Wanxiang felt that his heart was broken. The voice of 'This is not true, it's just an illusion' repeated over and over again also stopped. The body with its familiar fragrance has fallen into its arms in the faint blood.

The face that kept echoing in her mind at night, looking at herself quietly. Even if the corners of her mouth had overflowed with blood, she still smiled faintly. This refreshing smile, in Qi Wanxiang's eyes at this moment, made his heart ache so much that his chest seemed to keep collapsing inward.

Her legs were uncontrollably kneeling on the ground. Qi Wanxiang held her increasingly weak neck with his right hand and covered the blood hole the size of the mouth of her belly with trembling. Whether the energy in her body is useful or useless to her, it keeps pouring out of her hands, trying to pour into her body to control her injury and make her stand in front of her as usual.

However, Qi Wanxiang's efforts are useless after all. No one in this world can create life except the Creator, and can reverse a person's lost life. This may be the tragedy of everyone who tries to live an eternity.

"You want to... With... My... fen...... Cough... One... Up... "Live" slowly finished this sentence, her efforts seemed to be trying to touch Qi Wanxiang's hand, which had been flooded with tears, and finally fell weakly aside.

Looking at all this in front of him, with a roar of "No...", Qi Wanxiang's roar became louder, and his voice was mixed with hoarseness with torn vocal cords. Qi Wanxiang panicked and took away the left hand that covered her wound, grabbed her drooping hand and put it on her face. However, he saw the bloodshot wound and let go of his hand to cover the wound.

roaring and repeating this useless action, Qi Wanxiang found that the body on his leg had begun to become cold, and even the familiar fragrance had become lighter and lighter. Slowly, Qi Wanxiang's roar stopped. He knew that if he went on like this, he would lose his most precious and he had to do something.

Listening to the sobs in her ears and the approaching attacks, Ao Baimei slowly opened her eyes, but the scene in front of her made her unable to close her mouth. Qi Wanxiang was kneeling on the ground, but there was a girl lying in his arms. The girl gasped angrily, and there was a blood hole the size of a bowl mouth in her abdomen, which was bleeding out. Obviously, I revenged myself, how did it become like this?

"No, it's not true," he roared and planned to attack again. Obviously, the attack I just attacked just did not receive the effect of my imagination. Unexpectedly, I was destroyed by this girl, and I must revenge again.

But the arrogant and charming idea has come to an end. Before she made any further action, Liu Peng appeared strangely in front of her eyes. He raised his hand and said faintly, "Resist the halo", and then she saw a fiery red halo hit her body that had jumped out, and then it was lifted and hit the ground not far away.

When Liu Peng began to assist the rosefinch to launch the attack, he was devoured due to the serious injury of the rosefinch and passively suffered part of the damage from the rosefinch. So I didn't take action except for Jack. Just now, I saw a white shadow rushing towards Qi Wanxiang, and I tried my best to control the 'flash' and lean against Qi Wanxiang.

I thought I was late for my rescue, and Qi Wanxiang would also encounter accidents. With his current relationship with Qi Wanxiang, he has forgotten that Qi Wanxiang's death will lead to his own death, but he is simply worried about Qi Wanxiang's safety.

But when he appeared, he looked at the miserable scene in front of him. Knowing that he had ignored a person, a person standing next to Qi Wanxiang, a person that everyone should think of, but forgot at the critical moment, that is Qi Wanxiang's lover Shangguan Rong.

Jack rushed to the arrogant side of being blown away by Liu Peng at the fastest speed in his life, ignoring her sharp claws on his body, opening his mouth and biting one of her front paws tightly. No matter how her other front paws and mouth were torn on her back, he refused to let go of his mouth. He vowed to delay Aomei's action when his life was not over. As long as he let go, he could no longer catch up with Aomei, so he had to take this opportunity to bite her firmly.

Until now, Jack can't forget the scene where his arrogant claws pierced Shangguan Rong's body. He also couldn't figure out how there could be such a strong heart in Shangguan Rong's weak body. For the sake of the lover, he actually stood up at the critical moment and resisted the deadly attack for the lover, so that the lover's life could be saved.

"Shouldn't this be a scene that should appear in a fairy tale?" Jack asked himself over and over again. He did not expect that such a scene would one day be witnessed by himself. He did not know whether it was his luck or misfortune (fortunately, he saw the greatness of love. Unfortunately, by such a standard, can he still find a girlfriend in the future?). I didn't expect that this seemingly weak girl in the East would be so strong and persistent.

Linda, Annie, Liu Peng, Yang Chenggang, Zhao Meng, Ouyang Xue and Murong Yan all rushed to Ao Baimei's side in the fastest way, using their whole body solutions to constantly attack or control Ao Baimei. Except for Liu Peng, they all witnessed the scene of Shangguan Rong saving Qi Wanxiang. They have I can't calm down. With tears in the corners of my eyes, the only thing I want to think about now is revenge and revenge...

Only Shangguan Qing ran to the place where she fell at full speed at the moment when Shangrong fell. Even since she was a child, this sister hasn't talked much to herself. But she knows that she has carried too much as a daughter. When she fell in love with Qi Wanxiang, although her sister instinctively protected this sister, she was still happy from the bottom of her heart. At this time, she saw her sister's innocent and happy side, just like when her parents were still at that time.

What she didn't expect now is that her sister, who had been carrying for so long, had not been happy for a few days, fell down like this and passed away. Although she was willing to do so, just like her father's choice at the beginning, Shangguan Qing still felt a kind of sadness from the bottom of her heart, a sadness of losing her loved one for a long time.

Now, the only thing she wants to do is to hold her sister and hold her tightly in her arms. Shangguan Qing, his parents, wanted to do this, and there was no chance in his mouth, but now his sister must do this. He must hold her tightly and let her lie in his arms forever.