blood clan

Chapter 159 Beauty, be gentle

Chapter 59 Beauty, be gentle

Jack's claws hit the porcupine's head fiercely. What Jack didn't expect was that his paws directly hit the porcupine's head on the ground. It seems that although the world has deprived them of their original power, Jack's already powerful brute force still does not seem to have decreased much. Jack's claws also pressed hard on the porcupine's head, and he refused to let go no matter how hard he struggled.

While Jack's claws hit the porcupine's head, the bone spurs ejected by the porcupine also inserted into Jack's shoulder blades with a 'pum'. Jack felt that the bone spurs stopped after penetrating his skin and muscles until he touched the bones, bringing him a pain deep into the bone marrow, and he pressed the porcupine's claws more and more forceful.

Withst the pain, Jack lowered his head and bit the porcupine's neck, because he saw that Qi Wanxiang had been chased to the tree. If he doesn't end the battle quickly to rescue Qi Wanxiang, Qi Wanxiang will probably be sad.

Without any more accidents, Jack's big mouth bit off the porcupine's neck. In the gushing blood and a sad roar, the body of the porcupine slowly shrank into a dark bead the size of an egg in a faint black fog.

Before he could check the beads on the ground, Jack limped and ran to Qi Wanxiang. He thought to himself, "What a fucking world, the body can turn into beads in the black fog, but why doesn't the bone spurs on his body disappear? And the blood on my body has not dried up. What a painful rule."

Jack was very unstoppated. After only two steps of running, he felt the pain from his shoulder blades aggravated. However, he does not dare to pull out the bone spur like this now. When there is no dark energy in his body and he is in battle, he dares not bet that his strong self-healing ability still exists. In desperation, Jack has to slow down the speed of running.

Looking at the porcupine closer and closer to her, Linda still doesn't change her face, but just looks at the porcupine fixedly, constantly calculating the distance between the porcupine from her. And the porcupine looked at the motionless golden cat, and its feet kept exerting force, and the speed of collision was getting faster and faster.

With a loud bang, the porcupine hit the big tree behind Linda, and the whole tree trembled under the collision. It turned out that Linda jumped quickly on the big tree behind her at the moment before the porcupine was about to hit her. If it hadn't been for her strong grip, she would definitely have fallen from the tree under the collision of the porcupine.

After stabilizing her body, Linda looked at the porcupine again. Good boy, under this collision, the porcupine's body turned upside down when it hit the tree due to a misjudgment. Now there are only two big tusks on the tree, but the porcupine is lying under the tree and constantly humming, looking like it has more breath, less air intake, and dying.

jumped down from the tree, Linda waved her right paw and gently crossed the carotid artery of the porcupine. At the moment when the blood arrow came out, she quickly jumped aside. The blood did not ejaculate for a long time, and the whole porcupine turned into a dark bead again in a faint black fog.

After a look, Linda did not control the beads and quickly ran to Qi Wanxiang. Looking at Jack's limping, Linda sighed. When surpassing Jack, he couldn't help saying, "Is this also your so-called tough style?" A battle that can't be avoided is what fools do no matter how you look at it.

Hearing Linda's joke, Jack knew that this guy also solved the porcupine. Although he didn't care, he still counterattacked: "The dodge battle will only be taken in the face of a strong enemy. In the face of such a weak existence of wild boar, of course, it is necessary to go up and kill it in the shortest time." .

"Ha ha, isn't it?" Linda just asked a rhetorical question and got rid of Jack. Jack's voice came faintly behind him: "I'm not a porcupine that I solved before you, am I?" If I hadn't been injured, the last wild boar would have been fine with you."

Qi Wanxiang, who squatted on the tree, looked at the big tree under the mouth of the porcupine. Seeing that he was about to be broken by this guy, he began to feel anxious. However, after seeing Linda running quickly in the distance and Jack who limped not far behind her, she became much calmer.

And not long after Qi Wanxiang was relieved, he heard a crisp sound. While shouting "It's over" in his heart, Qi Wanxiang felt that his body had been smashed to the ground with the tree. Qi Wanxiang couldn't help thinking: "This two and the big tree with a thick hug have only persisted for such a short time under the mouth of the porcupine. If there is a way to train this porcupine into a lumberjack, the efficiency will definitely catch up with the machine, and it will be green and pollution-free (breaking the environment is still green and environmentally friendly?)

For good, Qi Wanxiang just lay on the trunk and did not climb into the canopy (it seems that there is no dog crawling in). While the tree fell, Qi Wanxiang quickly adjusted his body to the trunk. If he was hit by the tree trunk on the ground, he would definitely die.

While the tree fell, the porcupine's four hooves flew over and rushed to the direction of Qi Wanxiang again. Qi Wanxiang thought about it when the big tree fell. While the big tree hit the ground with a "bang", he also used his strength to jump away from the tree. After Qi Wanxiang's body landed, he rolled twice on the ground and stood up.

At this time, the porcupine adjusted the direction of the collision again and rushed to Qi Wanxiang. At the critical moment, it is not the hero who saves the beauty, but the beauty who saves the hero (is it a hero?). Linda finally rushed to Qi Wanxiang's side before the porcupine and rushed to the porcupine while hitting Qi Wanxiang.

Qi Wanxiang, who flew in the air, felt that if he was hit by a porcupine, if he was not pierced by his fangs, it would probably be similar to being hit by Linda! And now, in addition to thinking about it, he has to shout in his mouth, "Beauty, please be gentle."

After a "bang", Qi Wanxiang had a close contact with the ground again. This time, due to the angle, he did not have the opportunity to roll two times to remove the force, and his body could only hit the ground heavily.

Lying on the ground and looking at the gray sky, Qi Wanxiang scolded in his heart, "Why did Jack and Linda retain this powerful brute force and agile skills, and they and Tata and Liu Peng became so powerless?"

In fact, what the world draws in is their souls. Qi Wanxiang, Liu Peng, Tata and Anne are all human beings (Tata is slowly growing up with the spiritual power left by human beings), and their current bodies are built with human souls. However, Jack and Linda had something similar to returning to their ancestors, and they were acquiesced to be beasts, so they built their bodies with the soul of beasts, and the physical quality of beasts is of course better than that of human beings.

On this side, Linda did not bump into each other in a face-to-face collision with the porcupine, but when she was about to touch it, Linda flashed aside with incredible agility again. At the same time, her claws were still gently touched on the porcupine's shoulder blades, taking away a large area of flesh and blood.

After the roar, the porcupine stopped moving forward. While his body was spinning, a bow on his back shot three bone spurs from his body. Obviously, Linda's move has successfully angered this low IQ porcupine.

When the three bone spurs came, there was a sharp sound of breaking the sky. It's a pity that the target of shooting is Linda. In the three tones of "Puff, Puff, Puff", Linda easily dodged the three bone spurs, and the three bone spurs were only inserted on the grass behind Linda.

The bone spurs of porcupines cannot be launched indefinitely. On the contrary, every launch of bone spurs will make porcupine feel painful. If it weren't for an emergency, they wouldn't have easily fired bone spurs. The recovery of this bone spur is also a long process.

Facing the porcupine that rushed to her again, Linda dodged again and grabbed a large amount of flesh and blood from it. Just as Linda planned to gradually lead the porcupine to hit the tree, Jack rushed to the battlefield.

Although great pain kept coming from his body, he also quickly rushed to the porcupine after he arrived at the battlefield. In the face of the porcupine's fangs, Jack patted its head on the ground according to law. Due to the fact that the bone spur was just launched, Jack was not shot by the bone spur again.

This time, he proudly took a look at Linda not far away before opening his mouth and biting off the neck of the porcupine. And the third porcupine will also die without exception and turn into a dark bead in a black fog.

Jack took a look at the bone spur on his shoulder blade, stretched out his claws, and pulled out the bone spur on it. What made him happy was that there was no blood spewing out after pulling out the bone spurs, and the meat sprouts in the wound began to recover quickly. Although it was not as fast as before, it still gratified Jack.

Linda glanced at Qi Wanxiang, who walked towards the beads for a moment, also turned around and picked up the beads just formed under Jack's feet, and walked to Qi Wanxiang. Liu Peng also picked up the bead that Jack killed at the beginning. In the process of constantly studying the strange beads with Tata, he slowly leaned against Qi Wanxiang.

Seeing Linda and Liu Peng walking to him with beads, Qi Wanxiang looked up and asked doubtfully, "Do you feel anything about holding beads in your hands? Or is there no strange sound in my mind?"

Hearing Qi Wanxiang's inexplicable question, Linda and Liu Peng looked at each other and shook their heads to show that there was no problem. After taking a look at Qi Wanxiang's strange expression, they looked up again and looked down at the beads in their hands.