Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 85 True Face

"The little ones are also afraid of delaying your affairs, so they are a little confused. Please spare this time for the sake of doing our best for adults. Next time, the little one will definitely wipe his eyes, grow more, and eat less lard, so as not to be confused and do what the adults say. Please spare the villain this time." The catcher howled and begged for mercy, for fear that Lu Wangcheng would kill himself in anger. It seems that Lu Wangcheng is a rebel now. What else is there to be afraid of? Killing himself is still like killing a pig.

When Meng Shili saw this dog who was afraid of death, he felt a burst of boredom and said, "Ok! OK! Don't wail here. Next time you do things, pay more attention and use your brains. Let's go! Also, go and let go of the beggars you caught. It's useless to keep them. In this amnesty city will not panic.

He was overjoyed to see Meng Shili say something to spare himself. I was still a little scared. After all, this was not what Lu Wangcheng said. But when he saw Meng Shili sitting here with Lu Wangcheng to discuss something, he thought that Meng Shili must have said it in front of Lu Wangcheng. What Meng Shili said should be successful. However, he looked at Lu Wangcheng again, but he did not dare to respond to Meng Shili's words. In this way, I was entangled in my heart whether to respond to Meng Shili's words or not.

Lu Wangcheng saw Meng Shili's boredom, looked at the unpredictable appearance, waved his hand and shouted, "Didn't you hear Master Meng's words? Are you deaf, don't hear, or are you hoarse, and you hear but can't speak!? Master Meng will forgive you today. Why don't you thank Master Meng quickly!?"

The catcher immediately bowed to Meng Shili and shouted thank you. Meng Shili said impatiently, "Since I know to forgive you, why are you still talking so much? Just go to work quickly!"

Lu Wangcheng also said, "Did you hear what Master Meng said!? Why don't you get out of here!?"

He was almost furious and crawled out of the government hall. He was also extremely depressed. He and his brothers completely obeyed your instructions. Why did he do things now, but the adults blame me for waiting? I really don't know what these senior officials are thinking. It is wrong to follow the instructions. If you don't follow the instructions, it must be wrong. As the saying goes: Accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger, which is really not bad at all. Although General Lu has not yet become emperor, it is almost like this. He complained in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it. He whispered all the way and released people to the prison.

This is the greatest pain of little people. They dare to be angry and don't say anything. What's more, he dares not be angry. He has already been completely enslaved and humbled.

Meng Shili saw that the catchers were all beggars. When he knew that he went to see it, he also saw something famous, so he simply let them go. Since the news in this government office is so useless, Meng Shili said goodbye to Lu Wangcheng and went back to Li's house. He thought about it and found it himself tomorrow.

The night is not dark, but it is not so bright. At the end of the month, although there are no dark clouds in the sky, there is not so much moonlight. In the light and dark, a dark shadow slightly appeared on the roof of the back house of the Anstheless State Government. The people quietly looked around, then looked at the houses under the roof and looked around at the other courtyards in the government office of Amnesty. Seeing something, his eyes condensed, looked behind him, and went to the room where he got the target. A series of actions were made of flowing clouds and flowing water, which was extremely fast. Walking around on the roof without making a sound at all. In fact, a gentleman on Liang, who secretly begged for life, is used to doing things in this dark night. This person is the willow leaf wind.

As soon as the willow leaf wind got off the ground, Mo Ling arrived later. Looking at the direction of Liu Yefeng, he stayed quietly and estimated that time was going down.

Liu Yefeng came down from the courtyard, ran a few steps, and listened to the movement inside in front of the window. Although the candlelight was lit in the room, there was no sound. Liu Yefeng broke the window paper and looked inside, but a big man was looking at a book in front of the table. After watching it, from the appearance, Liu Ye felt that this person should be Lu Wangcheng. However, there are also some doubts in his heart. As far as Liu Yefeng knows, Lu Wangcheng is a martial artist. How can he be so leisurely lying at the table and reading at night? It seems that Li Qianye is right. This person is not as simple as they think. He is not just a simple rough man.

Lu Wangcheng in the room was still reading a book, as if he didn't notice that there was a person watching him outside the window. Liu Yefeng wanted to rush in directly, but at this moment, when he met Lu Wangcheng, he changed his mind. Back to the back, he stepped back and went up to the roof. At this moment, Lu Wangcheng in the room put down the book in his hand, sneered, looked at the roof, and continued to read the book again.

The willow wind went to the roof, walked to the top of Lu Wangcheng's ambush, and gently took away a few tiles. The light below came bright, and Liu Yefeng pulled out his short sword, held it in his hand, and looked down. Seeing that Lu Wangcheng was still seeing it, he didn't seem to notice the situation on the roof, and Liu Yefeng was puzzled again. Am I waiting to be suspicious? Is Lu Wangcheng really just a simple martial artist? Reading is just one of his hobbies, and he is not without both literature and martial arts. But I don't think it will be so simple. There must be something wrong with Lu Wangcheng.

Liu Yefeng was uncertain and suddenly didn't know how to act. Mo Ling in the distance saw that there was no movement in the direction of Liu Yefeng, and he was also puzzled, but he did not dare to act at will, so he had to continue to observe.

While Liu Yefeng was indecisive, Liu Yefeng suddenly felt a strong energy under his body and took himself straight from him. Fortunately, although Liuye's practice is not high, his skills are very flexible. In a hurry, but also avoided the raid from below. I dodged it, but I was a little embarrassed, and I was hit by this strength and rolled over the roof several times. After patting the brick and ashes on his face, Liu Yefeng scolded, "Well, you Lu Wangcheng, you are not a simple martial artist after all. Now I finally show my true face, but I didn't expect that my skill is still not low.

"Haha..." A wave of arrogant laughter came below, but it was the voice of Lu Wangcheng. After laughing, Lu Wangcheng said, "I, Lu Wangcheng, am Lu Wangcheng. Why do you say that Lu finally showed his true face? Wasn't I Luwang City before?

"Bah! Lu Wangcheng has always been Lu Wangcheng, but why does a man pretend to be an ordinary martial artist and wander in this court officialdom? It's really a failure to cultivate the true nature! He has already practiced the heavenly way and broken the heavenly prohibition, but he has done some rebellion and evil deeds in this world that will make the people of the world go to life!" Liu Yefeng was embarrassed by the strength just now. Now after listening to Lu Wangcheng's words, he was even more angry and scolded.

"The person who cultivates the truth is not the only one who has practiced the way of heaven and breaks the prohibition of heaven as his own responsibility. If you break the heavenly prohibition and become an immortal, it's just that you are blessed alone. Our practitioners are so capable that we should think that it is our responsibility to benefit tens of millions of people in China, not just for ourselves.

After a pause, Lu Wangcheng said, "Now the Xuanyuan royal family has no way to govern the country, which has caused disasters and suffering everywhere in China. The people live in no fixed place, ploughing without fields, eating without food, wearing clothes without clothes, and living in deep water and fire. Why do the people still support such emperors and rulers? I, Lu Wangcheng, just listened to heaven and obeyed God's will. I wanted to oppose this Xuanyuan royal family and ask for a famous king for the people of the world and let them live a good life. What I have done is for the people of the world. Compared with what you said about practicing the way of heaven, breaking the heaven is much more true. How can you say that what I did is evil!?

Liu Yefeng is just a little cultivation person in the truth world. Although he told Lu Wangcheng that people who practice the truth should practice the way of heaven and break the prohibition of heaven as their duty, in fact, Liu Yefeng also knew that what he said was empty words. How can you teach others to do these things that you haven't even thought about? I just want to find an excuse to scold Lu Wangcheng.