Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 110 Return

Even if the stew manager worshipped the prime minister, he said excitedly, "With the favor of the prime minister, the subordinate will definitely live up to the expectations of the prime minister for the subordinate in the future. He will also assist the emperor with his heart and do his best to work for the country and the people of the Xuanyuan court. Already! In this way, I would like to repay the Prime Minister for his kindness to the subordinates here today! I'm here, thank you, Prime Minister!"

Wang Ye was quite satisfied with the old man's reaction. Although the steward has never shown that kind of thing, in order to repay the Prime Minister's kindness today, he will definitely go through fire and forth for the sake of the Prime Minister in the future. As long as you give the order, there will be a sea of knives and fire in front of him, the boiling oil pan, and the subordinate will also rush forward without frowning. Wang Ye also knows that this old man in charge is also a scholar. Of course, he will not say the above words. After all, the above words are only suitable for those green forest and grass. If it is said among the readers, it is strange. So it's not bad for the stewman to say such words and behave like this. In fact, a person who reads does not need to make too many promises in other aspects.

What's more, although Wang Ye's promotion of this stewid old man has a trace of thought for himself to attract talents and for the Wang family and himself in the future, he feels that most of them are also sincerely looking for talents for the Xuanyuan court and for the emperor's elder Xuanyuanhong. After all, although the Xuanyuan court is not in the chaos of the world, it is not as good as before. The famine in the Central Plains is very serious. In the coastal amnesty state generation, there are also chaotic ministers and thieves who took advantage of this famine to rebel and win over many exiled people. However, in the Sanchuan generation of Nabashu and the generation in Hanzhou in the north, there are also a small force of door valves that are ready to move. And on this court, there is only one official who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun all day.

These officials have been eating, drinking and having fun all day, but nothing else has been asked. In fact, if it hadn't been for these corrupt officials who followed the emperor's nature all day long, coaxed the emperor to only know how to eat, drink and have fun, and just couldn't sing at night, they would have left this national event, the country's society, and the people behind. Since Xuanyuanhong ascended the throne, he has been able to count it with his fingers in the early morning. I guess he should not repeat it. Therefore, although today's Xuanyuan court can't talk about internal and external troubles and chaos, it is also full of contradictions. The social contradictions at all stages are at this stage that are about to break out. If it hadn't been for the solid foundation of the Xuanyuan court and the basic strength of the whole country, if it hadn't been for some poor countries and poorly developed countries, it would have caused large-scale turmoil long ago. And the causes of these things, although it can be said, are all caused by the emperor Xuanyuanhong, who has ignored the government for many years. But most of the reasons for this are also because of a corrupt official in the court.

So this Wang Ye is now so eager to rectify the Western Camp army so that it can quickly quell the rebellion and settle the world. If the world is in chaos and waits for the fall of the Xuanyuan court, it will take half of his life to get the position of "easy" prime minister, and won't he turn into a bubble in the water? Wang Ye is not like the group in the Xuanyuan court, who only knows how to coax the emperor and eat, drink and play all day long. He knows nothing but enjoys it. He knows very well. If the big tree of Xuanyuan court falls, he himself, the monkey that clings to the tree to survive, will lose the place that can protect it from the wind and rain.

So when Wang Ye was eagerly thinking about how to rectify the Western Camp army, he was also considering how to find a useful talent for the Xuanyuan court and the emperor Xuanyuan Hong. Although Wang Yegui is the head of the Wang family, and there are many students under the family. Of course, there are also some talented people, none of them can be taken into by Wang Ye. Some are talented, and they are also the same as the old man in front of him. To make sense, it is also one after another. But there is no stewmer's old man who is calm and carries the frivolousness of many young people. Such inexperienced and experienced descendants are talented and give him a good opportunity, and they can't fight against those old foxes in the court. After all, this talent can only make people do things smoothly and properly. However, this experience and life experience can let you know how to live in your life circle, how to play next step, and how to play next step. Therefore, this life experience and experience are incomparable to this person's talent. A person can still survive without talent, but without life experience and experience will make it difficult for him to walk. It can be seen how important is this life experience and experience?

So although there are some descendants, although they are talented, it is Wang Ye himself, or the old stew manager in front of him, I'm afraid that they are willing to bow down. However, Wang Ye was worried about placing these talented descendants on this court too early, but chose to put them in the basic officialdom and do more tempering. In this way, he will be the talent who will satisfy Wang Yejue in the future.

And those officials who are also friends and subordinates with Wang Ye, that is, in this Xuanyuan court, they are officials who stand together on their own surface. Although these officials, on the surface, seem to be on the side of Wang Ye and firmly support themselves as the prime minister. But in fact, Wang Ye also knows it very well in his heart. Although these individuals are not as high as their own officials, and the family power behind them is not as large as their own royal family, they also have a lot of power. Although he is on his side, behind this, he may also collude with other forces. Therefore, Wang Ye was not worried about getting too close to these officials. Some confidential things were only discussed with his confidants and children in the family, which would not alarm these officials.

These officials are all the same as Wang Ye. They are all old foxes in the officialdom of the imperial court, ranging from dozens of years to less than ten years. Wang Ye doesn't know what these officials are smiling at you on the surface, but what they are thinking about you behind their back. Therefore, in the core circle of Wang Ye, there have always been some of his confidants. Although the children of the Wang family and those fellow officials are consistent with themselves in the court, Wang Ye is still extremely cautious and can't believe these people easily.

So although Wang Ye is an official prime minister, under one person and under ten thousand people. However, in the struggle of the top officialdom forces in the Xuanyuan court, they have always been at a disadvantage and have not fought much, with Liu Taishi as the main force. The reason for this is not that Liu Taishi's officials will coax the emperor to eat, drink and have fun, so that they are more favored in front of the emperor than the power side of the king. Xuanyuanhong's heart has now been completely fascinated by the life of this night song. How can he pay attention to the intrigue of such civil and military officials under him? So what is the reason for this?

This is the reason. Previously, it was also said that in this power led by Wang Ye, the prime minister, the core figures are all Wang Ye's confidants and the children of the Wang family, but because of Wang Ye's scruples, there are no officials with rich official experience in this core circle. However, among the forces led by Liu Taishi, they are all those with the Privy Council and the officials of Zhongshu Province as the core circle. These officials of the Privy Council and Zhongshu Province are also. In this officialdom, although the talents of the old and cunning people who have been struggling for many years are much smaller than those led by Wang Ye, in this officialdom struggle, in terms of intrigue and fighting and other matters, the officials on the Wang Ye side are compared with this Liu Tai On the teacher's side, these old and treacherous people are very young.

Although the children of the Wang family are all loyal to this king, they are all people who don't have much opinion. All of them are, and they are used to big and small things. They are all determined by this master Wang Ye. Wang Ye now needs talents, not only to be talented, but also very calm at a critical moment, able to solve problems alone, and have rich experience and life experience. If he is still struggling in this officialdom system for many years, it will follow. And the old man in front of him meets the standards set in Wang Ye's heart, so Wang Ye likes this old man so much. Wang Ye is really happy to come to this Western Camp army today. Therefore, it has long been decided that it is better to pull the stewman under his command today.

So after this discussion, Wang Ye knew that the old man in charge had a unique mood and had the enthusiasm to serve the court and work for the people of Li people. Even if a word was drawn up in his heart, through the east wind of looking for good talents for the emperor and the Xuanyuan court, a few words convinced the old man in charge, and I just couldn't worship the king's business. Although Wang Ye is a little careful in drawing people's hearts, he is afraid of the front and the back, but there are still some ways to control people.

Wang Ye then said to the stewman, "If you can really do it, as you say now, it will be the greatest reward for me."