Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 188 The first level of officials crushed people to death

In the rebel camp, Lu Wangcheng looked at the map on the table and asked the general below, "Can there be any changes in the Western Camp army?"

A general got up and said, "I'm going back to the marshal. According to the soldiers who had just recovered, the Western Camp Army had already sent a brigade of soldiers and was coming to us. It is estimated that we will arrive at the river valley in the afternoon.

Lu Wangcheng sneered, "Good. It seems that this Western battalion has been successfully lured out by us. Is this Xuanyuan court's army so incompetent? Do you think a victory can win us? Does it mean that we are weak? But I don't know that it's just my strategy.

"The army of this Xuanyuan court is like this, and the number of Qi of this Xuanyuan court is also calculated. It seems that the marshal's overthrow of this Xuanyuan court is just around the corner. The people below quickly followed this flattery, so that they could get a good impression in front of Lu Wangcheng. When Lu Wangcheng reigns over the world in the future, he can also be a prince and general.

Lu Wangcheng is not interested in the flattery of this subordinate. He ignored it and just asked, "How's the ambush on the other side of Kawaya?"

"I will return to the marshal that everything has been arranged, just waiting for the Western Camp army to enter the valley."

"Good! Today, I will let this Western Camp army come back. Without a single soldier, destroy all the troops of the Western Camp in Chuangu!" Lu Wangcheng is full of confidence. I just don't know what Lu Wangcheng would have looked like if he had known Li Qianye had seen through his tricks.

Miss Li is also the first time to ride a horse. So I'm very uncomfortable. I was immediately hurt by the bumpy buttocks, and it was helpless and difficult to change the posture. It really made Miss Li very uncomfortable. Fortunately, I got off the horse and rested several times, but I was able to hold on.

At this time, Miss Li is not complaining that riding is a difficult thing, and it is not comfortable to ride a motorcycle. Instead, he was watching with a map in his hand.

"Idiot. Drive the horse to Mo Ling's side. I have something to talk to him. Li Qianye looked at the map and thought about many questions to talk to Mo Ling. After all, the current commander of this army is this Mo Ling. It's better to talk to Mo Ling.

Zhang Xuyi said that he dared to bring Ma to Mo Ling's side. Li Chiba said to Mo Ling, "First, let the soldiers stop and rest on the spot and don't walk around. Choose a small part of the soldiers and go to the valley ahead to have a look. Be careful not to go directly, but secretly.

"Why? According to the detective, it was still a long way from the rebel camp, and the march was only half a day, less than the rest time. As for this valley, what is there to observe? After all, Mo Ling has never led a war. Some things about this march are not as good as this. It's just that Miss Li, who has watched some ancient TV series, came to understand.

Miss Li also knows that Mo Ling is like that child in this march and war, and he doesn't know anything. So I didn't scold this Mo Ling as an idiot, but just pushed the map in front of Mo Ling and said patiently, "You first look at this map and see where we are now."

Mo Ling saw that Li Qianye looked awe-inspiring and didn't seem to be joking, so he took it over to have a look. Although Mo Ling is not very good at leading the army to fight, he is not that stupid person. Looking at this map, he understands why Miss Li wanted to stop the army by herself. Are you afraid that the rebels will have an ambush here? Mo Ling asked,

"This place is called Kawatani. Look at the map, the length should be more than three miles. That is to say, our army will pass through this three-mile-long canyon. And the canyon is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. The slope on both sides is also a little steep, and it is difficult to climb up, but it is very simple to slide down on it.

pulled the map around again. Li Qianye pointed to the map and continued, "If this rebel pushed some boulders on it when our army almost entered the valley, then we could only be knocked at the door. The whole army will even be destroyed."

"Even if the rebels are ambushed here, we can still kill in this valley to the exits on both sides. How can the whole army be destroyed?" Liu Yefeng is impossible to show the destruction of the whole army.

"Do you think the rebels will give you a chance to escape? While throwing the stone, the enemy will also kill us when we are in a hurry and don't know what to do. And on both sides of this valley, there should also be enemies lying in ambush there, which will not let us rush out of this valley. In the end, the situation we face is that we close the door and beat the dog, and we should not bark every day.

Li Chiba's analysis is not bad at all. Hearing this, Mo Ling and others were beating in their hearts, as if the rebels had really set up an ambush like what Li Qianye said. However, as the saying goes, if you are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. If so, it will be too late to regret it. Don't let this matter be done, just give away these 20,000 lives.

Even after listening to Miss Li's words, Mo Lingdang jumped to the horse's head and said to the soldiers beside him, "I will order the whole army to rest in place and stop moving forward."

As the saying goes, the military order is like a mountain. The above order came down, and the soldiers below did not ask why, so they resolutely implemented it. Then Mo Ling was thinking about which soldiers should be asked to explore the way. After all, Mo Ling didn't understand this army at all. Who knows which soldiers are suitable for exploring the way? Those who specialize in exploring the way have also been sent out before.

However, Miss Li stopped it, saying that there was already a candidate. I thought it was who it was, but I didn't expect that Miss Li's most suitable candidate was Liu Yefeng.

"Hey! Miss Li! Are you wrong!? I am a general now! How can we do what these little soldiers should do to explore the way!?" Liu Yefeng was immediately furious when he learned that the suitable candidate Li Qianye said was him.

"Mo Ling, the largest position in this army is marshal. What's underneath?" Li Qianye ignored Liu Yefeng's roar.

Mo Ling doesn't know why Li Qianye asked about this now. Although he doesn't know much about the official position in the army, he still knows it. This marshal should be a military division, right? With that, looking at Zhang Xun, Zhang Xun also nodded and agreed with Mo Ling's statement.

Li Qianye smiled again and said, "That Miss Ben is now a military division in this army, right?"

"Uh." Mo Ling didn't know what medicine was sold in Li Qianye's gourd, but he thought about his four people, that is, Miss Li, who could come up with the best idea. This military division was really suitable for her. He said, "Of course it's a military sage."

After hearing this, Li Qianye was immediately overjoyed and said to Liu Yefeng, "Did you hear it? Marshal Mo Ling has said that I am now a military division and the second largest officer in this army!" And you are just a general, and all your actions will be arranged by my military division, you know!? If you don't listen to me as a military commander! That's disobeying the military order! You should know what will happen if you disobey the military order, right?

Liu Yefeng was about to go crazy and was pressed on top of his head by a little girl, but it was still so reasonable. And this little girl still has a big opinion about herself. Why don't she torture herself to death? Liu Yefeng really hates why Mo Ling gave Miss Li the title of svalier. Now won't Miss Li take the opportunity to kill herself? Thinking of this, Liu Yefeng is one or two old.

"Okay, okay, okay. I'll listen. Can't I listen? Li Dajunshi?" Liu Yefeng knew that this was not the time to fight with Miss Li and chose to compromise.

Li Qianye saw that the willow leaf wind was soft and smiled proudly, like a little fox. That's right. The most basic rule in the army is to resolutely obey the orders of superiors.

"Me! Jian! Decide! Service! From! Li! Big! Army! Teacher! Of! Life! Order!" Liu Yefeng gritted his teeth and said word by word.

"That's good. Our division now orders you to explore in front of you to see if the enemy has set up an ambush there. The scope of this exploration is within ten miles of this river valley. We must explore it carefully and not make fun of the lives of 20,000 soldiers. If you find anything abnormal, be careful not to be found by the enemy. Just come back and report it quickly. When ordering things, Li Chiba also looks like a military division.