Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 227 Behind the scenes?

"I dare not hide the two predecessors. The Shang Ming of this Lingtian School was indeed not killed by my Ming Xiao faction. Shang Ming's kung fu cultivation is not under me, and I don't have the ability to kill Shang Ming. When my master was alive, there was no conflict with Shangming and the Lingtian School, so there was no reason to kill Shangming. As for who killed it, I really don't know. Mo Ling told the truth. As for the death of my master, it was in the hands of Xuanyuan, the fourth prince of the Xuanyuan royal family.

"If this is the case, then the person who did this must have some premeditation in it. To be honest, the elder of Qixianmen was by no means killed by the people in my family. However, the people of Qixianmen said that their elders died under the skills of my Kuimen, and they must give me an explanation and hand over the murderer. But this is not what we did. What do you think I should say? Where else did you go to find a murderer for him? Mu Lingkong said helplessly.

Sure enough, it is the same as what Li Qianye guessed before. The elder of Qixianmen was not killed by the people in Kuimen. After thinking about it, Mo Ling said to Mu Lingkong, "I don't think it's simple. Both of them were not killed by us, but they died under the skills we practiced. First of all, it is not to say that this person who blamed us, what is the purpose of this person? This person's meritorious cultivation alone has been fascinated. If this person is unfavorable to our Kunlun, how should we deal with it?

Mu Lingkong nodded when he heard the words, and also knew that what Mo Ling said was very reasonable. This man first killed Shang Ming of the Lingtian School and the elder of Qixianmen, and in the words of the decent faction, they all killed him, which shows that his skill is high. The key is that this person has blamed these things on the sect in Ying Kunlun, which can't help but not worry about Mu Lingkong and others.

"Hmm! No matter who this person is, what his skills are, and what his purpose is, I don't care about it now! What I have to do now is to kill Xuan Ninghua of the Lingtian School and avenge my disciples!" Xiao Juran's protection is famous. Therefore, Mu Lingkong, Mo Ling and others did not feel different about his words.

"Yes, how on earth did your master die? Why did he die in the hands of the fourth prince of the Xuanyuan royal family, Xuanyuan Yu? I have also heard of Xuanyuan. After all, he is the fourth prince of Xuanyuan court, and he still has a good reputation. It's just that although his skills are a little, they are not very high. Your master is at least one of the few masters in the world of cultivation. How can he die in the hands of such children? Xiao Juran also had some friendship with Minggui before, otherwise Mo Ling would not have gone to the Infernal faction for help if he was in trouble this time. Therefore, Xiao Juran wanted to understand Minggui's death.

Mo Ling thought for a moment and felt that there was no need to hide Xiao Jueran's good thing. If you tell Xiao Juran this fact, maybe Xiao Jueran is greedy and wants to rob Hengzhu and Xuanyuan Sword that day, and he will not be able to avenge himself with the help of Xiao Jueran's hand. Of course, Mo Ling has experienced the power of Xuanyuan Sword. Xiao Jueran's skill is not much higher than his master, so it's really hard to say whether he can beat Xuanyuan Yu.

"Shangmen Xiao is right. Xuanyuan Yu's own skill is not high, but I'm afraid it's not as good as it is. However, this Xuanyuan Yu can kill my master, and it doesn't rely on his own skills, but for another reason. Mo Lingdao.

Xiao Juran doesn't understand. Is there another reason? Could it be that Xuanyuan Yu, by virtue of his identity as the fourth prince of the Xuanyuan court, ordered the brigade to attack Ming to return to the group, and then killed Ming Gui? However, this is not right. After all, Minggui is also a generation of masters. Even if he is outnumbered, he can escape and won't lose his life. Could it be that Xuanyuan Yu used some conspiracy and trick that Minggui didn't have time to notice it, which killed Xuanyuan Yu's way? Xiao Jueran guessed.

"This is not. Xuanyuan is at least the fourth prince of the Xuanyuan court. He is noble and will not use these small methods. Don't you know that Master Xiao knows the artifact of Xuanyuan royal family, Xuanyuan Sword? Mo Lingdao.

Xiao Jueran was stunned, "Xuanyuan Sword? I have heard of it. I heard that this sword is an artifact of the Xuanyuan royal family. In those years, the Xuanyuan clan also relied on this divine sword to defeat the lonely door valve and get the world. It's just that I haven't seen this Xuanyuan sword appear for so many years. In the whole world of cultivation, it is only rumored that after this Xuanyuan sword is combined with Hengzhu that day, there will be strong power, or something will happen. It's just that it hasn't been confirmed.

"Xiao Zhangmen is right. There is a rumor, but I don't know whether it's true or not. And my master also died for the competition for Hengzhu. Mo Lingdao.

"Fight for Tianhengzhu? Minggui's brother has been devoting himself to cultivation, thinking that he could break the heavenly prohibition, but this heavenly prohibition could not be broken by ordinary people. I don't know how many Jiazi have passed on Kunlun Mountain, but they still haven't succeeded? They are all old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years. Unexpectedly, Minggui's brother was also incurable for this day's prohibition. He thought he relied on Hengzhu to act on this day. Minggui is also stupid. If Hengzhu can really have such an effect, why don't some people from Kunlun Mountain try it? Xiao Juran said. In Xiao Juran's view, this Minggui's seizure of Tianhengzhu is nothing more than to understand the secrets and want to break the ban.

Seeing Xiao Jueran belittling his master like this, Mo Ling was also very uncomfortable. However, because Xiao Juran is an elder, now he also relies a lot on Xiao Jueran for this decent thing, so he didn't say anything. He smiled and said, "Master Xiao has misunderstood. My master wanted this Tianhengzhu not to break the heavenly prohibition, but this Tianhengzhu was originally from my free school, but for some reasons, it fell into the hands of others. When Master wanted to take back this Tianhengzhu, he met Xuanyuan, who also wanted to seize Tianhengzhu. . This will lead to conflict and fight.

"This day, Hengzhu was originally sent by you, but I know it. However, I also know that in fact, Tianhengzhu has never been in your master's hands, but was taken away by his brother, Mingxiao. But what I don't understand is why Xuanyuan Yu also wants to seize Tianhengzhu? How did he know that Tianhengzhu was in the hands of Mingxu? Xiao Juran asked.

Mo Ling also knew that there was no need to hide this Xiao Jueran. He simply said everything he and Zhang Xun and others had done in Amnesty State. Xiao Juran understood what was going on. He was also surprised: "Is this Xuanyuan sword really so powerful? Do the seven patriarchs even have room to counter their hands?

"Not to mention the suzerain of these seven sects, that is, my master, Ming Ruins, and Jiuyou Liyuan. The three masters besieged Xuanyuan Yu together, but they could not do anything to Xuanyuan Yu. In the end, my master also lost his life. Li Yuan saw that the situation was wrong and left quickly. Mingxu received it as soon as it was good, but it was not like this. Only my master was willing to take back this Tianhengzhu, and the result was that he lost his life. Mo Ling was also unhappy with Li Yuan's escape from the battle and the cunning of Ming Ruins.

"It seems that this ancient legend is not groundless. It's just that Xuanyuan Royal has the Xuanyuan Sword in hand. If you want to avenge your master, it's really not easy to do. After all, even masters like your master died under his sword, and Li Yuan and other masters could only escape. Xiao Jueran was outspoken.

Mo Ling also knew that Xiao Juran was right and said with a wry smile, "So what? It is this Xuanyuan Yu who is powerful, and I also want to avenge my master. If you can't beat him now, there must be a time when you can beat him.

Xiao Jueran didn't feel anything about Mo Ling's heroic words, but it was not easy to hit Mo Ling too much. He just smiled and didn't speak. In my heart, I thought that this Xuanyuan sword is really so powerful, so what will happen after this Xuanyuan sword combines with Hengzhu that day? Xiao Juran's heart was full of changes.

Headed by the three leaders of Kunlun, everyone discussed a few more words. Under the arrangement of Mu Lingkong, they dispersed separately. In the small courtyard, of course, Mo Ling and others held a small internal meeting. This internal meeting is of course very different from the previous one. Of course, this internal meeting was centered on Miss Li Qianye and Li.

"At most tomorrow, the decent will attack. Unlike before, it was only attacked by people from Qixianmen before, but this time it is different. The decent people already know that all the people in our shadow Kunlun are gathered at the gate, and they must have gathered their strength to attack the gate. Mo Lingdao.

Li Qianye nodded and said, "Yes, tomorrow's fierce battle is inevitable. But what I'm worried about is that the decent attack is full-out, and I don't know if we can resist it. After all, you are the only ones on our side who can get on the table. The disciples of Leijianmen will definitely not really want to help us after their own people were injured by Xiao Jueran. It's hard to say for several people of Jiuyouzong. And Uncle Xuanlong, I don't know if you can't do it when you see Xuan Ninghua or the people in the Sword Villa that day.

"Xuan Ninghua, I will try my best to dissuade her from calming down. After all, this matter is not as simple as it seems. The people behind this scene want to make a big mess in the whole world of cultivation, and then they can profit from it. I have nothing to do with the people of Tianjian Villa, but if I meet my master, I may really not know what to do. Xuanlong Road.

Li Chiba rolled his eyes and said, "Do you think you can dissuade Xuan Ninghua? Although the beautiful woman loves you very much, as a woman, I can see it at a glance. But do you think Xuan Ninghua really cares about anger? Does she really just want to avenge her brother Shang Ming?

Hearing this, Xuanlong couldn't help wondering. He didn't know what Li Qianye meant and asked, "Then what on earth do you think Xuan Ninghua is for? Isn't all this done by her Lingtian faction to avenge her brother Shang Ming? Is there any other purpose in it? Xuan Ninghua shouldn't be like that.

"Well, you pigs just see the surface of things!" Li Qianye said with a look of hatred. As you guys think, this Xuan Ninghua has done nothing more than to avenge Shang Ming. But have you ever thought about why she killed Sikongyu on Qingyuan Mountain that day since Xuan Ninghua wanted to avenge Shang Ming? Is it really because Si Kongyu is too arrogant?

Mo Ling said, "Isn't that why Xuan Ninghua killed Sikongyu? After all, what Si Kongyu did is disgusting even if you look at it, not to mention Xuan Ninghua, a proud person like Xuan Ninghua.

"What you said makes sense, but have you ever thought about it? If Xuan Ninghua wants to kill this Sikongyu, why do you have to wait until this time? After all, she came to trouble your Mingxiao faction at that time. If your Mingxiao faction was weak, wouldn't it be weak? If his Lingtian faction wants to ask for an explanation, it won't be so easy. It won't be so simple to destroy your Mingxiao faction. At best, it's just talking about it. How can a sect be so simple to destroy it?

"Therefore, it is a little difficult for their Lingtian Party to pay you as a Mingxiao faction. After all, this disciple's life is not given for nothing, so why did Xuan Ninghua kill Si Kongyu at this critical moment and take revenge with this infernal faction? Is this spiritual school really strong enough to challenge your two sects at once? This is not easy!"

"But all this doesn't seem to be provoked by decent people first! Instead, Shang Ming was killed, and this Lingtian faction has a reason to come to the trouble of the Mingxiao faction!" Liu Yefeng said incomprehensiblely.

"It looks like this on the surface. But Xuan Ninghua must have killed Si Kongyu on purpose. Even if this is not her Xuan Ninghua's meaning, it must also be her master, Hong Xuan. What is the purpose? In my opinion, I should just want to take this opportunity to make this matter bigger, and then have this reason to let the virility of the whole world be the enemy of your shadow Kunlun. Li Qianye analyzed.

Mo Ling and others didn't understand when they heard this, and they were also shocked, but they were still a little confused and couldn't figure out some things. He asked, "Since this is the case, is it possible that the person who killed Shang Ming and the elder of Qi Xianmen are this Hongxuan!? Did he deliberately provoke this matter and then take this opportunity to act?

"Alas! What do you want me to say about you! Who killed Shang Ming and the elder of Qixianmen, and it won't be this Hongxuan! Think about it, first, the dead Shang Ming is Hongxuan's apprentice. Is it necessary for Hongxuan to kill his apprentice in order to let the decent people in the world conflict with Ying Kunlun? If he wants this, he won't kill a person in Tianjian Villa directly. There is no need to let his apprentice die, and Shang Ming is still his eldest disciple of Hongxuan.

"In addition, when this murderer killed Shang Ming, he used the "Dque Xuanyin" skill of your Mingxiao School, and it was a move to kill, which shows the high skill. As the head of the Lingtian School, this Hongxuan should not have this, right? Even if Hongxuan secretly practices this "Dque Xuanyin" skill, it will take many years to achieve such an achievement. However, if he has practiced this skill for so many years, I don't believe that no one will notice it.

"So I want to say that in terms of this skill cultivation and the relationship with the deceased, this Hongxuan is not at all the suspicion of the mastermind behind the scenes. As for why this Hongxuan wanted Xuan Ninghua to kill Si Kongyu at this time and also clashed with the Infernal Sect, it is estimated that he also took a fancy to Xiao Juran's character of protecting his shortcomings. Knowing that Si Kongyu died, Xiao Jueran would definitely be angry. At that time, the conflict between this decent and Ying Kunlun must be inevitable.

"Actually, after saying so much, all these things happened as the basis of this Shangming's death. Without this Ming's death, these things would not have happened. But it's really hard to guess who killed this Shang Ming and whether it has anything to do with this decent person or the person in the shadow Kunlun. However, one thing is worth affirming is that the purpose of the people who planned all this is not just to make chaos in the world of cultivation. After making this world of cultivation chaotic, there may be a bigger conspiracy.

"It's just that there is one more thing to pay attention to. That is, we can't rule out whether Hongxuan has anything to do with the person behind the scenes. However, because of Shang Ming's matter, I don't think it will have anything to do with it. It may be a coincidence to say that Hongxuan used this matter to provoke a dispute between Ying Kunlun and the decent. Perhaps the person behind the scenes, who knew that Hongxuan's mind was the help of Hongxuan's hand to promote this matter.

Li Chiye's words are well-founded. Although there are some obscure words, Mo Ling and others still understand the general meaning. I also admire Li Chiba's ability to see this matter so far.

"If the whole thing is really like this, then our biggest enemy is not this decent man, but the man behind the scenes?" Xuanlong Road.

Li Qianye nodded and said, "Of course. The most pitiful thing is that you people in Kunlun and those decent people can't wait to kill each other now. But I don't know that you may all be used as guns!"

"When used as a gun? It should have been used, right? Willow leaf wind. But what you said is very reasonable. That's not true at all. Extremely sad."