Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 264 Liang Shangjunzi

The master is not only very good at his skills, but also because as long as he kills, he will not stop until he kills his opponent. Thunderstorm is like this now. It is very good to know the skill of this sword spirit. If you don't make continuous killing moves, then this sword spirit is bound to rebound.

Thunderstorm also knows that the swordsmanship is very powerful. If you don't suppress the swordsman and let him get close to you, you will be in big trouble. So after the arrow pushed the sword spirit away, the thunderstorm brewed another arrow. And the brewing time of this arrow is still much longer than the previous arrow.

The thunder-colored black light kept flashing in the hands of the thunderstorm, shining the whole bow. At this time, the thunderstorm closed its eyes and did not look ahead, as if it was mediting on something, using its own consciousness to control the launch of the arrow.

The sword spirit has not been able to crack the arrow just issued by the thunderstorm. It is still pushed by the sword spirit to fly back. Jianling also knew that the arrow of the thunderstorm was not simply pushed away, but must be followed by subsequent killing moves. I was also anxious to crack this arrow as soon as possible.

But the more anxious the sword spirit is, the more unable it is to get rid of this arrow. This arrow is like the dog skin plaster, and the sword spirit that sticks to him will not disappear. The sword spirit started its skills, and the body shook several times, but it could not shake the arrow away.

The sword spirit is having a headache for the arrow of the thunderstorm, and the thunderstorm is already brewing. Still, his eyes didn't open, just let go of his hand. The mysterious light in his hand turned into a sharp arrow and flew forward through the air. Although the thunderstorm was not seen with eyes, the arrow locked the target and directly broke through the air in the direction where the sword spirit was retreated.

At this time, the sword spirit is still having a headache to get rid of this arrow. The speed of the broken arrow is several times faster than the arrow just now. The sword spirit also sensed the arrival of this arrow and was shocked. With the skill of the sword spirit, he knows the power of this arrow, which is not small.

But it is clear that it can be dealt with enough. That's another thing. The speed of the thunderstorm arrow is like lightning, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see. When the sword spirit had just sensed the arrival of this arrow or could not react, the arrow had already hit his sword spirit.

Suddenly, the sword spirit spit blood, and the true qi in his body was in chaos. The green sword in his hand could not be held, and it fell off directly. And the arrow that was originally holding the Qingfeng sword also roared after the Qingfeng sword fell, and I don't know where it went.

The sword spirit was seriously injured by this arrow. At the same time, he did not dare to be careless and endured the pain, regardless of the chaos of the true qi in his body. At the risk of the dispersion of the true qi, he forcibly carried out the skill, that is, to take back the Qingfeng sword or escape to the distance. If he knew that if he didn't leave, the thunderstorm was coming, and his sword spirit would be the same as Xiao Jueran, and he would die here.

At this time, the sword spirit can't control the battle between him and Ying Kunlun. He just hopes that these disciples will be blessed. After all, nothing is important without life.

Those decent disciples only saw that the sword spirit was pushed away by the arrow of the thunderstorm, but did not see the subsequent arrow of the thunderstorm, which had seriously injured the sword spirit. They were still looking at when the sword spirit could come back and lead them to kill Laoshan again. But these decent people don't know now that the sword spirit has been seriously injured by the thunderstorm and fled.

But these disciples don't know, but the thunderstorm can be sensed. After the sword spirit was hit by the arrow and es away, the thunderstorm laughed. However, the arrow just now is also a must-kill move released by the thunderstorm, and the thunderstorm is also confident that no one can avoid that move in the whole world of cultivation. As for the heavenly immortals on Kunlun Mountain, those skills are too unfathomable. Just like the vicissitudes of those years, it is really hard to say what kind of realm they have reached. Therefore, the thunderstorm does not take the immortals that day into account.

After this must-kill move was issued, I thought it was coming, and the thunderstorm was also more than enough, but the power was insufficient. However, the thunderstorm also knew that the sword spirit must have been seriously injured after receiving his own arrow, otherwise he would not have fled like the bereaved dog.

After the thunderstorm landed, he shouted to the shadow Kunlun disciples: "Kill me!" To say this is to take the lead and kill the decent one. The shadow Kunlun disciples behind saw that the thunderstorm took the lead, and they all danced knives and guns, followed and killed them.

Those decent disciples still wanted to wait for the sword spirit to come back, but now the people in Yingkunlun have been killed. How can they wait? They quickly fled for their lives.

This decent disciple is running in front, while the people in Kunlun behind are chasing and killing. The scene that just came down from that Laoshan Mountain was staged again. The thunderstorm rushed to the front, stopped a few steps and put a few arrows, and then shouted a few times to the Kunlun disciples behind him.

The decent disciple who was hit by the thunderstorm did not die, but was also killed by the shadow Kunlun disciple who caught up behind. Thousands of people have come here. After these two shocks, there are now two-thirds left.

In fact, these decent disciples are also because the dragons have no head, which is such a loose sand. If the sword spirit did not escape, with this lineup, it must be able to destroy the current people of Shadow Kunlun. Anyway, he will not be beaten as embarrassed as it is now. Another reason for this is that the confidence of this decent disciple has been completely lost.

This decent disciple ran here in front, and the disciple Ying Kunlun chased behind, which lasted for more than half an hour. However, the disciples of Ying Kunlun have finally turned over. Just now, they were almost beaten into the general altar of Ying Kunlun by these decent people. Now that they have this opportunity to revenge, how can they easily let it go? Therefore, he still chased and killed these decent disciples behind him.

These decent disciples were hunted down by the people in Yingkunlun. There is no way to enter the earth, and some people scold while running to vent their emotions. However, some disciples also proposed that it is not a way to escape like this. Sooner or later, those who will be killed by these people in the demon gate must resist.

One person has set an example, so more people follow. Before long, these decent disciples stopped one after another and did not run away, but held weapons in their hands, looking like they were fighting with the people in Shadow Kunlun.

The people in Kunlun were killed, but they didn't expect that these decent people were not running away, but stopped, looking like they were going to die. As the saying goes, the fearless are invincible. Now these decent people know that they are running away, but they can't escape death. They just don't run away and are ready to fight with the people in Kunlun.

The fierce murderous spirit emitted from these decent people's eyes made these people in Kunlun have a chill in their hearts. However, with the chase just now and thunderstorms here, these shadow Kunlun disciples are not timid.

After holding against the people in Yingkunlun for a period of time, the decent disciple roared, "Kill!" After this shout, thousands of decent people rushed over and killed them. They were so powerful that they were completely different from when they fled just now.

With the skill of thunderstorms, these decent people are powerful, and they are not afraid of thunderstorms at all. Picking up the black bow, he started the skill. His wrist shook a few times, and several arrows were sent out. The decent disciple who rushed over fell down.

However, the fall of these people did not slow down the pace of this decent disciple's attack, but directly ignored the fallen people and continued to rush forward. The thunderstorm was so powerful that it could not defeat these thousands of people, so he shouted, "Kill me!" Under an order, Ying Kunlun's disciples rushed forward again. For a moment, the two horses were in chaos again, and the shouts of killing sounded in the mountain forest again. All kinds of fierce beasts in the forest fled everywhere.

This decent person is much more powerful than Shadow Kunlun in terms of strength and number. It's just that the disappearance of Yuwenxuan and the defeat of the sword spirit made these decent people lose their fighting spirit. Now these decent disciples also understand when they run away. In the end, they are exhausted. At that time, it is still difficult to escape death. It's better to kill desperately. Maybe they can still figure out a way to survive.

The decent people are so-called to be ashamed and brave. Now under this desperate situation, they also reflect the strength of their strength. These shadow Kunlun disciples are a fart, crying father and mother. The arrogance and domineeringness of the chase just now has long been killed. In fact, such a result is inevitable. Previously, when this decent faction attacked Laoshan, it was a series of defeats when it killed the people in Kunlun. If it hadn't been for some dark arrays under its subordinates, it would have been defeated by this decent people in Kunlun.

Thunderstorms are also eye-catching, but his thunderstorm thunder arrows are not suitable for playing in this group of battles, so the thunderstorm at this time cannot control the victory or defeat of the battle.

Zhang Xun thought that he would die under the hands of this sword spirit today, but the thunderstorm saved him. He shouted luck in his heart and was grateful for the thunderstorm. At this time, the true qi in Zhang Xun's body was also chaotic and could not be transported at all. Therefore, when the shadow Kunlun disciple was chasing the decent disciple, Zhang Xun did not follow here.

barely stabilized the true qi in his body. Zhang Xun decided to go back to the Shadow Kunlun Forum on Laoshan Mountain to see how Li Qianye and Mu Nanqing were doing. The skills can't work, and Zhang Xun can only walk all the way to the Yingkunlun General Forum. Zhang Xun was also thinking about why the true qi in his body was also chaotic once when he fought with the sword spirit before, but it did suddenly get better. Why can't he do it now?

Although Zhang Xun knew that there was an abnormality in his body memory, he did not know where the abnormality came from. So I don't know when the "qi" that exists in my body will play its role. The foundation of Zhang Xun's current cultivation is to maintain this "qi". Without this "qi", Zhang Xun can't absorb other people's true qi, then Zhang Xun can no longer break through the cultivation.

Although Zhang Xun can't carry skills and fly in the air, the speed under his feet is not slow. In a moment, I returned to the Shadow Kunlun General Temple on Laoshan Mountain.

Just now, in order to avoid the sword spirit, Zhang Xun escaped and fell on the shadow Kunlun altar of Laoshan. When he landed just now, because it was the war between the decent and their shadow Kunlun, Zhang Xun also had no time to take care of everything around him. Now when he went there, he found that the entrance of the Kunlun altar had been destroyed by the decent person and was already dilapidated.

Zhang Xun looked at all these destroyed things, and his heart was also secretly lucky. If he didn't dare to arrive immediately just now, the disciples of Ying Kunlun could not stop the decent attack at all. This decent disciple must have invaded the inside of the Ying Kunlun General Forum. In that case, the Ying Kunlun General Forum will definitely suffer great destruction. Bad, and Zhang Xun is most concerned about the lives of Li Qianye and Mu Nanqing.

Thinking of Li Qianye and Mu Nanqing, Zhang Xun did not stay. He quickly walked to the Yingkunlun General Forum and went straight to Li Qianye's room to see Li Qianye's safety. Zhang Xun opened the door, but found that there was no one in the room at all. It also occurred to me that maybe I was afraid and hid with Mu Nanqing.

He hurried to Mu Nanqing again, but found that it was empty, just like Li Chiba's room. Now Zhang Xun was panicked and didn't know what to do. Hurry up and look for the traces of these two women in this Kunlun general altar.

Zhang Xun is hurriedly looking for Li Chiba and Mu Nanqing. At this time, Li Chiba and Mu Nanqing were hiding in the most hidden place of a small building. Li Chiba was sleeping soundly and was not worried. Mu Nanqing looked around uneasily, and his ears were always capturing the sound outside, for fear that someone would break in.

With a "bang", the door of the small building was kicked open by someone. Mu Nanqing's nerves, which had been stiff, were also shocked. He quickly woke up Li Qianye, who was still sleeping beside him and said anxiously, "Sister Li! Sister Li! You're about to wake up. Someone is coming in outside!"

Li Chiba was woken up by the shouting outside this morning, but now he is here to make up for his sleep. Originally, he was still dissatisfied that Mu Nanqing had disturbed her Miss Li's dream, but when he heard what Mu Nanqing said clearly, he was also shocked and said, "Did that decent person come in!"

"How do I know this! What should I do now!? If the decent man finds us hiding here, he will definitely kill us!" Mu Nanqing is an extremely weak woman. Now at this critical moment, he has no opinion. Everything is watching Li Qianye act.

However, Miss Li is extremely smart and intelligent, but she is not the omnipotent god. In addition to comforting Mu Nanqing, Li Qianye really didn't know what to say.

Li Qianye held Mu Nanqing in his arms, gently patted Mu Nanqing on the back, and comforted Mu Nanqing's mood, but he could not let Xiaoqing collapse. The two held their breath and dared not come out for fear of being discovered by the coming.

After a while, I just heard a few footsteps and some sound of turning over the cabinet, but nothing else happened. Li Qianye was also puzzled. It seemed that they were too worried. Most of them were not decent. The person who came in, judging from the sound of rummaging the boxes and cabinets, may be the people inside the shadow Kunlun. I think that during this chaos, the shadow Kunlun altar was empty and came to this small building to find some treasures.

Li Chiba was also relieved when he thought of this, thinking that it must be so. However, he didn't dare to make a sound, for fear that the gentleman Liang still didn't leave. He found the two of them and killed them. After all, Miss Li can't do any skills, and Mu Nanqing is just a little fur.

Another moment later, I don't know if the man has found something. Anyway, he left. Li Qianye heard the footsteps and gradually moved away. After waiting for a while, he slowly poked out his head and looked outside. Seeing that there was no figure, he came out lightly.

Li Qianye came to the door of this small building and wanted to see how the situation was going outside. Unexpectedly, a figure rushed over and almost hit Li Qianye. Li Qianye was about to be angry, but he found that this person was Zhang Xun and said in surprise: "Dumb! It's you!"

Zhang Xun searched everywhere for Li Qianye and Mu Nanqing. He was very anxious in his heart, thinking that Miss Li had escaped from the Laoshan Mountain with Mu Nanqing. If so, although it is possible to avoid escaping from the decent people, the Laoshan Mountain is surrounded by the primitive dense forest, and there are countless fierce birds and beasts. Some powerful monsters, even practitioners, can't compete with them, not to mention the two weak women, Li Qianye and Mu Nanqing.

So even if you can escape from the decent poisoner, you can't survive in this dense forest in the mountains. However, Zhang Xun also did not give up and did not find this shadow Kunlun general altar. How could Zhang Xun believe that Li Qianye and Mu Nanqing had left this Laoshan Mountain?

However, when Zhang Xun heard Li Qianye's nerd, he was overjoyed. Sure enough, Li Qianye and Mu Nanqing were still in this Kunlun general forum. I finally found you! You are worried about me! I thought you were afraid that the decent person would come, and you had already taken this Xiaoqing away! I left Laoshan." Zhang Xundao. Then he looked around Li Qianye again and asked, "Xiaoqing? Why didn't I be with you?"