Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 291 Finally Open

Murong Qingfeng was tortured with a stick, but the old guy was really persistent and didn't say a word. He was indeed a tough man. He was worthy of being the first master of the Goryeo Kingdom and the first bodyguard of the king of Korea. Lord Bao asked him, "Are you going to say it or not?" Our patience is limited, and we won't leave you a lot of time to think about it. That's just say, do you want to see the chaos of the world, you earn me to seize, and meet the swords and soldiers between our two countries, and the lives will be ruined? Have you ever seen the tragic scene of a child without a father or mother? Do you have the pain of losing your loved one? Why don't you think about these things you should have thought about? Do you have a conscience? Can you come to this world quietly by yourself? Didn't you come here because of your parents? So how did your parents teach you to become an adult? Is it just for you to harm the people now? Murong Qingfeng, think about it well. Have you ever thought about whether you have come to this point and what is worth regretting? Have you ever wanted to live the rest of your life? What's the benefit to you by doing this? Are you just for supreme power? Or unlimited money, what can you have, and what can you do? Can you live to hundreds of years? Life is so short, sometimes it is actually the same as your daily experience. As soon as your eyes are closed and open, the day passes, your eyes are closed, and the whole life has passed. Think about this truth. Life is short, and there are many years of spring and autumn. Isn't it just let yourself go through in a hurry and live a good life. How good should it be? Can't our two countries get along well with each other? We are neighbors. Do we have to fight to death? Alas... In fact, I shouldn't have spoken such a language to you, but I can't bear to watch you die like this. Does the peace and stability of the Song Dynasty have any impact on Goryeo? Is there any threat to Goryeo? On the one hand, we have no hostility towards Goryeo, and there is no intention of annexing Goryeo at all. We yearn for peace, but there are always some lawbreakers to destroy it. Those treacherous ministers are constantly blowing the wind on the side, lest the world will not be chaotic, and they are eager to set off a dispute between the two countries. At that time, they will make profits. I believe you should understand this truth, Murong Qingfeng, you should consider it!"

Lord Bao said a lot, and Renzong also nodded frequently after hearing this. "What Bao Qing's family said, Murong Qingfeng, no matter how many bad things you usually sit down, I can still forgive you. I won't kill you, and I will send someone to treat your wounds, and when you get better, I will send someone to escort you back to Korea. You How about it?"

This sentence played a big role. As soon as Murong Qingfeng heard it and wanted to send himself back to Goryeo, he raised his head with difficulty, "Emperor Song, is what you just said true?"

Renzong's face sank down, "I am the true son of heaven. Ordinary people and vulgar people have a word, and the horse is difficult to catch up, not to mention me! Jinkou Yuyan, how can it be changed!"

Lord Bao saw that Murong Qingfeng's mood fluctuated, which eased the silent situation just now. He quickly ordered someone to help him up on the chair. At this time, Murong Qingfeng felt that his legs were already unable to move. He gritted his teeth and stood up here. Lord Bao asked, "Murong Qingfeng, now If there is anything, you can say it. Out of your mouth, such as our ears, no outsiders will hear it, and we will not leak half a sentence to the outside. We will secretly carry out every action, of course, including sending you back to Korea, say it!"

"Emperor of the Song Dynasty, Bao Shirong, and that official, I don't know what the name is. If you have any questions, just ask. I'm calling it now. By the way, there is a saying in you that people are about to die, and his words are also good, right? I know that I am guilty and kill countless people. I am very grateful that the emperor of the Song Dynasty can avoid me alive, but I can only answer your three questions. I will be outspoken and won't tell a lie, but I won't answer more than three questions. You can ask!"

Emperor Renzong, Lord Bao and Wen Xianjun looked at each other and finally handed over the right to Lord Bao, because Lord Bao is a master of handling cases, and no one in the Song Dynasty knows it. Lord Bao nodded, "Murong Qingfeng, I will ask these three questions. What do you think?"

Murong Qingfeng nodded, "Ha ha, I expected it for a long time, and it will be up to you to ask. Well, you ask, I'll be outspoken. Please don't doubt my answer!"

Lord Bao said, "The first question is, who was the idea for you to sneak into my Song Dynasty in your country? In other words, who is the main messenger behind the scenes in Korea!?

Murong Qingfeng frowned and thought that Bao Shirong was really powerful. I really didn't expect that he would be the first to ask this question. It really caught me off guard. It's amazing. Murong Qingfeng frowned and thought for a moment, "Well, let me tell you, it's not actually our king of Korea! But Li Chao, the younger brother of our King Goryeo, is actually the first bodyguard. In fact, I am the third prince Li Chao. I have finished answering the first question, and there are two more questions!"

Lord Bao looked at Emperor Renzong and then at Wen Xianjun. He knew it. Lord Bao twisted his beard and asked with a smile, "Very good. Your answer is very straightforward. I like it very much. OK, I'll ask the second question. You sneaked into my Song Dynasty for so many years and have contacted the highest in my court. Who is the official?

As soon as Murong Qingfeng heard this, these problems are fatal. What kind of concept is Bao Shirong really not comparable? He sighed and said, "I have been sneaked into the territory of the Song Dynasty for five years, and there are many people I have contacted. Among them, Li Chang, Marquis of Zibo in Luzhou, but he is not good at the situation. Now he has After death, he was burned to death in the King Kong Temple. There is also a king of Cangzhou, Li Zhe. We feel that he is still good, powerful, dominates one side, and is also a relative of the emperor. He is not too far from our Goryeo. He is a good helper of cooperation between the inside and the outside, but this person has also been destroyed by you Bao Shirong. To tell you the truth, the thorn I sent the person who killed Li Zhe, but these are no longer important. This is also a senior official of your dynasty! But I'm afraid you can't think of the senior officials we contacted in the capital!"

Emperor Renzong couldn't wait to ask, "Who is it?"

"It's your own nephew, the sixth prince, that is, your sixth brother's son, Zhao Yang, who is now named Long Tubi, who is two levels higher than the king's treatment. You didn't expect it to be him!"

As soon as this statement came out, Renzong's heart was surging and he secretly said: Will it really be him? My sixth brother and I are compatriots. Although he left early, Yang'er was brought up by me. I know his character very well. Will he come to take away my country? It doesn't make sense. I absolutely don't believe it's true. It's probably Murong Qingfeng's fabrication. What does he want to do to make our uncles and nephews turn against each other? Do you want to make our court internally chaotic first, and then they have the opportunity to take advantage of it? Renzong's mind is turning sharply and constantly thinking. Not only him, but also Lord Bao and Wen Xianjun are also constantly thinking. He said that he has never seen this Zhao Yang at ordinary times. He doesn't go out of the door, just like a big girl. She is usually gentle and elegant, like a lady who likes to sing. Poetry, how could he oppose his uncle? How could a dynasty usurp the throne? Can he collude with the third prince of Korea?

Lord Bao looked at Renzong, "Your Majesty, let's put this matter aside for the time being. Rong Chen will ask the third question. After that, we will discuss it!"

Renzong nodded, and Lord Bao continued to ask, with still no expression on his face. "Murong Qingfeng, I have reiterated that what our emperor said at that time was absolutely not deceptive at all. If you do something, it is not good for all of us. You should understand this. Reason!"

Murong Qingfeng seemed very helpless. "Lord Bao, if you say so, you don't treat Murong Qingfeng as a person. I have done a lot of bad things and killed many people, but Murong Qingfeng is a man. If you don't believe me, wait until you finish judging me. , you can secretly do whatever, just investigate. If it is found to be true, it proves that what I said is not false at all. If it is false, you can kill me. What else can I do in this palace? Others can't save me, let alone myself. Now I can't even move. Can I still make waves?