Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 347 Teaching by the Master

The Chenming monk of Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou first got permission to go on the stage, and it was also very polite on it. As soon as he finished speaking, a person rose to the high platform and rose up. No one can go up to any concept. He came to the stage and recited the Dharma, "Amitabha, ha ha ha, brother, please! " Zi Fatty's body moved. It seemed that after hearing this sound, his body was a little unnatural. He turned around and looked at the monk. When Zi Fatty saw that it was the monk, he was extremely unhappy, and there was a little hatred inside, which was out of control.

The one who just came on stage is also a monk. He is tall, has yellow skin, and has a long face. He is also very upright. On his shoulder, he is carrying a weapon. If you look carefully, it is still a golden tripod nine series, but this one is bigger and longer than the dusty monk's nine series. It can be seen that this man's strength Compared with the one just now, it's only above, not below! The two finally met, obediently, and looked at each other, and people felt that there was something wrong. The muscles on the purple fat man's body were ** back and forth. At this time, the main arena came to the center of the table, first compared the article, and then the martial arts! The ringer came between the two and was shocked by the atmosphere at first. Later, the ringer thought that it had nothing to do with me. What am I afraid of? Besides, I am also good at martial arts. What kind of concept do they dare to be unfavorable to me? How dare you hit yourself for a long time! Then he raised his voice and said, "Guys, now the two masters have come to the high platform, so we will write first. This side is Master Chenming, and this side is Master Dust. Are you ready?"

The two nodded and said yes, watching the examiner begin to speak, stretched out his hand from his arms, took out a small notebook, and opened the first page first, "Please listen to the first question, how to understand the statement 'Buddha is a man, not a god'?"

Zi Fatty thought for a moment, "That's a good question, but I can't answer it first. I'm the first to go on stage, not the second one, so I asked him to answer it first. How about that? Do you dare to answer?

This is called a number, also known as hurling yourself and throwing all the problems to others! Looking at the dust master, he was not afraid and put his hands together. "Amitabha, then I will explain this truth. Sakyamuni, the Buddhist Buddha, said in the first sentence when he came to the world, "I am the only one in heaven and the world." Please note that the word "I" does not refer to Sakyamuni himself, but to everyone in the world. The correct interpretation of this sentence should be: people are indomitable in the vast universe, and everyone is their own master and determines their own destiny, without having to obey anyone or any superhuman god. Sakyamuni attributed his consciousness, achievements and achievements to his own efforts and talents. Sakyamuni believes that a person's good or bad luck, success or failure depends on the good and evil of his behavior and his efforts. No one can promote me to heaven, and no one can push me to hell. Praise and eulogize cannot be separated from bitterness. Only by cultivating your mind can you purify and sublimate your personality and enjoy the happiness of peace of mind.

After saying that, everyone applauded, "It's a good interpretation, and the interpretation is very good. I think this master is the real master!" There was continuous applause, and the purple fat man was unwilling, "Huh, what's this good? I said, officer, there is something wrong with your question. I think there is something wrong with this 'Buddha is a man, not a god'. Buddha is a god! We, who believe in Buddhism, just want everything to obey the Buddha's command!" After saying this, there was an uproar, and when he said this, the dusty monk was ferocious and seemed to eat the people present. Everyone secretly thought: If this person is regarded as the host of the reconstructed King Kong Temple, it will be suffering. Who else dares to come to the King Kong Temple? People have different hearts!

The official was shocked. The official said that this man was not well-bred at first glance. Why did he suddenly become like this? It doesn't make sense. I don't think this second question should come out. You'd better compare martial arts. I'm witnessing who is strong in martial arts and who is not good at martial arts! After that, the examiner retreated behind him and said, "Okay, two, I think that's all for this round of literary fighting. Now let's start the martial arts, how about that? Whether you two use weapons or use fists and feet, you can do whatever you want, but one thing must be made clear on the spot, that is, you can't hurt your life. If you hurt your life, you will be punished directly according to the crime! You all know it well!?

Before the words fell, this purple fat man, as soon as he stretched out his hand, picked up the nine rings of the golden tripod and aimed at the dust master, and immediately hit the top of the dust monk's bald head. If such a heavy weapon hits his head, it will naturally not be better. If the dust is not good, the other party is very strong and dare not dare to neglect it. A flash next to it, and it was smashed empty, which just hit the table. I heard a 'kab' in the ear wheel. What a force it was to make a hole in the hardwood table board, but it was empty. It was smashed through. The dust monk looked at it, and our grudges will be solved today! Thinking of this, he reached out and copied his golden tripod nine in a series of rings and returned them. The two big monks fought together on the high platform and fought unreachablely. Because both of them were relatively strong, the people below smiled secretly. The two were like blacksmiths, and their weapons were constantly hitting and burning. Star shooting, good guy, after a while, the sweat on the door of the two big monks' bald forehead flowed down his cheeks!

After more than 20 rounds, the dust monk is a little bad. Some people must be surprised. Just now, the dust monk's weapon is bigger and longer than the dust monk's weapon. Why can't he resist the other party? In fact, there are still some inside information, but in fact, this dust monk has internal injuries! He was injured, so who hurt him? It is this Chen Ming monk that this guy is not a thing. It is not too much to be called a wolf in sheep's clothing. How can he say that? In order to make it clearer, we have to say the last one. Here's what happened...

What the two of them said is true. They both came from Hangzhou Lingyin Temple and Hangzhou Lingyin Temple. Everyone is familiar with it. The original abbot was a famous monk and Lingkong Master. Unfortunately, he was shocked by Wang Linlin, the national master, and vomited blood. Later, he died, but his death brought a crisis to Lingyin Temple! As soon as he died, the disciples and grandchildren below were in a burst of chaos, and the eldest brother also died. The temple was basically in a state of chaos. Everyone wanted to divide a piece of meat of Lingyin Temple to eat, and everyone wanted to be the host, so they found someone to form a gang, and the interior began to fight. Some ordinary people came to incense. The incense guests did not dare to come. Who dared to come? The government did not care about these things. Based on the development of the situation, two major camps appeared later, one of which was led by the Chenming monk. They were one camp, and the other camp was led by the dust monk. The two sides confronted each other and did not give in to each other, although Master Lingkong and the eldest brother did not This matter is clear, but the temple has temple rules, which is true. As for who wants to be the host of this temple, yes, it must be both literary and martial arts, and have both virtue and talent. Then it is time to compete. This day has finally come!