Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 375 Analyzing the Case

Send Bao Shirong away, and the third prince returned to the house, and then gathered all his counselors. Of course, Wang Yanling and Tao Yuan were also present, and then the third prince sat in the middle! Looking at both sides, the left and right were all together. The third prince drank tea while discussing with the people on both sides, "Ah~! This case has happened, and you are all my counselors. Naturally, I still have two other helpers, that is, two people I temporarily borrowed from Lord Bao. One is Tao Ziheng and the other is Wang Zixuan. Now we are our first-class good at solving cases, so I want to listen to their opinions first. After your performance, come on, you two can speak freely!"

Tao Yuan and Wang Yanling took a look, this is to give themselves a show to see if they have any real talent and learning! Tao Yuan didn't say anything. Wang Yanling said first, "Your Majesty! Let me say a few words first. It's true that we are masters of solving cases. After following Lord Bao for so many years, I would like to see what their skills are first? Wang Yanling wants to see what kind of master the people under the third prince are! As soon as this statement came out, a man came out of the team and spoke with a Korean accent. "Third prince, let me say a few words. My name is Andalu, a counselor under the third prince. I think this murderer can kill several large families in such a short time in the morning, and all of them will be slaughtered. I think for sure. It's not done by one person, but the way a gang commits a crime. They are organized and disciplined! And well-trained at ordinary times! I think they quickly fled the scene after killing in the morning. I heard that our people arrived at the scene and found no trace of any living people! So I would like to assert that even if they leave, I'm afraid they will come out to commit crimes, so we will investigate strictly in the city, and we will definitely find clues! That's all. Thank you. If you are willing to applaud, I will accept it!" The so-called counselor with a Korean accent made his own remarks, and then all the counselors applauded, "Okay, the analysis is so thorough. No one has ever analyzed the problem like this, okay!" That means to shock Tao Yuan and Wang Yanling. When they heard it, they were really funny. What kind of experience is this? What kind of analysis is this? What is this? Fools will know this information. We are listening to what they will say next. The two of them laughed secretly, but didn't say anything!

After Andrew finished speaking, the applause was thunderous, and then Andalu said that he was very proud. Then I leaned on the chair and picked up a cup of tea. After that, he tasted tea and shook his head and said secretly: With my analysis just now, what is the concept! It's all shocking for you. You have to rely on me in the future. Humph, in front of the third prince, I'm really well-intentioned. I hope the third prince can understand! He thought so. No matter what he thought, he didn't mention it, but when the third prince looked at the people, he was proud. "I said General Wang, General Tao, what do you think? Can you say it now!?

Wang Yanling looked at it and said, "Ha ha, the prince's men are all counselors. This is just what one of the counselors said. How can we be convinced? We have to let all the counselors say it for good, and then we will analyze it, and then we will know whether it is blessing or not. We have set up a military order, which is different from them, so we You have to listen to everything before making a decision. I don't know what the prince is going to do? As soon as the third prince heard it, it was not a bad thing to delay their time. What did our counselors say? It's okay to give them a power. You have Bao Shirong in the Song Dynasty, and we have three princes in Goryeo! The third prince sat on his seat again, and then said, "Since the two generals said so, I will meet their requirements. Well, counselors, you can tell them your analysis ideas one by one and listen to them, that's all!" There are many advisers in the room. In addition to Andrew, there are also Jin Butyan, Han Blue, Qiu Ziquan and these three. Jin Butyan stood up and said first, "I, say a few words. As the counselors of the third prince, we have also followed the third prince for many years. The third prince, we are determined. There is no doubt about the follow-up. Heaven and earth can be seen, but today we are going to analyze the case of several large families that just happened this morning. None of us went to the scene, but through such a big case, I have to say a few words. The so-called conspirators and analysis are also divided. Analysis, so who did it this time? I think this will come from several aspects. Since our third prince sat in Dechuan Prefecture, he has loved the people. It can be said that the family does not close at night, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. The prosperity of Dechuan is naturally inseparable from the three prince's good governance. So I think the case that happened this morning must have come to Goryeo with Bao Shirong. It has a great connection! Please don't be angry. I'm just talking about the matter. If you say it deeply and shallowly, don't be excited, okay? Then I began to analyze why there was no accident at ordinary times, but it happened when Bao Shirong came to our Tokugawa? It was at the same time that such a thing happened when he came. I think it's not just a coincidence! So it is not known whether this person is us Goryeo, or someone who takes this opportunity to plot against Goryeo! Well, so no matter what, consideration should be comprehensive and in place, but to come up with evidence, everything must be called evidence. Without evidence, even what I said is meaningless! Isn't that right? So I suggest that we should find the right evidence before making a conclusion! Okay, thank you. My speech has come to an end for the time being. Friends who like to listen to me, please lock in the residence of the third prince of Tokugawa Prefecture at this time tomorrow. See you!" After saying that, everyone applauded, "Okay, the analysis is really too reasonable. Awesome, awesome. I'm afraid only Jin Burean, an old counselor, can analyze it so thoroughly!" Jin Buchan sat on the chair, crossed his legs and hummed a little song while drinking tea. He felt very good! Oh, Wang Yanling and Tao Yuan heard, what the hell is this? It's all her mother's garbage. How to analyze it? It's better to make a decision than to have conclusive evidence! There is really too much nonsense. They are thinking about standing up from the chair. This person is about 50 years old. After this person stood up, he twisted his beard and said, "Ha ha, everyone, don't be impatient. Let me say a few words. I'm also a counselor under the third prince. My name is Han Blue. Ah, I don't seem to be very old now. In fact, I'm only in my twenties. I just said this casually. Now let's turn to the topic. Well, since it comes to the massacre, I think everyone is familiar with it. I remember the year before the third prince came to Tokugawafu a few years ago, There was a very large-scale massacre here, that is, the Li family massacre. At that time, it caused a sensation in the whole Tokugawa Prefecture. At that time, no one could solve the case, but after we came here with the third prince, we tried our best to turn the tide and immediately turned the unfavorable situation into a favorable situation. It's really amazing. More than seven days after the case was solved, our third prince became famous. What I said about becoming famous does not mean that the third prince himself is unknown. I mean, it has buried a deep shadow in the hearts of the people of Tokugawa! Who doesn't love the third prince, who doesn't support the third prince, who doesn't know the third prince, who doesn't want to work for the third prince! Of course, this is a long time ago. We don't need to say any more. So whether the current extermination case will have a certain relationship with the extermination case at that time. You can think about it carefully. I think there must be a great connection, but what the relationship is must be made at the scene before we can make a conclusion! That's all I said! Everyone should applaud!" Shit, after saying this, it's simply praising the third prince. Who doesn't applaud? Some of them broke their hands. The third prince listened and was extremely beautiful. He secretly said: It's comfortable to be with these people, and these counselors have a very high IQ. With them, why worry about major things? He thought so. The last person stood up and spoke. Who is it? It's Qiu Ziquan. What should I say? What should I say? The one with the lowest IQ in it is him! This man stood up leisurely, then punched everyone, then drank a cup of tea, then punched everyone, and then drank a cup of tea three times in a row. Everyone didn't understand what it meant. They stared at the Qiuzi counselor, and Tao Yuan and Wang Yanling didn't understand what they meant! In the end, this complete set of movements was almost done before saying, "Ha ha, everyone, you must be curious about the action I just made! In fact, there is actually a reason for this. Why should I hold my fist first? In fact, it was the first time to hold the fist for our third prince. He took us forward. It was he who took us to make progress. He took us south and north. Without the third prince, there would be no us today. Let's talk about it. I am It's not the first time I should hold my fist, so the first cup of tea I drank is also exquisite. This cup of tea represents my infinite respect for the third prince, so I drank this first cup of tea. So what does it mean when I hold my fist again? That is, with my colleagues around me, everyone has been getting along very well with each other for such a long time. In this way, I am Bao's fist! And I drank this second cup of tea for my brother, so why did I hold my fist for the third time? Naturally, it is for our two generals from foreign countries, General Tao Zihengtao and General Wang Wang Zixuan. This third cup of tea is also exquisite. I respect them to show that our Goryeo is also a country of etiquette! So well, I have finished these words, and here's the story. I want to analyze what happened to the massacre this morning? In fact, to be honest, I don't know, but one thing I can make it clear is that this murderous group is by no means a person. It must be a murderous action carried out by many people. Otherwise, it can't be so fast, it can't be discovered, and it can't be so incredible! Is everyone right? So I think, again, I agree with the views of the above three people. Thank you for your cooperation!" After that, he sat there and drank tea without squeaking. Everyone applauded. Tao Yuan and Wang Yanling looked at what kind of counselors these were. This was purely a trouble-making thing. What else did they analyze? All the problems can only be understood when they arrive at the scene, and what's going on!

The third prince was naturally happy to see that they had finished speaking and said secretly: Look at my men, they are all eloquent people. How awesome, can you do it?" Ah, I think everyone's analysis is almost complete. I don't know how the two generals do and feel?

Wang Yanling said, "Your Majesty, I think everyone is right, and we are also very much in favor, so we have made a major decision now, that is, to visit the scene in person. I don't know what the third prince's intention is?" The third prince nodded, "That's what I mean!" After that, everyone began a series of preparations. This preparation is so troublesome. Isn't it a game for the third prince to go out? What's more, this time I went to the scene of the murder to investigate. What's the concept? In case the third prince is injured! That's a great thing! So he began to mobilise people and horses, and then carried them in a big sedan chair. There were people around, hugging left and right. Tao Yuan and Wang Yanling were at the end of the team. When they saw this pose, they felt disgusted, but in order to investigate the case, they had to put up with it. After that, everyone began to rush to the scene of the crime. First of all, I arrived at Zheng's butcher's home. What should I say? Anyway, it's really good, but there are some stingy people, but the people are very good. The stingy people are also relatively large. The family is also relatively large. The family lives happily. There are no more or less, and there are 58 people! Good boy, this daughter-in-law married ten rooms and gave birth to a son and a daughter in each room. If he didn't die, she would be seven or eight years old now, but it's a pity that this family was killed by a knife in such a short time this morning. There is no one left, but there is no money. Rob, nothing moved, just blindly killed the person, and then the murderer went away and disappeared. Now the scene has been blocked. The people are blocked, but the third prince, who dares to give up? The third prince's sedan chair stopped a little bit outside the blockade line. After getting off the sedan chair, the person in charge here was no different from the dog. He crawled over like a pug. After barking a few times, "Oh, it turned out to be the third prince. Did you come here to see us investigate the case?" The third prince curled his lips and said, "No, we're here to handle the case. That's it now. Stop all the things you have at hand, ah! We are now taking over this case in person, and you have only played an auxiliary role, you know? From now on!" As soon as the third prince waved his hand, his men took over the scene. After that, the four counselors, as well as Tao Yuan and Wang Yanling entered the courtyard. Fortunately, so many bodies in the courtyard have not been moved, so it is more convenient to check. Other people don't say anything about Wang Yanling and Tao Yuan alone. The two brothers looked at the bodies. The body was basically fatal. It was stabbed to a fatal place before it died, but the murder weapon was not found at the scene. Everyone was strange. After that, Tao Yuan and Wang Yanling found the coroner and asked, "How's it going? We just inspected the bodies and found that they were all fatal! So can you tell what kind of knife it is?"

The coroner looked at the wound and said, "Looking at the appearance of the knife wound, it can be asserted that the knife is relatively small and slender, and must have been stabbed by a small knife. Judging from the wounds of these people, the person who assassinated them only made such a move, that is, to quickly stab the knife in his hand. That's what happened when it entered people's hearts and died, but no murder weapon was found at the scene!"

Tao Yuan and Wang Yanling took a look at each other. Wang Yanling said: A knife is fatal, and it is also the position of the heart. It is so accurate that even a famous knight may not be able to do this, but there is a person who can do this, that is, a professional pig killer, or a professional killer. If it's a professional killer, what would the Zheng butcher's family do? Even if this is done, it is impossible not to leave a trace. It must be the enemy of Zheng Tutor. Wang Yanling turned around and asked the surrounding people, "Guys, how many meat sellers are there?" One of them said soso, "There are only two in total. One is Zheng Butcher, and the other is Duan Butcher. Don't you suspect that Duan Butcher did it? Duan Butchers are good, and they have a lot of food and clothes. Why should they harm Zheng Butcher's family? However, back to that Zheng's butcher usually sells more meat than Duan's butcher, but Duan's butcher has never been angry. This time, Zheng's butcher's family was all killed, and we were deeply shocked!"

Wang Yanling looked at the speaker carefully and finally said, "I know, thank you. I already know who the murderer is, everyone! Please listen to me!"