yao ding

Chapter 94 Return to Charm

Yun Yixian and Meng Han said goodbye to Feng Eleven and rushed in the direction of the tomb of the Tibetan God. Meng Han suddenly said, "Brother Yun, our trip is really hard. Have we been gone for months?"

Yunyi calculated carefully and took a lot of time in Tianzhong City and Tianfeng City. In addition, the journey was far away, and he really walked for more than a month. Seeing that it was winter, Yun Yi couldn't help but feel anxious. As soon as spring arrived, he was thirteen years old. Yun Yixian was not sure whether he could finish his thirteenth birthday smoothly.

Meng Han saw that Yun Yixian's face was melancholy and did not answer her words. He was a little unhappy, but he just glanced at Yun Yixian with his little mouth, and still quietly walked side by side with Yun Yixian.

The two soon arrived at the tomb of the Tibetan god. The Tibetan God Cemetery is located at the western end of the Polar Film City, which is also hidden under a big tree. If Tianye hadn't told Yun Yixian the location of the tomb in advance, Yun Yixian would have really not found it.

Entering the tomb of the Tibetan God, Yun Yixian saw the tomb Tianye rushing towards them on a camel beast, while Ling Xianjue behind the tomb Tianye shouted, "Big idle man, why did you come here at this time? Hurry up and meet everyone. Something big has happened!"

Yun Yixian dodged the camel beast in the tomb and asked puzzledly, "What's the big deal?"

Tomb Tianye did not say hello to Yun Yixian and went straight out of the tomb of the Tibetan god. Ling Xianjue just replied faintly, "The world is in chaos." He also followed Tomb Tianye out!

Yun Yi leisurely touched his forehead and looked at the two people who left quickly. He was at a loss and decided to find Lan Xiyan and the others to see if Ling Xianning had recovered.

In the deepest room of the tomb of the Tibetan God, there is a big tripod. Next to the big tripod is a jade bed. Ling Xianning is lying on the **. Lan Xiyan is feeding her food. Iron Eagle sits next to the big tripod and rubs his hands, looking very cold.

Yun Yixian and Meng Han walked over, moved the stool next to them and sat by the bedside. Yun Yixian reached out and touched Ling Xianning's forehead and sighed, "Forily, I don't have a fever."

Lan Xiyan and Ling Xianning both looked at Yun Yixian with a surprised face and felt that Yun Yixian's action was too intimate. Yun Yixian said, "Don't forget, I'm a disciple of Yuexingyuan Lord and a real doctor!"

Lan Xi looked at him and said, "You are so embarrassed to say it! Your half-hearted treatment is not as good as mine.

Yun Yixian coughed and said, "My Lan'er is the best. Of course I can't compare with you." With that, he turned his head and asked Ling Xianning, "Xianning, do you feel better?"

Ling Xianning smiled and said, "It's much better. I think we can leave for Meili Glacier today."

Lan Xiyan wanted her to rest for a few more days, but she took a look at Yun Yixian and swallowed the words back. She also knew that as long as this winter passed, even if the master and the master pensed the medicine, Yun Yixian's life could not be saved.

So they have to leave quickly.

Yun Yixian didn't say much, but she was still very grateful to Ling Xianning in her heart. If Ling Xianning hadn't bravely overdrawn her soul power when facing the ice and fire unicorn, then several of them might have died in the ice Lin well. Yun Yixian just secretly regarded Ling Xianning as a life-and-death friendship in his heart.

Meng Han saw that several people were silent, so he asked Tie Ying, "Uncle, aren't you afraid to bake your hands here?"

Iron Eagle was stunned, then touched his head and said, "Am I afraid of the cold?" This polar cinema is so cold under the ground that I don't know how cold it will be on the ground.

Several people nodded and decided to rush to Tianfeng City overnight after dinner. After all, their hearts drifted to the north. The invasion of Beirong made them worry about the safety of the Daxi Dynasty. Even Yun Yixian, who has a deep blood grudge against Yun Yi, does not want his country to be occupied by foreigners.

After dinner, Ling Xianning summoned Nanni and headed for Tianfeng City at a fast speed. Nani's speed at night is obviously not as fast as in the daytime, which makes several people feel a little sorry. If they can go a little faster, they can rush back effortlessly.

At this time, Yun Yixian suddenly became worried that if he met people from Mengxi or Tianmen on the way, they would waste a lot of time. If he can't rush back to Meili Religion before spring, his life will still be very worrying.

For good, after walking for more than half a month, I didn't encounter any encirclement and interception along the way. Finally, I came to the foot of Tianyuan City. Yun Yixian and others were relieved. When you arrive in Tianyuan City, it means that it is not far from Mei Lijiao.

Tianyuan City feels empty at this moment, and it seems that no one is in the city. Yun Yixian couldn't help guessing that the geographical location of Meili Religion and the influence of Meili Religion in the north may have mobilized all the people of Tianyuan City to resist the invasion of Beirong.

Because Yun Yixian and others were in a hurry this time and did not stay in any city, they didn't get any news. Lan Xiyan looked at the empty Tianyuan City, and there was still a trace of uneasiness in her heart. She said to Yun Yixian, "Xiao Yun, I think we should go back quickly. I think Tianyuan City has become so empty because of what happened to Mei Lijiao."

Yun Yixian patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, the master and the master are so powerful. How can they make Mei Lijiao have an accident? Besides, we have all arrived in Tianyuan City, and it won't take long to feel the Jingning Palace.

Lan Xiyan said, "Jingning Palace is no longer in its original position in winter. We have to walk for three days."

Jingning Palace is the ice palace where Yunyi has been idle for more than half a year, but he does not know that the four seasons of Jingning Palace will change different directions in spring, summer, autumn and winter, which is unpredictable. Hearing that the Jingning Palace had changed its orientation, Yun Yixian asked, "Do we have to go through the Jingning Palace?"

Lan Xiyan said, "Yes, Wanjie Bingyuan is also a barrier for Mei Lijiao in the south. The sites of the eight major sects are all selected in dangerous places.

Yun Yi said leisurely, "Three days is not too long. Let's speed up our pace. Maybe we can feel it in two days."

Ling Xianning said, "Nani's speed on the ice will slow down. But I think if Nani carries us there, we should be there in a day.

Yun Yi waved his hand and said, "Nani has been flying for so long. He must be tired."

Ling Xianning said, "Mr. Yun, I know you are afraid that Nani is weak, but there is nothing I can do. I'm worried about my mother and the flowers and plants in our family.

Yun Yi sighed and said, "Then please, Xianning, thank you."

Ling Xian looked at Yun Yixian puzzledly, but didn't say anything. He summoned Nani and let Lan Xiyan guide the direction. One day, Nani finally stopped when the sun set and was breathless and was put away by Ling Xianning.

Yun Yixian looked at Ling Xianning. Ling Xianning didn't wait for him to ask and said directly, "I'll go with you to meet Master Hong. The strength of our family is definitely not enough to compete with Beirong!"

Yun Yi smiled awkwardly. He thought that Ling Xianning would go back to Ling's house first. Several people walked into the Jingning Palace. When they passed through the two pillars, Yun Yixian and Lan Xiyan snorted at the same time, and then strode forward.

Ling Xianning came to Jingning Palace for the first time. She was puzzled by their hum, but did not ask. At this moment, she only wanted to find Master Hong so that Mei Li could keep their family safe.

Yun Yixian and others found the room where Master Hong was located, and there were also six people sitting in the room. In addition to the few people Yun Yixian met when he first came to Mei Lijiao, Fang Linman, who had seen once in Tianzhong City, was also on the list.

Yun Yixian bowed respectfully to several people and said, "Disciple Yun Yixian paid a visit to the master, the master, and several elders." He arched his hand to Fang Linman and said, "I've met my senior sister."

Lan Xiyan didn't have so much etiquette, but walked lightly and stood behind the fan man. Yun Yi thought for a moment and still followed Lan Xiyan. Meng Han Tieying and others had to follow Yun Yixian and stand there.

Ling Xianning was ready to speak, but Master Hong signaled her to stand behind Fan Xia.

Master Hong sat in the first place and frowned and said, "This Beirong Kingdom is so abominable that he went to sea to bypass our Meili glacier, logged in from Tianji City, and still broke the Tiandu and kidnapped the emperor's two sons!"

Yun Yixian and others were all shocked. Unexpectedly, Beirong, which had always been a frontal attack, also chose to use it. This move not only deceived Mei Lijiao, but also caught the royal family off guard.

Yun Yi asked puzzled, "How can Beirong break the heavenly capital so easily?" Not to mention that the Western Imperial Pavilion is so powerful, everyone in Tianmen can stand up to an army.

Master Hong flashed a chill in his eyes and said with a smile, "It's not because of you, boy. I didn't expect that you could make all the Thirteen Killers of Tianmen and the Seven Killers of the Western Emperor's Pavilion come out. I was stunned.

Yun Yixian was also surprised. He didn't expect what happened to them. Master Hong knew it clearly. Lan Xiyan whispered in Yun Yi's ear, "Master's feathers can sense the danger we encountered, but Master did not come to save us."

Yun Yixian patted her forehead and muttered in a low voice, "Master, aren't you afraid that we will be killed by them?"

Fanxia seemed to hear Yun Yixian's words and coughed twice without explaining. He just sighed and said to himself, "It's not that I don't want to save you, but I can't save you."

Master Hong narrowed his eyes and looked behind Fanxia. He suddenly got up and said loudly, "Autumn madness, black evil, I obey the order! The disciples of the three of you immediately climbed over the charming snowy mountains and attacked the Beirong Kingdom!"

Several people were just stunned for a moment, and they all hugged their fists and said, "I obey!"

Master Hong continued: "Fan Xia, stay and configure Yun'er's antidote with me! Linman, you take Yun'er and Lan'er and others to Tiandu immediately. Be sure to intercept the two princes on the way!"

After ordering everything, Master Hong took a deep look at Ling Xianning and asked, "Are you Ling Xianning, the first beauty of the ice field?"