yao ding

Chapter 126 Kirin Bathing Blood, Eight Series Skills

(ps: "The Demon Tripod" is the first book of two and a half pieces, which is inevitably astringent and dull. Everyone's click and collection is the best encouragement for two and a half yuan. Thank you for two and a half yuan here. I cut my finger a few days ago, and the update was very late. Two and a half yuan apologized to everyone.)

"According to the detective, Juehui Valley suddenly declared war on our charm religion!" Qiu Kuang came out and came behind Yun Yixian, saying in a very surprised tone.

Yun Yixian patted his forehead and felt that it was related to him, so he said to Qiu Kuang, "I think I should have disrupted their plan, so that's why they became hostile to me!" However, Yun Yixian did not intend to apologize to Juehui Valley, but asked, "I don't know what the effect of the shadow Ganoderma lucidum is?" Is my evil elder better?

Qiu Kuang said, "This medicine is worthy of being the treasure of Zhenzong in Juehui Valley. It actually has the effect of resurrejueing the dead. I have woken up, and my face is no worse than before I was injured." There is a trace of joy on Qiu Kuang's face. It seems that his evil personal relationship with me is still good.

Of course, Yun Yixian has no interest in the feelings between them. What he is more concerned about is that if Juehuigu attacks the Meili religion, will the Western Emperor's Pavilion take this opportunity to take all eight sects in one pot!

When Qiu Kuang saw Yunyi's frown, he knocked on Guo Fengxiao and asked, "What did you say to the master? Let the master wear a bitter face all day long. Isn't your pet too greedy, so you want the god to help you raise it?" Qiu Kuang finally saw Xiao Qilin and immediately connected these things.

Guo Fengxiao turned his head and ignored Qiu Kuang, and then said to Yun Yixian, "Rather than waiting for death, it's better for us to take the lead and unite these eight sects to make the Western Imperial Pavilion unable to do it!"

Yun Yixian shook his head and said, "Don't say whether the eight major sects will believe what we say? Juehui Valley alone has already stood opposite us. We don't have any chance to unite with other major sects now.

Guo Fengxiao said, "The prince is right, but there is no need to unite Juehui Valley. As long as the Western Emperor's Pavilion annexes the Juehui Valley, other sects will naturally believe everything we say.

Yun Yi touched his forehead, thought about it carefully, and said, "Yes, I'll leave this matter to you. Elder Qiu Kuang, please send someone to protect Guo Fengxiao's safety. If anything happens to him, I will ask you!"

Qiu Kuang did not react, but Guo Fengxiao became excited. I didn't expect Yun Yixian to care so much about his safety. It seems that he is with the right person.

Yun Yixian saw the two go away and turned around and said to Xiao Qilin, "Are you really going to follow me all the time? Almost all creatures yearn for freedom. Isn't there no freedom to follow me?

Little Kirin said angrily, "Freedom? If the world becomes nothing and a creature does not exist, what is the value of your freedom? The reason why I followed you is to find the freedom that belongs to me! It's just that everything needs my guidance before you succeed!"

Yun Yi stood still, took a look at the sky without night for ten thousand years, sighed, and walked towards Jingning Palace, but the little Kirin suddenly stopped him!

"What's wrong?" Yun Yixian was a little annoyed by the repeated obstruction of the little Kirin. Although he believed that having a super bodyguard was a good thing, Yun Yixian could not have the slightest impression of this big-name little Kirin.

"No big deal! I just want you to sign a contract with me! Once this contract is established, we can transmit it to each other. When you are in danger, I can send you to me, or you can ask me to help you solve some troubles that you can't deal with!" Little Kirin did not notice Yun Yi's impatience at all.

Yun Yixian suddenly became nervous and signed the contract? If this contract is unfavorable to himself, he will never sign it. At the beginning, it was because of a verbal agreement with the blood demon that there was so much trouble later.

"This contract is very simple, that is, a soul contract that shares the souls of both of us. If you die, I will die with you, but after I die, you can still survive. Little Kirin seriously drew an octagonal pattern on the ground, which Yun Yixian had never seen before, but it was somewhat similar to the shape of the ancient building.

Since Xiao Qilin said, this contract has no restriction on himself. So why not sign it? Yun Yixian thought carefully about what Xiao Qilin said. After the death of little Kirin, he will not lose anything. However, his safety restricts the life of the little Kirin. This is an unfair contract.

"This contract has no impact on you, and this is the responsibility of our eight wilderness saints. You don't have to feel guilty and blame yourself!" Seeing that Yun Yixian was still hesitating, Xiao Qilin broke Yun Yixian's thoughts in his heart.

"Good. I'll sign it! But how to sign this contract? Yun Yixian looked at the halo octagonal array and couldn't see how to do it in this array.

"It's easy to sign the contract. Just inject a drop of your blood into my soul. In this array, my soul will be separated from the ontology for a period of time. If it is separated for too long, I will die. So you must not have any hesitation when you drip blood! A drop of blood is nothing to you!" The little Kirin slowly walked into the octagonal pattern.

These eight corners are the eight spiritual elements of the Dinghun Continent: the pattern of water, fire, land, dark thunder and wood, like totem, and the little unicorn integrates into this array, emitting an extremely dazzling light all over, which is particularly dazzling.

When Yun Yijian saw that the little Kirin had completely stepped into the center of the formation, he cut his finger with a sword and controlled the blood to flow out with his mental strength. After a long period of baptism, Yun Yixian's wound recovery speed has reached an alarming point. As long as it is not too fatal, Yun Yixian can recover by herself even without large and small rejuvenation.

Yun Yixian did not just inject a drop of blood. He wanted to see what would happen if more blood was injected.

Little Kirin's body gradually changed under the baptism of Yun Yixian's blood, and the scales of his whole body changed from silver to pink to light red, and finally became a dark red like blood. Yun Yi was surprised to see the little Kirin come out of the octagonal array like a bloody rebirth.

What kind of monster is that! The whole body is red, the majestic one-horn, the arrogant posture, the vigorous body, and a faint halo. The halo gives people the feeling of endless murderous intent!

Because this is Yun Yixian's blood! Yun Yixian's cultivation method is to absorb the souls of other creatures and transform them into their own strength. This is a cultivation method that must be killed, and it is also a cultivation method that Yun Yixian always wants to give up. However, this practice called "soul refining" has been deeply integrated into his body, and there is no possibility of forgetting it.

Compared with the skills of shrinking the ground, Xuanhuo, ice, and royal thunder, soul refining is much simpler and straightforward. As long as it kills, it can be improved. Yun Yixian knows the evil door of this skill. Once there is a trace of carelessness, he will fall into a crazy situation, and there is only the intention of killing in his heart.

This bloody reborn little unicorn seems to be shrouded in a layer of murderous gas, but this murderous spirit is extremely familiar to Yun Yixian. It seems peaceful, but it is very dangerous. Once you seize even the slightest opportunity, this murderous spirit will tear people apart and devour people!

The reason why Yun Yixian is familiar with this murderous atmosphere is that this murderous spirit is simply Yun Yixian's own! At this moment, he can clearly see his murderous spirit in little Kirin. Yun Yi closed his eyes and quietly felt the murderous atmosphere. Unexpectedly, he felt so comfortable under the cover of this murderous atmosphere!

"Hahaha! You didn't inherit my soul, did you?" Yun Yixian suddenly laughed and came up with a very absurd idea.

"It's not just soul refining! The eight major skills of Xuanhuo, ice, thunder, shrinking, riding the wind, with glory, Tianchen and Tianying are all divided in your blood!" Kirin, who has become much bigger, said indifferently.

Eight skills? Yun Yixian was suddenly shocked, that is to say, these eight major skills were not learned after Yue Xingyuan, but have always been in my body?

Yun Yixian suddenly had a terrible idea. Has the blood demon been practicing in my blood? Unconsciously * these skills are all injected into my body?

He once heard the blood demon say that most of the skills in the world are mastered by the Blood Soul Heavenly Sage, and these eight sects were originally one, with the same spirit, but later they were divided into eight sects for various reasons.

Yun Yixian knew that the reason for the separation of these sects was nothing more than greed, desire, and the pursuit of the realm of the illusory gods.

So, how will the world change if these sects are reintegrated?

Yun Yixian shook his head. This is not something he has to consider. After all, it is impossible for him to compete with the sects of the whole world. At present, the most important thing is to arrange this little unicorn and find a suitable opportunity to leave Mei Lijiao!

Yun Yixian communicated with Ling Xian Ninglan Xiyan and others that night and said that he wanted to leave Mei Lijiao. To Yun Yixian's surprise, Ling Xianning and Lan Xiyan decided to follow him.

Lan Xiyan is easy to explain if she doesn't stay in Mei Li's teaching, but why doesn't Ling Xianning want to return to Huo Yunzong? Yun Yixian did not ask, because before he left Mei Lijiao, he had to stop the conspiracy of the Western Imperial Pavilion and guard against the invasion of Juehui Valley.

Juehui Valley came quickly. Just three days later, they actually poured out and headed for the Meili glacier. However, what surprised Yun Yixian was that these guys were not here to attack Mei Lijiao!