Monster Bat King

Chapter 20 Reve the Horse King ~ Exclusive Bat King

Chapter 20 Reve the Horse King ~ Unique Bat King

[Revision, Gaga...]

A few more days passed in such boredom and expectation, and the wooden tripod gods did not wake up as Wang Qi expected, so Wang Qi's treasure-hunting plan had not yet sprouted, and he was already asleep.

And Xiaohei's state is also not good, like the wooden tripod god. After swallowing the gall of the white snake, there was no sound as soon as he entered the retreat state. I'm afraid he didn't know the tide day and night.

This made Wang Qi secretly smack himself. Originally, he thought that only the human race could practice this practice, but he didn't expect that as soon as the monster closed the gate, he was more crazy than anyone else.

Such a day when there was no one to communicate with made Wang Qi so idle that Wang Qi was so idle that he took a group of patrollings to work all day.

Walking north along Huaguo Mountain (named by Wang Qi), you can see that the surrounding white rock Hesse is gradually decreasing, and you begin to see the outline of the grassland. However, because the soil here is red mud, it is not very fertile, and the grassland is also prosperous. It looks green and yellow. You can see it from here. Out, although the bad life here is heaven for Wang Qi, the living environment here is also relatively difficult for mortals.

And in such a place, Wang Qi actually found someone. What surprised Wang Qi was that there was a group of horses here!

At this time, the horse group is surrounded by a group of savages dressed in indigenous costumes. The indigenous savages are quite dressed like the Indian savages that Wang Qi had seen in his previous life, wearing high feathers and hats. The feathers on the hat should be pulled out of the pheasants, and their faces and bodies are smeared with black things. It should be the insect liquid of some insects to prevent the attack of pests or poisonous plants.

Although these indigenous people are tall, muscular and fierce, they can't help but look at this group of rather thin wild horses.

This group of indigenous people is obviously warriors who serve as hunters in the clan. They are well-founded and practiced quite well. Soon they split one or two wild horses, which is easy to catch. Then the group of indigenous people let go of the wild horses and specialize in capturing the two separated wild horses.

Seeing that these two wild horses are about to fall into the hands of this group of indigenous people.


At this time, from the depths of the sandy grassland in the distance, a fiery figure suddenly rushed straight towards the group of indigenous people like a red streamer, rushing to pieces the encirclement surrounded by the indigenous people, and several indigenous people even let it die ruthlessly.

At this time, Wang Qi finally saw what the red figure was, and it turned out to be a fiery red horse.

It is red all over, with its ears and rabbit's head and abdomen like a city. Its long mane hangs straight to the horse's abdomen, and its mane is flying. It is really like a dragon-like manifold, which makes people can't help but brighten its eyes.

Is this the legendary dragon horse? Legend has it that there is a kind of demon alien in horses, which is said to be the descendant of the combination of the dragon and the horse. Its running speed can even catch up with the dragon flying in the sky.

"Hey, it's just missing a foot." Wang Qi looked at Ma Wang's figure, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Nuchi Nuchi"

When the indigenous people found the appearance of King Ma, they could not have the slightest resistance. They left the bodies of the dead clan, shouted Nuchi Nuchi's words in horror, and fled in a hurry. I think the Nuchi Nuchi in their mouth is the honorific title of this fiery horse.

"Little pony, I like you very much. Be my ride." Wang Qi shook his dark golden wings and came to the front of the red horse and said faintly.

Wang Qiguan's red horse, with bright eyes and seemed to be bright, knew that the horse had become refined, and his spiritual knowledge was not low. He should be able to understand and better understand the meaning of his words.

Thinking about the convenience brought by subduing this pony, Wang Qi couldn't help but smile at the corners of his mouth, and the bat's face made people look like a devil's smile.

"What are you? How dare you let me be your mount, relying on your little man?" Ma Wang said scornly.

"Very good, I'll make you obedient later." Facing Ma Wang's sasical eyes, Wang said lightly in beast language.

After Wang Qi finished speaking, his body immediately turned into a small ball and shot straight at the neck of Ma Wang opposite him, trying to take down Ma Wang. Unexpectedly, although Ma Wang's neck could not be dodged, his footsteps were very fast.

Several sides of his feet swirling and avoiding Wang Qi's attack, however, Wang Qi took the opportunity to grab Ma Wang's long mane with his long claws.

With one blow, Wang Qi immediately used the natural power around him to constantly increase his weight and directly pressed Ma Wang, trying to directly crush Ma Wang.

However, Wang Qi still underestimated Ma Wang's ability.

Under the pain, the horse's mane, which was originally as soft as hair, actually stood up and danced like a silver needle. Although Wang Qi had refined his body so hard that it was invulnerable, he still couldn't help being stung by the spurs. As soon as his claws were scratched, the mane fell off with Wang Qi.

"Damn it, what the hell! "Golden cicada is shelling?" Wang Qi looked at Ma Wang's lightning-like departure and couldn't help saying angrily.

"Chasing me." Wang Qi's depression can be imagined when he thought of a successful monster and teasing a horse that may have just become refined.

At present, he quickly greeted a group of his men to intercept the horse king, but the speed of the horse king was like a meteor crossing the sky. In a few moments, the horse king disappeared.

And Wang Qi can only do nothing in the face of such a result. In the next few days, Wang Qi did not give up the idea of taking the horse king as his subordinate, so that Wang Qi had almost turned over the whole area. Unexpectedly, the red horse should have fled to the world outside the desert.

"It's smart."

In desperation, Wang Qi had to turn back, but on the way back, he found several indigenous villages hiding in the Hesse cave, who were generally a race that believed in natural gods like ancient China.

Under Wang Qi's conscious search, Wang inspired that in their clothes with few animal skins, he actually spent a large piece of animal skin to draw a totem of his own race. There were snakes, crows, and even an ethnic group that believed in a horse! And when he saw the horse, Wang Qi actually felt quite familiar with it. It was that he met the horse king.

"Hey~~ This time, there is really no place to find iron shoes. It doesn't take much time. I'll stay here. I don't believe you can't come back." Wang Qi thought proudly.

Wang Qi and a group of his men hid not far from the population in the Hesse forest, waiting for the return of the horse king. After waiting for a few days without results, finally saw the fiery red figure and the still arrogant eyes at the ceremony of the people sacrificing to the gods.

Wang Qi was no longer careless this time. When King Ma came to enjoy the worship and sacrifice of everyone, he quietly released his energy and fixed the horse king's strong circle in his protection.

When Ma Wang reacted, he found that he had become the turtle in the urn. I can't escape even if I want to.

"Convinced to me." Under the gaze of the indigenous people, Wang Qi slowly walked into the fierce resistance and calmed down.

"Why are you such a small man?" Ma Wang is arrogant.

"Because I'm better than you."

"Humph~ If you hadn't been better than me, how could you be better than me?" At this time, Ma Wang was a little bit sharp.

However, this did not atract from Wang Qi's disgust. On the contrary, Wang Qi had a little more joy in his heart and knew how to practice, which proved that Ma Wang was by no means a mortal beast and would be a good help for himself in the future. At present, Wang Qi showed his ** way.

"With your demon talent, you really shouldn't be humbled in this bitter place. Seriously, I don't know why you like to come to this place for a walk. If it's just for the awe of these indigenous people, it's not worth it."

Wang Qi said this and gave the golden eagle a wink. The golden eagle instructed him to kill one of the natives closest to it.

"Do you see it? The faith of these people is meaningless to you. Follow me, and I will make all my subordinates believe in you, and even let all the indigenous people of this land believe in you. In a few years, I will make your cultivation as profound as mine and make you a veritable demon king.

"I don't want to be false, I want strength." After a moment of hesitation, Ma Wang finally said slowly.

Seeing that King Ma fooled himself with a few words, Wang Qi had a devilish smile on the corners of his mouth, and then Wang Qi quickly signed a soul contract with King Ma.

After that, the refreshed Wang Qi simply began a series of expeditions, turning all the recent tribes into his own followers. After changing the beast flags of their tribes into his own image, Wang Qi sat on the horse king contentedly and led his group of younger brothers back.

Of course, these are irrelevant things, and it is worth mentioning.

Most of the totems that these tribes believe in are trustworthy. Wang Qi has collected lizard spirits, scorpion spirits, and killed centipede spirits and vulture spirits, but they are all little spirits. Compared with Ma Wang, they are really involved. Most of the so-called monsters, like his own subordinates, have been absorbed. A little aura is barely touched by spirituality. If you want to achieve enlightenment, you have a long way to go.

There is also a crow essence, but Wang Qishang has not solved it. Because he doesn't know where the crow essence is located, Wang Qi is too lazy to find it.

After all, including the time to wait for King Ma, the time to arrest King Ma, and the time of boring * the indigenous people, Wang Qi really wasted a lot of time.

So that Wang Qiwei is a little black. He grew up together and took care of each other. Because of its existence, he can go so smoothly all the way. However, when it was closed, he was not by his side to guard it. It was reasonable and really made himself ungrateful.


The world seemed to have been given a *. Before Wang Qi returned to Huaguo Mountain, Wang Qi felt a destructive pressure from a distance. A group of monsters under Wang Qi's legs trembled because of this pressure and dared not move. Ma Wang was better, but Wang Qi could still feel his inner fear.

"Who released such terrible pressure?"

"It's not good." Wang Qi looked at the direction of the pressure from afar, and his pupils couldn't help shrinking. That direction was from the direction of Huaguo Mountain!