evil, please take care of yourself

Chapter 40

Xiao Song thinks that the most annoying thing in his life must be a good person.

Although bad people are bad enough, good people sometimes grit their teeth more than bad people. Because as the victim, she can ruthlessly deal with a bad person who bullied her and threatened her, and think of ways to kill each other without feeling guilty. These are all those bad people deserved; but she can't make the same means on a good person peacefully... Especially the good person is still single-minded to Hello. This is not a big deal, it's just human nature, but if the two positions are different, this situation will make both sides entangled and troubled.

Even if it's just a little trouble, it's a worry. She may not be so kind, but at least not so ruthless. After all, people's hearts are made of meat, not made of steel cast iron. Although Xiao Song is already a dead person, he has also been born in the flesh, and now he continues to be born in the flesh through other people's bodies. It is a lady's character to deal with such a fool who can't figure out the situation at all!

What's more, bullying such a fool really has no sense of achievement, and Xiao Song himself is not a hopeless person. Naturally, he has extinguished this thought.

So Xu Zhu found a miracle-like thing, and his sister's cooking skills have greatly improved... At least remember to remove the fish scales and internal gills, and the soup is no longer dark, and the artistic conception and so on are finally there - there are still some... peach blossom petals floating on the soup noodles?

Xu Zhu's teenager held back his excitement, pointed to the peach petals floating on the soup, and his voice trembled slightly: "Sister, is this...?"

Xiao Song glanced absent-mindedly and didn't stay much. He quickly withdrew his eyes and said lurely, "Oh, that's peach blossoms." I don't feel that I have done anything wrong.

Xu Zhu's tone was hard to hide, and he quickly asked, "Does my sister also like peach mandarin fish?"

"...what?" Xiao Song is obviously not in shape.

Xu Su wanted to say that there was a cook in the backyard of Bibo Gate, surnamed Li, known as Master Li, who was not a chef, but an unknown pawn. But this man has a good dish, which is the peach mandarin fish, which is delicious. He has liked to eat this peach mandarin fish since he was a child. Unfortunately, Master Li left six years ago, and no one has been able to make the same taste since then.

Peach mandarin fish sounds simple, but it is far from that simple to do. If you want to do it well, it is even more difficult. What's more, this method is really fresh, not an ordinary dish, and not everyone knows how to do it. Xu Zhu originally thought that his sister had never heard of such a practice. Unexpectedly, he thought that today's sister deliberately put peach blossoms in the fish soup... Although it didn't look good when she smelled, it was finally a kind of progress. Moreover, it's really a happy thing to find a like-minded person - besides, the senior sister finally knows how to put the seasonings. Is there anything happier than this?

Seeing Xiao Song's confusion, Xu Zhu pointed to the peach blossoms floating on the soup noodles and repeated it with a good temper, saying, "Sister, do you like peach blossom mandarin fish?"

"Peach Blossom? Mandarin fish?"

Xiao Song said that she only knows the cuckoo drunk fish, but she has never heard of this Laushi's peach mandarin fish... Moreover, is this dull fat fish really a mandarin fish? Forgive her for not knowing her.

In fact, whether it is a mandarin fish or drunken fish, Miss Xiao Song doesn't like it that much. As for why she doesn't like... Can she say that she likes things with thorns the most? It's too troublesome to pick a thorn or something! If you are not careful, it is easy to get stuck... Miss Xiao Song, who has been stuck several times a long time ago, recalled that unbearable memory and suddenly felt that her throat began to itch again.

Don't you just want to be happy and comfortable when eating? If you eat frightened, it's better not to eat! The world is big, what kind of food is there? Why did she hang herself on a pile of hard-to-eat fish instead of other better and easier-to-eat dishes?

→_→Miss Xiao Song is surprisingly persistent in this regard.


"Yes, doesn't your sister like it?"

There is really nothing to hide about this irrelevant question. Xiao Song is very honest and straightforward: "I have no preference for fish." This is literary! The vulgar translation is that I don't like fish at all.

Xu Zhu naturally understood her implicit and direct answer. The young man's pure heart was broken into pieces in an instant, and a small face that had healed a small wound collapsed: "Do you, don't like it? I thought my sister liked it.

Xiao Song subconsciously raised one eyebrow and did not cross his waist with one hand: "Do you think?"

"Peach..." The teenager pointed to the peach blossom that was still stubbornly floating on the water.

It was surprisingly dull when Xiao Song was out of state. At least now she didn't connect the two at all. After all, Xu Zhu was really vague and didn't make it clear. Seeing that Xu Zhu pointed to the peach blossom and refused to move his eyes, Xiao Song only thought that he cared about the existence of the peach blossom - although she didn't think there was anything to care about - just a few peach blossoms floating in?! How poetic!

However, the picky young man cares, and Xiao Song still doesn't refute him kindly. After all, not everyone will be as satisfied with the status quo like her! She said quite realistically, "Oh, peach blossom..." The tone seemed to state the simplest fact. My hand slipped when I washed the lid, and the lid fell into the lake. Without the pot lid, the peach blossom floated into the fish soup by itself. The logical ability is quite powerful. In two words, he explained the matter clearly, completely ignoring Xu Zhu's young man's small eyes. Finally, Xiao Song's tone turned around: "What, does your brother think it's dirty?"

→_→What is this sudden sharp attitude?

"If you think it's dirty," Xiao Song said slowly, "I can help you pick out the peach blossoms."

What a kind girl doesn't explain! She wants to award herself two little red flowers to recognize her good morals of being willing to help others!


Xu Zhu was slightly disillusioned, and he could hear the sound of his glass heart breaking to the ground.' It's quite rhythmic.

Of course, the simple teenager will not have any bad thoughts about his sister. In addition to sighing in his heart, it turned out that not everyone liked to eat peach mandarin fish as much as he was and regretted. At the same time, he just thought... Unexpectedly, the mature and capable junior sister was like this in private... such a confusion!

Of course, Xiao Song didn't know the teenager's thoughts. Seeing that he suddenly stayed there, he seemed to be stunned and shook his palm in front of him: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Zhu looked panicked, as if he had been caught doing something bad, with a guilty look on his face: "...I'm fine."

Brother, this really doesn't seem to be okay. It's okay." Xiao Song's eyes floated from the beginning to the end of the fish soup and reminded him with a smile, "The fish soup is getting cold. You'd better drink it while it's hot."


Xiao Songzhen doesn't want to continue to torment Xu Zhu's teenager. In fact, she has been reflecting.

However, it is human's normal to base your happiness on other people's pain and get abnormal satisfaction in other people's pain. It's not intentional, but I really found that it's quite fun to tease this cute brother... I think Yu Lan was not as dumb as Xu Su in those years!

Is it really because she is getting older and older that she is becoming more and more perverted?

I have to say that Miss Xiao Song feels the truth.


Some emotions can be calmed through external forces, which is much better than digesting those emotions with only your own strength. But some emotions can't be calmed down no matter how much they torment others.

For Xiao Song now, the most depressing thing for her must be the point that Li Zhuqin is not righteous when she sees death. Because of accidents, there will be doubts, and because suspicions have not been eliminated in time, there will be a crisis of trust. Xiao Song even began to think about whether the aunt of the plot is really as real as a pearl in the empty window period in the past few days.

Lizhu Qin is undoubtedly a good person - of course, if he is only a good person, it has nothing to do with Xiao Song. There are many good people in the world, and it is impossible for him to be the only exception. Besides, Miss Xiao Song has reached a level where she doesn't like good people. What can take Xiao Song seriously is that this good man is good to her and can do a lot for her.

Although he showed his entangled emotions at the beginning, in his heart, Xiao Song, the weight of this junior sister should be as important as the master... If one day there is a conflict between the two sides, I'm afraid he will only be trapped in the middle. And depending on his tone, it may be uncertain that he will choose to stand on the side of Dongfangxun at that time.

Although Xiao Song knows this, he doesn't have any expectations in his heart. After all, Dong Xun has been in a closed house, and there is nothing else but the kindness of adoption. Mu Xiao and his brothers are close to each other. Even if they grow up together, this friendship is not much better... But she is the first to get to the water. Maybe it will be irreparable at that time, and Li Zhuqin may stand on her side.

She actually doesn't expect him to help her deal with these people - she doesn't like to owe others, but as long as he doesn't interfere and silently support behind, that's good.

She doesn't ask for much, and naturally she hopes to be satisfied. However, in front of the powerful plot king, even her small and trivial expectations are so thin and ridiculous.


To put it bluntly, this girl is actually angering, or the kind of anger at will without reason. She was so capricious that she felt that she was at least willing to trust Li Zhuqin, and regardless of the original purpose, she also sincerely began to accept this brother in the later relationship. Although this sincerity is not pure, if anyone is in her situation, who dares to be really pure? Is that the rhythm of waiting for meat?!

In Miss Xiao Song's heart, since she has been sincere, the one who is sincere to her should naturally be sincere to her... The result is not ←_←! In Zhuqin's mind, the most important thing is obviously not her, and of course it is not Dongfang Xun... but Aunt Jun of the plot. Xiao Song has no doubt that Lizhu Qin will really follow the wishes of the plot king and hang her on the cliff for the next year!

No... If it hadn't been for Xu Su's internal strength doubling in the original work, the two of them would have been trapped under the cliff for more than a year!

So, if she doesn't take the initiative to go out, will she be trapped under the cliff for the rest of her life?

What a pity! Look at this character that can't bear to look directly!

What a huge gap in front of a girl with a fragile glass heart!


Of course, as a menopausal aunt, it is quite incredible that she still has such a girl's psychology. O()〈)o


Xiao Song was originally quite depressed, and according to that trend, she planned to be depressed until the end of the world.

I guess God couldn't stand her stinky face, and quite sympathized with Xu Zhujun, who was poisoned by that stinky face, so a miracle happened.


Xiao Song was lucky that he was not depressed for a long time. One day soon, a sunny day was quite bright, penetrating the thin clouds and shining directly into the depths of the bottomless cliff in the afternoon. The person who had been complained and even suspected by her magically appeared in front of her eyes.

Xiao Song began to practice at noon yesterday. Her internal strength has recovered almost, without the suppression of medicinal power, and the damage to her body is also an unprecedented rhythm. After two hours of practicing, she lost consciousness and spent all her sleep. At this time, we should thank Xu Zhu for being simple enough to take advantage of people's danger... If it were Mu Xiao, among other things, it would be necessary to be taken advantage of.


The body of people who practice martial arts is naturally different from ordinary people, and their recovery ability is much better than that of ordinary people. After nearly two months of recuperation, Xu Zhu's leg injury has almost healed. Although he can't work too hard, there is no problem walking. With the help of internal force, it is okay to run with light power, but it can't last too long - after all, his body has not fully recovered.

After noon, the little sister went out. At first, Xu Zhu thought that his sister had gone hunting as usual, but he didn't care. After all, after living here for so long, I know that there is no smoke under the cliff, let alone beasts. If there is no accident, my sister is not in danger.

It was not until the night when his sister didn't come back, that Xu Zhu knew that the matter was big - the accident or something really happened.

Holding his newly recovered leg all the way, Xu Su only felt that his heart was about to jump out of his chest, for fear that something would happen to his sister, then he was really desperate!

For good, God treated him well and finally let him find his sister.

By the lake where the junior sister often caught fish, he saw her thin figure as he wished. He lay so quietly on a raised rock polished by the lake. His face was slightly sideways, and his skin was very smooth and delicate, but there was no blood color. He was as white as the third brother. The eyelashes are very long and thick, so quietly raised, against the red lips, a little more beautiful and enchanting that belongs to the girl.

At that moment, he felt that his breathing was almost still, and he didn't know whether it was because of fear or because of...

Even if he has clearly known his sister's intentions, and even if he has made up his mind to treat him as his good sister from now on, he can't resist the feeling of heartbeat... Well, he is a bad guy.

Worry finally overcame the throbbing in his heart, and Xu Zhu solemnly held Xiao Song's pulse - people who practice martial arts would more or less control this pulse. Although he is not as professional as the fourth brother, he still has basic knowledge. Although it was very hard to learn at the beginning... but now, he is very grateful to the master who forced him to learn the art of ambiguity. The original palm plate was finally not in vain!

Gre greetings to the teacher who is already in the world of Bliss ←_←!


Fortunately, nothing happened to the junior sister. Her pulse was smooth and normal, but she was too tired to fall asleep.

While sighing with relief, Xu Zhu was very regretful. He is a big man with healthy limbs, but he can't do anything. He can only be raised by his delicate sister! I've tired my sister like this... Damn it!

It's getting late, and it's always uncomfortable to stay in a strange place. After all, you can get used to it after staying under the peach tree on the edge of the cliff for a long time.

Xu Zhu tried to wake up her sister, but she was so tired that she didn't mean to wake up at all - he couldn't wake her up with water! Such a vulgar and violent thing, he will definitely not do such an honest, kind and caring teenager! The entangled Xu Zhu teenager thought that maybe he could take his sister back... But soon he thought of the eternal reason of 'men and women are not close to marriage'.

Holding my sister or something... My sister is very soft... or something...

What should I do if I cover my face like this? My face is so burned... I'm really embarrassed and shy, isn't it?

I don't remember the rhythm of who fell off this cliff with my sister so enthusiastically at the beginning!

Xu Su, stop! She is your sister now! I will be the wife of your fourth brother in the future! No matter how you think about it, it's the category of 'not to be bullied'! How can you think about those things that don't exist? This is really wrong!

The teenager took a deep breath... He was really impure!


When Xiao Song woke up, he was still by the lake where he practiced yesterday, still maintaining the posture when he fainted yesterday. The hand that has been pillowed all day is slightly sour, and the seven-point hemp is three-point acid... After a move, the slight acid has turned into a tide-like acid! Three-point hemp in seven-point acid! Unparalleled ecstasy.

Miss Xiao Song, who grinned in an instant, complained that Xu Zhu's conscienceless goods didn't even come to her?! Didn't you find that she was missing, this damn white-eyed wolf! It's good to him for nothing!

Xu Su's teenager said that he was wronged.