evil, please take care of yourself

Chapter 54

What happened now was not expected by Xiao Song. She couldn't even believe it was true, but the reality slapped her hard. What a bloody cruel fact! After all, people have to move forward and stagnate, which has never been a good phenomenon. Brother...you...why..." There is a strong unbelievable in his wide eyes. In fact, it is clear in her heart, but she is still cowardly unwilling to believe that sometimes people are so fragile that they do not want to face these realities that are obviously real.

However, how can she believe such a tragic reality? How can she believe that the only person she could trust in this * world would choose to attack her without hesitation when she was almost defenseless because of indescribable guilt! Xiao Song suddenly felt a little sad. Although her vision has not been good, she has never gone to this extent. Can't this brother, who looks quite pure and harmless, be the most human-faced beast in this book? Even the original owner Fengling girl didn't provoke this brother, but she, a stowaway, accidentally fell down?!

Well, in addition to her vision, she is even more reluctant to believe that her character will be so bad.


For Li Zhuqin, it is impossible to say that Xiao Song does not feel sad at all. She believed him so much... She used to believe him so much... Why? Why did you do this to her? Why did you live up to her trust?

What did she do wrong? Why did you treat her like this?!


In these two generations, the problem of credulousness has never been corrected, and finally lost to this point today. It turns out that even if the brother who grew up together finally... can't be trusted. She only felt that her eyes were black and her feet were soft, and she couldn't help falling forward and plunged into the arms of the man in front of her.

The man's face was expressionless, and his thin lips were tightly squeezed, with a little strange stubbornness. I'm sorry..."

The darkness hit like a tide and suddenly rolled her in. When she completely fell, she only heard a gentle and low male voice ringing in her ear: "I'm sorry, but I don't regret it."

"Sleep, sleep. My..."

The low voice of some vague men as water became more and more low. Later, it was already blurred, as if it had come over many years, making people unable to distinguish whether it was dreamy or reality.


What makes Xiao Song more sad is never about others, but about herself. Although she is a girl who is used to anger, she will also calm down and review herself after enough anger and venting. She is not the kind of human being who is completely unrepentant. For example, now she is trying very hard to repent - by the way, her magic skills are really practiced in vain. What's the matter with being hit again and again?!

Maybe you just need to be a little more cruel...

But I'm afraid she can't be so cruel to Lizhuqin. Anyway, they are all childhood sweethearts who grew up together. Although their feelings are not pure, this is also the truth. It is indeed a little more difficult for a girl she to be cruel. Therefore, she was also destined to be cheated. Poor father, forgive her useless girl for making you cheat again and again. She is sorry for her father ←_←!


When he woke up again, Xiao Song was obviously sleepy, and his mind could not wake up immediately. He just felt that he had slept a little longer. It seemed that it had been many centuries, so his memory was not very clear←_←! This cliff is not an excuse for your own confusion!

Xiao Song looked at the top of the bed in a daze, his eyes were distracted, his mind was divergent, and he did not withdraw at all. To be honest, she had a feeling that she couldn't tell the difference between day and night, and even spent a long time recalling what happened before she fainted. But this does not affect the very clear evil fire in her heart. Even for a moment, she couldn't say why she was angry and couldn't stop the fact that she was angry now.

Sure enough, she is a vengeful girl who doesn't explain ←_←!

Oh, she lived up to expectations and remembered the reason for her anger - unfortunately, the culprit who made her so angry was not here. Suddenly, there is a kind of rush that wants to get angry but has nowhere to vent, which is really ecstasy.


The room is not large, and the inn in the wilderness really can't expect its specifications to be so high, especially this is a black shop. It is not its main business to attract customers, but to kill and set fire. It's a thankful thing that there is nothing so gloomy and horrible that people can't sleep. Because of the limited space in the room, even if a floor screen stands in front of the bed blocking the view, it can't stop lying in the four bodies of **... In fact, Miss Xiao Song, who can't get up diligently, looked at this small room thoroughly. Lizhuqin doesn't know where to go. Xiao Song realized this problem from the beginning. The person who practices martial arts... Well, in fact, she, who has practiced martial arts, is particularly sensitive to the existence of others. Even if she doesn't use her eyes, she can strongly feel that Lizhu Qin is not here. She is the only breathing creature in the whole room, with a little empty illusion - of course, it's an illusion, this room is so small!

For a moment, Xiao Song even felt that he had just had a ridiculous and unreal nightmare. In his dream, Brother Li actually appeared here like a god and attacked her like a god... How could the person who would treat her so cruelly be a gentle and kind brother! It must be dreaming, isn't it?

Of course not - Xiao Song really doesn't want to answer like this, but the facts are too powerful for her to refute. Although it is incredible and a little contrary to common sense, if she can't even distinguish between dream and reality, she won't fool around and just wash her shit without explanation. So the real feeling is that if it's just a dream, she still... or... Well, she doesn't know what it is.

This situation is really calm and uncomfortable, especially the calm after the disaster, which always makes people afraid that this is just a short illusion. Xiao Song had a bad feeling in her heart. In view of her crow mouth physique, this bad feeling immediately became a reality - she couldn't move!

A healthy limbs... Well, even if she is not too healthy, she can't even walk. After waking up, she found that she couldn't move.

This is undoubtedly a tragedy.

Xiao Song frowned unconsciously and bit her lips to try to move her body, but the result was extremely desperate. The bones all over her body seemed to have been pulled out. No matter how hard she tried to send instructions to her fingers to move it, the nerves between the brain and fingers seemed to be broken, a little reaction They are all stingy. Her whole body is not soft, but bad and feelingless. For most people, the feeling of lack of strength is not good at most. It is normal. When she doesn't get enough sleep, she is often soft, but there is no feeling on her body, which is extremely horrible. Now, she is being forced to win the prize and feel this horrible feeling. The illusion that only her eyes can still move confirms that she should still be alive, but she doesn't know what it is at all under her neck, which is really creepy.

The word 'paralysis' came to her mind almost in an instant. In fact, if her eyes hadn't moved, could see her body exposed outside the quilt, and there would have been no suspicious blood around her, she would have doubted whether she had been killed by Lizhu Qin, who was born with love and hatred when she was in a coma... and It's the rhythm of dismembering! And the tragedy is that she can't die because she didn't complete the task. Even if she died, she still can't die cleanly. She witnessed the tragic end of this body.

Xiao Song is extremely sure that Li Zhuqin must have done something bad to her. I don't want to know that if this numbness is a good thing, it will be strange! But tragically, even if Lizhu Qin really did something to her, with her ability, she didn't know the reason unless Lizhu Qin told her in person. Xiao Song wants to test the meridians with internal force. If it goes well, he can find out where the body is wrong. What can I do! If a person who is numb can feel the magical internal force, it is unreasonable, and the plot setting is damn reasonable. Naturally, she can't bring up any internal strength.

If Xiao Song is a real heroine, then she can only sneer at most. The heroine's physique is an immortal Xiaoqiang. This situation is an accident, and it will not be a dead meme... In general romance novels, no matter how bad the situation is, there will be male heroes to save the beauty, and then The heroine turns to safety and can also harvest a peach blossom ←_←! Well, although the logic of * is not on the same horizontal line as ordinary romance, it will not go too much. The unlucky * heroine is at most fleshed and will not be life-threatening.

These are all honors and benefits as a heroine!

However, the plot has been reversed to this. Miss Xiao Song is really 100% sure that she is not the heroine. Is it really okay not to be occupied by the meat heroine? Therefore, she is not very sure that she has the luck that the heroine should have, and it is likely that she can't explain her life like this. Although she is not very afraid of death or anything, it is not the first time. There is nothing to be nervous about. She is used to dying ←_←! But if you can't die, don't die is a truth... Death is really not a good thing. Up to now, she can feel the pain in her chest. The knife that was dying was too deep, and she still has a shadow. But a normal human being is not afraid of death. Most people would rather survive than die generously. Ants secretly give birth to primates, which is the so-called nature.

Most importantly, there is a difference between suicide and his death. People who commit suicide are impulsive, which can reduce some instinctive fears brought by death... Miss Xiao Song in her previous life has been deeply convinced. At that time, the situation was so chaotic, and before that she was overwhelmed by Xiao Qiu, she only felt that nothing could be worse than now. She rushed to the tip of the knife completely with a belief, and there was no time to think so much; if her brain was awake at that time, she would not have done that kind of stupid thing... Even if you really do it, I'm afraid you will have all kinds of regrets. Thank God for the assassin's knife method, which is really good, fast, ruthless and accurate! One knife to death! She was hung up without giving her much time to struggle. She had lost her soul without even time to regret. When she woke up again, she saw the god and restarted another fate.

But if he kills, without that impulse, human nature is destined to be afraid. In the face of the fear of death and the fear of the unknown, it is enough to make a good person crazy.

Although she felt that Lizhu Qin's words should not kill her... Well, this sentence is not credible, and it is not credible to deceive herself. She originally thought that Li Zhuqin was harmless and would not do anything bad to her... Wasn't she tricked? Therefore, human beings must not speak too much, otherwise they will only be tragic.

The unknown is the most frightening. Xiao Song, who was lying in ** unable to move, opened his big eyes and began to think all kinds of nonsense. As a very negative human being, in this situation, she can't be expected to suddenly be optimistic. Now her whole body exudes negative energy that is completely opposite to that advocated by the Celestial Empire... That kind of bright and sad temperament really makes the hearer cry ←_←!

Forgive the slender nerves of a piece of fish lying on it waiting to be stabbed!


Before she tossed herself to death, there was already a movement outside the door. The rather heavy footsteps were clearly coming in her direction, getting closer and closer, like a beat hitting her heart. Xiao Song's heart almost jumped out and was completely uncontrollable.

When the door was pushed open, Xiao Song's eyes widened. His originally numb body felt a trace of pain because of extreme stiffness, but it was ignored by her excessive tension. Xiao Song subconsciously held his breath and stared at the screen smoothly. His burning eyes couldn't wait to see through the screen. I can't help it. She is scared! She was afraid that the guys in the black shop came in troubled waters. When she thought of what happened to the Fengling girl in the original work, something was wrong with her. The appearance of those two guys is still vivid. It's impossible to be so ugly that she doesn't want to remember it!

Xiao Song is not an appearanceist. He will not flatter a person because he is good-looking, and he can't wait to tie himself to that beauty's belt; he will not be disgusted with a person because he is ugly, ignoring the other person's character and only pays attention to appearance. Of course, the statement that spiritual beauty is really beautiful is also bullshit to her. She deeply knows that no matter how beautiful a person's heart is, she can't stop the fact that his face is not beautiful.

Xiao Song is a cold, rational, objective and rational human being... How can it be! In fact, this product just doesn't care. Others are as beautiful as immortals and have nothing to do with her; even if others are ugly and have nothing to do with her. It's neither beautiful nor ugly, so why should she pay attention to it? How much energy does a person have? Isn't it good to care about the people they care about? No matter whether other people sink, fish and gooses or ghosts cry!

But human nature is to pursue beauty and reject ugliness. If she doesn't care, it doesn't mean that she is beautiful or ugly. This girl has a scale in her heart. She knows that everyone's appearance can score a few points. After all, no one can stop her from giving full play to human nature ←_←!

At this point, it can be imagined that the girl has gone off the topic. In fact, there is only one sentence she wants to say from beginning to end. A person like a black shop clerk whose heart and appearance are surprisingly ugly, she won't be killed by them!

Suddenly, there is a strange feeling that even if it doesn't matter if it's Lizhu Qin, it's better than the weird feeling of those black shopmates ←_←! They are so ecstatic that if they really have something to do with her and unfortunately have a baby, and the child still follows his father's words, this appearance must be a tragedy. Even Wei Ranfeng or something is better than these! Although Wei Ranfeng may not be able to do it.

What the hell is she thinking about?! orz~What is this kind of uncontrolled divergent thinking? ←_←!


When the man entered the door, Xiao Song mentioned that the heart in his throat completely fell back and fell back to his chest smoothly - fortunately, it was not those clumsy goods.

The person who came was Lizhu Qin. He was still in yesterday's dress, but the cuffs were a little wrinkled, not as clean as before. The hair that had always been cleaned and ironed was surprisingly unmanageable. The bun was a little crooked, and the oblique arched wooden hairpin was a little shaky, and a wisp of hair jumped out mischievously and stuck to the side face. There is a layer of gray under him, which makes his pale face more and more haggard, as if he hasn't had a good rest in the past few days. At this time, the originally warm thin lips were stained with a faint blue and purple, which looked extremely... sharp.

Xiao Song was a little hesitant, but the words he wanted to question were blocked in his mouth for a moment. Yesterday night was too dark, even if there were lights, but it was also scattered and dark. She only recognized this man as her brother, but did not pay attention to his appearance. Now when she looks at it, it is surprisingly... decadent?

Is this still the gentleman who has always been as gentle as jade? It's just one night. What happened? Or... In fact, it was like this yesterday, but she didn't pay attention to it?