evil, please take care of yourself

Chapter 10

"Okay... then you can listen." Xiao Song raised his eyes, looked straight at the half-year-old child in front of him, and said, "I want you... I want you to call my sister in the future." Although there was a trace of hesitation, she was more or less afraid that saying such words would cause the teenager's rebound, but later her tone became firm. If she couldn't even deal with this, how could she do it?

To put it bluntly, in fact, she is fearless in front of this teenager.


A Xiang's eyes are very beautiful, big and round, dark in her eyes, often with a moist water color, with the girl's unique innocence. When it looks straight at you, you will think that you have got the whole world.

He likes to be looked at by A Xiang like this... Before that, he always liked it. And now, facing Axiang's eyes, he just wants to cover her eyes and stop seeing her.

Why? Why do you say such a thing? Why?!

The teenager simply and directly refused: "I won't agree. You are my Axiang, not Lao Shizi's sister." If she just said it jokingly, that's all right. Sister and sister, as long as it can make her happy, it's just a matter of calling. But her eyes were so serious that he thought that if he really chose to compromise today and called out the 'sister', he would regret it for the rest of his life.

The teenager's intuition is really amazing at some point. Xiao Song just said such a plausible sentence, and he had already thought of her intention.

"You have no choice." Xiao Song was tough and calm, "You have just said that no matter what I ask for, you will promise me."

"You never told me that you made such a request... If it is such a request, how can I agree to you... No!" The teenager suddenly reacted and suddenly raised his wide eyes and looked at her in shock, like a wounded beast: "Are you slandering me? How dare you set up a trap for me?!" He was shocked and angry and roared, "I don't agree! I won't agree to this request anyway!"

Xiao Song only said lightly, "Duan Jiyun, don't let me look down on you." It disintegrated all the armed forces disguised as toughness.

A young man of this age is not small, and it is the most fragile time for his mind. What's more, Duan Jiyun is not a strong-hearted person no matter what age he is. Parents have always had bad feelings, and fathers have so many aunts. Even if this teenager is the eldest son of noble status, the love of parents needed as a child is missing. Nianxiang is not only his playmate but also his emotional support. Such a child will be precocious, but his ability to bear it is not high. No matter what he behaves, his heart is slender and **.

Although Xiao Song believes that he can't accurately locate him, he still knows one or two points about the awkward psychology of teenage pride and inferiority. There is not a word she said with dirty words, but the weight is not light. Although the words are not enough to kill the heart, it is impossible to get anywhere. She thought that the teenager would leave angrily, leave impulsively, save face and follow her meaning, and would not make her look down on him. Unexpectedly, the teenager resolutely insisted, "Even if you look down on me, I will never promise you!"

This is the rhythm of cheating ←_←! If it weren't for the wrong time, Xiao Song would really laugh. After thinking about so many results, I figured out his multiple psychology, but I forgot that he was still a half-year-old child.

The teenager lowered his posture and begged, "Axiang, did I do something wrong to make you angry?" He put his arms around her shoulder through the quilt. Xiao Song did not resist. He felt that the teenager's thin body trembled slightly, with an unconcealed panic. The teenager buried his face down in her shoulder, with a muffled voice and a thick nasal voice: "It was Xiaoyun who did something wrong to make A Xiang unhappy, right? Ah Xiang is just angry with Xiaoyun, isn't she? Xiaoyun admitted his mistake to Axiang. Axiang wanted to beat Xiaoyun and scold Xiaoyun. Xiaoyun didn't complain... A Xiang, don't ignore Xiaoyun, okay?"

She already knows that she is not a good person. She is very cruel. She is too cruel, shameless and unreasonable. I'm really sorry that she is such a person who likes to bully soft persimmons!

Xiao Song lowered his eyes, stretched out his hands from the quilt and patted the trembling back of the choked teenager. He was rarely gentle and whispered, "It's not your fault, it's my fault... I'm sorry. Xiaoyun, you don't have to doubt what you have done wrong. You are fine. You have done nothing wrong. If you want to complain, blame me. She seems to have unconsciously sent a good man card to the teenager, hasn't she?

Xiao Song continued, "What I have decided, even if you don't agree, you can't change anything." Her voice is still soft, but she is the style she used when she was the head of the first life. If she doesn't look at her face, she won't feel too discord.

Ji Yun's body trembled violently, and the hand that had been tightened around her waist suddenly relaxed, powerless and in a hurry. Only then did he know that some things were irreparable unconsciously.

"Why...do you say that?" Duan Jiyun let go of her and met her face to face. He was smiling, but his smile was dry and ugly. His fists under his sleeves were held tightly, and his long and curly eyelashes trembled slightly, with imperceptible fragility. Don't you... want me?"

Xiao Song subconsciously replied, "No, no."

Crying with a smile is really the most irresistible. Xiao Song has seen a lot of people after three generations, but no one looks at her with such a fragile smile. Obviously, the other party is laughing, but it makes people think that he can cry anytime and anywhere... Or, he is actually crying, just crying. Hidden in the bottom of my heart, others can't see it.

Even Yu Lan, who was the most vulnerable teenager in her eyes, had never shown such an expression to her. In addition to surprise, Xiao Song was at a loss. She never thought that the teenager was so vulnerable, nor did she expect that what she said would hit him so hard.

Xiao Song shook his head and whispered, "I don't want you." It's just another way.

"Then why...?" The teenager squeezed his lips and only felt that his throat was a little astringent. Did he misunderstand? He was eager to get a positive answer from her, but Ah Xiang just looked at him and quietly at him, refusing to nod anyway.

Xiao Song has his own ideas. If the teenager treats her... No, she has feelings for her body other than love, although she may not be able to exchange the equivalent, after all, she is not the original work, but it is not that she can't pay at all. But if it is love, it is a feeling that she can't give and is unwilling to give. Instead of delaying and ambiguity like this, she would rather choose to do to Xiao Qiu at the beginning and cut it first. Xiao Qiu did not dare to break too thoroughly. After all, her strength was there and sovereignty was not in her hands; but if the object was Duan Jiyun, although he was taller than her, she felt that she could control him. She is living against other people's bodies, but she is unwilling to accept other people's feelings in her private heart. She can't exchange emotional debts. After all, she is still not hard enough... No, it should be said that she is rarely soft about this teenager - even if this rare soft heart still starts from her own selfishness.

Because of his soft heart, he doesn't want to continue to be false.

After a long time, Xiao Song said, "I'm your sister. There's nothing wrong with you calling my sister." The tone is very light and has returned to the state it should have been.

"You are not my sister!" The teenager suddenly looked like a cat with a trampled tail and suddenly stood up, "Why are you my sister?" He had a pair of bright eyes and shrugged his shoulders, as if he was really angry, and his whole body trembled slightly. He roared at her in a low voice, "You are adopted by your father and have no blood relationship with me. How can you be my sister?! Did you forget that on the day of your birthday, you received the emerald bracelet I gave you! You didn't refuse to kiss you! Even we almost... almost..." The teenager's tone softened and looked at her with full of time: "A Xiang, are you kidding, aren't you? Tell me, I misunderstood, didn't I?"

I'm sorry, teenager.

Xiao Song shook his head, looked extremely calm, and said, "No, you don't understand correctly. That's what I mean."

As if his strength had been removed, the teenager fell down by the bed, recovered for a long time, and stared at Xiao Song's face with red eyes. "Why do you tease me like this? Xiang, why did you do this to me? We have promised each other for life, haven't we? Did you mean to deceive me at that time? Ah Xiang, what on earth do you want to do? The high-pitched and excited question slowly turned into a low muttering. The teenager rushed over and grabbed Xiao Song's shoulder through the quilt. His red eyes looked directly at her, mixed with all kinds of emotions, including weakness, pleading, anger and despair: "A Xiang, tell me, you are laughing... Are you forced to be helpless? What happened, right? You won't treat me like this... I'm already your person..."

There is no need to add the last sentence, cough.

"I didn't deceive you before. Everything Duan Nianxiang said was out of his heart, without a trace of hypocrisy or lies. If you have a heart, you can feel it, can't you?" But that's Duan Nianxiang, not her. She is Xiao Song with Duan Nianxiang's shell.

Yes! He knew that his Xiang had never lied to him.

The teenager looked soft and excited. The eyes that seemed to be a dying person seeing hope again were really unbearable to look directly at.

The most frightening thing about a sentence is not the first half of the sentence, but the second half of the sentence, especially when the first and second sentences are still in a turning relationship, which is even more frightening. Xiao Song sighed softly and had a feeling of bullying teenagers. That's true. If she hadn't taken the initiative to complete the task and asked the god to reduce the difficulty, she wouldn't have come to the world of this novel... right? Without her tough intervention, the two childhood sweethearts experienced twists and turns, and it was the end of He. But now with her... Which time did she leave not end in death?

Before her arrival, the last meeting between the two was the eternal secret.

People are hurting others with the excuse that she doesn't want to hurt. If she really doesn't want to hurt Duan Jiyun, she can continue to pretend that Duan Nianxiang and Duan Jiyun love each other, but that practice deviates from her heart. Long pain is not as good as short pain. Instead of doubling the pain caused by parting, it is better to kill everything in the cradle while there is still time... She thinks so. To put it bluntly, it's just a reason to get on the table for your selfishness.

So no matter how many hypocritical words she says 'young, I'm for your own good', she must say 'young, I'm sorry' in her heart to balance it.

"And now... everything I said is not teasing you, it's true."

The starlight in the teenager's eyes disappeared in an instant and turned into gray smoke.

What people fear most is not the lack of hope, but that they give you hope and make you despair. Xiao Song felt that he was extremely guilty and had fallen to the point where he could only find a sense of achievement by bullying a young teenager.

Duan Jiyun muttered, "Why?"

Xiao Song looked at him: "What do you want to ask?"

Duan Jiyun smiled bitterly and said sadly, "Abandoning me... There should be a reason. I have to know what I have done wrong to make you so hard-hearted to me.

Because the person you saw is no longer the original person. However, seeing that the personalities of the people around him have become different than before, no matter what era it is, the first reaction of normal people will not be whether this person has been robbed by the corpse, but whether he has been stimulated by something? Then after seeing that completely different, I wondered whether he had been changed, and there was still * in martial arts novels. This kind of thing is not surprising.

No matter how smart Duan Jiyun is, he can't think of that place at once. What's more, Xiao Song is a person who has read the original work and still knows something about the matter between them, which will not cause unprovoked suspicion.

Xiao Song's eyes moved. This is really a good teenager. Even if she said this, he did not get impulsive. Even in this world, there are many impulsive people. If his girlfriend proposes to break up, there will always be some people who will want to splash sulfuric acid and kill people, not to mention that this is still unscrupulous*. From now on, although she can't see any emotions on her face, in fact, her body has been on guard. She secretly thought that if Duan Jiyun suddenly made trouble, how likely is it is that she to win with those simple moves?

For good... Thank God, Duan Jiyun is still normal at this time.

Xiao Song said, "We are sisters and brothers, and it is impossible to be together."

"Don't prevaricate me with this reason!" The teenager had beautiful eyes and exhaled angrily, "If you really want to be with me, that's not a reason at all!"

Xiao Song is rarely serious: "So, Xiaoyun, are you ready to be stabbed wherever you go?"

Ji Yun raised his eyebrows and subconsciously retorted: "How is that possible? We really love each other!"

"Not all sincere love will be blessed." Xiao Song said coldly, "What's more, how old are you? Do you know what it feels like to love each other? *It's just a man's instinct. For a woman, it doesn't mean that you like that person... Xiaoyun, are you sure you know what you mean? Is your dependence on Duan Nianxiang, spiritual sustenance, family affection, friendship, or your self-righteous love? Xiaoyun, can you still distinguish it?

"No...No...No..." The teenager muttered, his eyes panicked. He hugged his head in pain, "It's not like this... It's not instinct! No! I know it's not! How can it be just like this to A Xiang..."

Xiao Song touched Duan Jiyun's hair tolerantly: "Xiao Yun, you should grow up."

The teenager in his arms slowly calmed down, but looked a little embarrassed and haggard: "If you think so clearly, why didn't you tell me on the day of your birthday? Why did you tell me that this is not love after everything has happened? Why do you still allow me to do such intimate things to you? Why didn't you reject me earlier? Duan Nianxiang, isn't it too late for you to tell me that this is not love now?

Miss Xiao Song's face was embarrassed, and the Virgin-like smile on her face could hardly hold on - teenager, don't you want to open any pot?!

It's so rude to be so aggressive to a lady!

"Because I was as confused as you... I didn't understand at that time." Miss Xiao Song forced a happy smile and silently shed two sad tears for herself. The child who didn't wear the right time really can't afford to hurt!" Besides, I didn't know something at that time.

Ji Yun teenager grabbed Xiao Song's keyword: "What's the matter?" The beautiful eyes suddenly became sharp, "Sure enough, right?"

Xiao Song was silent.

"Tell me!"

Xiao Song thought for two seconds and said, "If you want to know the reason, you have to promise me something."

A sense of resistance appeared in Ji Yun's eyes in an instant, and he asked in a hoarse voice, "What else do you want to do?"

Young man, what's wrong with your anti-wolf eyes? Please don't be so hostile! She doesn't intend to continue to slander you! Which of these words did she say is not true? Does she really look like a female hooligan who can only lie in your eyes? Obviously, it shouldn't be!

This is unscientific!

Xiao Song coughed softly and comforted, "Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything. I can tell you the reason, but you have to promise me that you can't tell anyone... anyone. Including...father and mother."

Ji Yun teenager did not hesitate: "I promise."

Xiao Song took a deep breath: "We are sisters and brothers." Under Ji Yun's slightly frown and impatient eyes, Xiao Song said slowly, "It's not the god sister and brother you think. Duan Zixiu... is my biological father."