evil, please take care of yourself

Chapter 16

"It's true." Xiao Song's tears were confused and ashamed: "Xiang'er is already an adult. This kind of thing is so shameful. How could Xiang'er say it out... Xiang'er didn't dare to tell the maid that she secretly changed the sheets alone, and asked the maid sisters to pick flowers to smoke for several days... However, it's still smell... If it hadn't been for Dad... If it hadn't been for Dad... If it hadn't insisted on this... Xiang'er would never say... Whoo-hoo..."

Xiao Song covered his face with both hands and looked ashamed. She leaked a little light from her fingers and peeked at Duan Zixiu. Sure enough... her face was pale and ugly... This guy is probably very disillusioned now.

But after all, Duan Zixiu is not Duan Jiyun. He is not white at that age. If it is really so easy to listen to a little girl (?) He won't fool around... The only accident is that Xiao Song is not really fooling. If seven points in her words are false, there are still three points true. For example, she really thought that the socks were too stuffy. While the maids were not paying attention, she ran a few laps on the grass in the yard. When she saw that Master Mu came, she was afraid of being preached. Although she did not step on such a disgusting thing as green insects, it was estimated that there was still green grass juice on the sole of her feet... For example, she slept No matter how many generations have passed, there is no way to change the habit of lazy sleep. As a girl who can't stop her hunger even if she stays in bed, her breakfast and lunch are basically solved in ** this place... Coincidentally, she accidentally spilled a bowl of water when she ate yesterday morning... Fortunately, it was a bowl of water, which had no tasteless. There was no color, so she didn't care. She just took it out to dry the sun and took it back to continue to sleep... Although it was dried, it left an obvious mark in the middle of the bed...

It was just because she caught a glimpse of the trace that she suddenly remembered that she could actually use such an excuse. Even if she said openly that this was a trace of bedwetting, it was impossible for a cleanliness freak like Duan Zixiu to sniff in order to verify it... What's more, even if there is no urine*, the bed is surrounded by sweetness. This description of the girl's fragrance is also impossible to appear on her. She doesn't like to use spices at all. In summer, it is easy to sweat. If the smell of spices is mixed with the smell of sweat, it is really ecstasy. Second, even if she really has any magical fragrance to echo the identity of the heroine, I'm afraid she has already been covered by the smell of those meals. Duan Zixiu can really smell her from the strong smell of the food. She really recognized the body fragrance!

Duan Zixiu did not check it carefully to confirm the authenticity of Xiao Song's words. As a hard cleanliness patient, his heart began to collapse when he heard Xiao Song say those ** words. Even if the warm and soft jade in his arms is very attractive, even if he has thought about it countless times in his heart, he can't resist the instinctive creeps. He really can't get impulsively. In this environment, he has a long-awaited daughter... Thinking of the green insect that has been trampled on and the one who has been peed In the bed, he felt very uncomfortable, and even the tip of his nose had smelled the seemingly nothing*... In his arms, he seemed to hold a hot potato in an instant, and began a fierce battle between psychology and physiology. Before he could figure out what to do next, Xiao Song's soft and weightless words completely shattered the end of his heart. A line of defense.

"Dad, my toes are sticky and uncomfortable. Is the trampled green insect still sticking to my feet and hasn't been rubbed off by me? Dad, please wipe it for me~"

Shameless and unrestricted integrity is the only secret to winning, girl, you really won ←_←!

Duan Zixiu only felt that everything he had eaten at noon surged up from his stomach. He covered his mouth and got up from Xiao Song extremely quickly. Xiao Song narrowed his eyes and smiled maliciously. He still looked worried and rushed up quickly: "Dad, Dad, what's wrong with you? Dad, are you not feeling well?

Duan Zixiu subconsciously pulled back the robe pinched by Xiao Song. Seeing his daughter's tears as if she had suffered a great grievance, his heart softened, resisted the discomfort in his stomach, and reluctantly smiled, "Xiang'er is so good. Dad is fine."

Xiao Song was still worried. After being repeatedly comforted by Duan Zixiu, he breathed a sigh of relief, but soon frowned more tightly, "Dad... Are you pregnant?"

Duan Zixiu was stunned. After reacting, he only felt angry. Before he could accuse him, Xiao Song had already opened his mouth and looked childish and pure: "When I was outside the house, an aunt told me that pregnant people would want to vomit. Dad, you want to vomit, are you pregnant?

A cavity of anger suddenly dissipated. In the face of a childish and innocent child, no matter how beast he is, he can't be angry for no reason... It's just a child who doesn't know anything.

Can a child who doesn't know anything be linked to pregnancy from your vomiting action? This child who doesn't know anything is 13 years old, and he will be ready in two years ←_←!

It's a pity that Duan Zixiu did not doubt this. The child he raised himself... The child who has been seen under his eyes, he knows best what she looks like. He has never let her know about those human affairs, and there is nothing strange for him to say such childish words that obviously do not match his age... It is also because of this self-confidence that made him miss the unstoppable malice flashed in Xiao Song's eyes covered by drooping eyelashes.


Duan Zixiu didn't stay for a long time and hurried back after explaining a few words. Xiao Song was really happy to see his somewhat embarrassed back. Unexpectedly, the person who pressed her everywhere and made her afraid of him would one day have such an embarrassing day. It's really a happy thing! Looking at the scumbag's uncomfortable appearance that he was about to cry, even if he didn't want to know, he must have gone back to take a bath.

Xiao Song sat cross-legged in the middle of the bed, tilted his head to open the mattress at the head of the bed, and took out a very powerful... kitchen knife from it. Cough... There is nothing we can do about it. Where can we find that kind of high-end dagger in the backyard of ordinary people to play assassination! There are fruit knives, but because she is too young, the things have always been kept by maids and sisters to maintain complete isolation from her!

This kitchen knife was deliberately touched by her sleepiness and ran to the kitchen one night. Although it was a little more powerful and a little heavier, the killing power was still very huge. It looks very safe and not ←_←! Since she hid a kitchen knife under her mattress, her waist is really not sore and her legs don't hurt. She can sleep well every night. The wall is 10,000 times more useful than the fear of the enemy!

If Duan Zixiu really wants to be tough to the end, she is ready to die together! With this kitchen knife, not to mention that he is just a small weak scholar, even if he is a big man, he will be cut into a river by her! Even if he can't be killed...then she will be hacked to death. Anyway, the head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the integrity can't be dropped ←_←!

For good...

Woo-woo, that's great! Although I'm used to death, I can't get used to the pain! The one she really doesn't want to die - especially in such a tragic way to die!


You really need to catch seven inches to catch snakes, and you can only win by catching the other party's dead hole. Hey... In fact, the matter of Duan Zixiu's cleanliness fetish has been mentioned several times in the original book. The reason why it is so impressive is that every time he finishes with the heroine, he will quickly come to a bath play while cleaning his body... She didn't pay special attention to it at the beginning. After all, cleanliness is really too abstract. . A girl who is a little cleaner and more diligent can say that she has a cleanliness fetish, so that her concept of cleanliness is a little vague. Today, she was forced to come up with such a thousand-year-damaged enemy and 700-year-damaged. I thought that if it didn't work, she could at least disgust him before she died with him... Fortunately, the reality is not so desperate. She not only disgusted him, but also successfully disgusted him away!

It's really... disgusting!


Duan Zixiu, who left in a hurry, and Xiao Song, who repeatedly rubbed the kitchen knife in thought, did not find that after a porch pillar on the inside of the house, the summer wind blew a piece of clothes.


Only two days later, when Master Mu came back, she brought a good news. Duan Zixiu actually allowed Xiao Song to follow Duan Jiyun to study in Mu's mother's yard. Although Xiao Song knew that Duan Zixiu would not refute Mr. Mu's face, he was so straightforward that he still had a small attack on Xiao Song's conspiracy theory. If there is a question, it is her good habit, so Xiao Song said this to Master Mu's doubts.

Master Mu was very calm: "This is still your mother's credit. It's your mother's plea to your father, and your father will agree so happily."

"Mother? Mother, how can she...?" The person who can be called her mother is undoubtedly the eldest lady in this house. If she took action, Duan Zixiu would not refute her face. After all, the old lady's family has not yet collapsed, and the power has been there. No matter how bad the relationship with this lady is, it is impossible to break up with her openly... Unless he really intends to break down... However, Duan Zixiu doesn't look like such a bold person. The only time he has courage is probably when he bullied his daughter. Of course, this is not the point. The point is... Didn't the old lady ignore the world very early? Why did you suddenly help her? She hasn't even seen the eldest lady since she traveled through time!

Is there something strange mixed in?

Xiao Song was even more puzzled. When asked again, Master Mu only said, "Your mother is the daughter of Shangshu, and she is not comparable to ordinary women and children. You are also her daughter anyway. How can she bear to destroy you?

When Xiao Song heard the three words 'destroy you', her heart beat wildly. She covered her fast-jumping chest, lowered her eyelids, and her long curly eyelashes were slightly raised, covering her expression: "Dad, how could he agree?" This is a euphemism. If it is a rude speech, it should be 'Duan Zixiu's scumbag father's unchanging heart, how can he agree so easily? Isn't there an unspeakable conspiracy?'

This girl has a conspiracy theory again! In her eyes, how sinister this person's heart is!

Master Mu rubbed her little head and said, "At such a young age, why do you ask so many questions? Your father agreed, that's good. You just need to remember this.

Xiao Song: "..." She hates others for saying that she is young... Age and so on, it's really a personal killer. She will be fooled with this excuse everywhere! Xiao Song was a little unwilling. He wanted to ask again, but Master Mu changed the topic and didn't want to talk about it in detail. Xiao Song touched his nose, and it was not easy to force him to ask. It was really a generation there. It was useless to force him to ask. After thinking about it, he had to give up, but he thought secretly... Isn't Duan Zixiu's strange love already known? The eldest lady is as beautiful as a flower and has a noble status, but she chose to accompany the ancient Buddha at that time... Could it be that she had already seen a clue at that time?

It's just that if she had known about this for a long time and had left it alone for so many years, she obviously didn't care about Duan Nianxiang. How could she choose to come out to help her at such a time?

It's really... unscientific!


With such a strange and subtle mood, Xiao Song came to Mr. Mu's yard for the first time. Originally, Duan Nianxiang came several times with Duan Jiyun, but she didn't have Duan Nianxiang's memory, so she didn't know the layout of the yard. In Xiao Song's impression, a literati like Mr. Mu has been dancing and playing with ink all his life. Anyway, he should be an elegant person. Now at a glance, this yard really has nothing to do with elegance. Not only is it elegant, but it is also very down-to-earth. At least there is an elegant autumn pear planted in her yard. Although the pear is quite practical, it is still very pleasing to the eyes when it blooms. Anyway, it smells a little dusty. Although this yard is large, there are very few things related to elegance. There are basically no flowers and plants. The land under the corner of the wall has been neatly dug out, planted with all kinds of fruits and vegetables, and a small bamboo forest is planted beside the vegetable field... This looks quite elegant, but Master Mu sighed beside him: "Hey, Unfortunately, it's not in spring, otherwise the taste of fried meat with bamboo shoots is quite delicious. At once, Xiao Song understood the meaning of the existence of this bamboo forest and could no longer be associated with the word 'elegance'.

Under the shadow of the bamboo forest, Mr. Mu and Duan Jiyun sat across a four-cornered low table. Mr. Mu brushed his beard and talked with Duan Jiyun. His expression was comfortable and satisfied. He seemed to be very satisfied with Duan Jiyun's remarks. Xiao Song is far away from them. He can only hear a few words, but he only knows that what they are talking about at this moment is the problem that mortals like her can never get involved.

Because of the angle problem, Duan Jiyun did not see them come in. Mu's mother touched Xiao Song's hair: "Would you like to say hello to Ji Yun?"

Xiao Song shook his head: "Mr. Mu is teaching Xiaoyun, so I won't disturb them."

Master Mu thought, yes, the old man's temper was very strange. Now the conversation is just right. If he is interrupted, he may lose his temper like a child. Looking at Xiao Song, Master Mu said, "Are you hungry? How about I make some hibiscus cakes for you?

"Valike!" Xiao Songxi said, "Then I'll trouble Master Mu!"

Master Mu pointed to the tip of her nose and said with a smile, "What a snack!"

Xiao Song giggled.


Master Mu did it quickly, and the hibiscus cake was quickly baked. Xiao Song sat on the grass mat and happily bit the hibiscus cake next to the low table. Master Mu played in the room for a while. When Xiao Song swallowed four pieces of hibiscus cake, she took some books and came late. She decently arranged the ink, paper and inkstone one by one, and took out a well-stamped letter and spread it out to Xiao Song. Xiao Song's mouth was full of hibiscus cake. He leaned over and looked at it. It turned out to be an upright regular script with only two lines. On the book: Although Mei is three points white, the snow is lost to Mei's fragrance.

Xiao Song had no expression. Master Mu glanced at her and said, "This is your Mr. Mu's post. He has no other ability, but he can handle this handwriting, which is not worse than those famous people..."

Xiao Song silently swallowed a piece of cake. In fact, she really couldn't see whether it was good or not. She just thought this word was quite beautiful... However, mother, what's wrong with your proud tone?

Master Mu said again, "You can copy this post. Isn't that what it is like to practice calligraphy? Practice, practice to a certain foundation, write more and practice more, until the imitation is vivid, and finally temper your pen style in practice makes perfect. Look, it's simple, isn't it?"

Xiao Song: "..."

Master Mu said, "Well, I'll teach you these words one by one later, and you can copy this post three times today. Mother, I'm a kind person. I'm not as strict as you, Mr. Mu. Don't worry, girl. It's very simple.

Xiao Song: "..." It's not simple at all, isn't it? Mother, don't say it so easily!


No matter how reluctant she is, Xiao Song can only practice calligraphy obediently. In fact, her foundation is not too bad. She has never practiced calligraphy before, but she is not very good at writing traditional Chinese characters. She didn't want to hide her clumsiness at all. After all, the other party is a master, and she will be disliked if she is too clumsy... What's more, even if she is basically not bad, she is really frustrated.

When she copied the calligraphy post, Mu's mother praised it and said that the dead father had mistaken her good seedling.
