
Chapter 126: Prison

After the bumps of the carriage lasted for half an hour, it finally stopped.

Yan Yixi hid under the car and ate his mouth full of dust. He wanted to reach out and touch his face, but he didn't dare to be afraid of being found by others. Moreover, the carriage stopped and had to beware of someone finding her, so he stayed silently until there was no sound around him, and then slowly lay on the ground cautiously and quietly poked out his head.

But as soon as she poked out her head, she was sad.

Because a cold thing was on her neck, according to the comparison of weight, she was convinced that it was a weapon such as a spear.

"It's quite bearable... Come out!" A voice with an accent came from overhead.

Yan Yixi silently shed tears as wide as the noodles - Meihuo ordered the heavy soldiers to come to the handle. They must not be weak one by one, but unexpectedly, as soon as they entered here, they were found and squatted on the roof of the car and waited for her to come out. It was too striking.

"A Yao, that's good." Four or five men in uniform gathered around and carried spears in their hands to see that they came out of all corners of the ambush. They should be afraid that Yan Yixi would escape.

Yan Yixi came out awkwardly and looked at themselves curiously. There was an indescribable feeling - in fact, she was a good girl... It's just that she spoke like this, and she didn't believe in herself... Can a good girl hide under the car so obscenely and sneak in...

"I'm locked in the dungeon and wait for the adults to fall." Ah Yao twisted her hand and sent her up.

Yan Yixi grinned in pain, but she also knew that if she shouted 'I know Gerald' or something now, these four or five bodyguards would treat her as crazy. It's better to be honest, at least not so much hardship.

So unknown dangerous people? Yan Yixi was twisted to the dungeon. From beginning to end, except for a female bodyguard who searched her body and took away the space bracelet, no one around her had a chance to see her, and then she was pushed into the prison.

"See that you are a woman. As long as you stay honest, you don't have to wear handcuffs." After saying that, Yao said hello to the jailer and left.

Yan Yixi sat in the dry haystack and looked around... It's dark and cold here, and a wet and cold air comes from the bottom of the earth. If you stay for a long time, you will become sick.

"It's time to eat!" At this time, a jailer shouted over with a gong, and the jailers behind him were holding several buckets, which seemed to be food.

Yan Yixi curiously walked to the side and looked at it. The jailers took a wooden bowl and scooped a spoonful of ** into the wooden barrel. After bending down slightly, he threw the wooden bowl into the prison. The food in the wooden bowl almost came out with the shaking.

She stared. When the jailer threw a wooden bowl in front of her, she couldn't help but feel disgusted - this was clearly porridge made of some coarse grains. Although the coarse grains in the human world were for health preservation, I'm afraid it was directly fed to pigs here.

"Here comes a little lady. She looks pretty good." The jailer flirted with her and swept her from beginning to end with his *** eyes, and then walked to the next prison.

Yan Yixi held a wooden bowl and seriously thought that if she fought for equipment, she should be able to get out of here and beat the rogue jailer well...

In fact, pseudo-Jeral, that is, Yan He'er, is actually not a grumpy and irritable person. He just met Yan Yixi's unreasonable card and low energy and only relied on equipment to fight, which only hurt his self-esteem. As a result, as soon as he met Yan Yixi, he frequently exploded his hair and wanted her to show his loss. The eyes of the loser comfort his self-esteem...

When Yan Yixi was locked into the dungeon by mistake, the other side of the hole:

After being released, Mo Weisheng wanted to go to Geral's house, but someone stopped him and said that Geral's personal soldier Wang Yan asked him to go to the hole.

Although Mo Weisheng was puzzled, he still went to the hole and found that he could see someone guarding or patrolling almost every five steps over there. Obviously, there were too many guards here, and many of them were a little abnormal.

"Lord Mo." Wang Yan hurried over and saluted him respectfully.

"Where is Geral?" Mo Weisheng nodded slightly, and then said.

Wang Yan squeezed his lips and said, "Lord Mo, Lord Gerald, he is locked in the hole."

Mo Weisheng's eyes were cold, and he looked at Wang Yan and didn't say anything.

Wang Yan still said the key points under great pressure. Yan Yixi didn't know his name, so he was named Lord Gerald's friend.

Mo Weisheng didn't care about the help of that 'friend', but simply said, "Take me to the hole."


The hole is behind a small hill. It is surrounded by rocks or barren land, and there are not many green plants to survive. When Geral first came, there were only randomly built sheds waiting for him, and there were not many guards, which led to chaos here. All kinds of monsters came here to make trouble.

Fortunately, with Meihuo's help, she not only invited people to build the house, but also sent heavy troops to guard it. Everyone's ration here is not only a charm fire tube, but also serves as a security guard. If someone dares to make trouble, a chain will kill a lot of people to kill chickens and monkeys, so Gerald is very relieved and sealed the seal master. God discussed things and looked for seals and things to make up the holes.

But this kind of day became tense with the arrival of various forces. He had to go in and out with four or five bodyguards every day. This is the confidant found by Meihuo for him. In the future, he will be loyal to him and does not belong to the Meihuo family. However, unexpectedly, no matter how well-prepared the defense is, without the backer of Meihuo, he will still have an accident.

That is, you should not try to fill the hole with a new material because you are in a hurry when Meihuo is not there. Now, the material can be used, but he is locked in it...

Gerral covered his cooing stomach and leaned weakly against the bumpy wall. There were silent lightning flashing not far away, and there were colorful colors shining from time to time. These are the energy of the void. It looks good-looking. If you are cut with a knife, it's better to die.

I don't know what it looks like outside. Don't be so unlucky to change the dynasty...

He sighed. He really needed to hone. If he hadn't been lucky enough to die, then the hole would have been really troublesome.

Even if Meihuo rushes back to help him stand out, even Weisheng still supports him, but he can't stand the nonsense of Tianzun. If he dies, he can't contact the guardian of the human world, and he can't send someone to come up in time. When the guardian of the other world realizes that when something happens here, things are powerless.