
Chapter 185

Yan Yixi sat cross-legged ** and saw countless light gathering in her heart. With the crisp cracking sound, the pure white light slowly flowed and the position of the blood vessel. Before long, an aperture slowly emerged, and then the white light continued to surge up from the position of the blood vessel and converged.

Mo Weisheng knows that the integration has been successful.

The breath is slowly getting stronger, and the taste of healing the crystal nucleus is gradually deepening - at this time, she who fuses the crystal nucleus and reaches level B does not need him to make a barrier boundary.

He felt that it was not easy. In the past, he took care of her carefully and didn't let her use any energy casually. Now, as long as he was not afraid of death, he would not take her crystal nucleus. The fear of the unfused crystal nucleus can finally be relieved.

For a long time, she hadn't woken up, and the pure white light kept flowing - the next second, her breath was violent in vain, and a violent airflow scattered out of herself, blowing things in the room, and even the chair squeaked back a few percent.

Mo Weisheng narrowed his eyes and was suddenly surprised to find that her breath was strong again! With a buzzing sound, the pressure on her body was faintly revealed. This kind of pressure is only available in A-level energy!

"Good luck." He smiled a little. Level A represented that she finally occupied a place among the masters. Next, she just needed to hone her skills and practical training.

Yan Yixi felt that her body was hot, as if she were soaked in water. After opening her eyes, she found that the white energy around her body suddenly came in, and the meridians in her body had a sense of warmth.

"Congratulations, level A." Mo Weisheng said.

She can't believe it! He said, "Really, level A?!"

"Really." Mo Weisheng smiled and said, "The comparison with your classmates is actual experience. You should practice more in the future."

She clenched her fist and waved it several times, full of joy. After she jumped down, she found that she was sweating heavily and her hair was wet with sweat.

Mo Weisheng stood up at the right time, as if he didn't see her a little embarrassed: "I'll wait for you downstairs. If it's too late, it's not suitable for you to go out."

"Yes." She answered. After seeing him go out, she sighed and ran into the bathroom to take a shower.

... After a while, she came out with her hair, but saw that the window was slowly opened, and a dark man came in quietly.

Yan Yixi had a meal in his hand.

She didn't expect that today was a day when they had to fight face to face.

"Are you here to explain?" She still has a little desire in her heart.

The dark man showed it with his actions.

The sound of the wind is passing, and the sound of breaking the sky is even more endless!

Yan Yixi bent down to hide from the sky, rolled aside, and his eyes were full of unparalleled disappointment: "I hope you were captured by unknown people than you betrayed us... Pingdie."

Guo Pingdie's face is calm, and her dexterous and silent technique is like a cat, which is almost dazzling, and whenever others can't tell where she is, the deadly attack has pierced your heart!

Mo Weisheng is right. People at the same level compete for actual combat experience. Although she doesn't know the level of Pingdie, every time she resists an attack with more energy, it can be estimated.


"Bang!!" Yan Yixi was embarrassed and bumped into the edge of the wall, with her back against the wall. As soon as she turned around, the harsh sound of the knife immediately sounded next to her. She just wanted to use the ice knife as a 'finger knife', but Guo Pingdie's action was much faster than her. She just made a gesture. Her attack had come to her face!

Yan Yixi immediately dodged again and simply reversed the energy and passed it to the ice knife. If Tianzun knew this self-created method, she would definitely scold her, but I don't know if she was lucky. The reversed energy actually burned on the ice knife, and the energy was greatly enhanced for some reason.

In the short fight, she originally scratched her hand, leaving a deep scar. At that moment, she really subconsciously stopped, full of guilt and confusion, but she didn't expect that Guo Ping didn't care at all and stabbed her heart when she was stunned--

At that moment, she was real and didn't know what to use to describe the piercing chill.

No wonder some people say that people who turn against each other will be more hateful than their enemies, because she can't help but have this kind of emotion now, and she has no worries at all. She just thought that if you kill me and don't regret it at all, then I won't regret it.

"Dangdang!!" Continuous attacks are coming, and there is almost no shadow.

Yan Yixi's defense was empty and was immediately caught by Guo Pingdie. After the false transfer attack, she immediately passed her with a knife in the lower abdomen.

The dull voice came, which was the sound of the blade piercing into the meat.

Yan Yixi frowned, almost subconsciously grabbed her arm, and stabbed her skull fiercely!

She, blood, slowly flowing down - she, blood, dyed dark red on the black clothes.

Two eyes that once looked at each other and were full of tacit understanding. At this time, they stared at each other closely, and there was indifference and indifference in it. Once, the palm of the hand might have the temperature of the other party, and they held it tightly and inseparable, but now the situation makes them hurt each other, and the glass belonging to the heart is finally slowly broken.

The door was suddenly kicked open. Mo Weisheng only had time to see a black figure jumping out, and Yan Yixi hung a bloodless ice knife and looked down and didn't know what he was thinking.

The wound on her abdomen kept jumping with pure white light, and soon her wound turned into a light pink.

Mo Weisheng didn't know what to say at that moment. He just stood there and saw her suddenly raise her head and smiled: "I'm fine."

He couldn't see through that smile unexpectedly.