The superstar little boyfriend of the evil president

Chapter 8 Three cobblers competed with Zhuge Liang, not to mention seven

"Should we think of a way that people will die if it goes on like this?" As the night approached, everyone sat in the dormitory discussing how to get Zhang Linan get up early and stay away from punishment from now on.

"I agree with Duoduo," Chenchen agreed.

"What should we do? Xia Luolin asked everyone.

"Luo Lin, the virgin usually listens to you the most. You persuade him," Wu Duoduo suggested.

Is this what you are thinking about? Xia Luolin leaned against the bed rail tiredly, wrapped his hands around him, and his tone was full of contempt. If what he said worked, it would have worked long ago.

"This persuasion obviously has no effect," Li Yuliang said affirmatively, lying in bed.

"What do you say? Wu Duoduo was crazy and scratched his hair impatiently.

"Yes, the whole life of coming here for military training was punished in our dormitory every morning," Chenchen said the truth in frustration.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Xia Luolin, and he sighed helplessly.

"In my opinion, it is most reasonable to leave this kind of thing to his upper bunk," he looked at Li Yuliang with a smile.

After so many days of getting along with each other, he always feels that Li Yuliang has a different feeling for Zhang Linan. He can't say which one is. Only he will be special and special to virgins.

He believed that something must have happened to Li Yuliang and the virgin before, but he was heartlessly forgotten by the virgin, so he helped Li Yuliang and let the virgin recall it again.

"It makes sense, Yuliang, you can do whatever you want," so everyone's eyes collectively turned to Li Yuliang.

"The most direct way is to let Li Yuliang sleep with Zhang's virgin, so that Li Yuliang can wake up and wake up Zhang's virgin directly." Lin Yuwen, who sat in ** and had been playing with his mobile phone, suddenly proposed.

"You are the old truth, die as a living doctor, that's it! Wu Duoduo was resolute, and he didn't believe that the virgin could not get up.

"Can it work? "Chenchen doubted.

"Chenchen, don't be too careful. Li Yuliang will definitely live up to his mission," Xia Luolin said with gloating.

"For all the young heroes," Li Yuliang said, learning the tone of the characters in martial arts novels.

"What are you going to get together to discuss? "Just after taking a shower, Zhang Linan, who returned to the dormitory, asked curiously when he saw everyone gathered together.

"Everyone, since the plan has been decided, why don't we go back to each house and find each mother?" Wu Duoduo concluded his speech and ignored Zhang Linan's problem.

"Yuliang, implement it, don't let us down," Xia Luolin yawned and went back to his ** to sleep, also ignoring Zhang Linan's problem.

" Lin, what is the implementation? He has a feeling that they must be discussing things related to him behind his back.

The others have returned to their own ** and are ready to turn off the lights for a while to rest and sleep. Zhang Linan is depressed, why? Everyone ignored him and went back to their bedside in frustration. They heard the movement on the upper bunk and stretched out their heads. They saw Li Yuliang holding the quilt in his hand and were still in him **. No, it should be accurate to say that it was still on his head and covered his face.

"Wow, you see, the hall hasn't worshipped yet, and went straight into the bridal chamber," Wu Duoduo coaxed, half joking, and other roommates also coaxed and whistled.

Zhang Linan sat on the edge of the bed, and Li Yuliang's quilt just covered Zhang Linan's head. No matter how you look at it, people thought it was the bride waiting for the groom to return to the house after the ancient worship hall. And it happened that Li Yuliang was going to sleep in the same bed with him, which made people even more fantasize.

Please pay attention to your wording, I'm a man! Zhang Linan raised the quilt with a red face and a thick neck and retorted.

"What about men? Isn't it popular for men to fall in love now? Lin Yuwen didn't think so.

"Brother Yu Wen, you have always been the truth again," Wu Duoduo said with a smile. "Every time you always say something, it's so head-to-earth. I really admire and admiration," he praised the tone of the ancients.

"You..." Zhang Linan was stunned and couldn't say a complete word for a long time.

"Yuliang, your wife is shy. Why don't you comfort her? "Roommate Liu Yong is half joking.

"How can you neglect the wedding night? Another roommate, Wang Qi, was afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

The angry Zhang Linan wanted to punch them all over the ground.

"Dear friends, are we crossing through time? Why do you talk more and more? Chenchen asked the question in his heart.

"Chenchen, you are really slow. We are a gossip team that shuttles through time and space, and we can travel through at any time according to the development of things." Wu Duoduo looked at Chenchen with hatred.

"Madam, ignore them, let's go to the bridal chamber," Li Yuliang came to Zhang Linan**, put his hand on his shoulder, and said meatily.

Li Yuliang's words, the whole dormitory people shouted in their hearts, brother, integrity, pay attention to integrity.

Get out of here, don't be disgusting! Zhang Linan angrily patted the hand on his shoulder.

"My wife is shy. Come on, one," Li Yuliang continues to be numb, not the most numb, only more numb.

"Get out!" Zhang Linan pushed away Li Yuliang, who was about to kiss. Shit, he didn't feel disgusted.

"Sle..." Everyone couldn't help trembling, and a mountain was higher than a mountain.

"The lights are out. If any dormitory speaks, go downstairs and run ten laps," the instructor of dormitory management shouted in the corridor.

The dormitory became quiet, and occasionally I could hear the creaking sound of the bed when I turned over.

"Why did you sleep with me**? Zhang Linan lowered his voice and asked in a low voice.

"The task they gave me is to wake you up in time in the morning," Li Yuliang explained with a smile. In this night, Zhang Linan couldn't see his smile.

"No, I'll get up. "

"No, I must live up to my mission. "

"You... get off! Due to anger, Zhang Linan's voice could not help but increase a little.

206, do you want to go down for a run? The instructor warned Xia Luolin's dormitory on the corridor, "If I hear you say it again, go down and run ten laps for me!" "

"Vinan, do you want to punish us in the morning and continue to punish us at night? Wu Duoduo's bed was facing Zhang Linan and whispered a reminder.

In order not to cause public anger in the whole dormitory, Zhang Linan had to give up and stared at Li Yuliang, who was smiling proudly.

Because it is a single bed, and Li Yuliang and Zhang Linan are both tall. Zhang Linan's body size is thinner than Li Yuliang. Nevertheless, there will still be a little crowding.

It was the hottest weather in September. However, Li Yuliang's hand had been resting on Zhang Linan's waist, and the exhaled gas blew on his face and neck, making his face and neck itchy and restless. The wind produced by the fan that kept rotating on the ceiling could not relieve him. The state at this time.

Zhang Linan twisted his body awkwardly.

"Don't move," Li Yuliang reminded in a hoarse voice. Although this is a beautiful job, it is actually very painful. The people he likes are only in front of him, and they are also young men who have just two thin clothes apart. It is really a test, and the people next to him move again. He also doubts He still can't control it. It's really not easy for Liu Xiahui to do it.

Zhang Linan listened to the wrong voice of others and lay down obediently and did not dare to move.

Li Yuliang breathed a sigh of relief, "Let's go to bed. "

How could Zhang Linan sleep? He opened his eyes wide and stared at the upper bed. This feeling is really strange. It can't be said that it feels very much. He likes it very much. I found this strange idea, and I have been thinking about it in my heart, impossible, impossible...

This night is destined for teenagers to suffer from insomnia. Xia Luolin was surprised by Li Yuliang's attitude towards Zhang Linan, so he had insomnia. Strangely, Lin Yuwen clearly agreed to return to China in a week, but now there is no news at all, the phone can't get through, and no one replied to the text message, so he has insomnia. Zhang Linan and Li Yuliang's insomnia is the reason why they slept together, so they had insomnia.

So many days later, as soon as the whistle sounded, Zhang Linan immediately got up and dressed, making everyone in the dormitory stunned. He couldn't help wondering whether he had not woken up and forgot to get up. They were so surprised that they were late again.

They shouted in their hearts that this plan was successful, and only Li Yu's conscience was bitter. Didn't he want to sleep with him so much?

From that day, they were never late again and cheered in their hearts, which made Instructor Wu, who was used to punish them every day a little uncomfortable, but he was still happy for them.

This day, the sun was very strong and the weather was very hot. Instructor Zhou took their team to the shade of trees and gossiped.

Teaching officer, can you make a lot of money as an instructor? Sitting on the floor in the shade of the tree, one of the students said curiously.

Do you think I'm a rich person? Instructor Zhou did not answer the rhetorical question.

"It's quite similar," I don't know who roared in the team.

"There are only a few hundred yuan a month, and all the other money has been divided up by the leaders," Instructor Zhou ignored it and complained.

"Fal! Wu Duoduo couldn't believe it. Not only he, but also others didn't believe it.

"What did I lie to you about? We were forced to be instructors," Instructor Zhou sighed.

Xia Luolin's instructor surname is Zhou. He is a 17-year-old boy, as old as them. He has been a soldier in the army for nearly two years, and he will be discharged in one year. Usually when it was hot, he took his team to the shade to rest, rest, and then complained in front of them. After all, he is still a 17-year-old teenager, so he has no generation gap with them.

And their military training can be said to be boring at all, and there is no hard work of other teammates, and the usual training is not very tiring. When the leader comes, their coach asked them to train carefully. When the leader leaves, their instructor will let them rest. Of course, they are also willing to cooperate.