The superstar little boyfriend of the evil president

Chapter 14 The moon mother-in-law also has to work at night

"It's all you who asked you to get up early. As a result, it's past 10 o'clock, and Lijiang Moon's mother-in-law really went to work." Standing in front of the station, Wu Duoduo put his hands in his waist and scolded loudly.

The tourists who came and went in the station inexplicably looked at this group of beautiful teenagers and sighed in their hearts. It's really eye-catching.

"Yes, yes, yes," everyone knows that they are guilty and don't say anything. How can Ren Wu Duoduo blame?

Chenchen, have you bought the tickets yet? Wu Duoduo asked Chenchen who came from the ticket office.

"I bought it and left at 10:30. "

"20 minutes left, let's get in the car! Wu Duoduo issued a password.

"Okay~~~~~" Everyone answered, picked up their luggage and set out for Lijiang. Each of them was lively and cheerful.

Charlin and Li Yuliang sat together, Li Yuliang by the window, and Charolin by the aisle. Lin Yuwen and Wu Duoduo sat in a row in front of them. Chenchen and Zhang Linan sat with them, but there was a walkway between them. Zhang Linan leaned against the window and Chenchen leaned against the aisle.

The car has also been driving for nearly four hours on the road. At the beginning, it was all worn out.

" Linan, are you all right? Does it matter?" Chenchen asked worriedly.

"Chenchen, what's wrong with the virgin? Xia Luolin looked worriedly at Zhang Linan beside him.

"The man seems to be carsick," Chenchen replied uncertainly.

"Chenchen, let's exchange seats," Li Yuliang said first without waiting for Xia Luolin to speak.

"Oh, okay," although Chenchen didn't understand the reason, he still agreed to change his seat.

And Xia Luolin took a deep look. Maybe this is a good opportunity to cultivate their feelings.

"Luo Lin, what's wrong with the virgin? Wu Duoduo and Lin Yuwen turned their heads back and asked Xia Luolin worriedly.

"It's okay. The virgin is just a little carsick and has Yuliang's care," Xia Luolin said carelessly.

"Well," the two of them took a look at Zhang Linan, nodded and answered, and sat back to their seats.

"What are you sitting here for? Zhang Linan looked at Li Yuliang sitting next to him with a pale face and asked feebly.

Do you feel bad? Would you like some water and something to eat? Li Yuliang did not answer his question, but asked sadly.

"It's okay, I can still stand it," Zhang Linan turned his head awkwardly and looked out of the window at a loss. Because of these words, his heart pounded again.

"That's good. Do you want to get some sleep? This will probably be better," Li Yuliang suggested.

"Well, okay," Zhang Linan nodded and leaned his head against the window, but he didn't want the other party to move his shoulder and lean his head against his shoulder.

Zhang Linan's face immediately turned red and was ready to move away, but was held down by the other party.

"What are you doing?" he asked with a little uncomfortable expression and stammeringly.

"I will sleep more comfortably like this," Li Yuliang said disapprovingly.

"Oh," Zhang Linan was not resisting, so he quietly leaned on his shoulder. Looking at Li Yuliang's jaw, he reminded him of the scene of sleeping together during military training. Thinking about it, his face turned redder than before, and his heart pounded faster.

This feeling has lasted from the end of military training until now. He can't figure out what kind of feeling it is. He doesn't hate it, but likes it very much. He enjoys the kindness brought to him by the other party. How can he figure it out if he is slow?

"Luo Lin, why do I feel that the atmosphere between Yuliang and Linan is strange? Chenchen leaned forward, looked at Zhang Linan, who was a little uncomfortable on Li Yuliang's shoulder, and then looked at Li Yuliang's restless look. He seemed to be very enjoyable and asked puzzledly.

"Do you have it? Fortunately, Chenchen, would you like to lend me a shoulder to lean on? Xia Luolin asked jokingly.

"Damn, you dead," Chenchen pretended to be shy and said. After getting along with each other for more than a month, Chenchen also learned to joke and be thick-skinned. Originally cute, the simple Chenchen also disappeared. This is the so-called close to Zhu Zechi, and near the ink chooses black.

"Chenchen, are you... all right? Xia Luolin asked worriedly with a frightened expression.

"I was scared. When I said this, I also felt goose bumps all over my body. "

"Chenchen, this is not suitable for you," Xia Luolin held Chenchen's hand and said earnestly.

"Real? I also feel that forget, forget, fly," Chenchen said as he put his hand in front of his head and rotated it away, and said childishly.

He has a black line. It seems that the simple Chenchen no longer exists. He decided to sleep and can't stand taking such a long-distance bus.

Chenchen also leaned against the window boredly and looked at the scenery flashing outside the car. It seemed that this transformation had failed.

In this way, Xia Luolin slept, Chenchen looked at the scenery outside the car window and was in a daze. Zhang Linan leaned on Li Yuliang's shoulder to relieve car sickness, while Li Yuliang looked thoughtful. Lin Yuwen listened to the song and read the novel, and only Wu Duoduo was looking forward to it and worried.

When it was completely dark that day, the long journey of more than ten hours was finally coming to an end.

The long-distance bus bumped all the way, climbed over a mountain after another, walked and stopped all the way, and passed countless families on the way, which made Xia Luolin admire those who lived in this remote mountain. If it were them, they might not be able to stand such an environment for a long time and wanted to leave.

"Do you still feel bad? Standing outside the bus station, Li Yuliang couldn't help asking worriedly.

"No, it's much better. What, thank you," Zhang Linan lowered his head and thanked awkwardly.

Because it was dark, Zhang Linan lowered his head again, but Li Yuliang knew that this guy was shy, but he was very unhappy with his name. What is that?

"Let me say that the mother-in-law of the moon in Lijiang has gone to work," Wu Duoduo couldn't help complaining and didn't notice that Zhang Linan was a little abnormal at all.

Is this Lijiang? It feels far from what I expected," Chenchen looked around and said disappointedly.

"We are the same," Zhang Linan also looked around.

The houses in Lijiang are not high, and the tallest seems to have only three or four floors. There will be a feeling of a county and a feeling of being deceived by TV. Most of the houses are made of cwood. Go straight from the station along the road, and there are not restaurants, but hotels. Perhaps during the Golden Period of the National Day, there are many tourists on the road, and all tourists come and go.

"Let's find a place to live, put away our luggage, and then have dinner," Lin Yuwen suggested.

Others nodded in agreement.

In this way, looking for accommodation, perhaps because it is the golden period of the National Day, most hotels are full, or there are only one or two left. Xia Luolin and others found several hotels and finally found three empty rooms.

Finally, the allocation of the house is according to the way of the long-distance bus. Naturally, Zhang Linan and Li Yuliang live in the same room.

Of course, Zhang Linan would oppose this proposal, but he was opposed by the collective and had to give up. In the end, he had no choice but to live in the same room with Li Yuliang.

Xia Luolin's one-day holiday has also come to an end, and tomorrow will usher in their three-day trip to Lijiang. After three days of travel, this also makes them regret choosing to visit Lijiang, but there are still certain gains, and it is not in vain.