The superstar little boyfriend of the evil president

Chapter 21 Love as much as you want

Zhang Linan sat bored in the infirmary and had been worried. He didn't know whether Lin had succeeded. Is Lin really so sure? Li Yuliang will definitely not come. He doesn't like him. How can he worry about his life? I thought pessimistically in my heart.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Zhang Linan immediately lay down and closed his eyes. He was afraid of revealing the information. He and Lin couldn't get the opportunity from the teacher in the infirmary, but they didn't want to waste it for nothing.

Listening to the footsteps getting closer and clearer, his heart kept pounding, and he unconsciously swallowed his saliva. Is it the person she was looking forward to? Is it Li Yuliang? He waited quietly with expectation.

After a minute, I saw that the person had not moved yet, and wondered if he had left?

Five minutes later, there is still no movement. Zhang Linan is also a little impatient at this time. What are you doing? Why hasn't there been any movement yet? Is it really gone? But it's not right. Obviously, you can still feel the breathing of others, forcing yourself to endure it again. The impulse is the devil, warning yourself.

Another ten minutes have passed.

"Hey, what the hell are you talking about?" Zhang Linan no longer had the patience. He sat up from illness** and complained dissatisfiedly.

"You woke up, what else is wrong with your body?"

"Why do you sit there all the time without saying a word?" Zhang Linan said aggrievedly that he didn't fall asleep at all and had been waiting for him to say a word.

"I'm afraid to disturb Li Man's rest. Is there anything wrong? Why have I been waiting for so long and the ambulance hasn't come yet? Li Yuliang looked at Zhang Linan worriedly.

"Ambulance?" Zhang Linan asked doubtfully, what did Lin say to Li Yuliang? Why did he hear the word ambulance?

"Luolin told me that you were seriously ill and called 120," Li Yuliang told Xia Luolin what he said, looked at Zhang Lin with serious eyes, and continued to say, "Linan, you must be very uncomfortable now, right? I'll ask the teacher in the infirmary why the ambulance hasn't come yet.

"No, I'm much better. It's just right that the ambulance didn't come," Zhang Linan hurriedly pulled Li Yuliang. If he went to ask the teacher in the infirmary, wouldn't he reveal it? He is not a fool. But it turned out that he was a fool.

"No, it's better to go to the hospital for examination. If there are any sequelae or something, it's not cost-effective," Li Yuliang vetoed and was determined to go to the teacher in the infirmary to ask.

"Well, I confess that I'm not sick at all," Zhang Linan said frankly. What he is most afraid of is the hospital. Isn't he going to go to the hospital? He didn't want to go. At this time, he didn't notice a glimmer of light in Li Yuliang's eyes.

"Are you finally willing to confess?" Li Yuliang went back to the chair and looked at Zhang Linan.

"Finally? Did you see it?" Zhang Linan scratched his head and said awkwardly.

"Well, on the way back to the infirmary, I thought carefully about Luo Lin's words and found that there were many flaws," Li Yuliang said truthfully, staring at Zhang Linan. "What's the matter with looking for me so painstakingly?"

"I...I..." Zhang Linan couldn't say a complete word for a long time. How could he ask? It's too shameful.

"If not, I'll go first," Li Yuliang looked at Zhang Linan, who had been hesitating, with some frustration. Sure enough, he still hated him, otherwise it would not be so difficult to say a word.

"No, don't go," Zhang Linan was afraid that he would really leave. He grabbed Li Yuliang's clothes tightly and pleaded, leaning his head against Li Yuliang's arm.

biting his lip, struggling in his heart, and decided to risk it. He asked in despair, "Why have you been hiding from me this week? Do you know that I'm so uncomfortable? Do you... hate me?"

Li Yuliang listened to Zhang Linan's words and did not react for a moment. He stared at the sick person in surprise. Did he have hallucinations? What did he say just now?

"Rinan, can you say it again?" He asked uncertainly.

"I like you, Li Yuliang."

The sun shone through the windows of the infirmary and shone on them. The breeze blew through them, and the curtains floated in the air and slowly landed on them. Time stood still at this moment. At this second, none of them spoke, but felt each other's existence by breathing.

He finally said it, but he didn't regret it at all. He wanted him to know that he liked his heart. He waited closely for his answer. Did he also like him?

"Are you true?" Li Yuliang came to his senses and slowly opened his mouth with a little uncertainty.

He was afraid that it was just a dream. He had a wishful dream by himself. He was afraid that when he woke up, nothing would exist. However, he is willing to sink into the dream all the time and does not want to wake up, because only this dream can make his wish come true. But why can he feel his breath and the heat emitted from him? Isn't this a dream, is it reality? Did the person he missed confess to him? If it's not a dream, or is it just his joke?

"Really, I like you. Why don't you believe it?" Zhang Linan looked up at Li Yuliang. Obviously, the other party's expression made him very angry, or should he not confess?

"How can you prove that you like me? It's not just talking," Li Yuliang said casually.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Linan kissed his lips. He was completely desperate, regardless of his self-esteem or self-esteem or shyness. This is his proof.

Zhang Li asked Li's lips sparsely, and his tongue did not stick in. He kissed back outside his lips. This was his first kiss and he didn't know how to kiss at all. Of course, this was equivalent to his first kiss. Yes, his first kiss. And Li Yuliang looked at Zhang Linan incredibly. How could he let Zhang Linan play a monologue here and turn passive into active?

Li Yuliang pressed Zhang Linan's illness** in the infirmary, kissed Zhang Linan, and led him to lick and play with each other with his tongue. His tongue coating stirred, sucked and kissed each other's sweetness, explored the toughness of Zhang Linan's teeth and gums with his tongue, and touched it gently. However, the tension man almost bit Li Yuliang several times clumsily. Tongue coating, but he didn't care at all, but enjoyed it.

After kissing for nearly 10 minutes, Li Yuliang reluctantly left Zhang Linan's lips and looked at him affectionately. Zhang Linan's eyes were blurred, and he had to admire Li Yuliang's superb kissing skills.

Looking at the expression of the people under him, Li Yuliang couldn't help wanting him, but he restrained himself and warned himself that this was the school's infirmary and should not go too much.

"I love you, Linan," Li Yuliang kept staring at him and paused. "This is my answer."

"I know," Zhang Linan turned his head awkwardly and remembered the enthusiastic kiss just now, which made him very shy, and his face was also very red at this moment.

"Let's go," looking at this awkward guy, why was he not awkward when he confessed just now? He got up and pulled up Zhang Linan lying in **.

"Where to go...?" Zhang Linan asked puzzledly.

"Do you still want to stay in the infirmary all the time?" Li Yuliang asked with ridiculism.

Zhang Linan looked at Li Yuliang, who had been holding his hand. He couldn't believe that they were still in the Cold War last week, but now they are together. Are they together? But he didn't say to him that we were together, but he said he loved him. Isn't it equivalent to telling him that they were together?

Shaking his head is not right or wrong. It's one thing to say that you love him. It's another thing to be with him. I'm entangled with this problem in my heart, and I don't know what's going on.

"What's wrong?" Li Yuliang stopped and looked worriedly at Zhang Linan, who pulled his face into a ball at this time.

"It's okay," Zhang Linan replied listlessly.

"Then why do you write on your face, I have something to do, or do you don't like me holding you at school?" Li Yuliang asked sadly.

"No, although it's so blatant at school, I don't care. I want to ask, is this a relationship?" Zhang Linan looked at the other party's sad expression and hurriedly explained.

"Fool, of course, are you cheating and don't admit it?" Li Yuliang's eyes were empty, and his surroundings were full of dangerous factors.

"Of course not," Zhang Linan immediately objected, "You didn't tell me that we were dating, and TV usually acted like this," complained dissatisfiedly.

"So, Li Man cares about this?" Li Yuliang smiled and let go of Zhang Linan's hand. Zhang Linan looked at him puzzledly. What the hell is this guy doing, or did he not want to date him and was ready to turn around and leave?

"Mr. Zhang Linan, would you like to marry me?" Li Yuliang didn't care about the curious eyes of his classmates around him. He squatted down, knelt on the ground alone, held Zhang Linan's right hand, and stared at him affectionately. He asked a very gentlemanly question without any joke, looking forward to the other party's answer.

"Eh?" Zhang Linan was surprised and looked at Li Yuliang in surprise. Is this proposing to him? But why is he a girl? Does he look like a girl like this?

In this way, Zhang Linan struggled with the question of being regarded as a girl and has never answered it, while Li Yuliang has been maintaining this posture and looking at Zhang Linan with a entangled face. Did he develop the plot too fast? Or he doesn't want to.

"Vird, marry Yuliang, what are you dawdling about? Anyway, you have already entered the bridal chamber," Wu Duoduo, who stood aside, really couldn't stand it and reminded.

"Yes, yes, Linan, promise Yuliang quickly. You see how tired Yuliang is kneeling like this," Chenchen felt a little distressed for Li Yuliang and also reminded him.

"Eh?" Why are these guys here? Zhang Linan looked at Wu Duoduo and Chenchen, and even Lin were there, as well as Lin Yuwen and Xiaoyu. Now they are all here. Where there is excitement, there is their existence, which makes him so embarrassing.

Because Zhang Linan was too thinking about things just now and didn't notice Xia Luolin and others, when Li Yuliang rushed to the infirmary, they followed them and kept paying attention to the development of the matter. Of course, they didn't see a scene of their kissing, because Li Yuliang found this group of people on the way to the infirmary. Did he suspect that Zhang Linan was really sick? When I entered the infirmary, I locked the door by the way. Of course, Xia Luolin and others can only wait outside the door.

"The virgin is shy," Xia Luolin pointed out the facts and continued to say, "Yuliang, you obviously treat the virgin as a girl. The virgin must be wondering why he became a girl? Does he look like a girl? And so on," looks like the emperor of truth.

Zhang Linan is really shy, and he guessed all of them and hit the bullseye. He didn't expect Lin to see what he was thinking. He was really a brother with seven years of affection.

"So that's it, Linan, is what Luo Lin said true?" Xiaoyu asked with a clear look.

"Well, I know," Zhang Linan closed his eyes, took Li Yuliang's hand, and once again risked his life. As a girl, he really couldn't bear to watch him kneel like this.

Li Yuliang took Zhang Linan's hand with a smile and got up to hold him in his arms. He really couldn't describe his current mood. He was quite happy and excited. He also thanked Xia Luolin. He knew that it was he who pushed a man behind him that gave him the courage to confess to him.

"Congratulations, Yuliang, hold the beauty back. When will the banquet be held? Brothers are waiting to have a wedding banquet," Wu Duoduo held Li Yuliang's hand and asked half-jokingly.

"Go to SHI," Zhang Linan patted Wu Duoduo's hand. It's really nothing to make trouble. I can't stand you.

"Yo, Mrs. Li, I'm jealous," Wu Duoduo continued to say fearlessly.

"Yes, Yuliang, when will you have a wedding?" Xia Luolin also asked that the scene was not afraid of chaos, nor was it more chaotic.

"This Saturday, it's my treat," Li Yu replied with good conscience.

"Okay," everyone answered happily, and there was a wedding wine to eat.

Zhang Linan looked at this group of people with a black line. Why did he even have to participate in Li Yuliang? Really, although he is so similar, his heart is still quite sweet. Is he really with him? It's really like a dream.

Chenchen looked at Zhang Linan, who was full of happiness at this time, and was indescribably envious. When will he be able to be with the person he likes? Looking at Lin Yuwen, who fought with Wu Duoduo again, he felt indescribable bitterness in his heart.