The superstar little boyfriend of the evil president

Chapter 62 Natural, pollution-free smoky makeup

When Xia Luolin woke up, the bedside was empty, and the light outside the window made him unable to open his eyes. He leaned against the head of the bed. Somehow, he was upset and sublimated little by little uneasiness in his heart.

I have been with Yan for 4 years. In 4 years, there has been no conflict between them. They are very harmonious, but how long can this harmony last?

It's not that he hasn't heard about the president of cherryblossom. After all, it has been more than a month, and it is still full of wind and rain and has never stopped. Even so, as the parties, it seems that they have not come forward to clarify why Shanyu President Yi Don't worry about it anymore?

"Are you hungry?" Mu Yingyan gently pushed open the bedroom door, walked into the bed, and whispered, but what he was trying to write. Why was he so distracted?

Xia Luolin shook his head, "Yan, if our business is exposed, you... What will happen?"

"Why did you suddenly ask this? Is it because the president of cherryblossom was exposed to the coming out?

"Well, although the president of cherryblossom and his lover did not come forward to explain this matter, isn't it... Have their feelings been affected? Xia Luolin said what he thought. Shan Yu, the president of cherryblossom, should not be so silent.

"Fool, you don't have to worry about this. Because of work reasons, he has had several exchanges with the president of cherryblossom company. It can be seen that he was not separated from his lover because of this. It seems that his lover is sick and doesn't want to pay attention to the speculation of the outside world." Mu Yingyan stretched out his hand and spoiled him. Shaved Xia Luolin's nose, he really loved to think nonsense.

"Is that so?" If so, he knows that he thinks too much, so what will they react if it happens to them?

As a public figure, he knows that the things between them will be exposed sooner or later. What day will this day be? Whether it is tomorrow or never this day, there is nothing in my heart.

"Well, I heard what I said, "Why is your face full of sadness?" Xiaolin, are you worried about such a thing? If it really happens. I won't be afraid. There's nothing wrong with us, it's just... Although I think so, it's not wrong. But after all, love is a matter of two people. Now... I want to know Xiaolin... What do you think?"

"I... I don't know," this hazy answer is nothing more than disappointing Mu Yingyan.

Don't you know? Mu Yingyan smiled bitterly in his heart. What is the relationship after so many years? At the beginning, it was not said that even if it was not recognized by the secular world, it was their love. Why did he care so much? Even if he was disappointed, he could not show it. At this time, he doesn't want to continue this topic.

"Ha ha, let's talk about it when it happens. Get up quickly, the sun is shining, and Xiaomo is still waiting for us to go to the amusement park." The tone is relaxed, but the heart is very solemn.


Why has it been more than a month, and everyone has mentioned it one after another? Is it really so uneasy? Or do you have no confidence in your feelings? In this way, Mu Yingyan can't figure out.

From this moment on, has the distance between us been gradually widened?

"Duoduo, are you sure you can take a month off?" Standing outside his house, Meng Hangpei asked again.

"Definitely, I have told my editor-in-charge that for this one, you can see that my dark circles can be comparable to panda eyes," Wu Duoduo pointed to his eyes aggrievedly. In order to have a good rest for a month, he stayed up late every day and completed all the tasks of this month. Is it easy for him? And because the New Year is coming soon, love. The comic magazine will also be closed for two weeks, which is to help him.

"That's good. There's nothing wrong with natural smoky makeup," Meng Hangpei looked at his lover amusedly. "Besides, having dark circles is not necessarily a national treasure, or it may be my love."

"It seems so," Wu Duoduo nodded with approval, "Then I'll draw a love word in front of my eyebrows."

"That's a good idea, but if we don't leave now, I guess we won't arrive until the evening."

"Ha ha, that's right."

With a lot of luggage, they happily set out for Meng Hangpei's hometown. This is their first stop and second stop. Of course, it is Wu Duoduo's home. They have been together for 4 years. It's time to go home and have a look. They also decided to come back after the New Year in Duoduo's hometown.

"Chenchen, when will you take me to your house and see your parents?"

Yan and Luo Lin have been recognized by their families, and their virgins and Yuliang have also been recognized by their families. Xiaoyu and Dayu's families also know that they have not been recognized at all, but they are not bad. They are living a happy life. At this time, Duoduo and Hangpei are ready to go back to their hometown to get their families to be recognized.

Now there are only him and Chenchen. Chenchen's family still doesn't know his existence. He doesn't want to fall behind compared with them.

Chenchen didn't notice that he could sleep in. In order to shoot the film, he didn't sleep well for a week. Today, he had a rare opportunity to wake up by Lin Yuwen, who couldn't understand his lover's hard work, which made Chenchen want to be furious.

"What's the quarrel? You have to go back to yourself."

Lin Yuwen was so scared by this roar that he was stiff and dared not make any other noises, because after so many years, Chenchen did not say a heavy word to him. Now... Now he yells at him to make him feel so wronged.

The so-called red is red, and the ink is black. Probably, he has been with Xia Luolin for a long time and has been infected. His Chenchen will not yell at him like this. Lin Yuwen comforted himself like this.

But even so, it's 11 o'clock now, and it's not early. He squatted in the corner and drew circles.

An hour passed, two hours passed, and three hours passed. Seeing that ** people still had no plans to get up, Lin Yuwen decided to wake up Chenchen even if his life was in danger. He was afraid of starving him.

"Chenchen~, my lovely Chenchen, get up for dinner."

"Well, Yu Wen, what," Chenchen turned over and suddenly grabbed Lin Yuwen, which made Lin Yuwen a little unprepared, and there was no sign of opening his eyes. "Yu Wen resisted. My father said he would fight back."

Lin Yuwen was shocked, Chenchen's father? Does Chenchen's father know his existence and want to counterattack? There was an ominous foreboding in his heart. He wanted to push away the morning that was pressing on him, but he couldn't push it away.

Fee the struggle of the people under him, and Chenchen felt very wronged, "Woo-woo... Yu Wen doesn't love me anymore. Yu Wen doesn't love me anymore. Yu Wen doesn't love me anymore.

Lin Yuwen was stunned. What is this and what is it? Is it a dream? Or are you dreaming? Or are you dreaming? Who will tell him whether Chenchen is dreaming or not?