Pharmaceutical King

[261]jin shu!

Lin Xiaobao opened his eyes and found that he didn't know when he fell asleep.

Looking around, he was even more surprised to find that it was already night, while the male and female apprentices slept on the ground one by one. The bonfire had already been extinguished, and the temperature around him was a little low, but for Lin Xiaobao, it was nothing at all.

And most of the boys can stand it, but those girls are miserable, and several of them are shivering with cold.

Lin Xiaobao frowned secretly. Why did he fall asleep and sleep for so long?

I was going to take out my mobile phone to check the time, but I found that my mobile phone was out of power.

Lin Xiaobao shook his head and stood up. Suddenly, an ominous idea appeared in his heart. How could he fall asleep unconsciously?

He tried to touch the pulse of these apprentices one by one, which was normal and there was no sign of life-threatening.

However, looking at the girls shrinking into a ball one by one, Lin Xiaobao sighed, took them into the van one by one, and pulled the door, so that it would not be cold.

In the winter, Lin Xiaobao found that he was sweating.

This is not normal!

Back to the bonfire, the boys were still asleep. Lin Xiaobao did not take them back to the car, but pushed them up one by one.

The boys woke up and looked around, looking blank.

Wang Hongyi rubbed his eyes and wondered, "Where is this?"

Lin Xiaobao pointed to the fire and said, "Why are you all asleep?"

Everyone was stunned, and Kang Yungui said calmly, "Yes, why did you sleep for so long!"

The Shu brothers stood up, looked around, and said in surprise, "Where are the girls?"

When he said this, the boys panicked and stood up to look around. Lin Xiaobao coughed dryly and said, "They went back to the car and went to sleep. Are you still sleepy?"

Kang Yungui said, "I'm not sleepy at all. How can I doze off?" It's really strange to sleep!"

"Have you all dreamed of anything?" Lin Xiaobao couldn't help but feel cold when he thought of the cemetery mentioned by Wang Hongyi. Is there something unclean in the cemetery?

Boys must not believe that there are ghosts and gods, but Lin Xiaobao believes that his soul wear is a miracle, isn't it?

If it is nature, is the soul he wears this wandering soul floating in the world?

just happened to enter this body with the same name as him, but with different sects.

If one day the soul in this body wakes up, or something happens, and the soul he wears is squeezed away, the next direction will be unknown.

The boys' faces were very strange. After a long time, they shook their heads one after another. They really didn't dream of anything, and they didn't even remember how they fell asleep.

"Well, since we are not sleepy, let's take a look around. Maybe we can find the reason why we are all asleep!"

Lin Xiaobao said and gestured forward.

The apprentices looked at each other and followed.

Wang Hongyi asked tremblingly, "Well... don't we... leave someone to take care of these girls?"

"Are you worried about their safety?" Lin Xiaobao looked at him, and his expression could not be seen clearly in the dark.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Lin Xiaobao said, "Zhang Busan stayed, but he fell asleep again. Wang Hongyi, you lead the way. Let's go to the cemetery you went to today!"

"Cemetery..." Several teenagers spit out these two words tremblingly, which were a little creepy, but when they saw Lin Xiaobao striding forward, they still followed them bravely.

Is Lin Xiaobao afraid?

He can't explain this matter clearly. If he wants to say that he has also died once, is he still afraid of these things?

But after all, I am a living human being. If I really see those unclean things, I really don't know how I can react.

Therefore, he also has the element of moving forward. He can't let himself be inexplicably affected. The reason must be found out. Even if there is a scientific basis, he must find the basis for verification.

The cemetery is not far away. Not long after Lin Xiaobao and his disciples left, they went to the cemetery.

This is a mass grave, with many damaged tombstones and overgrown with weeds. At first glance, no one has been here for a long time.

And Lin Xiaobao is not interested in knowing what kind of people are buried here, but there are traces of excavation in the cemetery. Even if there are any good funeral objects, they are probably stolen.

Lin Xiaobao took two steps and found something wrong after entering the cemetery. He couldn't help frowning.

Kang Yungui followed, looked at the weather around him, and was surprised, "This kind of place is used as a mass grave?"

"What do you see?" Lin Xiaobao asked faintly.

Kang Yungui nodded and said, "This place, according to feng shui, is wide and round, with ridges like flying dragons in front, and hills like crouching tigers, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, which is a sacred place of feng shui! In ancient times, ordinary imperial relatives or powerful ministers were qualified to be buried in such a place. How could they become mass graves?

"Yes, it's really a waste!" Lin Xiaobao nodded and smiled, "Do you still know feng shui?"

Kang Yungui pulled the corners of his mouth, "He is a Taoist priest who learned from the family!"

"Oh!" Lin Xiaobao said oh and continued to look around to see if there was anything unusual.

At this time, Shu Xian drove up and said, "It's not surprising that he became a mass grave. After all, what era is it now? It is likely that it was the prince's cemetery in those years, but later, as time went by, the nearby villagers buried their graves here, and in the era of war, it was even more dead. It's normal for many people to become mass graves!"

Lin Xiaobao looked at Shu Xiankai in surprise, "Do you also understand this?"

Shu Xian smiled implicitly and said, "I just read some books in this regard!"

"Sure enough!" Kang Yungui said, "Then you must not have seen how to identify a cemetery. The soil here is loose and overgrown. At least no one has been here for ten years, and it is not ruled out that the plants withered due to drought and other reasons ten years ago. Let's look at the degree of weathering of the stone. Although it is at night, it is impossible to figure out the specifics of the stone. The degree of weathering, but according to the preliminary judgment, these stones have been at least hundreds of years!"

"Wow, do you have night vision?" Shu Xian said in surprise.

Kang Yungui shook his head, "No, there are some things that you can't understand for a while. If you like to study, I'll talk to you later!"

"Hmm!" Shu Xian nodded.

Lin Xiaobao squatted down, brushed off the thick soil on the tombstone, touched the bumps of the handwriting, and couldn't help shaking all over. He said in a frenze, "The words on it are from the Qing Dynasty!"

"Master? Do you know all this?" Shu Xiankai looked at Lin Xiaobao more in surprise.

Lin Xiaobao hummed and said, "There is a full text!"

"Manwen?" Even Kang Yungui was stunned, "Master, do you still know Manwen?"

"Hmm!" Lin Xiaobao felt that the time to pretend was coming and said deeply, "A little research!"

At this moment, Wang Hongyi and Shu Xianguan shouted at the same time: "Hey, look what we found!"

Lin Xiaobao stood up, said "go" and hurried over.

Wang Hongyi and Shu Xianguan were in a daze at a half-human-high black hole at this time. Both of them felt that there was something wrong with the hole, because there was no moisture in the cave, and they couldn't help but feel strange.

Lin Xiaobao walked behind the two and took a look at the cave. Seeing that it was just an ordinary cave, he couldn't help wondering, "Have you found anything?"

"There is something wrong with this cave. Why is there no gust of wind?" Shu Xianguan said curiously.

Shu Xian opened and hummed and said, "What gusts of wind, do you think it's a horror story? Don't look at what kind of environment it is?"

Shu Xianguan shut up, but Wang Hongyi said, "It's not only that. There is no tide in the cave, and there is even a sense of warmth. Maybe someone lives in it!"

"Wow! Don't scare me!" Shu Xianguan screamed in a panic, but looked at his cold-eyed brother and closed his mouth again.

Lin Xiaobao pondered for a moment and said, "Go in and have a look!"

"Ah..." Everyone hesitated for a moment, but seeing that Lin Xiaobao had picked up two stones on the spot, cleverly wiped out sparks, made a simple torch from a dead branch, and quickly drilled into the cave, everyone could only follow.

The firelight lit up the passage of the cave. When everything suddenly became clear, everyone was stunned.

This is actually a tomb, and it is a stolen tomb, but the tomb actually maintains the appearance of being stolen. Standing in the tomb, Lin Xiaobao can't feel the wind from the outside world. If it is not circulating air, he may think that this is a closed space.

"Is this... a gathering place for feng shui?" Kang Yungui frowned.

"It's really a good cemetery!" Lin Xiaobao praised: "Buried here can completely shorten the degree of decomposition of the body, and even weaken the degree of decomposition of the body!"

"This is very strange here!"

Wang Hongyi said at this time, "Why didn't you see the coffin? What about the coffin?

Sure enough, Wang Hongyi's words inspired everyone. He looked around and didn't see the coffin, not even the bones.

Suddenly, Lin Xiaobao stared at a row of words on the wall and couldn't help flowing blood, especially the name at the end of this row, which made him tremble all over.

Lin Xiaobao looked down and unexpectedly saw several books scattered on the ground, so he hurried to pick up these line-packed ancient books.

Because of various reasons in the tomb, although these books are yellow and old, they are still intact, and the handwriting on them is clear and discernible, and may even be because these books have just been dug up.

"Food Doctor's Heart", "Food Materia Mead", "This Classic Meets the Source", "The Secret of Food"... Looking at the familiar title of a book, Lin Xiaobao couldn't help bursting into tears. These are all books that he had been forced to study hard.

However, Lin Xiaobao picked up a few more books, but made him blush, because these books were forbidden books of the Qianlong Dynasty!