Pharmaceutical King

[406] Sir Merlin!

The boy really wants to lie down and take a break, even for a minute, but his will is telling him that he can't lie down. As long as he lies down, he can't get up. Then, he can't complete the task assigned to him by the captain.

The boy doesn't feel that death is horrible, but he wants to complete his task and become a member of the captain, so he doesn't want to die, so he persists and walks forward step by step.

I don't know how long it took before the boy finally appeared in front of him.

There are many vigilante people around the tent.

Soon someone found the boy, and they also saw the badge on the boy's chest, and someone immediately came to pick up the boy.

"Quickly, take me to meet five old men." The boy said in a trembling voice.

"Sorry, buddy, we need to verify your identity, but we will take you to the treatment first." The person who answered the boy said.

"Quick, fast!" The boy said anxiously, "I have something important."

"Verifying your identity is a necessary process. Don't talk and have a good rest." As the man spoke, he said to the person next to him, "Go to the infirmary."

"No, I'm going to find five old men!"

The boy didn't want to go to the infirmary at all. He violently broke away the hand that grabbed his hand and rushed out towards the tent in the middle. However, as soon as he rushed out, he was held down.

"I want to see five old people, I want to see them!" The boy roared with red eyes.

Just as people were about to catch him, a man suddenly came out of the tent.

The man glanced at the boy on the ground, then came over, squatted down, looked at the boy, and said, "Do you want to see me?"

"Which old man are you?" The boy asked.

"I'm Tang Long."

"I, I have something to tell you." The boy said anxiously, "In private."

"Oh?" Tang Long asked, "Who asked you to come here?"

"Lin Xiaobao!"

"Xiaobao?" Tang Long raised his eyebrows, helped the boy up, and then walked into the tent.

There is no one in the tent.

Tang Long helped the boy to sit down on a chair beside him, and then took out a bottle of medicine and handed it to the boy.

The boy did not drink the medicine, but said, "Brother Xiaobao asked me to bring you a message..."

Tang Long quietly listened to the boy convey the news brought to him by Lin Xiaobao, and then Tang Long was silent for a long time.

"Let's go now." The boy said, "Brother Xiaobao asked me to take you there."

"Your body can walk now?" Tang Long asked.

"Me? I'll drink some medicine and I'll be fine." At this time, the boy opened the medicine and drank it.

"Take a break first. Don't worry. When you recover, I'll call others and let's go together."

Tang Long said.

"I don't have to rest. Let's go quickly." The boy said.

"Grinding the knife and cutting wood. Looking at your appearance, you have suffered a lot. Take more rest. It's not too much time. When your body and bones are almost recovered, we will go there."

Tang Long said and patted the boy on the shoulder.

The boy wanted to say something, but he felt black in front of him, and then he lost consciousness.

Tang Long asked someone to call a doctor and began to treat the boy, while Tang Long took advantage of the boy's treatment to summon the most loyal saint and Li Tieniu to the tent.

These earliest masters of Guoan are also old leaders who have served as senior leaders.

At this time, they still have a secret identity within Guoan, that is, members of the dragon group, which is said to be one of the most secret departments within China's security.

It's hard to imagine that these old men will be members of the dragon group. Most of the time, everyone will think that they are just old leaders of Guoan.

They are Guoan's most powerful combat effectiveness in this war. They did not enter the mountain too early. Their task is to rush over and kill the other party's leader as quickly as possible, and there is a same team on Taylor's side.

"A spy?"

The saint sat next to Tang Long and said, "There are two known people of Sir Merlin in the senior management, but those two are not important enough to affect the situation of the war, and the three of us can't be spies. The only possibility is someone in Chen Sheng and Yanyang, or Both of them are."

"If this is the case, then our people on Sir Merlin's side can play a greater role."

Li Tieniu said with a smile.

"This is not very unexpected."

Tang Long said, "We can bury nails beside Sir Merlin. Naturally, we may also bury nails around us by Sir Merlin. I haven't been sure before, but now I'm finally sure, but I don't know who or how many there are. If there is more than one, then we will still be some pressure. , we are on Sir Merlin's side, and we are just two nails.

"But now we are at least sure. As long as we are sure, we can be prepared." The saint said, "The news sent back by Xiaobao is still very useful, but why did Xiaobao ask that person to take us to him?"

"The location of the goddess mousse should have been found." Tang Long said, "Otherwise, he can't let that man take us to him."

"In that case, what are you waiting for?"

Li Tieniu stood up from the chair and said with a murderous face, "It's time to make a break."

"I haven't had a real fight for a long time."

The saint also stood up and said, "This time, I can finally let go completely."

"Hahaha, it's hard for you to hide for so many years." Tang Long smiled and said, "This time, we don't have to hide any more. Brother, let Sir Merlin have a good look at how strong our Guoanlong Group is!"

"No problem!"


The senior management of the Guoan Dragon Group went out.

The boy had woken up at this time. When he first woke up, he was angry. He only calmed down considering that his small body had nothing to fight with others, and Tang Long also took him out immediately after he woke up. He didn't say anything more.

"Can you really smell Lin Xiaobao?" Tang Long asked.

"Hmm!" The boy nodded, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and said, "This way."

"Go!" Tang Long led the crowd in the direction pointed by the boy.

In the no man's land at this time, Lin Xiaobao did not know that many people had acted because of him. Lin Xiaohui and Alice were looking for him, and their purpose was unknown.

In order to complete the last condition with Zhao Lao, Wang also entered the mountain. Tang Long received the boy, and then a group of senior officials of the Guoanlong Group also came to Lin Xiaobao.

It seems that everyone is coming to Lin Xiaobao.

At this time, on the other side of the mountain.

Sir Merlin lay on a lounge chair. There were four men standing under the lounge chair, holding the lounge chair on their shoulders. Around the four men, there were about 30 people standing, each of whom was very strong.

This group of people, walking in the mountains, gives people a very strange feeling. After all, it is a very strange thing that someone is sitting on this mountain thousands of meters like a sedan chair.

Sir Merlin closed his eyes and seemed to be asleep.

At this moment, an old man appeared beside Sir Merlin.

"Just now, Charles came to hear that he met that man." The old man whispered.

"Is it really coming?" Sir Merlin opened his eyes, yawned and said, "What is his purpose?"

"It's not clear yet." The old man said.

"I know." Sir Merlin nodded and said, "Yes, Yuri, are you really dead?"


The old man said, "It is not clear who killed him, and the nail has not sent back any news. However, it was reported that the senior management of the Guoan Dragon Group had left the meeting point, but it was not clear where they had gone. They left quickly and the people who sent the news could not keep up.

"Are they finally coming out?"

Sir Merlin's face smiled, "Are there only those people in the Guoan Dragon Group?"

"Yes, but it is not ruled out that there is a hidden super god of war. Tang Long is always used to leaving cards. It is said that his wife has disappeared for a while. The old man said.

"That woman!" Sir Merlin smiled and said, "That's a powerful woman. If you count her, plus Tang Long and Liang Sijue, there are a total of seven super god of war strength on their side. Not bad, not bad."

"There should be five." The old man said.

"Hmm?" Sir Merlin took a look at the old man.

The old man immediately lowered his head and said, "It's seven."

"Have you found the new emperor?" Sir Merlin asked.

"Not yet, and the opposite side has not been found yet. The new emperor seems to be hidden. Only Tang Long knows where he is. Our people are searching, and I believe there will be results soon."

"He's not that important." Sir Merlin waved his hand and said, "We exposed the position of the muse so early this time in order to attract those people there, and our ultimate goal is to leave them all there. A new emperor has nothing to do with pain.

"I know."

"Go down." Sir Merlin finished speaking and closed his eyes again.

The old man bowed and faded away, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the old man's speed, he is definitely a super master.

After the old man left, Sir Merlin's team continued to move towards somewhere.

In the no man's land, Lin Xiaobao's team became much larger than before, because there was a Miao Liaotian, an Ajiao, and four different agents.