Generation Emperor

Chapter 64 Didn't you touch her? 1/5)

Chapter 64 Didn't you touch her? 1/5)

Do you have a feeling? Don't let me take the initiative alone. You can also react a little. Li Jiaguan thought that she was simply a woman who was made happy and immediately obeyed. How could she pretend to be pitiful? People always want others to think that they are pure. In fact, only they know how bad they are. Everyone has a bad side in their hearts. Some people will show this side without concealment, and some people cover up this side until there is a kind of bad idea that can satisfy their hearts. The conditions and environment will show. In fact, the essence of the two people is the same and the same.

Liu Meixi also began to shake her waist back and forth with Li Jiaguan's lower body to make someone feel stronger. ( Cough... It's the largest scale. No matter how meticulous it is, it will be banned. If it is banned, it will also be put in the following chapters. Well, that's it.)

Li Jiaguan and Liu Meixi turned over the clouds and rain overnight. They exchanged positions back and forth between people and meat, reaching ** again and again! Li Jiaguan tasted the taste of a woman's body for the first time, which was a very wonderful and addictive feeling.

The next day.

"Li Jiaguan, it's already morning." Li Jiaguan was fascinated to hear Liu Meixi's voice, opened his eyes, and saw that Liu Meixi had already dressed, wearing a white jacket and a short skirt. It looks the same as seeing her last night, but the structure of a physiological organ covered by a short skirt has changed!

"You got up quite early. After doing so many things last night, I was not too tired to get up the next day. Awesome." Li Jiaguan said with a frivolous smile.

"Well, you can't get tired, can you?" Liu Meixi laughed.

"Of course not. I can not only get up, but also have something to stand up. If you don't believe it, you see." Li Jiaguan said, and as soon as the quilt was lifted, it appeared naked in front of Liu Meixi.

Liu Meixi immediately pretended that she had never seen a man's body, covered her eyes shyly, turned around and said, "Oh, what are you doing?"

"Ah, last night was comparable to a tiger in **. Why did it become a lamb in the morning?" Li Jiaguan said while wearing clothes.

"Because I have forgotten what happened last night." Liu Meixi said.

Li Jiaguan put on his clothes, went to the bathroom to wash his face, and then walked to Liu Meixi. He looked at Liu Meixi carefully. She was really a beauty and said with a smile, "I didn't have time to see what you look like last night."

"Have you seen it now? How do you feel?" Liu Meixi asked with a smile.

"It's beautiful and beautiful. I'm very satisfied. No matter how much the tiger spends on you, I feel it's worth it." Li Jiaguan said.

"So, will it be overdue?" Liu Meixi looked very cute and waved her hand to Li Jiaguan and said.

Li Jiaguan heard this and asked doubtfully, "Are you going to die?"

"What?" Liu Meixi was stunned when she heard this and didn't know why Li Jiaguan had this question.

"You're not going to die now. Why do you want to say that there will be no life?" Li Jiaguan asked.

Hearing Li Jiaguan say this, Liu Meixi suddenly showed a wary expression and asked, "What do you mean? Didn't we agree that we would like to make a deal and not owe each other after the transaction? Do you want to pester me?

"No. I don't mean to threaten you. I mean, you are at Dalian Four Green University, and I am also in Dalian. Maybe when I will appear in another capacity at Dalian Four Green University. It is still possible for us to meet. How can we say that it will last forever? Li Jiaguan explained quickly.

"..." Liu Meixi took a long breath and was speechless to Li Jiaguan.

"Okay, bye. In fact, maybe we still have a chance to trade. Li Jiaguan smiled and shook his hand at Liu Meixi.

Liu Meixi, who originally wanted to use this opportunity to catch a golden bachelor, or at least a diamond godfather or something, had to leave.

The hateful thing about the lust is not that she is indifferent when the woman** naked** is placed in front of her, but that she has to entangle with others after releasing her desires on that woman!

Li Jiaguan thinks so, so Li Jiaguan feels that as long as he is a slightly normal man, he will not be polite to Liu Meixi in the situation last night.


"Xiao Shuang, are you awake?" Li Jiaguan came to the next door and knocked on the door.

After more than 30 seconds, the door was opened.

It was Huang Zishuang who came to open the door, with a low mood and a dark and sad expression.

However, this was also Li Jiaguan's expectation. When he woke up, he found that there was another man beside him, and no woman could accept it!

Li Jiaguan entered the suite, and the atmosphere in the room was silent!

Liu Ruixin, Huang Zishuang and Li Jiaguan sat at a round table in the living room, and no one spoke to each other first.

Li Jiaguan looked at Liu Ruixin and Huang Zishuang and found that Liu Ruixin did not seem to be as happy as he thought, and Huang Zishuang did not seem to be as sad as he expected.

Soon, Li Jiaguan suddenly found something - Huang Zishuang's clothes seemed to have not been taken off!

"You didn't... huh last night?" Li Jiaguan first broke the silence.

"I slept on the sofa last night. I didn't touch her last night." Liu Ruixin said.

"What?! Isn't Huang Zishuang your favorite girl? Anyway, you are ready to be responsible and put it in front of you. Isn't it okay? Why don't you go?" Li Jiaguan actually questioned Liu Ruixin in a complaining tone.

Li Jiaguan's mood is also very complicated. On the one hand, in order to get closer to Liu Ruixin, Li Jiaguan lost Huang Zishuang and some reluctance. It can be said that Li Jiaguan gave Huang Zishuang to Liu Ruixin and made a kind of sacrifice in the bottom of his heart, but Liu Ruixin did not do anything to Huang Zishuang, but Huang Zishuang has known what she has done, and it seems that the mood of flying eggs has surged into Li Jiaguan's heart!

Huang Zishuang's eyes turned red, and tears fell down. Facing Li Jiaguan and Liu Ruixin, two men who had different meanings for her, Huang Zishuang cried. While crying, Huang Zishuang said three words to Li Jiaguan: "Why...?"

For a while, the atmosphere became silent and dead!

A bitter feeling rippled in Li Jiaguan's heart, as if he were embarrassed and ashamed as if he were a criminal standing in court!