Medical official path

Chapter 1 Reborn in Gynecology

Almost everyone knows that the first hero at the end of the Sui Dynasty was Li Yuanba, but few people know that the first holy hand at the end of the Sui Dynasty is Zhang Yizhen, which is certainly related to the heroic complex of the Chinese people. Our Chinese nation has always been a hero for thousands of years, and the treacherous minister has been stinky In the dust. 1 small say à.1κ. 0 text version first release "complete novels () super fast update"

Zhang Yizhen is not a hero. Although his medical skills are superb, he never does things that have no rewarding. It is easy to see a doctor from him. Either there is silver or beauty. There are many rich people who have been cured by Zhang Yizhen, and they are basically given silver. There are many women cured by Zhang Yizhen, and most of The history of life is ashamed to record.

Zhang Yizhen died miserably. His martial arts have been transformed. He first drank the poisoned wine of Emperor Sui Yang, and then was saved by a thousand imperial army. The reason was that he did a good depaid and saved the noble concubine of Emperor Sui Yang, who was in childbirth, so he felt very wronged. He did a good job to The ending is really a strange injustice through the ages.

Emperor Yang didn't feel wronged: "It's paralyzed. You dare to touch my woman. It's cheap for you to die like this!"

Later generations have proved that the energy of resentment can travel through time and space, which is to the sky for resentment, so Comrade Zhang Yishang has also become one of the millions of people who travel through the world, and is very lucky to travel.


"I'm not reconciled!"

Chunyang County People's Hospital, a hoarse shout suddenly came from the small conference room on the third floor of the outpatient clinic. The cry stunned Zhou Yanling, the vice president of the business and the director of the special lecture on the differential diagnosis of female ovarian tumors. The whole conference room became silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on the end A row of little boys.

Zhang Yizhen opened his eyes wide in horror and stared at everything around him, a white coat and white hat. Is this a mourning hall? He blinked his eyes, and the men and women sat around him. Several pairs of men and women secretly held hands under the table and crooked. The pair of men and women sitting on his right actually put their hands into each other's coats. Good boy, do they want to do things in broad daylight? Zhang Yizhen shook his head hard, Senluo Hall? It doesn't seem to be.

After a moment of silence, everyone reacted almost at the same time, and there was enough laughter in the small conference room.

Vice President Zhou Yanling has always been known for her rigorous and meticulous study. Because of her old-fashioned character, few people dare to joke with her. The staff of our college are still like this, not to mention these interns who have just left the school. Zhou Yanling's chest fluctuated violently. After a period of emotional brewing, her anger finally broke out: "Get out!"

Zhang Yizhen was still observing the surroundings muddle-headedly. It was not until Zhou Yanling repeated it for the second time that he realized that the old woman on the stage was angry with him. He scratched his head and still didn't mean to stand up. He showed a hateful smile on his face, and he bowed with his fists in his hands, "Dare to ask this aunt, are you talking to Xiaosheng?"

As soon as this sentence was said, the laughter in the conference room was even more uncontrollable. I couldn't wait to lift the whole ceiling before I gave up.

Zhou Yanling's face was bloodless with anger, and her lips trembled slightly. She pointed to a needle: "Do you want me to repeat it?"

Yuan Wenli, the head of science and education, who had been listening all the time, hurried over, reached out to hold Zhang Zhang's right arm, and scolded in a stern tone, "Zhang Yang! Come out with me!"

Zhang Yipin gently broke free from Yuan Wenli's palm, stood up and tidied up her clothes. It was unlucky! It's fucking unlucky. It turns out that I'm also wearing a white filial piety suit and a filial piety hat on my head, but on my mind, filial piety is a little better than a shroud.

"Zhang Yang! Come out!" Yuan Wenli, the head of science and education, and his parents and Zhang Yang's family are old neighbors, and they still take good care of this boy in their hearts.

Zhang Yipin looked at Zhou Yanling, who looked at herself angrily on the podium, shook her head and said secretly, "The shrew is as fierce as a tiger. I'd better avoid it first!"

Seeing Zhang Yihang leaving the conference room, a group of interns laughed again. Zhou Yanling's face softened slightly: "Okay, let's continue the next lecture..."

In science and education, Yuan Wenli looked at Zhang Yipin, and her face was full of an indisputable expression. She couldn't help stretching out her finger and pointing fiercely on Zhang Yipin's forehead: "Bung boy, what should I say about you?"

Zhang Yizhen was inexplicably surprised by her sudden point. In the past, except for the dusty woman in Fireworks and Willow Lane, she had such a ** behavior. However, Yuan Wenli was mediocre in middle age and had no charm. Looking at it horizontally, it was not like doing this job. Was she moved by her own Not bad? Zhang Yipin has been wandering around the world for many years. He has never seen any character. He took a step back and said solemnly, "Men and women are not close to each other. Please take care of yourself!"

When Yuan Wenli listened to his words, she was angry and funny. She grabbed a magazine on the table and said with a needle on her head: "Bung, I think you don't hit the room for three days. Believe it or not, I'll tell your father what happened today?"

Zhang Yizhen was even more upset when he heard it. His parents had died since he was a child, and this woman actually wanted to complain to his father? He sighed and said, "My father has been dead for many years."

Yuan Wenli is very clear about Zhang Yang's family situation. She knows that his father died when he was one year old. His mother took his oil bottle to marry the current man. Zhang Yang's stepfather himself has two sons and one daughter, so he has always been biased to treat several children. Zhang Yang has been beaten a lot since he was a child With a pitiful background, Yuan Wenli couldn't help sighing: "Zhang Yang! It's not easy for you to be admitted to a health school. It's not easy for a health school student to come to a county-level hospital for an internship. She vaguely reminded Zhang Yang to cherish everything now, and also hinted that in the process of his internship in the county hospital, he made a lot of efforts.

Zhang Yipin copied his hands in the big pocket and quietly pinched two times on his body. He clearly felt the pain. Zhang Yizhen's brain was not confused. He was probably alive. In his concept, the dead should not feel it. However, there were still some doubts in his heart. Everything he saw in front of him was very strange. In his memory, neither the Sui Dynasty nor the Goryeo Turks were dressed like this. He asked cautiously, "Dare to ask this sister-in-law, am I dead?"

Yuan Wenli shook her head helplessly and stretched out her right hand to try his forehead: "You don't have a fever. What's wrong today? Do you keep talking nonsense?

Zhang Yizhang suddenly thought of the theory of reincarnation. Maybe it was true that God saw his own grievances and generously gave himself a chance to be reborn. As long as he came, he would be at ease. As long as he could live, no matter how bad he was, he could be.

Yuan Wenli couldn't bear to criticize the poor boy. She scolded him a few words, began to lecture bitterly, and then sent Zhang Yizhen to the conference room with her own hands. Unfortunately, the lecture was over, and Zhou Yanling had also left, so she could not apologize to her.

As an old neighbor, Yuan Wenli also did her best. She took Zhang Yizhen to the gynecological clinic, where she found Zhou Yanling, the vice president who was sitting in the expert clinic. Yuan Wenli outside the department told him a few more words. Zhang Yizhen had gradually accepted the reality. He knew that he might cause trouble as soon as he He simply closed his mouth honestly and nodded blindly to show his obedience to Yuan Wenli.

It's already four o'clock in the afternoon. There are no patients in the gynecological clinic for the time being. Only five interns gathered around Vice President Zhou and listened to her teachings carefully. It can be seen that Zhou Yanling likes to play the role of a teacher. Although there is no smile on her face, she explains each student's The smell of tiredness.

In fact, she had already noticed the arrival of Yuan Wenli and Zhang Yizhen, but she did not take the initiative to pay attention to Yuan Wenli. As soon as the lecture just now was over, a good person revealed to her the inside story that Yuan Wenli and Zhang Yang were old neighbors. Zhou Yanling immediately understood that this matter would definitely end. A colleague It also needs to be taken into consideration, but this boy named Zhang Yang is really a little fucking. He actually made trouble in the public lecture.

"Dean Zhou!" Yuan Wenli always has a sweet smile on her face when she speaks. Her good popularity is famous in the hospital. As the head of science and education, it may not be a good thing to have a good temper. Because of Chief Yuan's good temper, the free and loose situation of hospital interns emerges one after another. Zhou Yanling has made a decision in her heart. This matter will be specially raised at the meeting to beat Yuan Wenli well.

"Xiao Yuan! What's the matter?" Although she is a vice president, Zhou Yanling can still show some official prestige at will.

Yuan Wenli smiled even more brightly: "I brought Zhang Yang to apologize to you. Just now, I taught him fiercely in science and education. Zhang Yang also realized his mistake. He took the initiative to apologize to you face to face." She quietly pushed a needle behind her.

Zhang Yizhen Yizhen, walked to Vice President Zhou and said sincerely, "Dean Zhou, I was wrong!"

Zhou Yanling rarely showed a trace of smile. As a dean, she still has this amount of weight. Even if she is angry, she can't be angry with an intern. What makes her unhappy is Yuan Wenli. It's just a small episode. Why do you have to solemnly accompany the intern? Are you so narrow-minded? Zhou Yanling waved her hand: "Knowing mistakes can improve good deeds. You must listen carefully in the future!"

Zhang Yizhang nodded. Now he can not speak without talking. Although the other party also speaks in Chinese, he always lacks a little elegance compared with his past words.

Zhou Yanling looked at the sign on his chest: "Zhang Yang? Jiangcheng Health School?"

A black and thin girl with a ponytail came over: "Dean Zhou, we are in a group, and we are rotating in gynecology this month!" The girl's name is Hong Ling. She is from Jiangcheng Medical University and is also the intern team leader of Zhang Yang in the county hospital. There are six members in this group. Except for Hong Ling, the other five are boys, but Zhang Yang is forced in by Yuan Wenli. The five of them are five-year undergraduates from Jiangcheng Medical University. Although Zhang Yang Medical treatment is also five years, but he started as a junior high school student. After graduation, he is just a junior college student. In the medical field that pays attention to diplomas, junior college students obviously have no future, so other team members rarely pay attention to him.

At this time, a beautiful girl in red tights walked into the gynecology department. Her curly hair was dyed burgundy, lazily draped on her shoulders, her beautiful legs were slender, and she pedaled a pair of silver high heels with seven centimeters under her feet. When she walked, her buttocks and breasts were touching

Yuan Wenli left at the right time: "Dean Zhou, you're busy. I'll go first!"

Zhou Yanling nodded carelessly.

Before leaving, Yuan Wenli winked at Zhang Yipin again, signaling him to be obedient. Zhang Yipin wanted to leave with her, but she heard Zhou Yanling's indifferent voice in her ear: "Zhang Yang, come and help me ask about the medical history!"

Zhang Yizhang was stunned. Now he began to gradually accept the new role he played. He nodded and sat down at the table opposite Zhou Yanling. The light in the corner of his eyes secretly looked at the patient. A woman actually dressed like this. It's really **. The singer of Liuxiangyuan did not dare to dress so boldly. Fortunately, Zhang Yizhen has encountered too many surprises today, and his mind is somewhat paralyzed.

The young woman looked at Zhang Yang and Zhou Yanling. A trace of blush appeared on her delicate and beautiful face. There were five boys at the scene. It was the first time she had met such a medical experience.

Zhou Yanling smiled faintly: "You don't have to worry, just ask about the medical history!"

Hong Ling pushed the medical record in front of Zhang Yang, and the cover said Lin Xiaoli, female, 23 years old, unmarried, individual.

Zhang Yang opened his medical record and looked at Zhou Yanling. Zhou Yanling encouraged him to say, "Don't worry and ask boldly!" It means that I'm here, don't have too many scruples.

Zhang Yang cleared his throat: "What's wrong with you, young lady?"

It was really amazing. Zhou Yanling looked at the boy helplessly and scolded him for being pretentious, and several students around her suppressed her laughter.

Lin Xiaoli bit her lower lip, and her long black curled eyelashes trembled. Because she knew that Zhang Yang was an intern, she didn't think much: "I... my boyfriend and I... at that time... always bleeding..."


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