Medical official path

Chapter 3 Strong New Concept 1

However, Zuo Xiaoqing's curved eyebrows suddenly frowned, and the expression on his face became solemn. Although the injured person's blood pressure was normal, his breathing obviously became rapid. The awakened injured man pointed to his throat, and his face soon turned purple. He obviously had respiratory distress. ( Full-text novel reading is all on Shilu Literature Network)

Zuo Xiaoqing hurriedly ran to Gao Wei. When Gao Wei heard that patient No. 7 had respiratory distress, he followed him over to have a look, and then quickly proposed a treatment plan: "It may be an upper respiratory tract obstruction, give him a tracheotomy!" You do it!" Then he hurried to another seriously injured person.

Zuo Xiaoqing has already had no master. Oh, my God! She is just an intern for half a year, tracheotomy. Her understanding is limited to the knowledge in books, and she has never done it in person. Thinking of Zhang Yang's magical behavior just now, Zuo Xiaoqing asked for help and looked at the health school student: "You will definitely do it?"

How did Zhang Yang know about tracheotomy? His fingers gently tapped in front of the injured person's chest and immediately noticed the difference between the two sides. Although he knew nothing about the modern name of the disease, Gao Wei said that tracheotomy should be a wrong plan. The injured person's left chest was injured, causing gas to enter the chest Thus compressing the lungs, which is the real reason for his dyspnea. According to the past method, Zhang Yang could use a hollow needle to extract the gas in it, but there seemed to be no equipment in front of him. His eyes looked around and suddenly found the needles placed on the treatment car beside him, with a smile on the corners of his lips. This thing should It can be used.

Under Zuo Xiaoqing's surprised eyes, he grabbed the syringe, pulled out the piston of the syringe, and then aimed at the ribs of the injured man's left chest and inserted it like lightning.

Zuo Xiaoqing almost fainted. She covered her mouth with her hands, and the time seemed to be fixed in an instant. It was not until she heard the sneer that she woke up from the panic. Her judgment was extremely accurate. The injured was just an ordinary pneumothorax. The correct treatment should be to pull out the gas accumulated in It's not a tracheotomy. If according to Gao Wei's treatment plan, I'm afraid the injured person will be more or less auspicious.

After the symptoms of pneumothorax were relieved, the symptoms of the injured's respiratory distress suddenly disappeared, and Zhang Yang quickly pulled out the syringe.

At this time, the doctor on duty in the inpatient department came in a hurry after receiving the information, the medical force was comprehensively strengthened, and all the work of the interns was taken over by these teachers.

Gao Wei just remembered the matter of patient No. 7. He came here to have a look and found that Zuo Xiaoqing still didn't do it. He couldn't help frowning: "Xiaoqing, why haven't you do it yet?"

Zuo Xiaoqing said feebly, "He is pneumatic!" Then he turned around and walked into the lounge.

The expression on Gao Wei's face seemed a little embarrassed, and his eyes fell on Zhang Yang's face and then turned into anger. Zhang Yang's eyes were so old that he immediately realized that the boy was going to be angry with him. Thirty-six tricks were the best strategy. He hurriedly turned around and followed Zuo Xiaoqing's footsteps and

Zuo Xiaoqing washed her hands absent-mindedly, and the scene just now still flashed in her mind. This usually inconspicuous health school student actually had magical skills. If she hadn't witnessed it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed what had just happened.

Zhang Yang came to her side and washed his hands in the adjacent faucet and coughed gently.

Zuo Xiaoqing looked at him: "Your name is Zhang Yang?"

Zhang Yang nodded.

Zuo Xiaoqing showed a bright smile and stretched out her white and delicate little hand: "My name is Zuo Xiaoqing. Let's get to know me!"

Zhang Yang has seen this kind of handshake etiquette countless times on TV news. He stretched out his hand a little strangely. The wet right hands of the two were held together. Zuo Xiaoqing's hands were soft and soft, which made Zhang Yang's palm extremely comfortable.

Zuo Xiaoqing whispered, "You are really awesome!"

Zhang Yang opened his mouth, revealing a mouthful of snow-white and neat teeth, and whispered, "Carving insects are not enough!" He is indeed modest, but in Zuo Xiaoqing's opinion, it is not so. His feeling to Zuo Xiaoqing is unfathomable, and this boy is very good at pretending.

The injury of 15 construction workers has been quite a significant event for Chunyang, a small county. An hour later, all the important leaders of the county party committee and the county government came to the hospital. First, they comforted these injured workers, and second, they tried to minimize the influence of this matter. This kind of thing spread to everyone. No one is good, but fortunately, the lives of 15 construction workers are not in danger, and the two seriously injured have passed the danger period after emergency rescue.

Li Changyu, Secretary of the County Party Committee, began an impassioned speech in the emergency room. First of all, he affirmed the rescue work of the County People's Hospital, and then publicized the benefits of reform and opening up. As soon as he turned around, it turned into a price for any cause. He easily attributed the accident to reform and The price paid by Cheng Zhong, he said earnestly: "These injured workers' brothers have made great efforts for the reform and opening up of the Republic. They are all great heroes of the reform and opening up. We will not forget it, and the people will not forget it. Here I ask leaders at all levels to rest assured, and all family members and relatives can rest assured. The people can rest assured that these injured people will definitely receive the most careful and thoughtful treatment. I believe that in less than a long time, they will stand on the front line of reform and opening up again. Thank you medical workers, thank you angels in white, oh, and these little comrades..."

The applause was thunderous, and the magnesium light kept flashing. Zhang Yang was deeply shocked by the scene in front of him. He whispered to Zuo Xiaoqing beside him, "What kind of official is this?"

"County Party Secretary!"

"How many products?"

Zuo Xiaoqing looked at Zhang Yang in consteridation, and then was amused by his cold humor. He smiled and was intoxicated: "It should be counted as seven grades!"

Zhang Yang looked at Secretary Li, who was short but stood proudly in the crowd, and was deeply shocked by the invisible bastard's spirit overflowing all over his body, seven grades! Qipin is so awesome. I thought it was the prince of a certain family. It seems that it's really good to be an official in this era! Zhang Yang suddenly had a strong desire in his heart after sleeping in 1396. He wanted to be an official, and he wanted to be the bright moon in the public, not for anything else, but for the satisfaction of his high arm.


Because of work, the two chapters of the new book period of Octopus will be fixedly updated in the morning and evening, and one chapter will be updated from time to time for the rest of the time. The update speed is not slow. I hope my brothers and sisters can collect tickets in time, so that "Medical Taoist Official Road" can go smoothly,


Tang Monk-like reminder: collection, collection, collection, collection, collection, collection, recommendation, recommendation, recommendation, recommendation, recommendation, recommendation, recommendation...