Medical official path

Chapter 18 Teachings and Understanding 3

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The improvement of Zhang Yang's political consciousness is really not ordinary. From Li Changyu's reaction, he has guessed his thoughts, and he has not continued to make any excessive demands. You know, Zhang Daguan has never been a person who has gained without work. He believes that his ability is that gold will always shine. Li Changyu is very fast. You will realize your real ability. Full-text novel reading, all in .16κ.(1κ.O. Text. Learning Network)

Mrs. Su stewed the local chicken tasted very well, and Zhang Yang ate it with praise. Although Li Changyu seldom talked, he was also quite satisfied from the way he ate it with relish. Mrs. Su said, "The taste of native chickens in the mountains is different. Unlike the ones from the farm now, those chickens have no taste at all. They are all fed by feed."

Li Changyu said, "Sor-scale breeding is the only way for agricultural development. Our country has a large population. If we want to meet the needs of so many people, we must take this road."

Mr. Su gave Li Changyu a white look: "Don't be official to me. I don't understand this. Anyway, now the chicken, fish, meat and eggs are all gone. You leaders are just blindly encouraging to increase production, but what about the quality?"

Li Changyu laughed, and Zhang Yang also smiled. The old lady said that after all, she is the sister-in-law of the county party secretary, and her knowledge is much better than that of ordinary old ladies. Zhang Yang said, "Since I like it, I will bring you some local chicken in the mountains every time I come back in the future."

Mrs. Su shook her head in a hurry: "You child, you have just gone to work, and you don't have much salary, so don't spend money indiscriminately. In fact, you can buy these things in the market. Keep the money and you will marry a daughter-in-law in the future."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm only 20 years old, and it's still early to get married."

Mrs. Su smiled and said, "Well, the Xiaoqing you brought last time is good. She is beautiful and pleasant to talk. Is she your partner?"

Li Changyu also stopped his chopsticks and stared at Zhang Yang. He was also very concerned about this matter. If Zuo Xiaoqing was Zhang Yang's girlfriend, it would be really difficult to estimate this boy's career in the future. However, from Li Changyu's point of view, it is difficult for Zuo Xiaoqing's family background What's more, Zuo Xiaoqing is a student of Jiangcheng Medical University. Jiangcheng Medical University also ranks in the top five among medical colleges and universities in China, while Zhang Yang is a junior college student of Jiangcheng Health School. The gap between the two is not ordinary.

Zhang Yang shook his head: "No, it's just an ordinary friend!"

Mrs. Su gave a lot of gossipy encouragement: "All the couple in the world have changed from ordinary friends. As long as they are willing to climb, there is nothing difficult in the world. Girls like people to say good things. In the future, you often ask her to come to me for dinner. I will help her, and I will always make it happen." The old lady is full of confidence.

Li Changyu couldn't help laughing: "Sister-in-law, don't worry about the young people."

"Why don't you care? I can't control you, can't you control Zhang Yang?" Mrs. Su stared at Li Changyu.

Li Changyu suddenly suffocated. Although he was the head of the county, he was very depressed at home. His wife Zhu Hongmei met him when he was ambitious. At that time, he was also the secretary of a township head. Zhu Hongmei was the daughter of the deputy director of the factory. The combination of the two was Li Changyu's Hongmei has been quite strong for a long time after marriage. Li Changyu's dislike for her should have been planted since then. This situation did not change until Li Changyu became the head of the township. However, it is difficult to change a person's temperament. Zhu Hongmei's arrogance and stupidity made Li Changyu unbearable. If not For the sake of his official career, he had already chosen to break up with this woman. After he became the county party secretary, the children had gone out to school, and there was little communication between the couple. Every time he saw Zhu Hongmei proud of the aura of the county party secretary's wife, Li Changyu felt angry for no reason. Later, he met Ge Chunli finally found a trace of comfort emotionally. Outside of work, in addition to having an affair with Ge Chunli, Weiyuan is the only place where he can feel the warmth of his family.

For the misfortune of this brother-in-law, Mrs. Su has always seen it. She hates the woman named Zhu Hongmei from the bottom of her heart. This is not because of Zhu Hongmei's contempt and cold treatment of her. The most important thing is that Li Changyu was raised by her hand, There is an invisible maternal love, and which mother wants to see her son bullied by her daughter-in-law?

After dinner, Zhang Yang chatted with Li Changyu for a while. At eight o'clock, Zhang Yang left. Mrs. Su kindly kept Zhang Yang to live in Weiyuan, but Zhang Yang was a master who likes freedom. Didn't he let him stay here to chat with the old lady to make him live and death? He said that there were other things Yu left Weiyuan together.

The driver Liu Haitao ate a bowl of ramen outside and was already waiting outside the small building. Looking at Li Changyu and Zhang Yang coming out side by side, he couldn't help sighing: "Why is there such a big gap between the same people? They eat delicious food and drink in the house, but they have to wait for them. Why is my fucking life so hard? Everyone was not satisfied. Liu Haitao didn't think about how many pairs of eyes stared at the steering wheel in his hand.

Zhang Yang got into the car, and Li Changyu said, "Zhang Yang, where are you going? I'll see you off first!"

Zhang Yang hesitated for a moment. He really didn't expect to go anywhere. Originally, he planned to find a hotel to stay, but he couldn't say no directly to Li Changyu.

Although it was only a moment of hesitation, it had been keenly grasped by Li Changyu. Li Changyu guessed that there was no place for Zhang Yang to go, and whispered to Liu Haitao, "Xiao Liu, stop the county government hostel in front of you."

Liu Haitao was bright in his heart. Secretary Li was going to arrange accommodation for Zhang Yang. What kind of relationship is this? I'm afraid that the leader of Chunyang County can let Secretary Li personally care about the accommodation problem is the only one in front of him. Thinking that he wanted to shirk Zhang Yang in the afternoon, Liu Haitao sweated cold In the future, if you treat Zhang Yang as a prince, you must not offend him.

Since Li Changyu made arrangements, Zhang Yang was at ease. After Santana stopped at the county government hostel, Liu Haitao went down with Zhang Yang to arrange a room. Li Changyu disdained to come forward.

I heard that it was a relative of Secretary Li. Wang Shuchun, the manager on duty that night, was suddenly full of flattery. He specially arranged a luxury standard for Zhang Yang. On weekdays, it was specially used to receive cadres above the deputy director level, which not only had TV, telephone, air conditioning and a separate shower room.

The 29-inch Panasonic TV in the room made Zhang Yang amazed. After taking a shower, he lay ** and fell asleep at one o'clock in the morning. He wanted to sleep comfortably, but at 8:30 in the morning, he heard the rapid dripping sound of the pager. Zhang Yang opened his hazy sleepy eyes, pressed the pager It has arrived in Chunyang. Where are you? The commenter was Zuo Xiaoqing. Zhang Yang sat up from **. Unexpectedly, she came back so quickly. She was overjoyed. She called back according to the number of the message. Several times, the line was busy, and it was dialed six times in a row before dialing.

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