Medical official path

Chapter 26 Chaos again!

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After Xing Jimin left, Hailan turned back. Seeing Zhang Yang's proud face, she couldn't help laughing and said, "Director Xiao Zhang is really good at it. You can solve such a difficult thing as soon as you come out. ( This book is reprinted by 1 Literature Network.6.)(}”

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's someone who knows the current affairs. I didn't threaten him!" He didn't know that the reason why Director Xing bowed his head was because he was afraid of Hailan. Any man liked to show his energy in front of women, and he was as wise as Zhang's official. He could not avoid vulgarity, which could make Xing Jimin bow to himself in front of Hailan, which made him feel that he had earned enough face.

Hailan looked at Zhang Yang and smiled without saying a word. Zhang Yang's pride made her feel relieved from the bottom of her heart.

Zhang Yang invited, "I'll treat you to dinner. Thank you for everything you have done for me." A very ordinary sentence has an unusual taste in Hailan's ears, and she didn't refuse against her will.

The two of them had lunch in the Ming Hotel. Zhang Yang wanted a bottle of wine, but he was politely rejected by Hailan. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's good not to drink. The wine can be messy!"

One sentence made Hailan blush. She whispered, "I can't spit out ivory in the dog's mouth!"

The two sat by the window, and the afternoon sun projected in from the pane. It fell on her body warm and uncomfortable. Hailan's white skin was shrouded in a layer of beautiful and hazy golden luster in the sun. Zhang Yang stared at her and sincerely praised, "You are so beautiful!"

"You are so hypocritical!" Hailan turned against each other. She took a sip of tea and whispered, "I didn't know that every man in the world is more hypocritical until I saw you talking to Xing Jimin just now."

Zhang Yang stretched out his big hand to hold Hailan's little hand, but Hailan ran away quickly. As a public figure, she didn't want others to see her intimacy with Zhang Yang.

The publicity is empty. He smiled and said, "Go up and sit down?"

Hailan shook her head: "No!" Refuse people's expressions thousands of miles away. Let Zhang Yang don't know how to continue. He really can't understand. Normally, what happened between him and Hailan last night should be intimate. It's right to talk about everything. But why do I feel much more divided than before? This feeling makes him very unhappy.

Hailan was naturally aware of the subtle changes in Zhang Yang's emotions. But she was soberly aware that she had to keep a certain distance from him. Zhang Yang is like a burning flame. But she wants to be a one that refuses to melt the ground ice. The meeting of ice and fire is doomed to both sides. In her eyes, he was so young and frivolous that he even wanted to trample the whole world under her feet. But she has long seen through the cruelty of the world. She would rather freeze herself.

"I have to go to work!" Hailan got up and said goodbye. Zhang Yang smiled faintly. The lonely expression can't hide the loss in the heart.

The matter of the TV station has been solved. Even if Zhang Yang successfully completed this mission, he wanted to return to Heishanzi Township with Du Yufeng. But before leaving, he suddenly changed his mind and decided to go to the County People's Hospital to visit Xu Jin, the former director of the Family Planning Office of Heishanzi Township, where he was injured and hospitalized. After Zhang Yang went to Heishanzi Township. The work has been going smoothly. At least Wang Boxiong, Secretary of the Township Party Committee, is still very caring about him. However, he is still confused about where to start the family planning work. However, in the township government and the villagers of Xiaqinghe, Director Xiao Zhang's notoriety spread all over Heishanzi Township. At present, the fine paid by the land has been essentially improved compared with the past, but there is still no sense of joy in seeing work performance. After all, all these fines have been put into the local financial account of the township government, and the local family planning office has just been cursed.

Xu Jin as the former leader. I know more about the family planning situation in Heishanzi Township than myself. This time, it is to visit the doctor. The second is to learn something from Xu Jinkou. More importantly. He wants to see Zuo Xiaoqing by the way. Don't say it yet. I'm a little worried that I haven't seen you for a few days.

Zhang's official has never been a promiscuous person, but this man is not a dedicated master. Otherwise, how can he do this thing of repairing the plank road secretly? Waking up to the power of the world, drunken beauty's knees is Zhang Yang's dream after rebirth. The balance between the two, as if the former

Xu Jin lives in the orthopedics department of the County People's Hospital, and Zuo Xiaoqing happens to practice in the orthopedics department. When Zhang Yang walked into the orthopedic ward with a bunch of red roses, he happened to meet Zuo Xiaoqing in the corridor. Zuo Xiaoqing didn't expect him to appear, let alone that the man would come over with the red rose so swaggeringly. He was shy, but mixed with a trace of surprise. He bit his lower lip and whisper It's working time now!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I came to see Director Xu Jin and Director Xu. What bed is she in?"

Zuo Xiaoqing experienced a huge gap from the peak to the trough in an instant. Not to mention how frustrated she was. Looking at Zhang Yang's heartless smiling face, she was immediately angry: "Won't you go to the nurse's station to ask yourself?"

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "Aren't we familiar with each other? You'd better take me there."

Zuo Xiaoqing looked at the delicate rose in his hand. She was really envious of Xu Jin in her heart. Her eyes were hot because of envy, and she looked at this guy even more unpleasant because of the hot eyes. There was something wrong with it. She actually sent roses to the old woman, crazy, big fool! Zuo Xiaoqing scolded in her heart. Even Zhang Yang remembered the scene of sending her flowers for the first time. He still bought the flower for himself. It's really shameless to talk about it!

At this time, a beautiful little nurse pushed the treatment car past them, and her eyes were naturally attracted by the roses in Zhang Yang's hand. She said with envy, "Zuo Xiaoqing, what a beautiful flower!"

Zuo Xiaoqing was shy and anxious: "It's not for me!"

Zhang Yang looked at the little nurse with a smile: "Hello, Shi Yan!"

It's not strange that he can call the little nurse's name. After all, it's written on the badge, but his tone seems to be as if he is an old friend. This can't help but make Shi Yan strange. She looked at Zhang Yang with confusion: "Do I know you?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Your voice is so beautiful, like a broadcaster of China Central Radio!"

Shi Yan remembered that the last time someone called Zuo Xiaoqing, that is, she answered the phone herself. The two chatted quite speculatively, and their eyes smiled into a crescent shape: "It turned out to be Zuo Xiaoqing's brother!"

Zuo Xiaoqing stared at Zhang Yang: "It's just his virtue!" Miss Zuo was obviously angry today, and what she said was cold and hard. She turned around and walked forward.

Zhang Yang and Shi Yan looked at him and stuck out his tongue at the same time. Shi Yan laughed and motioned that Zhang Yang would not catch up quickly.

Seeing Zuo Xiaoqing angry, he was happy in his heart, which proved that he cared about himself. Compared with the indifference and sense of distance shown by Hailan at noon, Zuo Xiaoqing at this time made Zhang Yang feel warm from the bottom of his heart. He suddenly sent

I used to care about other people's feelings.

Although Zuo Xiaoqing was a little angry, she still took Zhang Yang to Xu Jin's hospital room.


Xu Jin's popularity in Heishanzi Township is not good. Because of his tough style, he is nicknamed the black-faced director. Of course, this also has something to do with her local life.

Zhang Yang's visit made Xu Jin somewhat surprised. Looking at the bright golden roses in his eyes, he was disappointed. In her opinion, a handful of flowers was far less affordable than a basket of eggs.

Xu Jin's husband is an honest worker. He enthusiastically asked Zhang Yang to sit down, and then took out his red camellia to Zhang Yang and waved his hand to show that he would not. Xu Jin's appearance in front of him was indeed a little pitiful with thick plaster, and there were still many scars on his face. When the director It's really depressing.

Xu Jin didn't expect Yang to be so young. He said politely to Zhang Yang and sighed, "The family planning work in Heishanzi Township is not easy to do. I almost lost my life this time."

Zhang Yang nodded sympathetically: "Although I haven't been in Heishanzi Township for a long time, I have understood the arrogance of these villagers. The director has suffered!"

After all, Xu Jin has been in the system for less than a year or two. Of course, she understands that Zhang Yang's main purpose today is to learn from himself and does not intend to keep anything. Anyway, even if she carries her back with a sedan chair after this incident, she does not plan to go back to the remote land with strong folk customs Xu Jin said, "Xiao Zhang, when I first went to Heishanzi Township to preside over the family planning work, I also wanted to completely change the chaotic family planning situation in Heishanzi Township with great enthusiasm, but when the work really carried out, I found that the difficulty was beyond my imagination. Heishanzi Township is located in Qingtai Mountain, and the In particular, the quality of the villagers is low. Not to mention ordinary people, even grassroots cadres also have a rejection attitude towards family planning work, and they encounter resistance almost everywhere in their work.

Zhang Yang said, "If you want to do a good job in family planning, you really need the cooperation of other departments."

Xu Jin said angrily, "Nothing else, it's just the township police station. Every time there is a task, the director Zhou Liangshun takes the lead in pushing and blocking. Without their help, how can I enforce the law?" She has considerable resentment about the Heishanzi Township police station. If it hadn't been for the poor work of the police station, she would not have fallen into the current situation.

Zhang Yang taught Zhou Liangshun's ability to work passively and expressed his understanding of Xu Jin's indignation. In fact, his main purpose this time was to ask about the family planning fine. After patiently listening to Xu Jin's complaint, he whispered his question. ,

Xu Jin sighed and said, "Xiao Zhang, originally our family planning office should have a separate account, which is dedicated to the family planning funds, but the meeting of the township standing committee decided that the family planning funds should be managed as a whole. Later, it turned out that we only have the right to fine, no right to confirm, how much to fine, how The decision is in the countryside.

Zhang Yang whispered, "But we should at least have the right to know."

Xu Jin smiled bitterly: "Won't the township finance will give us a note, that is the explanation to the family planning office. In fact, there is another big problem with the difficulty of carrying out the family planning work in Heishanzi Township, that is, the lack of money. If we have money, we can use incentives to encourage the enthusiasm of I once applied to the township for a sum of money for this matter, but the money given by the township is too little, and it has little effect.

Zhang Yang couldn't help but think of Xie Yue'e, the women's director of Xiaqinghe Village, whom he met when he first arrived at Heishanzi Township. It was because of her that he led to the scene of the villagers of Xiaqinghe Village besieging the township government.

At this time, the doctor came in to change the medicine, and Zhang Yang also took the opportunity to leave. Before leaving, he left 200 yuan for Xu Jin. Xu Jin said that he did not want to accept it. In the end, Zhang Yang had to give up. Xu Jin still had a good impression on this young man. Before leaving, Zhang Yang reminded him, It is impossible for your own strength to fight with a group of people. Sometimes doing things is completely different from being an official. If you want to do good deeds, you can't be a good official, but if you want to be a good official, you don't have to do things seriously.

Although Xu Jin's words were simple, they shocked Zhang Yang's heart. Looking at Xu Jin's gloomy face, he suddenly realized that this sentence was Xu Jin's perception of life after suffering a heavy blow. Maybe he would never see the strong black-faced director again in the future.


Zhang Yang went out to find Zuo Xiaoqing. Zuo Xiaoqing wrote the case in the office. Gao Wei stood beside her and pointed something with a smile. Zhang Yang had never had a good impression on this man. As a teacher, he actually hit the thoughts of students. He was simply a beast in clothes.

"Zuo Xiaoqing! Come out for a moment!"

Zuo Xiaoqing and Gao Wei turned their faces at the same time. When they saw Zhang Yang, their expressions were different. Zuo Xiaoqing was a kind of resentment. Gao Wei showed a contradictory expression that he dared to be angry and dared not say anything.

Zuo Xiaoqing hesitated for a moment and went out. She grinned brightly and said, "Let me tell you something!"

Zuo Xiaoqing nodded.

"Zuo Xiaoqing, I haven't finished the medical record yet!" Gao Wei summoned up his courage and finally said a sentence with combat significance. After all, we can't be too timid in front of the girl we like. But he immediately found that he was purely ugly. Zhang looked at him condescendingly: "I said Gao Wei, can you put all your attention on studying business?"

The interns in the room couldn't help laughing, and Gao Wei blushed: "" You haven't had a reason for a long time. After seeing that Zhang Yang and Zuo Xiaoqing had left, Gao Wei brushed his sleeves angrily: "Your quality is really bad!" This one's Ah Q spirit is still pure.

[The octopus feels that the current ranking position is a little wronged. Although our readership is less, it is all the essence of unique eyes. Brothers and sisters, all the monthly tickets are cast. We can't be worse than others, can we?]