Medical official path

Chapter 31 Find abuse and I will satisfy you 1

Wu Hongjin suggested, "It's better to call Director Guo and Director Lin. ( This book is reprinted on Shilu Literature Network)"

Zhang Yang frowned. Guo Daliang handed this matter over to him. In just a few days, he made such a big mistake. If he went back to him or Lin Chengbin, he would definitely make them feel that they had no way to be tosssed by Lin Chengwu. This is equivalent to a disguised sign of weakness, and Zhang Yang would He thought for a moment and said, "Are there any other engineering teams in Heishanzi Township?"

"Yes, but who dares to take over the work signed by Lin Chengwu?"

Zhang Yang sneered and said, "Okay! No one dares to do it, right? Anyway, Lin Chengwu stayed here with ** eggs. I might as well invite him out as soon as possible. Wu Hongjin, hire a few migrant workers for me and throw out all Lin Chengwu's equipment and materials.

"What?" Wu Hongjin immediately went to Director Xiao Zhang and was really angry. This time, he had a fight with Lin Chengwu.

"In addition, check those builders for me. Who is overborn in them? Each of them will issue them a ticket, ***. I don't believe that I can't cure them."

Wu Hongjin cried and laughed. Where is this? If they go on strike, you have to retaliate against them in terms of family planning. But on second thought, Zhang Yang is the director of family planning. In addition to having rights in family planning, he really can't do anything else.

While talking, Du Yufeng came over and shouted from afar, "I said, Director Zhang, you have used this car for two days, and it should be perfect for Zhao, right?" When I came to the headquarters, I saw that Zhang Yang's face was not good, and I couldn't help but be stunned. When asked, it turned out to be this matter. Du Yufeng said, "Lin Chengwu still has some ability. In the past two years, he has basically taken down the construction project of Heishanzi Township through his eldest brother's

Zhang Yang also mentioned the matter of finding an engineering team to replace the land. Yu Feng thought about it and said, "I have a group of people. This man's name is Qiao Si. I used to squat down because of fights. A bachelor. It was only released last year. Because there is nothing easy to do. He gathered a group of little brothers to build the land he built, most of which were private houses. The quality of the project is first-class. Although this person has been in prison, he still has a conscience. Never make money without a heart. The reputation in the countryside is not to be missed. Because there is no background, the township government has never used other places.

Zhang Yang was moved when he heard it. Let Du Yufeng be Qiao Si immediately. Coincidentally, Qiao Si is shopping in the countryside. When he received the phone call, he rode his motorcycle to the four-height fat body. In addition, the skin is dark. It looks like a standing black bear. I shaved my head. There are still a few scars on the head. He looked fierce and was not treated by the township government.

At that time, Du Yufeng sent him to the prison. However, Qiao Si did not hate Du Yufeng for being imprisoned for more than a year. Thanks to Du Yufeng, he took care of his blind mother and regarded Du Yufeng as his benefactor. After a year and a half in prison, Qiao Si was completely baptized. After coming out, he changed his mind to be a good person. Down-to-earth work. Serve the blind woman honestly. I will serve you. He is a well-known filial son.

Zhang Yang has always had a good impression on his filial son. Qiao Si Wu is the same in front of him. Li Changyu in Chunyang can also be counted as one. Although Mrs. Su is not his own mother. But the eldest sister-in-law is better than her mother. Zhang Daguan always believes that. If a person doesn't even have filial piety to his mother. Then don't expect him to be sincere to others.

Du Yufeng introduced Zhang Yang to Qiao Si. Then Zhang Yang said his meaning briefly.

Although Qiao Si is tall and big. But he is not a big fool. I figured it out quickly. Director Xiao Zhang let himself take over because he wanted to deal with Lin Chengwu. This is obviously using yourself as a gun!

Although Qiao Si is bold, he has to worry about this kind of official situation. He touched the back of his bald head and said, "I have never seen Lin Chengwu, but his brother is the director of the Rural People's Congress after all, and the contract has been signed for the reconstruction project of Hongqi Primary School. I heard that the advance payment has I'm afraid it's not good to kill in, right?" After all, it was the first time for Qiao Si to deal with Zhang Yang. He did not know the real strength of Zhang's official. His understanding of him was limited to Zhang Yang's brave battle of forty-three villagers in Qinghe Village. Even Qiao Si did not believe all about that matter. Only what he saw with his own eyes was true. When talking to Zhang Yang Yang's weight, thinking that if it is single-to-single, I will definitely take Zhang Yang down in minutes.

Zhang Yang's words were straightforward: "If you promise to accept this project, I will ask Accountant Wu to transfer the first batch of project funds to you tomorrow. If you are afraid, forget it."

Joe nodded fourly: "Let me think about it."

Du Yufeng couldn't help scolding, "What are you thinking about? What tricks can you think about with your big head?"

Qiao Si smiled and said, "I feel like Director Xiao Zhang has taken advantage of it?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "In fact, it may not be a bad thing for people to use it. I'm afraid you don't have the value of being used!" He said this very bluntly.

Qiao Si was eager to hear it. What he said was reasonable. If he didn't have some ability, he wouldn't answer himself at all. He would use it. Who have I been afraid of? Qiao Si raised his head and turned his big eyes: "Well, I promised this!"

Zhang Yang is happier than him: "I promised to pull the team for me to start work now. Engineering drawings and materials are ready-made. Those who are qualified should be used first, and all those who are not qualified are put aside and waiting for me to be returned."

Wu Hongjin couldn't help reminding Zhang Yang, "Director Zhang, those materials are all Lin Chengwujin's!"

Zhang Yang gave him a white look. Wu Hongjin was a little too cautious. Looking forward and backward, he was different from his own style of doing things: "What Lin Chengwu's? The village gave him an advance payment of 200,000 yuan. Please calculate it for me and remove these materials. How much he still owes me? I will ask this *** to send the money tomorrow.

Qiao Si couldn't help looking at Du Yufeng and said in his heart that he scolded Lin Chengwu ***, didn't he even scold Lin Chengbin? What's the origin of Director Zhang? He didn't even buy the face of the director of the National People's Congress? Seeing Du Yufeng's calm expression, he seemed to have full confidence in Zhang Yang. Qiao Si inexplicably had confidence in his heart. He nodded: "To Director Zhang's words, I will start work immediately."

Zhang Yang didn't forget to tell me, "There is one thing you must remember. The only thing you have to do is to build a good building, the quality of the project, and the building materials can't be sloppy at all, and you don't want to ask about anything else."

"Then... the project money..." Qiao Si had to explain the money in advance even if he was very straightforward.

Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes,

Qiao Si's expression made Qiao Si feel a little regretful. Let's see if the project money is a little too small.

Zhang Yang said, "All the money will be transferred to your account on the day of completion!"

Du Yufeng was also stunned. Only Zhang Yang dared to say such big words in the whole Heishanzi Township. Who the hell didn't know that the overstretched financial situation in the township was that Lin Chengwu had such a relationship, and he just took the advance payment of 200,000 yuan first. Du Yufeng couldn't help but feel that he Joe has four pits, right?

Lin Chengwu actually did not return to the county. He has always stayed at his home in Heishanzi Township to wait for the village's reaction, but the news made him stunned. When Hongqi Primary School started, the subordinates in charge of transmitting the news held a super-life fine sheet with a bitter face: "Mr. Lin, this *** is too Stop work. He gave us seven workers who gave birth to a second child. The other one is yours..."

Lin Chengwu saw that his name was clearly written on the super student's fine sheet, and he actually wrote 20,000 yuan on the fine amount and said, "I really don't understand how there can be such a national cadre to revenge, hooligan! Rogue!"

"What should I do?"

Lin wanted to call the eldest brother, but he thought that it didn't seem to be very good to trouble him now. Anyway, he had signed a contract with the countryside in advance. Zhang Yang's nonsense was untenable in any way. He slowly put down the phone and stood up: "Call the brothers, let's go to the construction site!"

The night has fallen, but Hongqi Primary School is brightly lit. Originally, the reconstruction of the primary school is not a complicated project. In addition, almost everything on the construction site is ready-made. As long as the workers enter, they can start work immediately.

Zhang Yang ate dinner in his temporary headquarters, and Qiao Si and Du Yufeng also stayed to drink. Wu Hongjin issued the family planning ticket according to Zhang Yang's instructions, and also returned to the headquarters to report the progress to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang laughed: "Lin Chengwu actually has four children, and he has only paid a fine once. This time I Let him make up all the arrears for me!"

Suddenly there was a noise outside, and several people were stunned. Qiao Si opened the door and went out first. He saw Lin Chengwu pulling the collar of a worker under him. Qiao Si's eyes suddenly turned red. He had always regarded the workers under his hand as brothers and would never allow anyone to bully them. He shouted, "Lin Chengwu, if you have something to say to me, why are you in a hurry with them?"

Lin Chengwu loosened the worker's collar and came over with a sneer. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Qiao Si with disdain: "Who am such a big head? It turns out that it's you Qiao Si. Do you understand the rules? Whose site is this? What's the matter with you coming in halfway?"

Although Qiao Si is not afraid of Lin Chengwu, this matter is a little reasonable. There are rules in any industry. Qiao Si used to be half a Jianghu person. He has always valued the rules and didn't know how to explain them.

Zhang Yang walked out of the headquarters: "Wow! Manager Lin, did you come back from the county so soon?

Lin Chengwu angrily glared at Zhang Yang: "Director Zhang, what do you mean? The contract has been written in black and white, and I am in charge of the reconstruction project of Hongqi Primary School. What on earth do you want Qiao Si and others to do? He raised the document bag in his hand, which contained the contract signed with him by the village. In this way, he wanted to tell Zhang Yang that he was a legal builder.

Zhang Yang suddenly stretched out his hand. His move was faster than everyone's imagination. In a blink of an eye, the kung fu contract had reached his hands, and then Zhang Daguanren made a behavior that stunned everyone. He simply tore the contract to pieces, and then threw it away. On the ground: "It's gone now!"

Lin Chengwu trembled with anger. What the hell is this? I thought I was a scoundrel, but how could the government official in front of me be more scoundrel than me? Lin Chengwu was completely enraged. He pointed to his nose and roared, "I'm going to court to sue you!" If you don't keep your word, you openly tore up the contract, and I want you to pay for it!"

Zhang Yang fanned in front of his nose and made a disgusted expression: "Damn it, do you never brush your teeth? What a big tone!"

Lin Chengwu was angry. The situation had reached this point, and he couldn't help retreating a little. He turned to the workers behind him and ordered, "Pull all our construction machinery and construction materials away. I'll go to the court tomorrow to talk to him."

Zhang Yang looked at Lin Chengwu coldly: "I see who dares to move. Everything in this Hongqi Primary School is national finance. Whoever dares to move is robbery. Robbery is a crime. If he violates the law, he will go to prison!"

The workers brought by Lin Chengwu were immediately scared by Zhang Yang, and no one dared to take the initiative to move forward.

Lin Chengwu said angrily, "These things are all mine. Which method do I violate when I pull away my own things?"

Zhang Yang sneered and said, "You took the 200,000 advance payment in the countryside. There are a total of seven super students in you and your engineering team. According to the minimum fine, you have to pay more than 100,000 yuan, a total of more than 300,000 yuan. The things here add up to less than 200,000 yuan. Lin Chengwu, I didn'

Du Yufeng has been hiding in the headquarters to avoid trouble. When he heard Zhang Yang's remarks, he almost laughed. He said to himself, Lin Chengwu, aren't you looking for abuse? Why do you provoke Director Xiao Zhang if you have nothing to do?

Lin Chengwu only saw Zhang Yang's ability to stir up trouble today. When did he suffer such a grievance in Heishanzi Township? He nodded with a key point: "You'd better remember what you said today."

Zhang Yang said with a smile, "Remember for me, when I get back and settle the bill, I will make up the money tomorrow!"