Medical official path

Chapter 63 Misfortune from the Sky

Qin Qing bit his lip. Just as she was about to leave, a sad voice suddenly shouted, "She is the county magistrate, that is, she killed my son!"

Qin Qing was stunned. She didn't expect anyone to recognize her, let alone anyone to say so. The families of more than 100 mournful victims focused their eyes on Qin Qing one by one, and someone had taken the lead in rushing to Qin Qing. ( Full-text novel reading is all on Shilu Literature Network)

Qin Qing's face was pale, and the change of the situation was beyond her imagination. The grief and indignation of these families in the victims had long been in a state of about to burst the dyke. The words just now undoubtedly opened a gap in their grief and indignation, and everyone's anger was directed at the innocent female county mag

Just like facing a surging flood and an avalanche falling from the sky, Qin Qing's beautiful face showed a pale and helpless look. I don't know who took the lead in throwing out the stone and hit Qin Qing's forehead, making her feel dizzy, and then a wisp of heat left along her forehead.

Qin Qing felt the world around him spinning, and then felt that his body was light like a feather flying.

When Zhang Yang noticed the situation here,. Qin Qing had been surrounded by angry tides. Zhang Yang roared and rushed up. He grabbed a man, punched him to the ground, and then rushed in desperately. He found Qin Qing in the rain-like tight fists and feet, and protected Qin Qing's body with a solid shoulder. Qin Qing's hand tightly grasped the open arm, and suddenly there was a kind of sadness and emotion in his heart that he had never felt before.


Yang Shouyi, Secretary of the County Party Committee, silently looked at the distance. With a cruel smile on the corners of his lips: "Drive!"

Zhang Daguan can challenge 43 people alone. The tough villagers in Xiaqinghe were helpless in the face of the families of more than 100 victims who were emotional and angry. If it was himself, he might be able to easily break out of the siege, but he would protect Qin Qing in the crazy crowd to avoid her from being hurt. The raindrop-like fists and feet fell on Zhang Yang's body. Although the one was not cultivated into a body protection, he could carry the internal force on the body surface, and he could still use the dark force to shock the fists and feet of these people.

The scene was in chaos, and someone took the opportunity to show off with an iron bar. The brain was hit hard, and Zhang Yang's head was so sudden that he couldn't help but be a little stunned. He was paralyzed. Who is he **? It's too cruel. Zhang Yang turned his head, and a burly man picked up the steel pipe and shone his head again. Zhang Yang stared at his face and firmly remembered his appearance in his heart.

At this time, Tian Bin, who maintained order in the distance, took more than a dozen policemen with him. The inspector arrived, but there were constantly onlookers at the scene who joined the battle group, and the number of people besieged Zhang Yang and Qin Qing had reached more than 200.

A crisp gunshot sounded, and Tian Bin saw the chaos. After being out of control, he could only choose to fire a warning shot. The sound of gunfire played a deterrent role in the crazy people. Shao Weijiang transferred another 20 police officers and finally dispersed the crowd into ***.

Everyone's eyes. They all gathered in the center, and Zhang Yang lay motionless on Qin Qing. He used his body to help Qin Qing block this storm-like attack. Everyone saw the attack scene just now. Now he began to realize that the nature of this matter has become more and more serious. Zhang Yang's arm moved, and he slowly moved from Qin Qing's He moved away and picked up Qin Qing, who had fainted. Qin Qing's pale and pretish face was stained with red blood, which looked a little shocking.

Everyone, including Tian Bin, was deeply shocked. Who is this person? Xiaoqiang who can't be killed!

The first aid team ran over quickly with a stretcher. Zhang Yang gently put Qin Qing on the stretcher. The world in front of Qin Qing was pure. She felt that she was constantly rising and seemed to drift away from the world. Her hand still grasped Zhang Yang's arm tightly. In this world, she seemed to see Zhang Yang's figure. Zhang Yang He patted the back of her hand and put her hand on the stretcher. His eyes showed warmth and pity. He straightened up and swept through the crowd one by one. The scene suddenly became dead silence. Zhang Yang finally found the man who attacked him with a steel pipe, with a sneer at the corners of his lips, and everyone felt the hidden in his smile. Sen Sen's murderous intention.

The man seemed to realize something, and he and the three people around him began to retreat.

The next scene shocked everyone present. Zhang Daguan rushed into the crowd like a tiger down the mountain. Two policemen who tried to stop him were simply put to the ground by him. The crowd fled in all around. Zhang Yang's eyes locked the man. The four men who wanted to escape saw Zhang Yang's aggressive rush. When he came up, he probably couldn't escape. He simply greeted Zhang Yang. The man who had just attacked Zhang Yang with a steel pipe waved the steel pipe to the top of his head. Zhang Yang took the steel pipe and roared, "I ** mother!" The steel pipe fell on the top of the man's head so that the man looked up and fell to the ground. Zhang was really angry, and his hands were unprecedentedly fierce, but he also knew that he could not hurt the lives of these bastards. In a blink of an eye, four strong men were put on the ground by him. When Zhang Yang was about to continue to "Hon't up!"

Zhang Yang slowly turned his head, but saw Tian Bin raising his pistol at himself. He nodded slowly and said, "You ** actually pointed the muzzle at me?"

Tian Bin's face was pale and he roared, "As a national cadre, do you still have any national laws and disciplines in your eyes?"

Zhang Yang still put the blood-stained steel pipe on it and pointed to the four strong men who were wailing in pain on the ground and said, "I'm sure that these dogs are not the families of the victims." He walked to Tian Bin step by step. His cold eyes made Tian Bin, who had always been calm, panic in his heart. Tian Bin rarely met his peers who could completely suppress himself in momentum, and Zhang Yang was exactly that one. No matter where the family status was, Tian Bin would win countless times, but somehow, in Zhang Yang He actually felt a sense of suffocation in front of him. Zhang Yang stared at Tian Bin word by word and said, "Remember, if you dare to point a gun at me next time, you will bear the consequences!"

Jiangcheng dared to openly intimidate Tian Bin, and Zhang Yang was the first.

The muscles at the corners of Tian Bin's lips involuntarily twitched. He looked at the four men wailing on the ground and shouted, "Inspection!" This sentence is equivalent to telling Zhang Yang, wait for me. It's enough for you to beat the masses today. The appearance of these four men seems to be seriously injured. Maybe it will constitute a crime of injury. What are you doing? Impulse is the devil. Maybe your career will be broken from now on. Who let you be impulsive?

The first thing Qin Qing did after waking up was to find Zhang Yang's figure from the crowd. When she saw Zhang Yang's tall figure finally appeared in front of her, she suddenly felt a burst of warmth and down-to-earth from the bottom of her heart. Qin Qing realized that it was a sense of security. She clearly remembered that in the storm, it He hugged her in his arms and blocked the disaster for her with his body. Thinking of all the previous things, Qin Qing even had publicity, which was the one sent by God to save him.

There are many bruises on Zhang Yang's face, and there are several blood stains of different degrees. Although he has not suffered internal injuries, some skin and flesh scars are inevitable.

Qin Qing's face was pale, but his eyes were extremely firm.

The bright smile is still sunny: "It's okay!" An understatement made Qin Qing's eyes turn red. She was afraid of being seen by Zhang Yang, so she hurriedly lowered her head and whispered, "Take me out of here!"


Yang Shouyi sat in the office, and five or six cigarette butts had been put in the ashtray in front of him. His original intention was to teach Qin Qing a lesson, but he did not expect that the situation had reached this point. Several ruffians sent by his brother Yang Shoucheng to mix in the crowd to provoke trouble were all seriously injured by Zhang The expression was also extremely heavy: "Secretary Yang, according to the results of the injury test, all four people had fractures of different degrees. One of them was in a coma and had been sent to the hospital for emergency treatment."

Yang Shouyi put out the cigarette butt hard and thought silently in his heart, "This is your chance to punish you, young man, after all, it's still impulsive!"

Shao Weijiang asked in a low voice, "What do you think should be done about this matter?"

"You can deal with it as you want!"

Shao Weijiang understood that Yang Shouyi was going to deal with Zhang Yang. He had even predicted Zhang Yang's gloomy end. Although Zhang Yang was a national cadre, he beat all four people into heavy injury. No matter what the cause of the matter was, the final result was obviously unfavorable to him, whether Yang Shouyi was plotting It's enough to drink a pot just by treating it impartially.

Yang Shouyi's voice suddenly became a little excited: "We must not tolerate the black sheep in the cadre. His actions have smeared the party and caused much bad impact on society. The emperor violates the law and commits the same crime as the common people. Now it is socialism, and we are a country under the rule of law!"

Shao Weijiang nodded with a heavy heart. From the bottom of his heart, after witnessing the whole process of today's events, his inner balance is biased towards Zhang Yang and Qin Qing. From Yang Shouyi's various performances, it can be seen that the black pot of this mining disaster may be borne by Qin Qing, although Qin Qing is only any one God, according to the cadre punishment regulations, Qin Qing obviously wanted to be the responsible person, and Zhang Yang was even more innocent. This matter had nothing to do with him. He rushed into the crowd to save Qin Qing. Such courage is not everyone. Shao Weijiang can't help but admire his courage, but Zhang Yang did not control himself. The anger finally led to the current situation. Shao Weijiang really felt sorry for him. I guess this boy can't even keep his party membership this time. He suddenly thought of Li Changyu again. I wonder if the executive deputy mayor who is far away in Jiangcheng will continue to show his head for Zhang Yang?


Qin Qing refused the suggestion to send her to the hospital. Instead, she returned to the hotel in a flamboyant jeep and changed into blood-stained clothes. Her mind has completely calmed down. Judging from the situation at the scene just now, there are many families of the victims. There may be a deep mystery behind this matter. It seems that Qin Qing didn't feel depressed when she needed to bear it, but she felt unconvinced. She could not do this Chunyang county magistrate, but things must not be so unclear. Qin Qing made up her mind that even if she only had one day in office, she would find out the matter, let the deceased close his eyes, and let the living be comforted.

The door was knocked gently, and Qin Qing said alertly, "Who?"

"I!" There was a loud voice outside the door.

Qin Qing's resolute eyes softened a lot in an instant. She got up and tidied up her clothes before opening the door.

Zhang Yang came in with a research bowl. There were some freshly ground green ointments in the research bowl, emitting a strong smell of herbs. Although there were many scars on his face, he did not look embarrassed, but looked like a proud general.

Qin Qing looked at what was in his hand and said in surprise, "What?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I have prepared some ointment to avoid scarring. Let me see your wound!"

What women attach most importance to their appearance. Even if she is as wise as Qin Qing, she can't avoid vulgarity. Although she was hit by a stone on her forehead. Although she doesn't need to sew, it is said that she will inevitably leave scars. Qin Qing is still a little depressed in her heart. She has had an indescrib There was a rare charming smile on the corners of his lips. Although he just wanted to gently express his comfort, he was undoubtedly very ** in Zhang Yang's eyes.

He asked Qin Qing to sit in **, untied the gauze on her forehead, and evenly applied the green ointment to Qin Qing's forehead. Qin Qing felt a chill in the wound, and the pain suddenly eased a lot. She knew that Zhang Yang was cynical on the surface, but in fact she had a magical medical skill. When the two eyes met, Qin Qing gently bit his lip and whispered, "Thank you!" She understood that what Zhang Yang did for her today was not to flatte her, the governor of Chunyang County. In that case, what kind of courage and spirit it was to defend herself with life and body to protect herself. A thank you was obviously not enough.