Medical official path

Chapter 85 Under the Golden Needle

Zhang Yang moved his arms, pulled up the mantle, and asked Qin Qing to help help raise Wen Ling. The long-term bed stay in bed made Wen Ling in a state of malnutrition. She now weighs less than 70 catties. Qin Qing did not take much effort to help her up and support her body. 1 small say à.1κ. 0 text version first release

Zhang Yang removed his shoes and socks, came to the hospital bed, and sat cross-legged behind Wen Ling. His eyes were in contact with Qin Qing, showing a sunny smile.

Qin Qing's lips moved, and there was a look of concern in her beautiful eyes. Although she knew that Zhang Yang was used to bluffing and liked this kind of teasing way of speaking, she was still a little worried. This was not for her and his political future, but a kind of heartfelt concern. She was soberly aware that Yang's feelings have become deeper and deeper, and it can't be denied.

Zhang Yang restrained his mind, threw away all his selfish thoughts, and let his brain enter an empty realm. One thing is that he did not lie to Qin Qing. After his rebirth in the 1990s, his old internal strength was greatly reduced. Although he has been diligent in practice during this period, the recovery is only 30% of the past. This is also why he did not choose to use internal strength to help her open up the meridians when he treated Gu Yangyang, but this time Her upbringing is different. Her condition is related to life and death, and Wen Ling's current state does not know how to cooperate at all. She must restore her consciousness in a short period of time before she can carry out the next treatment. At the moment when Zhang Yang decided to treat Wen Ling, he had chosen a path full of risks. He has never been a calm person. According to the current words, he is more like an opportunist. When the opportunity comes, he will never give up easily. He likes excitement and challenges.

Zhang Yang closed his eyes and whispered, "Take off her coat!" Although he is not a gentleman, after all, he knows the truth of not being rude. Not to mention that Wen Ling is as thin as wood now, even if she is sexy and enchanting, he will not take another look. First, Qin Qing is around. Second, Wen Ling has such a father and mother, and Du Tianye, the fiance. We Zhang officials are unwilling to

Qin Qing took off Wen Ling's coat and looked. When Wen Ling's pale skin was dullly attached to the bones, she couldn't help but feel a burst of sorrow. A person lost consciousness and perception. Living in the world is much more miserable than dying. No wonder Wen Guoquan and his wife will make a decision to give up treatment. No parent can bear to bear the pain of their children in this state. Difficult.

Zhang Yang's palms are close to Wen Ling's back. Above, he condensed the skills in his body and slowly introduced them into Wen Ling's body to help a patient who had been sleeping for ten years to dredge the meridians. Even when Zhang Yang's martial arts was at its peak, it was a difficult challenge, and now it was a huge loss. After just a moment, his internal strength showed signs of rapid weakening Zhang Yang held Wen Ling's back heart with one hand, opened the needle box with his right hand, pulled out the gold needle that had already been prepared, and inserted the backhand into the top of his head. The weak internal force in the body became strong again. This is the golden needle acupuncture point, which can stimulate the potential in the body in the short term, so that the . If it weren't for the critical moment, Zhang Yang would not choose this method of damaging his body.

With the continuous flow of internal force. Ling's meridians, the curling white fog began to appear on Zhang Yang's head, and his palms became more and more red. Qin Qing felt that Wen Ling's skin began to heat up, and gradually there were some slight tremors. She knew that Zhang Yang was at the most critical moment and did not dare to ask, so she could only silent

The color of Zhang Yang's palm changed from red to white, and finally became translucent. The color, the sweat on his forehead fell, and his clothes were also wet with sweat. He suddenly opened his eyes, took another golden needle, inserted it into his temporal side, and the weak internal force was strengthened again. Zhang Yang's eyes were wide open. He used the golden needle to improve the internal force in a short time, but his meridians could not bear it constantly The enhanced internal force impact, the pain in it was unknown. He suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, which had damaged the meridians of his heart and lungs.

Qin Qing was shocked when she saw the scene in front of her. Although she was good at martial arts. I don't understand, but I also understand that at this time, the more you can't disturb Zhang Yang. After Zhang Yang vomited blood, the depression in his chest was relieved for a short time. His palm moved slightly, and the internal force injected into Wen Ling's body hit her strange meridians.


In the lounge next door, Du Tianye and Luo Huining are sitting on needles and felts, Du Tian. Ye took the lead and couldn't help it. He stood up and said, "No, I'm going to have a look!"

Luo Huining also stood up: "I'll go!"

Both of them have eyes. Looking at Wen Guoquan, Wen Guoquan did not say anything. His eyes were slightly closed, as if he was closing his eyes to refresh himself. His expression was like an ancient well. No one knew what he was thinking at this time, but his silence was equivalent to giving the answer.

Du Tianye sat down dejectedly, but Luo Huining turned around and secretly wiped his tears with a tissue.

Wen Guoquan's heart is not as calm as he showed. After so many years of ups and downs, he has been able to reach the current high position. It is directly related to his calm mind and tenacious psychological quality. He can face the political ups and downs calmly, but he can't face his daughter who has been in a He couldn't bear to watch his daughter continue to suffer. He wanted his daughter to be free. No one knew what the family meant to him. The higher the official career, the more estranged they were from the family, but the more he cherished his family and cherished the family affection. Although he rarely revealed it, the feeling in his heart began to The real existence in the end. He had already made the decision to let his daughter permanently free, but Zhang Yang's appearance released the hope that he had finally buried. Wen Guoquan knew that he still could not let go of his concern for his daughter.


The white fog above Zhang Yang's head is getting thicker and thicker. The golden needle inserted into the top of his head is already the sixth. The true qi injected into Wen Ling's body has run to the jade pillow. He wants to forcibly use the true qi to break through her closed meridians to restore her consciousness. Healing has reached the most Exhausted, there is no doubt that the treatment of Wen Ling has taken a huge risk. If she can't break through this time, Wen Ling's life may not be saved. He is an adventurer. This time, he not only blocked Wen Ling's life, but also his own. Zhang Yang's right hand trembled and grabbed the needle box.

Qin Qing's bright eyes were covered with a faint layer of water vapor. Although there was no communication between her and Zhang Yang, she could see that the great pressure and risk Zhang Yang was suffering at this time. If she failed, not only Wen Ling would encounter misfortune, but even Zhang Yang... She She didn't even dare to continue to think about it. She regretted that she had not decisively stopped Zhang Yang's adventure just now. She was worried about Zhang Yang's safety.

Zhang Yang grabbed three golden needles this time and pierced the top of his head at the same time. The blue veins on his forehead burst out, the sword eyebrows were locked, and his facial expression was extremely painful. He then stimulated the last potential in his body and gathered all the internal forces to rush.

Wen Ling's thin body trembled violently, and her skin was also covered with a thin layer of sweat. A powerful force hit Qin Qing's body through her body. Qin Qing could no longer withstand this strong pressure and fell crookedly with Wen Ling**.

Zhang Yang's palm left Wen Ling's body, but he still maintained the posture just now. He opened his eyes and wanted to say something, but finally he didn't say it. The corners of his lips moved and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Qin Qing got up and saw Wen Ling lying motionless. She didn't know whether she was dead or alive, and her appearance was so terrible that she lost her calmness and panicked and screamed for help.

The two guards kept guarding the door. After hearing the noise, they rushed in as soon as possible. Wen Guoquan and Du Tianye also rushed to the bed. Everyone was shocked to see the scene in front of them.

Du Tianye roared, "What did you do? I'll kill you, asshole!"

Zhang Yang still sat there like a clay sculpture. Qin Qing desperately blocked Zhang Yang in front of him and protected him with his body: "No one can touch him, no one can!" She shouted almost crazily, and her eyes were full of tears.

Wen Guoquan grabbed Du Tianye's arm. In any case, he is the most calm one. One thing he can be sure of is that Zhang Yang will never openly murder his daughter. He wants to figure out the situation.

Luo Huining was immersed in great grief. She wanted to cry but couldn't cry. She covered her daughter's weak body with a light quilt, and her trembling hand stroked her daughter's pale face: "Ling'er..."

"She... is still alive..." Zhang Yang said this with difficulty, and then a mouthful of blood sprayed on Qin Qing's body. His body softened and fell from the **. Qin Qing exclaimed and rushed over and picked up his body from the ground, only to find that Zhang Yang's eyes were closed, his face was like gold paper, and .

The ward fell into a dead silence. Except for Qin Qing, everyone's eyes were on Wen Ling.

A few minutes, it seemed that a distant century had passed. When the doctor on duty came in a hurry, Wen Ling's long black eyelashes suddenly moved. Luo Huining thought it was an illusion, Du Tianye thought it was an illusion, but Wen Guoquan saw it clearly. He took a step forward. This time he saw it more clearly, Wen Ling A pair of beautiful eyebrows raised in great pain, her eyebrows moved, and there was a faint moan in her nose, which was by no means an illusion.

The doctor on duty stood there stunned. He was far more sober than these parties. In his opinion, Wen Ling had already belonged to the person sentenced to death, but there was a miracle in the world. How could a vegetable who had been sleeping for ten years suddenly react?

Wen Guoquan whispered, "Li Wei, take him to rest and ask the doctor to examine him."

The middle-aged man named Li Wei came to Zhang Yang's side. Qin Qingmei's eyes were tearful and she hugged Zhang Yang tightly and did not want to let go of her hands. No matter how scared she was, she was afraid that as long as she let go, someone would hurt Zhang Yang.

Luo Huining, who recovered, came to Qin Qing's side, patted her gently on the shoulder and said, "Son, don't worry, he will be fine!"

Qin Qing's eyes turned red, and tears were still flowing. Luo Huining's kind comfort made her heart a little more stable. She finally regained her senses and gave Zhang Yang to Li Wei.

When Li Wei picked up Zhang Yang, he quietly explored his pulse and found that his body was empty, which was obviously a sign of excessive loss of Zhenyuan. Then he noticed the golden needle on Zhang Yang's head. As a man in martial arts, Li Wei also heard of the method of sting the golden needle acupuncture point, but he had never seen it with With this method of stimulating potential, it seems that it is probably the method used.

After the doctor examined Zhang Yang, he found no problem at all. He could only suggest that some experts be invited for consultation, or Li Wei raised objections. He had seen Zhang Yang's action and knew that Zhang Yang's current situation was caused by excessive loss of Zhenyuan. As long as he was given a certain recovery time, he should be able to wake up .


Du Tianye held Wen Ling's right hand in the palm of his hand. He could feel that Wen Ling's little hand was getting warm. In the past ten years, he came to see Wen Ling almost every day. Almost every day, he had to talk with her by her bed, but Wen Ling never reacted at all. Today, he finally saw Wen Ling Although the expression is painful, it means hope to him.

Hope came more violently and happier than they thought. After Wen Ling struggled for half an hour, she finally slowly opened her eyes, and all the lights in the room were turned off. Because she was afraid that it would damage her eyesight, Wen Ling let out a long and tired sigh. Her palm moved and felt Du Tianye's palm. At the temperature, her voice was ethereal and illusory: ""

A drop of hot tears fell on the back of Wen Ling's hand, and Du Tianye shed tears. For so many years, he has always thought that his heart had been sharpened strong enough, but when he heard Wen Ling's distant and familiar voice, the most delicate part of his heart was touched.

Luo Huining is also crying.

Wen Guoquan did not cry, but his tightly squeezed lips were constantly trembling. He couldn't believe the display in front of him that happiness had never left him.

Wen Ling whispered, "Amano... I've slept for a long time... Dad... Mom... You're all here... Did I fall hard?"

Du Tianye choked and said, "I fell very badly, but... now... it's all right now..."

Wen Guoquan gently patted the back of his daughter's hand. He turned around and went out. He came to the corridor and waved his clenched fists vigorously. He raised his head, and two tears flashed in his deep eyes. When Wen Guoquan regained his calm, he remembered Zhang Yang and the energetic boy. He walked slowly to Zhang Yang's ward.

There was only a bedside lamp on in the ward, and Zhang Yang lay motionless in **. I don't know what the situation was. Qin Qingjing sat quietly in front of the window, and her tearful eyes always looked at Zhang Yang's face. For the first time, she felt that Zhang Yang was so important to Looking at his smile, as long as he can wake up, she will definitely treat him better.

Wen Guoquan's low voice sounded: "What's his situation?"

Qin Qing did not look back, even if she knew who was standing behind her: "I think he has tried his best!"

Wen Guoquan nodded slowly and looked at Zhang Yang's young face with appreciation: "Ling'er has woken up. I believe that Zhang Yang will wake up soon, and good people will always be rewarded!"

Qin Qing didn't say anything, and two lines of hot tears flowed down again. She wiped it with her hand, but it was too late. Her tears were like a continuous stream of rivers.

Wen Guoquan felt that he should not disturb her peace and quietly retreated.

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning penetrated through the cracks in the curtains, Zhang Yang, who had been sleeping all night, finally opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was Qin Qing. In just one night, Qin Qing had lost a lot of weight. Her tears had dried up, and a pair of beautiful eyes became red and swollen, but his I don't want to leave for a minute or a second.

Zhang Yang raised his hand, and his broad and warm palm wanted to touch Qin Qing's face. Qin Qing did not dodge. He let his palm fall on his face. Her hand grabbed Zhang Yang's big hand and made him closer to him. Their eyes were close to each other for a long time, and Zhang Yang's voice became a little hoarse: Care about me..."

Qin Qing nodded hard. She wanted to cry, but there were no tears, and her voice was a little hoarse, which had a special sexy taste in her flamboyant ears: "If you know, don't let me worry..."

"I think you are worried about me!" Zhang Yang smiled very weakly, but he looked as heartless as ever, but Qin Qing seemed to be so kind and warm.

The door was gently knocked, and Qin Qing hurriedly let go of his big hand.

Du Tianye and Luo Huining came in together. Du Tianye had a heartfelt smile on his face and a little guilt in his smile. After all, last night, he thought that Wen Ling was injured by Zhang Yang and almost didn't take action against Zhang Yang.

Before Wen Ling woke up, Luo Huining did not have much affection for Zhang Yang, but after Zhang Yang saved Wen Ling at all costs, the young man's image in her mind rose rapidly. She even had a feeling that Zhang Yang was regarded as her nephew. This favor is not big, and she also considered that Zhang Yang's starting point may be for She got the reward, but she didn't believe that a political speculator would ignore his life and death for the sake of the future.

Luo Huining handed a bunch of flowers to Qin Qing. Qin Qing remembered the gaffe last night. He stood up shyly and put the flowers in the vase. She withdrew at the right time. Now it is really not suitable for meeting outsiders.

Du Tianye sat down in the chair in front of Zhang Yang and smiled apologetically and said, "Zhang Yang, I misunderstood you last night. I'm sorry!"

Zhang Yang shook his head with a smile and said, "If you care, it's messy. If it were me, I would be more excited."

Du Tianye said, "I don't know how to thank you..."

"I didn't want to repay you. I was just moved by the true feelings of both of you. Did Wen Ling wake up?"

Luo Huining smiled gently and said, "She woke up and didn't forget the past at all. Her hands can move slightly, but the rest of her limbs are not enough."

Zhang Yang said, "She has been lying down for ten years, and there must be a recovery process. Mrs. Wen, don't worry, there should be any problems."

Luo Huining said, "Zhang Yang, you don't have to be so polite to me. You'd better call me Aunt Wen more obedient." She did not hide her good impression of Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang nodded with a smile. Luo Huining's attitude towards him was completely different from that of last night. It shows that his deeds of saving Wen Ling regardless of his safety have moved many people. Only those who respect the lives of others can win the respect of others for him. Luo Huining saw that Zhang Yang was very tired and said thoughtfully, "Zhang Yang, have a good rest and tell me what you want to eat. I'll let someone prepare it."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Don't bother. I can't eat for the time being. When I have enough rest, I will definitely ask Aunt Luo to make delicious food for me!"

Luo Huining and Du Tianye left the ward and met Qin Qing coming out of the bathroom. She had just washed her face, but she still looked haggard. When she met Luo Huining again, she smiled with some embarrassment. Luo Huining nodded with a smile and said, "You have to take more care of Xiao Zhang these two days. Are you his girlfriend?"

Qin Qing's face was hot, and he didn't say yes or no.

The person who has no intention to listen to the person. At this time, Du Tianye remembered that his father had introduced him. Zhang Yang was the boyfriend of Chu Yanran's little girl. Damn it! This publicity is so unsistible that he actually played the trick of stepping on two boats! If it had been yesterday, Du Tianye would have asked Zhang Yang for clarification immediately, but after Zhang Yang saved Wen Ling, he had changed and become his savior. He could only show respect for Zhang Yang's private life. It seems that he will talk to Zhang Yang about this matter in the future.

Qin Qing returned to the ward and found Zhang Yang sitting there staring at the door. She thought there was something wrong with Zhang Yang and whispered, "What's wrong?"

Zhang Yang looks very embarrassed and painful: "What... People have three urgent needs... I want to boo..."

Qin Qing's face immediately turned red. She bit her lower lip. Originally, she wanted to scold this bastard, but she suffocated back. After all, he is a patient now, and it is not too much to have such a request. Qin Qing picked up the urinal and handed it to him. What she never expected was that the man raised his face and said, "I'm sore all over and have no strength. How about you help me carry it?"

Qin Qing secretly scolded him for not being a good person. Unexpectedly, he asked his immediate boss to carry a diaper for him. She blushed and nodded hatefully: "I'd better call someone else!"

"I'm not familiar with others, so you help me." Zhang Yang should be the first to recover his face.

"If you talk nonsense again, I won't care about you!" Qin Qing stuffed the urinal into Zhang Yang's hand and was about to leave. Zhang Yang's paging sounded. He picked up the paging, and there was a dense message on it.

Qin Qing said, "I have already called the Beijing Office, and it is not convenient for me to reply to some information." After saying that, she turned around and went out again.

Zhang Yang looked at it. Except for a few messages sent by Yu Xiaodong, most of them were Chu Yanran's, and a few were from Gu Jiatong's. Usually, he took his mobile phone with him and felt nothing. Now that the mobile phone ran out of power, he found that this thing was really indispensable.

Looking at the message, he felt the concern of several confidants for him. From time to time, Zhang Yang showed a heartfelt smile. If it hadn't been for the burst of urine, he wouldn't know when he would have seen it. He looked up to look for Qin Qing. The county magistrate of Meimeier had already hi His love was revealed, and his heart couldn't help but be moved. He and Qin Qing have known each other for a period of time. Qin Qing's only few times to show his true feelings were at his most critical moment. Once, he did not hesitate to use her reputation to prove his absence for his absence, and not long ago, he resisted the pressure of all aspects Late, she lost her composure and grief because of her concern. Although she was still avoiding her feelings for herself, her heart was already known to publicity.

Pick up the urine pot, and Zhang Yang's feelings are over here. If others meet so many confidants, I'm afraid they will feel that it's troublesome, but instead of feeling the trouble, they feel complacent, but people must not be complacent. When they are proud, they will often be extremely happy and sad. Zhang Daguan When I arrived, my hands and feet suddenly numb, and my whole body seemed to have lost consciousness in an instant, and the urinal in my hand was also tilted in **. At least this person had a little feeling. I felt that ** suddenly became warm and wet. What... The excitement of childhood actually reappeared...

Zhang Yang was really a little scared. He was not afraid of bed-wetting. Originally, he thought that he was just a collapse caused by excessive loss of power, but the paralysis of his body made him realize that this was not just collapse. He opened his mouth to shout Qin Qing, but he couldn't make a sound. This time, it was a The official thought sadly, paralyzed, went crazy, and I went crazy!

It took more than ten minutes for Qin Qing to return to the ward. She found that Zhang Yang was still maintaining the posture just now, and the expression on her face was very strange. She thought that the man was still doing something. When she saw that the urinal was not on the ground, she was about to withdraw, but she found that Zhang Yang's eyes She hurried to Zhang Yang and said in a shocked voice, "Zhang Yang, what's wrong with you?"

Zhang Yang has never felt so embarrassed in his life. When he was with Qin Qing, he was actually wet. Sadly, the wet one was him, and in such an indecent way. Qin Qing finally realized what had happened: "I'm going to see a doctor..."

"Don't..." Zhang Daguan actually magically regained some consciousness. His left hand could move, raised his left hand, quickly clicked on the acupuncture point of his chest, and then hurriedly said, "The needle box..."

Qin Qing immediately took the needle box of the bedside table, opened it and handed it over. Zhang Yang pulled out a golden needle and plunged it into his Dantian. Then he closed his eyes and reintroduced the scattered breath into Dantian. In a short time, his whole body was full of cold sweat.

Qin Qing looked at him with concern. After more than ten minutes, Zhang Yang breathed a sigh of relief. He secretly called for a fluke. If he hadn't been lucky enough to regain consciousness just now, I'm afraid that he would have been paralyzed. At this time, he felt ** wet and cold. Extremely embarrassed, he touched the empty urinal and threw it on the ground.

When Qin Qing saw that he had overcome the danger, he was relieved and whispered, "I'll help you up!"

Zhang Guanren nodded and shook his head. He had never encountered such embarrassment in his life. Such an adult actually peed on the kang.

When Qin Qing saw his expression, he couldn't help laughing and reminded him softly, "You can't just stay like this!"

Zhang Yang looked at her pitifully: "Then... You have to keep it a secret for me!"

Qin Qing nodded, with a smile on his face.

"Help me get that hospital uniform, and I'll put it on..."


After Zhang Yang changed his hospital uniform, he no longer dared to think about those loves in his mind. It turned out that his imagination would also be punished by God. When Qin Qing asked someone to help him change the bed, he came to the balcony alone and sat cross-legged. He began to gather the little inner breath in his body, seized the time to recover Zhang Yang has most of the power in his body, which makes his body in the most weak time. The golden acupuncture point makes his internal strength overdraw a lot. I'm afraid it will take about a year to recover from the previous state. In this year, he can't forcibly practice internal skills. After all, many meridians in his body are damaged, and it takes a long time to repair the meridians. Only after the meridians are repaired can he consider the next step. Zhang Yang did not feel too lost. After saving Wen Ling, he is equivalent to becoming the great benefactor of the Wen Infinite, of course, his starting point is not only in political considerations, but also moved by the true feelings between Du Tianye and Wen Ling. If there is another unexpected gain in this matter, it is Qin Qing. Through this matter, he understands Qin Qing's true feelings for him.

In addition to eating a bowl of rice porridge at noon, Zhang Yang did not eat for a day. He always sat cross-legged on the balcony and quietly. No one disturbed him. After Qin Qing was sure that Zhang Yang was fine, he entrusted him to Du Tianye to take care of him and went to the party school to ask for leave.

Du Tianye has always been by her side since Wen Ling woke up. He should seize the time to let Wen Ling recall everything and all the feelings between them.

Du Shankui and his wife Feng Yumei also came to visit Wen Ling after hearing the news of Wen Ling's awakening. Although Wen Ling can't act freely now, after all, she has regained consciousness. I don't know how many times better than the state of the living dead in the past. Their son finally kept the clouds and saw the moon

Everyone kept their promise and did not reveal the truth of Wen Ling's awakening. The hospital's medical records attributed her awakening to a miracle of one in ten million. However, the Wen family understood that this was not a miracle, but that Zhang Yang created all this.

On the night after Zhang Yang woke up, Wen Guoquan came to his ward for the second time. Zhang Yang had just finished meditating and was stretching his muscles and bones in the open space in front of the bed. Hearing Wen Guoquan's footsteps, he hurriedly stopped and turned around.

Wen Guoquan showed an e-sage and kind smile: "Have you recovered a little?"

Zhang Yang nodded: "Thank you Wen... Wen..." When the words came to his mouth, Zhang Yang realized that he didn't know what to call him.

Wen Guoquan interrupted him with a smile and said, "Call me Uncle Wen, which is more kind." Wen Guoquan not only wants to get closer to Zhang Yang emotionally, but also means to gently show Zhang Yang that their relationship should not involve politics and official career.

How flexible his mind was. He immediately realized something from Wen Guoquan's words. He smiled and invited Wen Guoquan to sit down.

Wen Guoquan's frankness was unexpected. He whispered, "There's something I've always wanted to ask you. Why don't you want it to be leaked?" In Wen Guoquan's political career for many years, he had seen lustful people. At the beginning, he thought that the reason why Zhang Yang was unwilling to reveal this matter was because he was afraid of his disgust by pretending to be a benefactor. But later, when he saw that Zhang Yang was willing to risk his life to save Wen Ling, he felt that Zhang Yang That's why he wanted to hear the answer from Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Whether you believe it or not, the true feelings of Du Tianye and Wen Ling really touched me. This is the main reason. Of course, I also take this opportunity to make friends with you..." Zhang Yang paused for a moment and quietly paid attention to Wen Guoquan's face. Wen Guoquan's smile was still the It shows Zhang Yang's cleverness. There is no need to be in vain in front of such a figure as Wen Guoquan. Honesty is the best policy.

Zhang Yang said, "And after I diagnosed Wen Ling's pulse, I thought I was fully confident that I could save her, so I took the initiative to ask for help, but I didn't expect that in the process of diagnosis and treatment, I found that her condition was not under my control. I had to go all my best, and if I was a little Go, so I used everything that can be used..."

Wen Guoquan nodded with a smile and said, "I heard from Li Wei that your real yuan is very depleted, and this time you almost put your life in."

Zhang Yang said, "Fortunately, there is no danger this time, and everyone is very happy."

The smile on Wen Guoquan's face suddenly converged, and he looked at Zhang Yang very calmly and said, "Zhang Yang, what do you want from me in return?"

Zhang Yang laughed and laughed happily. He said bluntly, "Before I decided to save Wen Ling, I really wanted to get some political rewards from you through this matter. You know... I'm also a national cadre..." Zhang Yang felt a little ashamed when he said this. In front of others, he is a state cadre. However, this man is still very thick-skinned: "I also have an enterprising heart, so I want to get some political benefits by meeting you, but when I experienced this life and death, I suddenly realized a truth. In fact, God has treated me well, and it is the greatest reward for me to survive. As for how far I go in my official career and The help is meaningless at all.

"Really? Do you really think so?" From Wen Guoquan's expression, I can't see his heart at this time.

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "A Hong Kong businessman once said to me that people do not depend on how much official they are, but on how much they do. No matter what kind of official position they are, they can be unrestrained, do themselves well, and be worthy of themselves and the people. That is called life, and that is called official."

Wen Guoquan laughed: "You are very young. The 20-year-old deputy subject is already very good. It seems that you have your own set of rules in officialdom, but remember that people can't be officials for the sake of being an official. You have to figure out what is the purpose of being an official? It's not to glorify the ancestors, not to show off all sentient beings, but to do things, but to leave one's own mark in the long river of history. Whether it's big or small, you have to leave something behind. An official who only knows how to climb in his official career, no matter what he takes, in the end, he will To be a good official, don't do anything, just want to be an official, such a person will never become a good official. Wen Guoquan's words plunged Zhang Yang into long-term meditation.

Wen Guoquan whispered: "I follow a principle to my family and friends. I won't confuse family and career. These are two completely different worlds. Family and friendship can't be stained with political atmosphere, otherwise you can't do it well on either side. Publicly, I'm very I appreciate you, but I won't give you any help politically.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Uncle Wen, you are very frank. In fact, I don't need your help. I don't know if you have played the game console. The most interesting thing is to play one level at a time and defeat one BO after another, so that you can taste it. If you are given an invincible mode,

Wen Guoquan didn't expect him to compare his official career to a game, but when he thought about it carefully, it was a little appropriate and couldn't help laughing: "There are few people in the officialdom who have your mentality."

Zhang Yang said, "The world you see in different places is also different. The world you know is different from mine. I may not be able to do an official position like you in my life, and I can't do the big things you do, but I will do everything I encounter well."

Wen Guoquan nodded: "When you can't figure it out, you can come to me at any time!" This is by no means perfunctory, but a promise.


Zhang Yang left the hospital after three days of hospitalization. Two things happened on the day he returned to the Beijing Office. First, Gu Jiatong came to Beijing, and second, Chu Yanran came to Beijing. Gu Jiatong came to Beijing for business. She did not come by herself, but also brought a designer, a famous chef in the south of the Yangtze River. The last incident she encountered in Xinjingyuan made her very uncomfortable. Since then, she has planned to open a hotel in Beijing, firstly for the future development of Beijing, and secondly, to cover up her ambiguous relationship with Zhang Yang.

And Chu Yanran came to Beijing completely for private affairs. She knew from the Du family that Zhang Yang was ill, so she flew to Beijing to visit Zhang Yang as soon as possible. After getting off the plane, the little girl went straight to Qinglongtan Hospital. Unfortunately, Zhang Yang had left before she arrived, so she took a taxi to the Beijing office.

Zhang Yang arrived at the Beijing Office, and Chu Yan followed. When she entered the Beijing Office, Zhang Yang was drinking tea in the office with Gu Jiatong. Looking at the talk and laughing, there was no disease. Chu Yanran carried the suitcase and looked at Zhang Yang. Suddenly, she felt indescribable grievances in her heart, and a With a layer of tears, his nose was sore, and he turned around and walked downstairs.

Zhang Yang didn't expect that Chu Yanran would suddenly come to Beijing. He stood up in consterdest, "Yangran!" When he walked out of the door, Chu Yanran had stopped a taxi and left.

Gu Jiatong also followed and took a meaningful look at Xiang Zhangyang: "Your girlfriend? It seems to be angry!"

Zhang Yang smiled bitterly and said, "You said we didn't do anything. It's just sitting and chatting. What kind of anger does she have?"

Gu Jiatong stared at him angrily and said, "Why don't you go after him?"

"Cut, I'm too lazy to chase it!" Zhang Yang said so, but he reached out to intercept a passing sat-by and rushed up as soon as possible: "Dad, chase me that red Santana!"

Gu Jiatong looked at Zhang Yang's back and couldn't help biting his lips. He felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. This bastard only thought about Chu Yanran. Has he ever considered his feelings? But on second thought, he was a married woman, and he had no right to ask him. His mood instantly became depressed and gloomy, and he Director Yu Xiaodong came over with two examiners and said with a smile, "Chairman Gu, today is August 15th, and we are in the China Merchants Office in the evening. Let's have a reunion!"