Medical official path

Chapter 100 Not a Raptor, But the River

The four of his men stood still in place. Liang Jiajie glanced at the four tough men and lazily said to his men, "Is the royal rice so delicious? Check their identity and evidence for me to see if they have a record in Hong Kong!" His eyes fell on Zhang Yang and waved to Zhang Yang, "Kid, and you, come here and report the situation to the officer."

Looking at the unconscious help of his father, Andeyuan's eyes turned red. He slowly walked to the bed, knelt on his knees in front of his father, shook his hands and held his father's right hand, and whispered, "Dad! I'm back! Tell me what happened!" **

An Zhiyuan is still asleep.

Andeyuan bit his lower lip hard: "Dad, I'm here. The An family can't collapse. No matter who planned all this, I will let him pay with blood, and I will make him pay a thousand times the price!" His voice was not loud, but he was full of strength.

An Zhiyuan's lips suddenly moved.

An Deyuan noticed his father's change, and he was surprised and said, "Dad!"

An Zhiyuan wanted to say something. An Deyuan put his ear to his father's lips and heard his father's weak voice spit out two words: "Go..."

An Deyuan shook his head and gently patted the back of his father's hand: "Don't worry, everything has me!"

Andeyuan only visited his father in the hospital, and then he left the hospital with Shen Qiang and Xie Baichuan. In Andeyuan's Mercedes-Benz RV, he sat opposite the two former uncles. An Deyuan's aggressive eyes made them restless. Both Buddha Shen Qiang and Xie Baichuan had realized the arrival of Andeyuan. It is the beginning of the war.

Ande Yuan's style of acting is as straightforward as usual: "What's going on?"

Buddha Shen Qiang sighed and looked at Xie Baichuan.

Xie Baichuan said, "Deming was investigated by the ICAC. Defeng had business dealings with Sanhe on our back. Daming was falsely accused of hiding poison. Your father is investigating this matter..."

"Who did it?"

"Zuo Cheng!"

An Deyuan nodded: "Our security measures have always been strict. Why are we mixed with so many guns? Who brought these guns in? My father has been washing his hands for 20 years. What kind of enemies are there in the world?

Buddha Shen Qiang said, "It's not easy to clean up everything in the past if you enter the world one day and live a life in the world!"

An Deyuan pushed open the car door: "Take care of both of you!"

post bar

Zuo Cheng began to prepare to leave Hong Kong after hearing about the bloody case of his family. On his way to the airport to meet his family, he received a telegram from his son Zuo Xiong: "Dad, I'm in the auto repair factory... Help..."

Zuo Cheng rushed to the auto repair factory under his name in panic. As soon as he entered the factory, the iron door was closed from the back door. He saw his son and daughter-in-law hanging in mid-air. They were struggling desperately and begging.

Zuo Cheng grabbed the wrench from the side and roared, "If you want revenge, find me Zuo Cheng. Why do you want to deal with my son? Come out!"

And Yuan slowly walked out of the back of a car, with no smile on his cold face. Seeing An Deyuan's appearance, Zuo Cheng subconsciously stepped back: "Lao Si?" He didn't know that Andeyuan had arrived in Hong Kong.

And Yuan nodded.

Zuo Cheng shouted, "Lao Si, I taught you hand in hand, but you treated me like this!"

Andeyuan walked towards Zuo Cheng step by step. Zuo Cheng felt an indescribable panic under his contempt. He suddenly raised the wrench in his hand and rushed to Andeyuan. An Deyuan raised his foot, kicked him on his lower abdomen like lightning, and kicked Zuo Cheng's whole body up. When he fell, he At this time, he just realized that he was old and was no longer the first fierce general under An Zhiyuan.

Andeyuan strode closely, flew up and kicked Zuo Cheng's mouth again, and kicked him to the ground. The two men rushed up and pressed one of Zuo Cheng's arms.

And Yuan picked up the wrench on the ground and whispered, "I remember that you taught me that you must be cruel to the enemy!" He raised his wrench and suddenly hit Zuo Cheng's right hand. Zuo Cheng let out a scream. The bone of his right hand had been smashed by Andeyuan. Because of the pain, Zuo Cheng's body trembled. He bit his lips hard, biting his lips to bleed, and his eyes were full of blood. He said

Andeyuan lit a cigarette with a calm expression: "When I was six years old, I was kidnapped by the enemy. It was Uncle Cheng who single-handedly rescued me from the hands of the enemy. For me, you were cut 17 times, and I owe you a life!"

Zuo Cheng snorted coldly.

And Yuan said, "So, I'll let go of your wife and your grandchildren studying in Canada. We are also in love!" He took out his hand and gun from his arms and aimed back at Zuo Cheng's daughter-in-law, "Now tell me, why did you frame my family? Just to help your son repay usury? This reason is not enough!"

Zuo Cheng gasped and said, "Four, let the two of them go. I did the wrong thing alone, and I will bear it alone, yes! I let people frame Daming and frame Daming, but what happened last night has nothing to do with me. I don't know. Even if I give up the ** life of my family, I won't harm the boss!"

An Deyuan nodded and suddenly pulled the trigger. The bullet was designed on Zuo Cheng's daughter-in-law's forehead, and the blood mist and brain spewed out from the back of her head, which scared Zuo Cheng's son Zuo Xiong hiss.

"Beast!" Zuo Cheng roared crazily. And Yuan put a gun to his forehead and said coldly, "We have 13 lives in our family. Can you afford to pay for it? What right do you have to say that to me? He raised the muzzle of the gun and shot ** on Zuo Xiong's right leg. A blood hole appeared in Zuo Xiong's right leg, and the blood gushed out, and soon dripped a pool on the ground.

Zuo Cheng trembled all over, but his angry eyes softened and turned into a kind of sad begging. The world has not changed. It is them who have changed. The current era no longer belongs to

Ruoying and Piggy are so fast, worship~

They, Zuo Cheng begged, "Please let Ah Xiong go!"

"Say it!"

Zuo Cheng said, "The three-in-one Wang Zhan came to me. He helped me solve A Xiong's debt problem and helped me solve my financial troubles. He asked me to transfer the company's shares to him. He asked me to hide it in Daming's car. I didn't promise him. It was A Xiong who I really don't want to betray my family!"


Zuo Cheng nodded: "Lao Si... You let Ah Xiong go... I only have such a son..."

And Yuan whispered, "I really want to let him go, but why did he hide poison in Daming's car?" He suddenly stood up, aimed his gun at Zuo Xiong's head, and pulled the trigger without hesitation. The bullet entered Zuo Xiong's right eye, and Zuo Xiong's head shook back like a whip, and then drooped heavily.

Zuo Cheng witnessed his son's death, and his whole body collapsed in an instant. He wailed, "Beast... You promised me... You promised me..."

And Yuan grabbed Zuo Chenghua's white head, with his eyes wide open, showing a fierce and cold look: "No one can betray our family, no one!" The muzzle of the gun hit Zuo Cheng's forehead, and the blood and brain splashed all over himself. An Deyuan moved his neck, ** removed the blood stains on his lips, and whispered, "Did you hear who my enemy is?"


This is the dividing line of Ruoying**——

In the Jingshui Teahouse, Zhou Xingyu, the head of the triad, is in urgent consultation with his seven people. In just two days, there have been many explosions and murders in the territory of the triad, ignoring the losses on the property. The number of dead men alone has reached seven people. Now everyone has gone up and down at the tri Self-in danger, no one knows when the bomb will explode in its own territory.

Tsim Sha Tsui shouted angrily, "It must be Andeyuan. What does that bastard think he is? Does he understand the morality of the world? Without evidence, why do you blame this matter on our trio?

Zhou Xingyu whispered, "Now there are rumors that the bloody case that happened in An Zhiyuan's house was done by our triort. Now I'm asking again in front of your brothers. Is there anyone involved in this matter?"

Everyone was silent, and after a while, they shook their heads one by one.

Zhou Xingyu said, "An Deyuan said that we should hand over Wang Zhan. Who is Wang Zhan in Tieba? He has only joined the organization for two years, and he disappeared not long ago. He doesn't know whether he is dead or alive. Why should we be responsible for ** his affairs?

He said angrily, "Now the whole gangster in Hong Kong is looking at our jokes again. A Taiwanese post bar guy has messed us up. Our brothers are all in danger now. How can they fool around on the road in the future? Didn't he say that we did it? Boss, I don't think it's easy to do it. ** I've done everything to settle them down and completely erase them from Hong Kong!"

Zhou Xingyu said with a heavy face: "Before there is no definite evidence, it is difficult to say that this is done by Andeyuan. Even if you want to deal with them, you can't choose the present. The police in Hong Kong are staring at us. If we fight with the An family, we will be found by these cops. This is the best opportunity for us."

"Is that all? Even if we put up with it, Andeyuan's mad dog won't stop!"

"Go to contact the Buddha, let him make an appointment with Andeyuan to talk, so that he can only lose both sides!" --

This is the dividing line of Ruoying**——

Andeheng's gunshot wound was not serious. The next afternoon, he was ready to go to the ground. After going to the ground, he insisted on visiting his father's bed and looking at his father, who was still unconscious. Andeheng's expression was heavy and complicated. His hand slowly stretched out and gently touched the back of his father's hand, but he didn't expect An Zhiyuan to hold him with his backhand. Andeheng trembled for no reason: "Dad..."

An Zhiyuan said weakly, "Deheng..."

"Dad, I'm... I'm..." I don't know whether Andeheng's voice was because of excitement or fear.

An Zhiyuan tried his best to hold his hand: "Deheng... take care of the An family... Let's settle down... It's all up to you..."

Ande Heng nodded heavily: "Dad, don't worry... I will definitely take good care of the An family, and I will definitely lead the An family through the difficulties!"

An Zhiyuan rested for a long time and said, "Let Lawyer Zhou come... I... I want to sign the authorization agreement..."

An Deheng was ecstatic, but he still pretended to be in pain on the surface: "Dad... I don't want it, I just want you to get better as soon as possible..."

"Anjia, it's only you... Now you are the head of the Anjia..."

When An Yuchen went to visit his grandfather, the old man had just gone to bed, but her movement still woke him up. An Zhiyuan whispered, "Little demon..."

"Grandpa!" An Yuchen came over with tears in her eyes.

An Zhiyuan closed his mouth and brewed his physical strength for a long time. Then he said the next sentence: "Go to Shen Qiang and let him bring... you... your fourth uncle here and let him go... let him leave Hong Kong immediately..."

An Yuchen nodded with a heavy focus.

An Yuchen left the rescue room with a lot of trouble. At the door, he met Zhang Yang, who came to visit Mr. An. Zhang Yang has got tomorrow's ticket. This time, he came to visit Mr. An, and the other was to say goodbye to them. Seeing An Yuchen's haggard look, Zhang Yang had endless love and pity in his heart. He greeted him and whispered, "Little demon, how's Mr. An?"

An Yuchen said sadly, "I just went to bed. I heard from the doctor that he has passed the dangerous period, but he is too old. This time he injured his spinal cord again. It is impossible to fully recover."

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Ruoying, you have very few other words. It's not bad~! Praise~

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When Zhang Yang heard that An Lao was asleep, he also let go of his mind to visit. He accompanied An Yuchen to the elevator and whispered, "I'm leaving Hong Kong tomorrow!" He holds a tourist visa, which will expire tomorrow, so he has to leave Hong Kong.

An Yuchen gave a soft oh, but an unspeakable feeling rose in her heart. An's family has encountered unprecedented changes in the past two days, which made her have no energy to care about other things. Even when Zhang Yang came to Hong Kong, she didn't have time to entertain her well. She whispered, "Have a good trip!"

Zhang Yang nodded and walked out silently with her. In the garden of the hospital, she met Shen Qiang, the Buddha who came to visit the doctor. She looked a little flustered. When she saw An Yuchen nodded slightly and continued to walk forward, but was stopped by An Yuchen. An Yuchen said, "Master Shen, do you have any news

Shen Qiang was slightly stunned, and he shook his head.

An Yuchen stared at Shen Qiang and said, "My grandfather asked you to bring my fourth uncle here. He wants my fourth uncle to leave Hong Kong immediately!"

The expression on Shen Qiang's face was a little complicated, and he could be seen that he seemed to be a little hesitant. After a while, he made up his mind and said, "Zhou Xingyu of the trior asked me to be an intermediary to negotiate with him. I didn't agree, so they went to Lao Xie. Lao Xie Let's meet at the Yudu Teahouse in Tsim Sha Tsui. I'm here to tell your grandfather about this.

An Yuchen bit the cherry lip and said, "Master Shen, don't tell my grandfather about this matter. I'm going to find my fourth uncle!"

"Little demon, no, a lot of people will die in the triad. They put this account on your fourth uncle. It must be very dangerous there!"

An Yuchen walked forward without saying a word. Shen Qiang looked at her back and shook his head helplessly.

An Yuchen opened the door of his red Ferrari sports car, and Zhang Yang sat up immediately. An Yuchen looked at him with astonishment, with a warm smile on Zhang Yang's face: "I promised your grandfather to take care of you!" **

"I don't need you to take care of me, I don't need anyone to take care of me!"

Zhang Yang looked at the time: "There is still an hour left. I hope you can stop your fourth uncle!"

An Yuchen stopped talking and quickly started the car engine, which is the dividing line of Ruoying**--

Zhou Xingyu and Beopiao sat on the second floor of Yudu Teahouse. From their location, they could see the street ahead. Close to the road is a small river, and there are several boats parked across the river.

When the bell began to ring the time, three semi-new Ford cars parked in front of the teahouse. And Yuan only brought one assistant upstairs, and the rest of his men were waiting outside the teahouse.

At the top of the stairs, two members of the triad came over. They routinely checked Andeyuan's body. Andeyuan showed unprecedented cooperation and stretched out his arms for inspection. The other party was sure that he was not carrying a weapon, so he nodded. Andeyuan walked upstairs, but his assistant did not get permission. Xu went upstairs.

Andeyuan sneered and said, "Stay, I'd like to see what Zhou Xingyu can do!"

Andeyuan's figure appeared on the second floor. Among the huge teahouse, there was only Zhou Xingyu's table. Meng Biao stood up. Zhou Xingyu looked at An Deyuan coldly. No matter how he hated Andeyuan, he couldn't help but admire An Deyuan's courage. He was not a dragon but a general.

Zebiao stopped Andeyuan's way. He stared at Andeyuan fiercely and said, "You killed my two men? **!"

An Deyuan's lips showed a faint smile. He suddenly stretched out his hand like lightning, grabbed Mian's hair, and hit the wooden pillar beside him fiercely. The violent impact made Mian's forehead break, and he sat on the ground like a whirlwind. Andeyuan then put his foot on his face and said disdainfully, " What is it? It's not big or small!"

Zhou Xingyu looked at An Deyuan quietly. He still had no reaction. It seemed that Andeyuan was not his brother at all, but an irrelevant passer-by.

Andeyuan tidied up the windbreaker, came to the opposite him and sat down. He grabbed the teapot and poured a cup of tea by himself.

Zhou Xingyu said, "You are so bold that you really dare to come!"

And Yuan smiled and said, "We are afraid of everything, but we are not afraid of death!"

"As long as I want to kill you, you will never get out of this teahouse!" Zhou Xingyu's words showed a wary murderous intention.

And Yuan laughed. His smile suddenly converged, his thick eyebrows condensed together, and there was a compelling cold light in his eyes: "If you have guts, try it. If you do it, you will die."

"Do I need to do it myself?"

"Less the nonsense! What's the matter with you coming to me?"

Zhou Xingyu took a sip of tea and whispered, "How can you stop?"

"Gan over the king's exhibition!"

"He has already left the triad. Your family has nothing to do with our triad!"

"That is to say, you have no sincerity at all!" Andeyuan is aggressive and humane.

Zhou Xingyu suppressed his anger and said, "Since you came to Hong Kong, you have regarded our triad as the culprit of the bloody case. In the past two days, how many things have you have done, how many people have killed me, and you are crazy. You also need to distinguish who is your enemy. Do you want everyone to hug and die

An Deyuan nodded and said, "There are a total of 1,800 people in my Xinyi Club, which may not be as good as the number of people in your triad. However, these people under me are all brothers who are not afraid of death. I let them die, and they won't even frown. This is the outlaw. How many such people do you have? I'll spell out you with one. How much will you have left in the end? Even if you are lucky, will your status in Hong Kong be the same as in the past?

Zhou Xingyu looked at Andeyuan. He felt a shudder in his heart. He was not afraid of challenge or death, but he clearly realized that what was in front of him was Andeyuan, who was blindfolded by hatred.

Three bar owners unite**Oh~

There is only a madman of revenge in his mind. For the triad, this is a meaningless war, and both sides will be defeated. He whispered, "An Deyuan, your family's security check can be comparable to the airport and the police station. If no one inside responds in advance, you can't do this at all. Do you have Our triort is not afraid of war, but we don't want to fight this kind of unclear war. It's too wrong. Someone is deliberately provoking a dispute. He thinks we can't fight!"

Andeyuan didn't say anything. He picked up the teacup and took a sip. Zhou Xingyu was able to swallow his breath and take the initiative to make peace. It was by no reason. He also began to doubt it.

Zhou Xingyu said, "I swear to Master Guan that our trio will have nothing to do with your family!"

This is the dividing line of Piggy**

On the river, a speedboat came from the teahouse in the distance. A man in black sunglasses aimed at the teahouse with a rocket launcher and suddenly pulled the trigger. The rocket dragged a white smoke ** to the teahouse, and entered accurately from the window opened on the second floor, ** above the wall. Tieba

Andeyuan and Zhou Xingyu changed their colors at the same time. They were all used to the wind and waves. They reacted at the first time and fell to the ground. The rocket exploded indoors. For a moment, the smoke and dust filled, and the broken furniture and utensils splashed everywhere.

Zhou Xingyu was hit on the forehead by a broken porcelain piece, and his face was full of blood. He stretched out his hand and dragged the still unconscious Biao aside.

Andeyuan shouted, "Get out of here!"

The second rocket roared to the teahouse**!

When the first rocket exploded, Zhang Yang and An Yuchen had just arrived at the street corner of Yudu Teahouse. An Yuchen screamed, "Uncle Four!"

Zhang Yang saw the trajectory of the smoke in the air, (reprinted in this book 1 Literature Network .6.m) followed the trajectory and saw the speedboat in the river: "They did it!"

An Yuchen's beautiful eyes turned red. She suddenly stepped on the accelerator, and the sports car rushed forward like a sharp arrow from the string. Zhang Yang had realized what she was going to do. He hurriedly buckled his seat belt. As soon as he finished this action, Ferrari had rushed to the riverside and rushed to the river through the habit of **, The sports car glided a short distance in the air, then fell head down and hit the speedboat of **.

The ** who wanted to hit ** with the bazooka was hit by the head of the car and bounced into the water screaming. The man in charge of driving saw that the momentum was not good and had dived and fled first. Zhang Yang untied his seat belt and pushed open the airbag. Seeing that An Yuchen fainted temporarily because of the impact Take it all and pick her up. There is a strong bandit** flowing in the blood of the descendants of An Dahu, and they all have the spirit of not being afraid of death. This has been fully reflected in the two generations of An Deyuan and An Yuchen.

The boat gradually sank into the water. Zhang Yang picked up An Yuchen and jumped into the water. The cold river made An Yuchen wake up. She breathed a sigh of relief and swam to the shore with Zhang Yang.

Andeyuan and Zhou Xingyu escaped from the teahouse one after another, and several triad men downstairs had begun to exchange fire with Andeyuan's assistants. The two looked at each other. At this time, Andeyuan had already believed that people must have tampered with them. Zhou Xingyu shouted, "Sit..." He had to lower his head with the dense platoon of bullets in the medical official's bar. And Yuan scolded angrily, "He**, is there any mistake!" He glanced at Zhou Xingyu and said, "Go your own way and live your own destiny!"

Zhang Yang took the lead in climbing up the river bank, and then reached out and pulled An Yuchen in the water. The sound of fire kept coming from the direction of the teahouse, and the sound of sirens from a distance. An Yuchen was full of worries. She wanted to run to the scene of the gunfight, but was caught by Zhang Yang: "Little demon, dangerous!"

"My fourth uncle is in it!" An Yuchen was so anxious that she was about to cry.

At this time, I saw someone retreating to their position in the distance. The first person was Andeyuan. He fled to the river under the cover of a man. The scene was chaotic, and the triad people were dizzy with his men. He also limped when he ran because his left leg was injured by a running bullet, which seemed very difficult.

An Yuchen said excitedly, "Fourth uncle!"

An Deyuan didn't expect An Yuchen to come here. He hesitated for a moment and ran to An Yuchen. At this time, his assistant was shot in the heart and fell to his death. An Deyuan grabbed his hand. The gun counterattacked and shouted, "Get out of here!"

A dense line of bullets came from behind, and An Deyuan was shot twice more, and he staggered to the ground.

Zhang Yang rushed out from the hiding place, grabbed An Deyuan's arm, and pulled him to the hidden place at the corner. Andeyuan was shot in many places on his body, but Fortunately, he wore a bulletproof vest in advance and was not hit by **. He grinned with pain. He replaced the gun with a magazine and shot one of the He hasn't returned to Hong Kong to post**. From the birth of An Yuchen to now, he only saw her when his eldest brother took her to Taiwan a few years ago. Although there have been a lot of changes, it is still easy to recognize her. Although there are a lot of bullets outside, An Deyuan still laughed and said, "Little demon? It's not suitable for girls to come here!"

Zhang Yang said, "Who are they?" And Yuan shot again. His arm was hit by a bullet, and the gun fell to the ground. He took a breath of cold air: "Triad, **, I was cheated..."

Zhang Yang picked up the hand and gun on the ground. After the other party's dense row of bullets passed, he dodged out and hit continuously, accurately killing three chasing gangsters.

Andeyuan looked at him with admiration: "Good marksmanship..." If he knew that this man had learned to shoot for less than a week, he was afraid that even his eyes would jump out in shock.

The siren became clearer and clearer. Zhang Yang and An Yuchen were not afraid, but as long as An Deyuan stayed, he would definitely be taken away by the police.

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An Yuchen said decisively, "Get on the boat!" She quickly came to the dock beside her. Without much consideration, Zhang Yang grabbed Andeyuan and carried him on his back and jumped on the activated speedboat.

This is the dividing line of Piggy**

When the Tsim Sha Tsui police arrived, the speedboat had already sailed far away with Anderyuan.

An Deyuan was shot several times, and the wound is still bleeding. If he can't be treated in time, I'm afraid it's difficult to save his life. An Yuchen said with tears, "Uncle, hold back, I'll take you to the hospital." Tieba

Zhang Yang's mind is much calmer. With Andeyuan's current situation, sending him to the hospital is equivalent to sending him directly to the police. Although he doesn't know Andeyuan, he is extremely sympathetic to the current situation of the An family. First, he click Andeyuan's ** to help him delay the speed of bleeding. Then he thought of Xing Chaohui. In this case, maybe he can only get help from the National Security Bureau. According to the emergency telegram left to him by Xing Chaohui, Zhang Yang dialed it.

Xing Chaohui answered happily after receiving the telegram, and asked Zhang Yang to go directly to the Minheng waste parking lot from there, where he would send someone to pick up.

The Minheng waste yard is just by the river, only about three kilometers away from the current position of the boat. They soon came to the small freight terminal of the waste yard. An Yuchen stopped the boat, and Zhang Yang came to the shore with the bloody Andeyuan on his back. There was no one in the waste yard. Just as Zhang Yang was about to I saw a Buick business car sped to the parking lot and came to them. The nightingal in black and sunglasses pushed the door and jumped out of the car, urging, "Get in the car quickly, it's too late!"

Although the nightingiole's dress has changed, An Yuchen still recognized her at a glance. She was very surprised. The current situation was urgent, and she didn't have time to think much about it. She opened the door and helped Zhang Yang lift the fourth uncle up. The Buick business car quickly drove away from the abandoned parking lot.

Renhe Clinic is an inconspicuous clinic in Kowloon City, Hong Kong**. Few people see a doctor on weekdays, and it has been closed for two or three days a week. Now there is a life-and-death rescue in the clinic. Xing Chaohui went to the battle in person to take out the bullets for An Deyuan, and the blood Up to 2,000 milliliters.

Although Zhang Yang's medical skills are excellent, he still lacks experience in this kind of gunshot wound. Western medicine is better at taking out warheads from his body, so he honestly played the role of an assistant beside Xing Chaohui. Today, he found that Xing Chaohui, the senior official of the National Security Bureau, actually had such a profound hand. Technical skills.

After an hour of emergency treatment, Xing Chaohui began to carry out the final suture work. After cutting the last surgical line, he breathed a sigh of relief, took off the bloody gloves and surgical gown, and took out a cigarette from his pocket.

The medicine of An Deyuan's anesthesia has not passed. He looked at the cigarette in Xing Chaohui's mouth enviously: "Give me one..."

Xing Chaohui smiled, pulled out a cigarette from the cigarette box and put it on Andeyuan's mouth, and then helped him light it. He winked at Zhang Yang and came to the next room with the nightinge.

The nightingiole closed the door with his backhand, and Xing Chaohui's smile suddenly converged. He whispered, "They are fighting in the underworld. If you participate in it, if you are found by others, even if you jump to the Tieba **** River, you can't wash it!"

Zhang Yang whispered, "I can't watch the An family being framed and sit idly by!"

Xing Chaohui said coldly, "In the past two days, you seem to have forgotten that you are a member of the Communist Party. You are a national cadre. This is Hong Kong. You can't do things on your personal feelings."

"I heard from And Yuan that he went to negotiate with Zhou Xingyu, the boss of the triad, today. The gunfight was simply an accident. Someone wanted to take this opportunity to kill both of them."

Xing Chaohui couldn't help staring at him and said, "Does it have anything to do with you? What was your original intention in coming to Hong Kong? In order to find out whether An Zhiyuan's money is black money or not, you want to clear up the suspicions for some cadres in Jiangcheng. Look at what you are now. What's wrong? Do you want to join the underworld?

Although Xing Chaohui's tone was harsh, Zhang Yang was not angry because of this. He knew that Xing Chaohui's starting point was for his own good, and there would be no benefit if he was involved too much.

Zhang Yang whispered, "Since you are so resistant to the underworld, why do you save him?"

Xing Chaohui sighed and said, "Zhang Yang, you don't know Andeyuan's position in Taiwan's underworld at all. If he dies in Hong Kong, Taiwan's Xinyi Society will really come to Hong Kong. A gangster revenge battle is inevitable. I saved him to let him go and let Hong Kong's underground society It is Hong Kong, which is different from the mainland. Since many things exist, they have their own reasonable **, which cannot be completely changed in the short term. He patted Zhang Yang on the shoulder and said, "I just got the news that Zhou Xingyu was arrested, but he should be fine. It is difficult for the police to find evidence to prosecute such a person."

"What can I do?"

Xing Chaohui said, "I advise him to leave Hong Kong. As long as he is willing to leave, I will arrange for him to return to Taiwan safely!"