Medical official path

Chapter 109 In and Out of the City

"IgunDay, you doggunDay is really a reversal. At the beginning, I didn't listen to you blow the sky and talked about what to do in the future. How could I encourage the villagers to raise funds to build roads and build hotels? Now you cheated me in. Don't you admit it?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "That's because you want to take advantage of it. You want to make a fortune by this. How can you be cheated if you are not greedy?"

Liu Chuankui was so angry that he opened his mouth and pointed to him with a dry smoke. He didn't say anything for a long time.

Du Yufeng lay on the car window and smiled, "Old secretary, you practice your mouth with him. Isn't this looking for abuse? Get in the car, we're still driving my brother up the mountain."

Liu Chuangui cursed, but his relationship with Zhang Yang was still extremely deep. Although he complained, he knew in his heart that this matter was beyond Zhang Yang's control. At the beginning, Zhang Yang told him that the news was for him and the village.

After parking the car at the back of the village, a group of people went straight to Qingyun Peak. Mrs. Su insisted on leaving by herself. Although the old lady was old, her legs and feet were still sharp. She pulled Niu Wenqiang and Zhao Xinwei, two guys who did not exercise often, far away.

Zhang Yang and Liu Chuankui walked side by side behind Mrs. Su. After Liu Chuankui knew Mrs. Su's identity, he had more appreciation and respect for Zhang Yang in his heart. When Li Changyu gained power, Zhang Yang took it for granted to Mrs. Su, but Li Changyu is now memorizing words, and Zhang Yang can It's rare. This kind of person is righteous, and this kind of person can be handed over.

On the way, Zhang Yang told him about letting Liu Dazhu go to Beijing to open a restaurant. After listening to it, Liu Chuankui slapped the morning cigarette. After thinking for a long time, he said, "I don't have a boy in my family yet. Let this boy out. Who will pass on my Lao Liu family?"

The reason of the old secretary really makes people around him laugh and cry.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Dazhu is such a good skill. Isn't it a waste for you to let him stay in this ravine all day long? Besides, I think your old Liu's family is probably a problem with feng shui. You ask him to go to Beijing with me and breathe some dragon gas. Maybe you can grow a fat In his heart, he sighed at Liu Chuankui's persistence. After giving birth to so many other daughters, he is still not satisfied. He must have a grandson to be reconciled. Therefore, the family planning work in the countryside is not ordinary difficult to do. When he was the substitute director of the planning office in Heishanzi Township, he encountered a lot of Love, doing family planning work at the grassroots level. If you are reasonable about a few things, it is really difficult to do. You must use some tough means. However, General Zhang has long ignored this. It doesn't matter to you. It doesn't matter how much Liu Chuankui wants to be born. That's the current director of the Family Planning Office, .

Mrs. Su's ** was very stubborn. She insisted on walking from Shangqinghe Village to Qingyunfeng, but the old lady's physique was also healthy. In less than three hours, the group came to Qingyunfeng Zixia Temple.

The old Taoist priest Li Xinyi was playing chess with Chen Chongshan and the sun in the courtyard. Seeing them coming, they stopped for a moment and got up to meet them.

Chen Chongshan smiled and said, "Zhang Yang, I haven't seen you up the mountain for a long time. How about it? Are you still used to working in Beijing?

Zhang Yang nodded and asked Li Xinyi to accompany Mrs. Su to incense. He followed Chen Chongshan to the ginkgo line on the west side of the Taoist temple and whispered, "Uncle Chen, I gave that word to Du Shankui. I didn't expect that you were still comrades-in-arms

Chen Chongshan smiled indifferently: "Dozens of ** love, the road everyone chooses is not clear, and what they want is not good. Now I have forgotten what he looks like." The credibility of these words is very low. How can their life-and-death friendship be easily forgotten?

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Yes, I brought their family portrait here. Look!"

Chen Chongshan took the photo in Zhang Yang's hand, looked at it carefully, and smiled knowingly at the corners of his lips: "Okay, very good. I'm happy to see their family and Meimei." After reading it, he carefully put away the photos.

Zhang Yang said again, "Are you familiar with Chu Zhennan?"

Chen Chongshan nodded: "It's also a comrade-in-arms. At the beginning, we were both subordinates of Lao Du. Chu Zhennan was a famous general. If he was not grumpy and easy to offend others, his achievements should be greater than that of Lao Du." After saying that, he smiled and said, "I don't get along well with Chu Zhennan. He is a general: I can barely be regarded as a civilian, and I often quarrel when I say a few words. He doesn't like the fake smell of my intellectuals. I can't stand the recklessness of his body, so I have cut off contact since the We didn't have a chance to meet."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "If there is a chance, how about I arrange for you to meet?"

Chen Chongshan smiled and said, "In fact, some feelings are the best in memory. Seeing each other every day may not last. At my age, what I want most is to live a free life. Memories, whether happy or painful, are precious to me."

Zhang Yang quietly tasted Chen Chongshan's words and always felt that there was something else in his words, but for a moment he couldn't guess what he was talking about.

Mrs. Su was very devout, and the old Taoist priest untied a sign for her. Although Zhang Yang didn't know what the old lady asked for, judging from her relaxed expression, the old Taoist priest should have given her a lot of comfort. ( Brain Reading .1 6 . )

Niu Wenqiang, Zhao Xinwei, Du Yufeng and Jiang Liang have nothing to do and have been playing poker under the stone table in the big village. Liu Chuankui stood aside and pointed out from time to time, causing Du Yufeng to keep coaxing him away like a chicken.

After finishing his work, Li Xinyi waved to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang followed him to the stele pavilion in the distance. The old Taoist priest called Zhang Yang alone to learn about some things about his family in Hong Kong. Although he did not disgrace to recognize An Zhiyuan, his half-brother, after all, he was a close relative. I guessed that there was something wrong with the An family, and I had been controlling it all the time.

Zhang Yang did not hide it from him. He told her what had happened to settle down in Hong Kong. After listening to it, Li Xinyi looked solemn and couldn't help sighing and said, "Injustice, injustice, I can't imagine the evil created in my previous life. I still have to pay it back in this life." Being in the Taoist gate, he believes that Tianli's cycle of retribution is not happy. In his hometown, his father, An Dayue, was a bandit in Qingtai Mountain, killed countless people, and owed countless blood achievements. Today, the ** of the An family is regarded by him as the retribution of the cycle of cause and effect.

Because of his personal experience, Zhang Yang already knows something about the An family. Others don't say that the one who left Taiwan will never give up. He left Hong Kong before just because of the situation. Once the time is ripe, Andeyuan will definitely return to Xiang. Hong Kong, I personally recovered the blood debt of my family.

When he returned to Shangqinghe Village, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon. Liu Dazhu had already slaughtered the sheep under the mountain to boil water and prepared dinner. When he saw Zhang Yang, he heard that he was going to take her to ** to open a restaurant. Liu Dazhu was also particularly excited. There was another big man who didn He had the idea of going out to open a restaurant, but he was stopped by the old man. Now he has finally got the old man's consent. Liu Dazhu's inner joy is indescribable, so he is also good at work.

Zhang Yang helped Mrs. Su to see and rest. Seeing that it was still early, he called Chu Yanran. This time, he returned to Chunyang and did not meet her, but he called several times. Chu Yanran's mobile phone was always turned off. The man's heart was unconsciously empty, and his mind was full of Chu Yanran's The four years in her heart have sprung up like bamboo shoots after rain.

Zhang Yang has always treated his feelings at will, and rarely thinks about what to do in the future, but Hailan, Zuo Xiaoqing, and acting, avoiding him one by one, make him have to think about this matter. The women in this era are different from the past. They have a strong possessive desire for feelings, and everyone wants to monopolize this Zhang Guanren wants to have each of them, both what I want and what I want. If I want to get it at the same time, I'm afraid it will take a lot of thought.

While the chief was thinking hard, Gu Jiatong called. On the phone, Gu Jiatong told him a good news. The province had decided to lift the double rules against Li Changyu and would not arrange his work for the time being. Let him rest for a while. Gu Jiatong knew the news through Xia Boda. Xia Boda is a person who likes to sell favors. After he learned the news from Gu Yunzhi, the first highway was Gu Jiatong. He not only had a good relationship with Gu Yunzhi himself, but also had a good relationship with everyone in the Gu family. Only in this way can Gu Yun realize that he is My own people. Let everyone in the Gu family treat themselves as relatives. Since they have played the role of general manager, they should role-play this role to the end.

After Zhang Yang repeated this matter with Gu Jiatong, he hung up the phone with great excitement. No matter what kind of work Li Changyu will do in the future, lifting the double rules means that the superior will no longer continue to pursue his past responsibility. This is a good omen, or it is less subtle to stimulate her. This kind of thing is still waiting for Go and tell her.

Li Changyu walked out of the Luanshan Hotel in the early morning of Monday. He had not had a haircut or shaved for nearly a month. He was wearing the military coat given to him by the opinion investigation team, carrying a travel bag full of happy clothes and daily necessities in his hand, and slowly walked out of the door of the Luanshan Hotel. Although he was much thinner, his eyes became more and more firm. He looked up at the rising sun in the east, with a long-lost smile on his face.

For Li Changyu, this is a brand-new day. He came to the nearby department store and called home first. When Zhu Hongmei heard her voice, she immediately shouted hoarsely: "You still have the face to call, shameless. I want to divorce you. The divorce agreement has been written, just waiting for you. Sign it."

Li Changyu's expression was very calm and calm. It seemed that he had known the result for a long time. He calmly said, "I agree. When I get home, I will sign it immediately!" When he hung up the phone and wanted to dial the second number, he hesitated for a moment. After a while, he put down the phone again. After getting up and paying, he went out and stopped a taxi.

When Li Changyu rang the doorbell of Ge Chunli's house, he was extremely uneasy in his heart. In the past month of being double-regulated, all contact with the outside world has been interrupted. He doesn't know what happened outside. He doesn't know whether the storm has affected Ge Chunli and whether Ge Chunli has changed him

The doorbell rang for five minutes and no one came to open the door. Li Changyu threw the travel bag on the ground tiredly, took out a box of cigarettes from the pocket of his coat, pulled out a cigarette and lit it. He heard a crisp sound behind him and turned around, but saw Ge Chunli standing on the stairs. The steel pot in his Falling on the ground, she wore a dark blue suit, and she lost a lot of weight. Her round face in the past also became melon seed-shaped. Her eyes turned red in an instant, and the crystal tears trembled in her eyes. She squeezed her cherry lips and bit them hard, but after all, she still couldn't control her inner emotions, and the tears

Li Changyu gently called her name.

Then Ge Chunli rushed over like a dream and hugged his body. Her fist hit Li Changyu's **'s **. She was so excited that she couldn't speak, so she could only express it in this way. Li Changyu hugged her tightly, kissed her hair, and his eyes turned red. He kept shouting his name. After a long time, Ge Chunli spread out her arms to hug him, and buried her beautiful face in his ** cavity and sobbed in a low voice.

Li Changyu comforted softly, "Okay... Everything is fine. I'm back..."

Ge Chunli raised her beautiful face full of tears: "I've been waiting for you. If you don't come back, I will wait forever..."

An unspeakable emotion blocked Li Changyu's throat. At this moment, his feelings became particularly fragile. He hugged Ge Chunli tightly: "I won't let you wait..."

Zhang Yang and Qin Qing sat side by side on the plane to **. Qin Qing's eyes always looked out of the porthole. The wings of the plane flashed with silver metal light in the sun, and thousands of clouds were within reach. The Qingtai Mountain tourism development incident finally dissipated with Li Changyu's lifting of the double rules. This After the incident, Qin Qing was the most innocent of the double rules, but she was also the least affected. After all, except for the accident of Qingtai Mountain, no problems were found in Qin Qing. After the investigation team lifted her double rules, it immediately resumed her normal work. She was not in a hurry to return to work and study in the party school. Xi still has nearly a month to go. With this time, she has to adjust her mood and try to return to the state of the past.

Zhang Yang understands Qin Qing. Qin Qing's strength is not only floating on the surface, but her heart is also strong. After the baptism of this political storm, Qin Qing will go further and more steadily in his official career in the future. This time, Zhang Yang also found one thing. Qin Qing no longer escapes from him as in the past. In fact, The other party's intentions are already clear, but Qin Qing is an extremely rational person. She can control her feelings very well. Zhang Daguan's enthusiasm also had to keep points calm in front of Qin Qing's reason. He found that he had begun to slowly learn to wait and endure.

Zhang Yang leaned on the back of the chair and closed his eyes. Qin Qing quietly turned around, thinking that Zhang Yang had fallen asleep. He asked the stewardess for a blanket and carefully covered it for Zhang Yang. Zhang Guan closed his eyes and enjoyed Qin Qing's consideration and care for him, and an inexplicable warmth in Sometimes, love does not need to be vigorous, and this kind of silent feeling can penetrate people's hearts.

During this period, Zhang Yang has been actively running for the affairs of Qin Qing and Li Changyu, and has no time to care about his own affairs. After the matter passed, he gradually calmed down. The reason why he is so nervous is that he regards Qin Qing as his lover and Li Changyu as his relative. With his ** affection, he will never watch them fall into trouble and ignore them. Politically, Li Changyu is his guide and his backer. Keeping them is also equivalent to keeping his smooth career, but Zhang Yang really didn't expect it so far at the beginning. His help to Li Changyu and Qin Qing came from the bottom of his heart and did not take any interests into account at all.

He opened his eyes and found that Qin Qing was still looking at him. He couldn't help laughing and said, "Do I have any words on my face? Is it so fascinated to see it?"

Qin Qing smiled gently and said, "I'm thinking that I have never said thank you!"

Zhang Yang stretched out and sat up straight: "Is it useful between you and me?"

Qin Qing's long eyelashes drooped slightly: "Zhang Yang, promise me, can you devote your energy to your work?" This sentence is like a reminder and a request. She knew herself that if she continued to cover up the development, one day her emotional defense line would completely collapse, but she also knew that she needed to be calm in front of her, and she could not be emotional.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I have too much energy. Work alone can't satisfy me anymore." His extraterrespeakable intention is that he needs other things to satisfy himself.

Every time this person plays **, Qin Qing will pretend to be undifferent to himself. He sighed softly and said, "I'm a little sleepy. Wake me up when I land!"

Looking at Qin Qing, who was in a false sleep, Zhang Yang shook his head helplessly. The relationship between him and Qin Qing was always so delicate. Although Qin Qing no longer rejected him as clearly as in the past, he did not mean to open his arms to accept him. Zhang Daguan realized that the revolution had not yet succeeded, and the comrades

Back to the Beijing Office, I saw that a shed had been set up in the yard of the Beijing Office. When he was in Jiangcheng, Gu Jiatong had told him by phone that the decoration project of the hotel had been started, and he tried to complete the decoration within two months, and then opened it to the public.

Qin Qing did not have much interest in the three productions of the Beijing Office. He just took a look and didn't even ask, so he went to the room arranged by Yu Xiaodong to rest.

Zhang Yang went to the construction site curiously. As soon as he walked in, a foreman with a ** helmet came to meet him and shouted aggressively, "What are you doing? Do you have a sense of security? This is the construction site. Who is responsible for smashing your head in the place where you played at that time?

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing: "This is my own home. I can't go shopping?"

"I can't do it at home either. Safety comes first. Go! Go! Get out of here!"

While driving Zhang Yang out, Gu Jiatong, dressed in a red windbreaker, came in. When she saw Zhang Yang, her beautiful eyes couldn't help but light up. She said with a little annoy in surprise, "When did you come back? Why didn't you say a word?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I just arrived, and I just wanted to go inside to have a look. The master bombarded me out with sensity!"

Gu Jiatong smiled and said, "Lao Zhang, this is Director Zhang of the Beijing Office. Don't offend him, or don't want the salary."

Lao Zhang was extremely serious and said with a serious face, "If you don't pay, you have to have a sense of safety. If you want to go in and have a look, you must wear a helmet!" He took two helmets and handed them two.

Zhang Yang and Gu Jiatong put on safety helmets and walked in under Lao Zhang's leadership. A few days after the decoration project began, now it is mainly to divide the original Chunyang Office in Beijing into two parts. In the future, the original small courtyard will also be divided into two parts. The division of the two parts is not evenly distributed. The area About two parts, there is only a small part left in the Beijing Office, but in terms of their previous reception, the remaining space is enough.

Gu Jiatong introduced his decoration ideas to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang was not very interested in these, but proposed not to make it too luxurious, although the decoration has a kind of rural wild taste, such as hanging some red pepper, garlic, corn cob and so on. If you can make city people feel like entering the countryside, psychologically There is a contrast, which creates a sense of novelty, and the purpose of decoration is achieved.

Gu Jiatong basically agrees with the view of death, but it still takes some thought to really **. It is not only to return to the curiosity of the majority of guests, but also to make this place warm

Elegant, to put it simply, it is elegant and vulgar. According to the established design of taking care of Jiatong, after the decoration, there will be a hall that can accommodate 100 people to eat at the same time, and 25 private rooms will be divided. This scale is already medium. In terms of chefs, she also prepared two sets of teams. Although Liu Dazhu's whole sheep banquet is good, he can't be the main one. After all, Liu Dazhu is not a stereotyped casket. The main purpose of inviting him is to play the characteristics of the restaurant.

Judging from Gu Jiatong's attention to this matter, she still has great hopes for the hotel. Zhang Yang listened to her outline of a grand blueprint of disappearance, and then he couldn't help reminding Gu Jiatong, "Sister Jiatong, I haven't eaten a mouthful of rice since I got off the plane. Can we eat first?"

Gu Jiatong smiled with some embarrassment: "I'm so happy that I forgot that you haven't eaten yet. Let's go. I'll invite you out to eat!"

Zhang Yang pointed downstairs and said, "I asked Yu Xiaodong to prepare dinner."

"It's a mess, let's go, go out to eat!"

Zhang Yang nodded. Originally, he wanted to ask Qin Qing to go with him, but thinking that since Qin Qing entered the Beijing office, he immediately **d his county magistrate's position and could distance himself from him, so as not to be talked about. He went to find her by himself. It was also boring. Besides, Gu Jiatong may not like Qing, he told Yu Xiaodong that he got into Gu Jiatong's green beetle.

Gu Jiatong is already familiar with the road conditions of **. She took Zhang Yang straight to the front door to eat hot belly. There are many snacks in the front door, and the most famous one is the hot belly Feng in the Ertiao alley of Langfang.

Zhang Yang also stayed in ** for a period of time. He had heard of this old store many times, but he had no chance to taste it. The two came to a small shop full of people, but saw the black plaque of the shop written with gold paint. Although it was not until 5:30 p.m., it was already full. After waiting for 15 minutes, the two were arranged to sit down. Most of the people who come here for dinner are those who come here with lessons, and many people order instant-boiled mutton.

Gu Jiatong ordered two hot bellies and had another shabu-shabu. The wine was a bottle of Wuliangye she brought with her. Because the people in the small store were boiling, it was too noisy, and the two had to speak in a loud voice.

Zhang Yang briefly told Gu Jiatong about going back to speak this time. Gu Jiatong was most concerned about his brother Jiufen in Jiangcheng. The final result of the matter was still satisfactory. She still blamed Zhang Yang: "You can't take more care of him. Although he is older than you, he acts like a child. ."

Zhang Yang said while drinking, "I want to take care of him, but I treat him as my brother-in-law. He doesn't treat me as my brother-in-law. By the way... Although we have that fact, we don't have that name, right?"

Gu Jiatong blushed and knocked on his forehead with chopsticks and said softly, "If there is a fact that you are his brother-in-law, so take good care of him." Her tone was somewhat weak, and her heart was shy and unbearable.

Zhang Yang listened like a spring breeze, and the legs of the two were intertwined under the table. Their eyes were opposite to each other, and what flowed out was only ** lingering.

Gu Jiatong didn't drink. She took a sip of juice and said, "There is one thing I still can't figure out. How did you stir Mingjian in the emperor's trouble?" Have you played tricks?" Gu Jiatong still suspected that Zhang Yang deliberately pulled Mingjian in in this matter.

"Conscience of heaven and earth, Jiatong, I can't cheat anyone and my brother-in-law. This is pure coincidence."

Gu Jiatong gave Zhang Yang a blank look, but her heart was extremely warm and very useful. She whispered to Zhang Yang, "Don't follow Jiangcheng's matter. I heard Director Xia say that Li Changyu's problem has been solved. He will take a rest for a period of time. The work will be arranged soon."

Zhang Yang said, "Don't worry, I know how to be measured. Recently, my work will focus on the Beijing office, in the hotel where we cooperate, and strive to make some political achievements, so that I can be promoted as soon as possible."

Gu Jiatong smiled and said, "I have long seen that you are an official fan. What's wrong? The director of the Beijing Office can no longer satisfy you?"

Zhang Yang whispered, "Only you can satisfy me!"

Gu Jiatong expected that the three words of this man would start to go down. He blushed and gently bit the cherry lips and said, "Eat it, I'll take you to a place!" The place where Gu Jiatong took Zhang Yang is the Royal Garden. She just bought a house in **. Because of the needs of work, Gu Jiatong has spent a lot of time in ** recently. If it is not convenient to stay in a hotel for a long time, although Zhang Yang's office in Beijing can arrange her accommodation, after all, there are many people, and Gu Jiatong does not want their relationship to be known by outsiders. After consideration, she decided to buy a house in **.

This three-bedroom and two-living room house has a total of 150 square meters. It was originally bought by a Taiwanese businessman, but it has not moved in after decoration. Because of the change of attention, the investment was placed in Shanghai, so the house also decided to **. After receiving the news, Gu Jiatong spent 500,000 yuan to buy it. The price

Entering the door of the room, Zhang Yang was attracted by the exquisite decoration in front of him. He looked around. Gu Jiatong took his arm and said softly, "Do you like it?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Yes, it's much better than the Forbidden City!"

Gu Jiatong smiled and said, "It's nonsense. That's where ** Emperor lives. We are ordinary people."

"What's good about the ** emperor? There is no heating in winter, no air conditioning in summer, and I haven't even made a car for a cup (it should be a seat). The only advantage is that there are three thousand beautiful women in the harem. You can sleep with whichever one you want.

Gu Jiatong twisted his ear: "You hooligan, you are thinking about these things in your mind. How do you investigate the organization? Unexpectedly, you, the big wolf, sneaked into the team of national cadres.

Zhang Yang picked up Gu Jiatong's legs and picked her up. Gu Jiatong screamed.

Zhang Yang said with a guilty heart, "Be quiet, don't let people hear you!"

Gu Jiatong put her arms around Zhang Yang's neck and said, "I'm going to call it. This belongs to us. I can call it as I want!"

Zhang Yang said viciously, "Okay, I'm going to eat you!"

Gu Jiatong smiled and said, "Damn it, go take a shower!"

"No! I'm clean!"

"Fall, you are the dirtiest, and you are the dirtiest when you think about it!"

Zhang Yang said tenderly, "I don't want to leave it to myself. I'll give you the pure body first!"

Gu Jiatong's breathing became more and more rapid when she was teased by this one, and said softly, "Go to the bedroom..."

"This belongs to us, and I want to be wherever I want!" The flamboyant eyes fell on the sofa in front of him...