Medical official path

Chapter 138 Shocking Robbery

00061073 Chapter 138 Shocking Robbery

The decision of Jinzhong Group to invest soon spread to Zuo Yuanhan, the acting mayor of Jiangcheng. He met Andeheng. Andeheng was recently very close to the acting mayor of Jiangcheng. He made it clear that he was determined to gradually turn the investment center of Century Antai Group to the mainland and Jiangcheng. He was well prepared for this. The rule book is very detailed, and it can be seen that his team has made great efforts.

Zuo Yuanchao stood on a mound in the southeast of Jiangcheng Development Zone. Looking at this vast land, he seemed to see the bustling scene of factories coming here. The municipal party committee and the municipal government have passed many researches and have passed the resolution to gradually move large enterprises in Jiangcheng to the development zone. In the next few years, there will be The change of the ground. His hand waved powerfully in the air and shouted, "In five years, Jiangcheng Economic Development Zone will become the most dynamic development in Pinghai

And Heng smiled and said, "Mayor Zuo is the most courageous cadre I have ever come into contact with. Our Century Antai Group will fully support the construction of our hometown and drive more Hong Kong-funded enterprises to enter the development zone."

Zuo Yuanchao nodded with satisfaction. He looked up at the cloudy sky and said intentionally or unintentionally, "Jiangcheng's economic take-off is unstoppable. Now many overseas consortia have turned their eyes to the ancient land of Jiangcheng, and even the famous Benin consortium in the United States has recently decided to invest Small. He deliberately paused and said, "They plan to invest 40 million US dollars in Nanlin Temple Scenic Area to help Jiangcheng build a tourism economy. Same as your investment plan 1, is Mr. An confident to compete with them?

And Heng smiled indifferently and said, "Benin Group is an internationally renowned consortium with strong strength."

Zuo Yuan looked at Andeheng with a smile.

And Heng said, "According to what I know about the Benin consortium, his management team is all Americans. Even if they are well-funded and have rich management experience, there is one thing they can't compare with us!"

"Oh?" Zuo Yuanchao encouraged Andeheng to continue.

"The difference between Eastern and Western cultures. Only when Chinese people truly understand Chinese culture can they experience China's humanistic history and China's unique Buddhist culture. If Jiangcheng builds a church, the poison will definitely choose to retreat, but Jiangcheng will build an ancient Buddhist temple full of Chinese flavor. I believe in the Benin consortium There is no advantage in front of me!"

Zuo Yuanchao looked at Andeheng with admiration, and the two laughed at the same time.

An Deheng's heart was not as relaxed as it seemed. From Zhang Yang began to ignore his investment, he realized that the investment in Nanlin Temple may not be smooth. Long before Zuo Yuanchao told him, he had learned that the Benin consortium had decided to intervene in the investment and development of Nanlin Temple. Although Benin Group was a U. However, there are many Chinese elites in the company's management team. According to Andeheng's preliminary understanding, the investment conditions issued by the other party are much more relaxed than his, and he coincidentally fell in love with the land of the textile factory, and behind him is the support of Executive Vice Mayor Li Changyu. Andeheng's investment The grip is getting smaller and smaller.

The discovery of Buddha's relic in Jiangcheng has spread all over the land of China, and even Luo Huining, who was far away in Beijing, heard the news, and she hit Zhang Yang. On the phone, before Tomb-sweeping Day, she will go back to Pinghai's house to sweep the tomb. She will stop by Jiangcheng for a walk, go to Nanlin Temple to incense, and worship Buddha's relics. Zhang Yang accepted the request of the godmother. Although the municipal party committee and the municipal government have a clear stipulation that no one is allowed to visit the Buddha's relics for the time being, Luo Huining's identity is there. As long as she wants to see it, no one should create obstacles. Although there are many regulations and systems in China, they are very flexible, One of the features.

The appearance of Buddha's relics not only gave a layer of mysterious recommendation to Jiangcheng, but also brought endless hope to the people of Jiangcheng, which made many people who had always thought that the development of tourism economy in Jiangcheng was a fantasy to change their views, in response to the current popular saying, everything is It is possible.

Just when all Jiangcheng people talked most enthusiastically about Buddha's relics, an unexpected thing happened.

On the night of March Knife Day, someone sneaked into the heavily defended Jiangcheng Museum and stole the Buddha's relic, which was regarded as the treasure of Jiangcheng Town, from under the eyes of the police.

Zhang Yang learned about this at four o'clock in the morning. He immediately put on his clothes and rushed to the Jiangcheng Museum.

When he arrived at the museum, the police had blocked the area around the museum. Tian Qinglong, director of Jiangcheng Public Security Bureau, arrived here as soon as possible, and Li Changyu, the executive vice mayor of Jiangcheng, also came.

There is smoke in the small conference room of the museum. Everyone present has a solemn face, and the mood is like a heavy lead. Everyone knows the meaning of Buddha's relic. The relic is not only the supreme sacred object of Buddhism, but also represents the hope of Jiangcheng to develop tourism. The recent series of investment funds are all around this Buddha's relic. If the Buddha's relic When the matter of profit being stolen spreads, the impact is bad, and the consequences are unimaginable!

The most depressed person present was Tian Qinglong, the director of the Public Security Bureau. In order to protect this Buddha's relic, he personally selected the most elite police force in the Jiangcheng public security system and put in the most advanced monitoring equipment, but in the end, the relic was stolen under the eyes of the police. This is simply a great irony Where is the face of Jiangcheng Public Security? The last time Yang Shouyi was poisoned has not been found out, and a more serious case came out in a blink of an eye. Tian Qinglong was really a little anxious. He was soberly aware that if he could not find the Buddha's relic as soon as possible, he did this. The director of Jiangcheng Public Security should not do it either!

Tian Qinglong said, "The Buddha's relic was stolen. I have an inescapable responsibility, I,"

Li Changyu, who has always been calm, couldn't calm down. He sighed and said, "Lao Tian, it's not a matter of who is responsible now. The most urgent thing is to retrieve the stolen Buddha's relic as soon as possible!"

Qiu Chang, director of the Garden and Cultural Heritage Bureau, whispered, "The monitoring of the museum has also been damaged, and no video record of the suspect has been found. If this matter spreads, I'm afraid the consequences will be unbearable


Li Changyu said, "Strictly sealed the message. We must not let the theft of Buddha's relic be spread!"

Without saying anything, Zhang Yang said, "I think the news can't be blocked. With such a large police position, everyone will guess what happened in the museum. Maybe the whole Jiangcheng will spread the news of theft of Buddha's relics. "

Tian Qinglong said, "The news should be able to block one's eyes. After all, we are the only ones who know that the Buddha's relics were stolen, and the police officers outside don't know what happened."

Li Changyu has long lost confidence in Jiangcheng's public security system. He shook his head and decisively gave a deadline: "Knife hours, 100 million... The case must be solved within the time! Otherwise, it's not easy for everyone to explain!" Tian Qinglong stood up and shouted, "If I can't find the Buddha's relic within the knife hours. I will resign on my own initiative!" Although Tian Qinglong also understood that resignation was not the solution to the problem, he had to show his attitude, which made him too aggrieved.

After the meeting, Zhang Yang followed Tian Qinglong to the scene of the theft. The scene was in a mess, the door of the vault was opened, and the crystal cover for storing Buddha's relics was also smashed to pieces. What makes publicity unexpected. Qin Bai was also among the police officers on duty that night. Qin Bai sat on the ground dejectedly. He held his knees in his hands, and his face was full of depression.

Zhang Yang walked over. He patted him gently on the shoulder. Qin Bai looked up at Zhang Yang and whispered, "I'm so useless

Zhang Yang smiled and sat down beside the sleeve: "You are not on duty alone tonight. Don't blame yourself for everything!"

Qin Bai was full of self-reproach and said, "At that time, there was a sudden power outage. I realized that something might happen here. I ran this way at the first time, but my neck was smashed. I fell to the ground and waited for me to regain consciousness. The Buddha's relic is gone. He has said this to his colleague in charge of the investigation, but now he is still full of guilt. If he reacts more quickly, maybe the Buddha's relics will not be stolen.

After Tian Qinglong asked about the situation, the expression on his face became more and more solemn. The thieves were obviously very familiar with the environment of Jiangcheng Museum, and their theft methods were first-class. Tian Qinglong concluded with years of experience. The thief should not be alone, and it should be a tacitly cooperative theft team that steals the Buddha's relics. The more professional the criminal is, the more difficult it is to solve the case. Tian Qinglong remembered that he had made a military order. In order to solve this case within the time of Naibu, I can't help but feel sad in my heart. According to the information I have so far, the possibility of finding the Buddha's relic within the knife time is very small, and it can even be said. It is almost equal to zero, which means that his resignation has become inevitable.

Qin Bai got up and came to Tian Qinglong, summoned up his courage and said, "Tian Bureau, I want to join the task force!"

Tian Qinglong was angry and stared at him fiercely. He scolded angrily, "Get out of here. Do you still think I'm not messy enough?"

Qin Bai blushed when he was scolded. Zhang Yang took his arm and motioned him to rest. His brother-in-law really has no eyes.

Tian Qinglong strode to the outside of the museum. At this time, it rained outside again, which made it difficult for the on-site investigation. Tian Qinglong stood at the gate of the museum, looking at the endless spring rain outside, and the two thick eyebrows were locked together.

Zhang Yang came to his side and stood side by side with him. Zhang Daguan was also uncomfortable and had no relic. Jiangcheng tourism development has no confidence. What does he use to attract foreign investment? I don't know how much the grade and specifications of Nanlin Temple Scenic Area will be reduced.

Tian Qinglong bit his teeth and said, "Damn it, why are there so many things this year?"

Zhang Yang sighed and said, "It's better to find a way to cover this Zhuo. Anyway, no one has ever seen Buddha's relic. Just make a jade Buddha bone to pretend!"

Tian Qinglong looked at him and said, "You think things are too simple. I want to cover things up, but don't forget that people's unpredictable. Not everyone thinks like us. I dare to conclude that someone can't wait for this matter to come out and see Jiangcheng's jokes!"

As they expected, the theft of Buddha's relic still spread in the shortest time. The speed of dissemination and the wide range of dissemination were unimaginable. The next morning, the major media in Pinghai had reported the matter.

Hong Weiji, Secretary of the Jiangcheng Municipal Party Committee, was rarely furious. At the emergency standing committee, he patted the table in front of all the members of the standing committee, got up angrily and shouted, "I want an explanation! Who can give me a reasonable explanation?

Li Changyu, the executive vice mayor, and Tian Qinglong, the director of the public security bureau, were both depressed and smoked silently. Things are moving in the worst direction.

Hong Weiji's target was the first to target Tian Qinglong: "Comrade Qinglong, I'm very disappointed with the ability of your public security system. More than 20 police officers are on duty, and no one has noticed how the burglars sneaked in? How did you promise me at the beginning? How do you promise to the Standing Committee? No mistake! Ha ha, I'm afraid that the Jiangcheng public security system will make the whole of China laugh!"

Tian Qinglong is speechless. A series of recent events in Jiangcheng prove that the public security bureau he led is indeed very incompetent. Tian Qinglong's strength and stubbornness have made his name among the Standing Committee of Jiangcheng. If the truth is on his side, he doesn't care what municipal party secretary is. He will argue according to Even if Hong Weiki's words didn't take care of his face, he lowered his head and said after a while, "I will be responsible for this matter!"

Li Changyu said, "As the deputy mayor in charge of tourism, I also have an inescapable responsibility for this matter!"

After Hong Weiki vented, he felt better in his heart. He sat down and said, "Now it's not a matter of discussion of responsibility. Buddha's relic has a great impact. I don't know why this matter spread. From this incident, it can be seen that you are not only unfavorable to the protection of the Buddha's bones, but also do not respond in time after the loss of the Buddha's bones, so that this matter continues to develop in the worst direction. The only way to eliminate the bad effects is to find the Buddha's relics as soon as possible.

Acting Mayor Zuo Yuanchao nodded with the same feeling and said, "In the matter of the loss of Buddha's relics, our response measures are not timely enough. We have not limited this matter to a certain range, so that the bad impact has spread. This is a grim thing for the investment environment of Jiangcheng and the enthusiasm for foreign investors. The test." His words are not exaggerated. Recently, many businessmen who have expressed their willingness to invest are looking at the potential of the future development of Nanlin Temple, and the development potential of Nanlin Temple depends to a large extent on this Buddha's relic. Now that the Buddha's relic has been stolen, these businessmen may not be willing to continue to invest.

Zhao Yanglin, director of the National People's Congress, said slowly, "Since it has been lost, we can only think of another way. Mayor Zuo said that we can't put all the development of Jiangcheng on a Buddha's relic. Even if it has an impact, it will not affect the pace of reform and opening up in Jiangcheng, nor will it affect the overall situation of Jiangcheng's economic take-off, so we still need to be optimistic.

Zuo Yuanchao was very happy to see this happen in the depths of his heart. Li Changyu has been using travel to make articles. They are all using Buddha's relic. Now the disappearance of the relic has brought him to a rather embarrassing point. If he can't find the Buddha's relic in time. Then he quoted that the plan of tourism to develop a green economy can only become a piece of paper to ask for considerable sympathy. After all, these things are not under the control of human resources. It can only be said that Tian Qinglong is unlucky. His position determines that he must be responsible for this series of events.

The spring rain is continuous, and the moist things are silent. The gray sky of the river city is not clear because of the washing of the rain. Instead, it looks more low and depressing. However, the willow trees on the roadside are green and dazzling, exuding full of vitality, adding some brightness to this ancient city.

Luo Huining's hometown is in Xiuwen County, Pinghai, which is one of the counties under the jurisdiction of Dongjiang. This time, when she returned to her hometown to visit the tomb, she chose to drive there. In addition to her daughter Wen Ling accompanying her, Li Wei was also responsible for being a bodyguard and driver.

Because Luo Huining's return to visit the tomb this time was completely private, she did not alarm anyone except Zhang Yang. The last time I came to Jiangcheng, it can be traced back to ten years ago. Luo Huining looked at the street view outside through the car window. A pair of beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly and sighed softly, "I didn't expect that Jiangcheng has hardly changed in the past ten years!"

Li Wei smiled and said, "We take the old street of Jiangcheng, not the main road in the city center. If we choose Shanghai Road and Renmin Road, which are relatively prosperous, the economic development of Jiangcheng has been very slow in the past year. After all, it is an old industrial base. There are too many aspects involved in reform, and there is /P>

Luo Huining made a phone call to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang only knew that Luo Huining was coming soon, but he didn't expect her to come so soon. So suddenly, because the Buddha's relics were stolen, many investments were in wait-and-see, and the preparatory project of Nanlin Temple also stopped. Zhang Yang was bored sitting in the tourism bureau reading the newspaper. He was also extremely surprised to receive the phone call. He asked Luo Huining's current location, which is not far from the tourism bureau. He hurriedly got up and went out.

Li Wei was very familiar with the road conditions in Jiangcheng. He drove the Chetian business car directly to the compound of the Tourism Bureau. Zhang Yangle greeted him, opened the door, and shouted sweetly to Luo Huining sitting in it: "Gama!" He shouted to Wen Ling, who was sitting in the back, again: "Sister Ling!"

Luo Huining smiled and said, "The office environment of your tourism bureau is too simple!" The building of the Tourism Bureau was built in the 1960s. Because the soap of the bureau has never been rich, it is poorly maintained. The cement wall outside has been recorded in many places, and the yard looks very dilapidated.

"Poor! Small. Zhang Yang got on the business car and sat down beside Luo Huining. Wen Ling had closed her eyes again and began to refresh herself. Everything in the outside world rarely interfered with her, and she seemed to be incompatible with everything around her.

Zhang Yang greeted Li Wei with a smile again. The two had the experience of fighting when they first met, which was also a pity for each other. It's three o'clock in the afternoon, and it's still early for dinner. Zhang Yang proposed to arrange for Luo Huining and his party to stay first, and then consider other activities.

Luo Huining originally planned to stay in Jiangcheng for a day, and then went to Xiuwen tomorrow afternoon. She nodded and said, "It's okay to stay first. By the way, you can arrange it. I want to visit the Buddha's relic tomorrow morning!"

Zhang Yang smiled bitterly and said, "Feng Ma, I was just about to tell you this. The Buddha's relic was lost and stolen. It has been almost two days, and there is no idea yet.

Luo Huining frowned, and Wen Ling, who had never spoken behind her, suddenly said, "Lost it? Why did you lose it?"

Zhang Yang glanced at Wen Ling: "There are only a few jade relics left now. I guess the real relics have been transported to Jiangcheng, and the public security organ has not found any clues." He said something about it. While helping Li Wei show the way, let him drive the car to the prosperous era.

Fang Wendong specially arranged the presidential set, when Luo Huining and Wen Ling went to rest. Zhang Yang took Li Wei to the business room next door.

Li Wei said, "The discovery of Buddha's relics in Jiangcheng has spread to Beijing. The news was very sensational. Unexpectedly, it was stolen in just a few days!"

Zhang Yang said helplessly, "According to the current situation, it should be done by a group of thieves, but these people are quite old-fashioned and skillful, and even fingerprints and footprints have not left such a clue!" For this reason, Zhang Yang also specially asked Chang Hao, an intelligence officer of the National Security Bureau. Chang Hao is good at intelligence analysis, but not good at intelligence collection. He also said that there was nothing he could do.

Li Wei said, "If it's convenient, take me to the scene. I hope I can help you." The reason why he took the initiative to ask for help was because of Luo Huining's order. Before becoming a Zhongnanhai bodyguard, Li Wei was an excellent police officer.

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned. Then it occurred to me that since Li Wei is one of the bodyguards in Zhongnanhai, he is not only strong in martial arts, but also has other expertise. Anyway, Luo Huining and Wen Ling are resting, and I can just take him to see it during this period.

Now, although the museum's stolen scene has been investigated and collected, it is still under martial law. If you want to see the scene, you must obtain the consent of Tian Qinglong, the director of the Public Security Bureau. On the way, Zhang Yang called Tian Qinglong and said that he wanted to take a friend from the detective world to check the scene. With He has become less and less confident in retrieving the Buddha's relic, and there is no need for a secret lockdown in the museum. He agreed to Zhang Yang's request. After all, he has seen Zhang Yang's ability more than once. I hope that Zhang Yang can bring some surprises to himself this time.

After obtaining Tian Qinglong's permission, Zhang Yang took Li Wei into the scene of theft. Unexpectedly, Qin Bai was still stationed here. Although there was no clear accountability in the public security system, the group of duty personnel that night were bound to be implicated because of this matter. Let Qin Bai guard the scene. There is also a meaning of disguised punishment.

Qin Bai had just received a notice from his superior to welcome Zhang Yang into the exhibition hall. After Li Wei entered the exhibition hall, he immediately put on gloves, asked where the Buddha's relic was collected at that time, and then began to carefully check the scene.

Qin Bai was very curious about Li Wei and followed him to pay attention to his every move. Zhang Yang patted him on the shoulder and said, "He is my friend and a private detective." Li Wei's identity is quite special. Of course, he can't let others know.

Qin Bai was obviously still immersed in a low and lost mood. He whispered, "It's been two days, and there hasn't been any clue. Do you think those thieves will transport Buddha's relics abroad? He is serious and has been deeply blaming himself for the loss of relic.

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "I don't think so. I have contacted the major customs to strictly inspect the inbound and outbound passengers in the past two days. I don't think even a snake can fly out." Although Zhang Yang said so. But in my heart, I am not sure about the efficiency of each level. At noon... I surveyed the scene for more than half an hour and pointed to the glass dome crab in the exhibition hall: Let's go up and have a look!"

Qin Bai said, "The above has been checked by Mao Jing, and there should be no problem!"

Li Wei said indifferently: "According to what you said, the thief did not sneak in from the main door, but also ruled out the possibility of infiltration from underground pipes and ventilation pipes. The only possibility is the above

Zhang Yang looked up at the top. It was about 15 meters away from the glass dome to the ground. Ordinary people fell from it and were afraid that they would lose their lives.

There is no place to climb around the exhibition hall. Qin Bai found the fire ladder, and Li Wei took the lead in climbing up, although Zhang Yang was extraordinary. However, it was not convenient to show it in the eyes of the public. He honestly followed Li Wei and climbed up.

When he came to the top of the exhibition hall, Li Wei looked around. There were not many high-rise buildings around the museum except for the Jiangcheng TV Tower on the southeast side. The two walked up to the glass dome. Li Wei checked very carefully. When he walked to the middle, he stopped, looked at the screw that fixed the glass, and then stretched out his finger and rotated it gently, and the screw had turned with his finger.

Zhang Yang leaned over and Li Wei said, "Someone has touched this glass. I can conclude that those thieves sneaked into the exhibition hall from here."

Zhang Yang learned about the situation at that time. Police are stationed at all important intersections of the museum and the gates of the exhibition hall. If strangers appear around the exhibition hall, they will definitely be found. How did these thieves escape the monitoring of the public security system and climb directly to the roof of the exhibition hall?

Li Wei said, "I want to avoid the surveillance of the police unless I fly directly to the top of the exhibition hall!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You mean they used a helicopter? With such a big movement of the helicopter, these more than 20 police officers will not be unaware of it, right?

Li Wei narrowed his eyes and threw himself into the TV tower in the distance and said, "If you use tools such as paragliding wings, there will be no movement. Gliding down from the high-rise building in the distance, manipulating the parachute wings to land here, pry open the glass of the dome, enter the interior of the exhibition !"

"The altitude here doesn't seem to be suitable for parachute wings, right?" Although Zhang Yang doesn't know much about parachute gliding, it can also be seen that it is impossible to fly out from the height of more than ten meters from the roof of the exhibition hall.

Li Wei pointed to the net rack under the glass: "When the thieves escape from here, they should use other means. If a wire is tied here and the other end is in a corner that the police can't monitor, they can easily slide over!"

Zhang Yang leaned over and saw that there was still a broken wire on the net rack. The wire was very thin, and he would not notice it if he didn't look carefully. Li Wei was really the same, which made the Jiangcheng Public Security Bureau in trouble. Under his analysis, he immediately found the wire poison and became clear. But only with these clues. I still can't find the whereabouts of the thieves.

After the two returned to the ground. Li Wei asked in detail about the deployment of the police force that night, and analyzed the weakest part of the monitoring. In the northwest corner of the museum, another piece of steel wire shot into the trunk was found. The thief's tools were extremely advanced. This kind of wire gun was extremely expensive and difficult to buy on the market. After Li Wei removed the cable, he concluded that the cable gun was made in Germany. Except for a few security departments in China, it was rarely seen in other units.

Li Wei said: "The crime of using the paraglider wing to sneak into the destination and then using the steel cable to glide away has occurred several times in the world. There is no precedent in China. Although I lack effective evidence, I think the burglary organization is probably an international crime. Gang, they have quite old-fashioned experience, and it's better to hand it over to the Public Security Bureau!" He pointed to the TV tower in the distance and said, "I hope there are surveillance videos in the TV tower. There should not be many people entering and leaving the TV tower at that time!"

Zhang Yang truthfully fed back all the information found by Li Wei to Tian Qinglong. Tian Qinglong immediately reacted and went to the TV station to bring out the video of entering and leaving the elevator of the TV tower that night. To Tian Qinglong's surprise, he found three suspicious people in the video of entering and leaving the elevator that night. One of them was a native of Jiangcheng, and two people were from Hong Kong. According to the data, these two Tian Qinglong, the main culprit of the Hong Kong Royal Emperor's jewelry theft case a few years ago, the Zeng brothers, immediately issued an emergency order. With the help of Li Wei, the case finally had some clues, and the Zeng brothers were initially identified as the suspects of the theft.

That night, Zhang Yang picked up Luo Huining and his party in the Crystal Pavilion, the hometown of fish and rice. He specially asked Qin Qing to accompany him from the spring sun. Luo Huining had seen Qin Qing in Beijing before, and also saw that the relationship between her and her god son was extraordinary. However, Luo Huining still appreciates Qin Qing very much. It is rare for a girl in her twenties to achieve such achievements in her official career. Thinking of her daughter, Luo Huining couldn't help sighing. Since Wen Ling woke up, her whole temperament has completely changed. She has become isolated and indifferent to everything around her. Most of the time, she would rather stay alone and not like the interruption of others. Even the dinner party Zhang Yang prepared to greet them tonight. She Did not attend. Although she woke up, her spirit was still closed in her own space.

Qin Qing did not show any restraint in front of Luo Huining, which reflects her smart side. Luo Huining's return to the hometown to sweep the tomb this time is completely private. What she wants is a kind of family-like friend-like reception, not the subordinate's frightened flattery to her superiors.

Luo Huining's impression of Jiangcheng is not good. After drinking a glass of wine given to her by Zhang Yangjing, he slowly put down the crystal glass and said with a smile, "The cultural and natural landscape of Jiangcheng are not very good. There must be many difficulties in traveling here." From her words, it can be seen that she is not optimistic about the prospect of Jiangcheng tourism.

Zhang Yang said happily, "There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb!" I believe that when you come here again in a few years, there will be earth-shaking changes!"

Luo Huining smiled and said, "China's reform and opening up belongs to the stage of rapid development. Not only Jiangcheng, but now most cities in the country are undergoing rapid changes. I think you are still full of interest in tourism."

"That's right, I love a job! Or don't do it. If you want to do it, you must do it well! Make achievements."

Luo Huining nodded and said, "What I admire most is you! As long as you do this, everything can be done well. The most frightening thing about these is the word seriousness." She turned to Qin Qing and said, "Qin Qing, I heard that there is a Qingtai Mountain in Chunyang County, where the natural landscape is good."

Qin Qing smiled and said, "Aunt Luo. If you have enough time this time, I would like to invite you to go there, the obior of Qingtai Mountain View Gate in spring. It will definitely leave you a good and difficult mark. Zhang Yang said, "There is a saying that you don't look at the mountains when you return from the Five Mountains, and you don't look at Yue when you return from Qingtai. Godmother, you'd better take time to go there, otherwise it's a pity!"

Luo Huining laughed and pointed to Zhang Yang and Qin Qing: "You two made an advertisement in front of me. I'm really a little moved to hear that you said so well, but this time is too tight. I'm afraid I don't have a chance." The main purpose of her coming to Jiangcheng this time was to visit the Buddha's relics. Unexpectedly, the Buddha's relics disappeared, and she still felt a little sorry in her heart.

Zhang Yang said, "Tomorrow morning, I will pick you up to Nanlin Temple to have incense, and by the way, I will go to the museum to see the unearthed cultural relics!"

Luo Huining smiled indifferently and said, "I won't look at the cultural relics. After the incense, I want to leave early to repair the text! Small.

Zhang Yang nodded, and the topic turned to Wen Ling: "Gion, I think Sister Ling's recovery is very fast. Is there anyone else to help her treat her?" He took time to diagnose Wen Ling's pulse and felt that Wen Ling's pulse was very strange, and Wen Ling's recovery speed was nearly a year faster than he expected. This small thing made Zhang Yang puzzled. He could only attribute everything to himself when he stimulated the potential of the golden acupuncture point to heal Wen Ling's wounds. He did not succeed in controlling the internal breath, but had an unexpected effect.

Luo Huining shook his head and said, "I have been in the rehabilitation center. I didn't go home to live until more than ten days ago. However, after the child woke up, his temper completely changed, and he usually didn't bother to talk to me. This time I took her out to let her relax, and the other was to take the I heard that Nanlin Temple found the Buddha's relic and came here to ask for the safety of the whole family. Speaking of this, Luo Huining couldn't help laughing: "If your Uncle Wen knows, you must blame me for feudal superstition!" Luo Huining doesn't believe in Buddhism. She just wants to get some psychological comfort in this way.

Zhang Yang whispered, "Although the Buddha's relic has not been found for the time being, the incense of Nanlin Temple is also extremely effective. The godmother's painstaking efforts must be able to move the Buddha!"

Luo Huining smiled knowingly, and her children could not be said to be as heartwarming as Zhang Yang



At seven o'clock the next morning, Zhang Yang accompanied Luo Huining and Wen Ling to Nanlin Temple to have incense. Because today is the fifteenth day, there are many more pils than usual, but Nanlin Temple did not open the door. This is because Zhang Yang has specially explained in advance that today's head pillar incense must be left to Luo Hui It is to use power for personal gain.

When Luo Huining got out of the car, he saw that the temple door was closed, and there were dozens of spital guests standing outside the door. Some spital guests had begun to shout. Obviously, they were dissatisfied with the practice of Nanlin Temple. Luo Huining thought about it for a moment and knew that this matter was already an open arrangement Doing it is also a filial piety, which dispels the idea of blaming him. Zhang Yang often does not follow the rules and regulations, which is also where Luo Huining appreciates him. Compared with Zhang Yang, her son Wen Haonan seems to be a little rigid and lacks the vitality that young people should have.

Zhang Yang took them into the Nanlin Temple from the back door of the construction site. This thousand-year-old temple is under renovation. Sand and gravel can be seen everywhere, and the road is very muddy, just like a construction site.

The monk Sanbao has been waiting at the back door. Seeing Zhang Yang bringing people over, he immediately greeted him with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, you're here. I'm going to keep the head pillar incense for you!" Since he cooperated with Zhang Yang to drive away the clothing vendors on the Labor Road, his admiration for Xiao Zhang is like the water of the Yangtze River.

Zhang Yang coughed awkwardly, and the monk Sanbao realized that his flattery was a little too clear, and walked aside to guide them.

Wen Ling Dan Cai said, "Zhang Yang, the Tourism Bureau has a lot of power, and even Nanlin Temple is under your control


Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Nanlin Temple is not under the jurisdiction of the Tourism Bureau. Their superior unit is the Garden and Cultural Heritage Bureau. I don't use power for personal gain. Master Sanbao and I are buddies. What we use is a personal relationship! Isn't it Master Sanbao?"

The monk Sanbao smiled and said, "Amitavi, it's good!"

Luo Huining couldn't help laughing. He said that the monk did not look like a monk.

The monk Sanbao specially invited Puyuan, the abbot of Nanlin Temple, to recite scriptures for Luo Huining. Zhang Yang is now responsible for the preparation of the Nanlin Temple scenic spot. Naturally, he has become the god of wealth in the eyes of the monks of Nanlin Temple. The abbot Puyuan also has to buy it, and the Otherwise, it can only be eliminated by the times.

Luo Huining burned a family fragrance. He silently prayed for the safety of the whole family in front of the Buddha. After kneeling down, he donated 200 yuan to the merit box.

Wen Ling has no interest in burning incense and worshipping Buddha, and has always stood outside the Daxiong Treasure Hall. The monk Sanbao did not know Wen Ling's identity, but the guests led by Zhang Yang obviously had a considerable identity. He smiled and flattered, "This female beneer Tiancang is round, the basement is plump, the color is bright, and the eyes are calm. It is really rich and noble."

Wen Ling ignored him, and the monk Sanbao continued, "You raise your eyebrows, your eyes are slightly raised, you know how to protect yourself, and your temperament is active and enterprising. The Games started very early. In my previous life, the female beneme must have been rich and noble, and must have been born in the family of the prince. Wen Ling looked at the three treasures monk coldly. His eyes were as cold as ancient Xuanbing, and the Sanbao monk shivered for no reason. But Wen Ling said coldly, "Jianghu Warlock!"

When Wen Ling scolded the three treasures, Zhang Yang accompanied Luo Huining to the net and came out. He heard Wen Ling say this about the three treasures monk. Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing,: Bao has nothing to do. Wen Ling is cold-hearted, with her origin and insight. It's strange to believe that the deception of the three treasures is small, but this also reminds Zhang Yang that this god sister should talk less!

At this time, the door of the temple had been opened, and the incense came into the temple. Luo Huining whispered to Zhang Yang, "The incense of Nanlin Temple is still very strong."

The monk next to Sanbao said, "The incense of Nanlin Temple has always been very effective. The scale of the temple is the largest in the Chongzhen period of the Ming Dynasty, which is much larger than the current area: double. Later, when the Qing soldiers entered the customs, they set fire here, and many buildings were burned. After reconstruction, the area was The four old ones were partially destroyed, and it became like this in front of us. In the words, I sighed at the tortuous fate of Nanlin Temple.

Luo Huining nodded. She said to Zhang Yang, "How long does the repair project of Nanlin Temple take

Zhang Yang thought for a moment and said, "If there are enough funds, the whole Nanlin Temple scenic spot can take shape in three years, but if the funds are not in place, everything will be hard to say."

Luo Huining whispered, "The palace of the Buddha's light pagoda has unearthed Buddha's relics, just because this Dingyou can be rated as a national key cultural relic protection unit. There should be no problem in getting a certain degree of independence from superiors.

Think of the missing Buddha's relic. Zhang Yang sighed unconsciously. In the past two days, with the spread of the news of theft of Buddha's relics, he had initially felt the bad impact of this matter. Last night, Chu Yanran called, and the Benin consortium had decided to cancel the inspection of the Nanlin Temple scenic spot. Because they also know about the disappearance of Buddha's relics, Nanlin Temple, which lacks Buddha's relics, can no longer attract many Buddhist believers and tourists from all walks of life. The value of investment is naturally greatly reduced, and Chu Yanran is quite helpless about it. She is still making her last effort in the United States.

As the deputy mayor in charge of tourism, Li Changyu felt strong pressure in the past two days. After the theft of Buddha's relic, all kinds of merchants who originally intended to invest in Jiangcheng changed their minds one after another, and the Nanlin Temple scenic spot, which once brought him hope, became neglected in a blink of an eye.

At the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Hong Weiji, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, mentioned the theft of Buddha's relics near the end of the meeting. Because Tian Qinglong, the director of the Public Security Bureau, was committed to solving the case, Li Changyu reported the first progress of the case. He was very careful to use some clues he had already grasped. The case has made some progress to describe this matter, but this obviously cannot satisfy Hong Weiki or the members of the Standing Committee present.

Zuo Yuanchao, the mayor of Jiangcheng, took the lead in issuing an issue: "The theft of Buddha's relics is no longer an ordinary theft case. Now its bad impact has gradually emerged. Many investors have doubts about the investment environment of our Jiangcheng because of this matter, which not only affects investors' tourism in Jiangcheng. Investment interest in the industry. It has also affected other fields. In the past two days, many businessmen who have reached investment intentions in the past have given up the idea of investing in Jiangcheng. Zuo Yuanchao paused for a moment and looked at Li Changyu and said, "These investments are all aimed at Jiangcheng Development Zone. Our mistakes in our work have affected the investment enthusiasm of businessmen. If we can't change all this in time, the reputation and image that Jiangcheng has finally established will be destroyed by this matter!" It will become more and more difficult for us to attract investment in the future."

Hong Weiki habitually took out the cigarette, but didn't light it. He played it twice in his hand, and then his eyes fell on Li Changyu: "Comrade Changyu, do you have any good suggestions?" Now there is something wrong with the work that Li Changyu is in charge of. Naturally, it is up to him to solve it.

Li Changyu said, "The loss of Buddha's relic has become a fact. This is a mistake in my work. Whether we like it or not, this matter has caused an extremely bad impact. What we can do now is to try our best to recover the impact of this matter, enhance the confidence of investors, and strive to let investors recognize Jiangcheng. The investment value. Understand that the future development of Jiangcheng does not only rely on a Buddha's relic. It is extremely difficult for Li Changyu to say this. In the past, he has always proposed to make an article on Buddha's relic and on Jiangcheng tourism. Now this is equivalent to overturning his past views, acknowledging the one-sidedness and limitations of his past opinions in front of all the Standing Committee, which is equivalent to admitting defeat to Zu

When Zuo Yuanchao heard Li Changyu say this, he was extremely proud, but as a municipal leader, he must show extraordinary kindness. He can do things to beat the dog in the water, but it was in the dark, and he still wanted to show his mind on the surface. He He smiled and said, "I agree with Comrade Changyu. The most urgent thing is to restore the confidence of investors from all sides."

Hong Changwu smiled and said, "Listen to what you said, you already have an idea. Let's discuss it."

Zuo Yuanchao said, "I suggest where we fall and where we get up, increase investment in Nanlin Temple scenic spots, and strengthen publicity." His words were beyond everyone's expectation, but Li Changyu understood his purpose after a short period of astonishment. The development of a green economy in Jiangcheng is obviously a correct and bright road. Zuo Yuan's previous opposition to this matter was not because of the policy itself, but because of himself. He didn't want his outstanding achievements on this road to steal his spotlight. The loss of Buddha's relic made Li Changyu depressed, making him dare not put forward the slogan of developing the tourism economy as in the past, and Zuo Yuanchao chose this opportunity to mention this matter, which was tantamount to brazenly taking advantage of the fire. He wanted to plunder all of Li Changyu's past efforts and achievements. Zuo Yuanchao did this. The Benin consortium gave up the original investment plan and left only one investor in Nanlin Temple tourism, that is, An Deheng.

And And An Deheng has made it clear that his investment plan for the Nanlin Temple Scenic Area will remain unchanged and will not be affected by the loss of Buddha's relics. However, in view of the far-reaching impact of this matter on future tourism revenue, he asked Jiangcheng Prefecture to give him more preferential policies.

Zuo Yuanchao told everyone about the decision to invest and keep the profits of Antai in the century, and then shouted, "The truth is seen in adversity. When Jiangcheng is in crisis, we can see who is the real friend of the people of Jiangcheng. For a patriotic businessman like An Deheng, we should give policy support, Unreserved help, let other investors see hope from Andeheng, and let those businessmen who withdraw their capital regret it!"

Hong Weiki nodded and said, "We can focus on the matter of Andeheng. We can get up wherever we fall. Well said, we should let everyone realize that we are traveling in Jiangcheng. The green economy is not a momentary, nor a three-minute heat. Since we do it, we will do our best."

When Zhang Yang accompanied Luo Huining to leave the gate of Nanlin Temple, he unexpectedly met Andeheng, who came to serve incense. When An Deheng saw Zhang Yang, a faint smile appeared on his face. This smile was full of friendliness, but in the understanding of Zhang's official, this is a kind of pride, this kind of demonstration, if not Considering his current position, Zhang Yang had already punched this man in the face, and he dared to hit my little report, but Zhang Yang now knows how to hide his anger. Although he is extremely disgusted with Andeheng, he still has a warm smile like a spring breeze on his face. He took the initiative to say hello to Andeheng: "An Sir, do you also come to burn incense?"

Ande Heng smiled and said, "I've been here for a while and couldn't get in. It turned out that Director Zhang was in there." From this sentence, it can be heard that he used his power for personal gain

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm familiar with the situation here. I sneaked in through the back door and burned the head incense!" He specially emphasized the matter of Tou Zhuxiang, which was still competitive. He just wanted to have the upper hand in front of Ande Heng.

Ande Hengya said, "It seems that to do things in the mainland, we must first find out where the back door is!" Small. He looked at Luo Huining and his party, who had already walked the boat car. It should not be an ordinary person to let Zhang Yang accompany him to burn the head. He whispered, "Mr. Zhang, I heard that Benin Group has decided to give up investment." An Deheng deliberately mentioned Zhang Yang's pain.

Zhang Yang said indifferently, "Money is someone else's, and it's someone else's business whether to invest or not!"

Ande Heng said, "I have submitted a complete plan to Jiangchengfu, and our Century Antai's investment plan for Nanlin Temple remains unchanged! All the leaders in Jiangcheng City said that they would spare no effort to support us and hope that we can cooperate happily. The real intention of Andeheng's words is to show off to Zhang Yang, and it is also a warning. Now behind me is the support of leaders at all levels in Jiangcheng. No matter how dare you dare to fight against me, you are against the leadership of Jiangcheng.

Andeheng understands that Zhang Yang's heart is inclined to Benin Group's 1 Now Benin gives up investment, which makes this one's good intentions fail. Whether you are willing or not, Century Antai will become the only investor in Nanlin Temple Scenic Area.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It will be very happy!" When he said this, his heart was full of anger and paralysis. And Heng, I'll see how long you can be proud.

Luo Huining saw the conversation between Zhang Yang and An Deheng in the car. Zhang Yang entered the car, and the depression on his face did not escape her eyes. Luo Huining said with concern, "Is there something wrong?"

Zhang Yang sighed and said, "There is nothing important. The theft of Buddha's relic has made some investors who had been finalized change their minds. Now the city leaders have lowered the conditions and attracted new investors to inject capital into the Nanlin Temple Scenic Area, so that they can take advantage!" An Deheng, who was walking into the temple gate, took a look: "He is the largest investor in Nanlin Temple Scenic Area!"

Luo Huining smiled and said, "I didn't expect that a Buddha's relic would have such a great impact in Jiangcheng! If you encounter problems with investment. I can introduce some friends to you. "

Zhang Yang did not want to take advantage of Luo Huining's relationship. The elder brother said that now it has become a foresurer for Andeheng to invest in Nanlin Temple Scenic Area. The municipal party committee and the municipal government seem to have firm determination to support him. Even if he finds new investment, the leaders of the municipal party committee will feel Silver, I don't care about investment, and I'm too lazy to care about it."

Luo Huining said, "Yes, it may not be a good thing to manage too much. Young people still focus on the things in front of them, and doing the work they are responsible for is the original!"

When Andeheng kowtowed in front of the Buddha, his mobile phone rang. His expression was still pious and not disturbed. After kneeling respectfully and worshipping incense, he walked out of the hall and slowly walked to the uninhabited corner. I touched the pocket on the left side, and then took out the phone in the other pocket to connect.

The phone said in a low voice, "Fifty million, give me 50 million!"

Andeheng frowned and whispered, "You forgot who saved your life!"

"This thing is definitely worth 50 million yuan. Our brother took this big risk. 50 million yuan is already a friendship price. You can pay this money."

"Ap, I'll convert it into US dollars. Tell me the time and place."

"Jiangcheng Development Zone Square at 8 o'clock tonight! You are one. People come.

Ande Heng slowly hung up the phone, and a cold light suddenly burst out of his deep eyes.

Although the development zone square is very large, not many people come here, so it seems very empty. One minute before eight o'clock, the Zeng brothers drove here. As Li Wei analyzed, the theft of Buddha's relics was done by the two brothers, but they were entrusted by Andeheng. . Before stealing the Buddha's relic, they did not know that the case would be so big trouble, which shocked the whole Jiangcheng and even Pinghai. The police fully controlled the Pinghai area, so that they could not leave Jiangcheng in a short time and get the Buddha's relic. They were no longer satisfied with the five million yuan promised by Andeheng in advance. After discussion, the two brothers raised the amount to 50 million, and Andeheng agreed without hesitation.

The boss once set out to look at the time on the bell tower. It was less than 20 seconds before the agreed time. He had not seen Andeheng appear in the square. He whispered to his brother Zeng Qizhi: "I'll go down and have a look. If there is anything wrong, you can drive away immediately!"

Zeng Qizhi nodded.

Zeng Qicheng pushed the door and walked down. Looking up, except for a few fitness old people, he did not see Andeheng's figure in the whole square. Zeng Qicheng frowned. He walked to the public phone booth in the distance and dialed An Deheng's mobile phone in the public phone booth: "Why didn't you come?"

"If I hadn't helped you in the case of the Royal Emperor's Jewelry, you two brothers are still squatting in the prison of Stanley. It's impossible to come to the mainland freely. Three years ago, your brother provoked the triad. I helped you mediatet from it. This did not let you die violently on the street. You helped me do things. I have never treated you badly. I regard you as my own brothers, and now you actually deal with me like this!"

Zeng Qicheng said coldly, "It's too cheap to buy that thing for five million yuan. Don't talk nonsense. I'll give you ten minutes. Bring the money to see me immediately, or I'll shake all your things out."

Ande laughed in fear. His laughter made Zeng Qicheng feel a chill. Andeheng said calmly, "I hate people threatening me the most!" I hate it even more to be betrayed by others. Since I dare to let your brothers do it. I am in charge of the situation! You disappoint me so much! So"

Andeheng paused for a moment before saying, "I've decided to punish you."


It's still 15,000 words. Octopus needs to update and squeeze out the monthly ticket in the hands of its brothers and sisters! I believe that there is always a reward for giving. Everyone ignites my enthusiasm with monthly tickets and let me continue to explode! The first target monthly ticket in April is more than four. Please help me realize this wish!,