Medical official path

Chapter 144 Development or Destruction? 0

900481073 Chapter 144 Development or Destruction?

The next morning, Zhang Yang took Gu Jiatong's sisters to Qingtai Mountain. The little girl wants to climb Qingyunfeng on her own strength.

The road to Qingyunfeng is under construction in many places. The tourism development project of Qingtai Mountain is in full swing. The natural resources of Qingtai Mountain are very good. As long as the road is completed, tourists will come

On the way, they saw a lot of tourists who came to Qingtai Mountain. The Jiangcheng Miss Tourism Competition held by Andeheng had a sensational effect. The name of Qingtai Mountain has also been widely spread in Pinghai Province. According to the prediction of the Tourism Bureau, the number of people coming to Qingtai Mountain this year will be more than twice that of Under the circumstance that the tourism supporting facilities are not perfect, the Chunyang County Government does not recommend tourists to visit the mountains, and has also posted warnings for this purpose. However, this still cannot stop the enthusiasm of tourists to play. Qingtai Mountain tourism will gradually warm up with the increase of popularity.

Shangqinghe Village was obviously much more lively. When Zhang Yang parked his car in front of the village committee, he found that more than a dozen cars were parked on the open field in front of the door, and the two children still collected the parking fee decently there.

Liu Chuankui was smoking dry smoke under the tree. When he saw Zhang Yang coming out of the car, he hurriedly greeted him. He coaxed the child who wanted to ask for money from Zhang Yang, "Go and play while playing. You don't have to collect this car!"

Zhang Yang looked at Liu Chuankui with a smile: "I said the old secretary, okay! The tourism of Qingtai Mountain has not been officially opened yet, and your economy will be the first to be revitalizing! I really admire it, I admire it!"

Of course, Liu Chuankui could hear the sarcasm in Zhang Yang's words. He took a sip of dry smoke and said, "This is the era of reform and opening up. We should also grasp the pulse of the times in Shangqinghe Village, keep pace with the times and invigorate the economy!" He said hello to the Gu Jiatong sisters. He said to Zhang Yang, "You don't come here to say hello in advance, so that I can have someone prepare dinner for you!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Don't be so troublesome. We came to climb the mountain today. Later, I'll go to Mr. Chen's place to have a meal! I'll leave in the afternoon. I won't bother you this time!"

Liu Chuankui was not polite to him. He nodded and said, "Go quickly. It's raining in the front of you. It's beautiful on the mountain. Recently, a lot of people come to play every day! Small.

Gu Jiatong and Gu Yangyang came here in red outdoor clothes. They were fully equipped and carried a big bag on their own. Zhang Yang was much more relaxed. There was nothing but carrying a bottle of mineral water. Zhang Yang wanted to help them bring their big backpacks, but the two sisters came with the idea of tempering their personal will and exercising their bodies, and they didn't let Zhang officials intervene at all.

Zhang Yang was happy and followed them leisurely with a camera. The road of Qingyunfeng was also under renovation. Many dangerous sections of the road had been built with stone steps, which in Zhang Yang's view did not have the natural charm of the past. When he walked halfway up the mountain, there were no traces of artificial cultivation. It is expected that the paving of Qingyunfeng Road will not be completed until the first half of next year. At that time, you can drive directly to the Benlong Waterfall halfway up the mountain of Qingyunfeng.

Although Zhang Yang has come to Qingtai Mountain many times, the previous times were because the season was wrong, and he did not have a chance to see the scenic spot of the Dragon Waterfall. He had heard the roar from a long distance, just like thousands of troops and horses fighting in front of him, and it seemed that the dull thunder had passed Turning around the rock, I saw a magnificent waterfall galloping and roaring from the cliff nearly 100 meters high, like the Milky Way pouring into the Black Dragon Pool like nine days. There are many edges and corners on the rock. When the waterfall flows pass by, it collided sharply, flying flowers flying everywhere like jade, splashing water, crystal clear and common, looking The same flying white plums drifted away with the wind, and the sky was like a drizzle of coal.

Sister Gu Jiatong saw such a beautiful scene. I can't help cheering together. It was also the first time that Zhang Yang witnessed such a spectacular scenery. He reached out to wipe away the water vapor on his face, and a heartfelt smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

A group of people were there in front of the waterfall. It seems that Qingtai Mountain has gradually been recognized by people.

Zhang Yang and others came to Zixia Temple at noon. What made Zhang Yang feel true is that Zixia Temple is also in the process of cultivation. It seems that Chunyang County has a lot of determination to develop Qingtai Mountain tourism. There are also more than a dozen tourists in Zixia Temple, and most of them are locals here.

Li Xinyi, an old Taoist priest, took an indifferent attitude towards these smen. He lay under the ginkgo tree in the courtyard, basking leisurely in the sun. It was not until Zhang Yang came to him and blocked the sunlight on his face that the old Taoist priest opened his eyes. Seeing Zhang Yang, he couldn't help laughing: "Director Zhang, what wind is blowing you here again?" This word has been fully cleared, and Zhang Yang came to Qingtai Mountain


Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Since you have come up, I will come to you. Unexpectedly, this Zixiaguan has also begun to be repaired."

Li Xinyi said, "A Hong Kong crew took a fancy to Zixia Temple and wanted to shoot an outdoor scene with me. I didn't agree, so they offered to help me repair the gate and courtyard wall of the Zixia Temple. After thinking about it, I agreed." The old Taoist priest's face has always been a lazy expression.

At this time, the Gu Jiatong sisters carried their climbing bags and hung their walking sticks to the Zixia View. Both sisters were a little tired. Of course, it's not as good as Zhang Yang, who walked vigorously. He rested outside the door for a while before walking in.

Gu Jiatong must play incense when she sees the temple. Businessmen may not believe in Buddhism, but she always wants to be auspicious. She gave her mountaineering bag to her sister and went to the Sanqing Hall to make incense by herself.

Li Xinyi and Zhang Yang still had something to say. He whispered, "Did their family come during the Spring Festival?"

Zhang Yang knew that he was referring to An Zhiyuan. He nodded slowly, and his heart was still a little strange. Since the old Taoist priest is An Zhiyuan's half-brother, why didn't he recognize him? Do you really want the six relatives not to recognize the monks? Since the six relatives don't recognize it, why do they have to silently guard their parents' graves for so many years?

Li Xinyi said again, "It's not good for him to repair the old man's tomb at Qingyun Zhuhai!"

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned. Did An Zhiyuan repair the tomb for his father Ann's beard? He hasn't heard of it.

Li Xinyi sighed: "The cycle of cause and effect, the retribution is not good. I'm afraid that some things are doomed by heaven, and future generations can't change them!"

As a Communist Party member, Zhang Yang does not believe in fatalism, but the slack of the An family does have such an evil beard that killed people in those years. We can't do without having some ideas when it happens in the family.

Zhang Yang said, "Mr. An is paralyzed now, and he can't speak well. I don't think he has many days on these. Let's meet him!"

Li Xinyi's eyes showed an extremely complicated look. But after all, he didn't say anything and sighed in a low voice.

The two of them are talking. Chen Chongshan came in through the side door. He came to play chess with Li Xinyi, but he didn't expect that Zhang Yang was also here. I couldn't help but be slightly stunned, and then laughed again: "Zhang Yang!"

Zhang Yang hurriedly got up and greeted him: "Good, Chen Daben!"

Chen Chongshan smiled and said, "I caught some game online. Let's go to my house for dinner."

Li Xinyi stood up in a hurry: "Let's go! I haven't had meat for days!"

Gu Yangyang looked at the old Taoist priest in surprise: "Isn't the Taoist gate with three boards and five rings, and can you also eat meat?"

Li Xinyi was stunned by the little girl's question, scratched his white head, and said with a smile, "The Taoist just doesn't eat beef, and there is no taboo for other meat!"

Gu Yangyang whispered, "Is it because my mount is a green cow?"

Li Xinyi and Chen Chongshan laughed at the same time. "Nizi knows a lot.

Zhang Yang waited for Gu Jiatong's dagger to come back, and they came to the southwest of Zixiaguan together. The stone house rebuilt by Chen Chongshan was located on a flat ground in front of each cliff. At the rear is a cliff. In front of the stone house, there is a vegetable field reclaimed by a net, which is full of rape flowers and a tall ginkgo tree next to it, which is more than 500 years old.

The pheasant turtledove beaten by Chen Chongshan was thrown on the ground in front of the door. The boiling water was stewed on the stove, and there was no time to fade.

Sister Gu Jiatong took the initiative to undertake the preparatory work.

Chen Chongshan took out some spring bamboo shoots, and several people started together.

No one expected that Li Xinyi was still good at cooking, which had something to do with his life alone for many years. The old Taoist priest thought about how to eat and drink when he had nothing to do. Although he was in the Taoist door, he had never wronged his mouth.

Chen Chongshan called Zhang Yang to the edge of the cliff. From here, you can see the scene of Qingyun Bamboo Sea. From afar, you can see a flat ground in the Qingyun Bamboo Sea, which is extremely abrupt and destroys the overall beauty of Qingyun Bamboo Sea.

Chen Chongshan sighed, "They are repairing the tomb for An Dahue! The original style of Qingyun Bamboo Sea has been destroyed!" Chen Chongshan has lived here for decades. He is quite saddened by what happened in front of him. Zhang Yang frowned. This should not be An Zhiyuan's intention. Is it Andeheng's own initiative to repair the tomb for An Dahu?

Chen Chongshan pointed to the northeast corner, and a large new construction site was also built next to the film and television base. It used to be the former site of the horse thief's cottage, but now it is being rebuilt as it is. Chen Chongshan sighed, "I really don't know what's the point of rebuilding this horse thief's Encourage everyone to fall into the grass and become bandits. Do you want to be mountain thieves?

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing.

Chen Chongshan was obviously a little dissatisfied with his attitude and whispered, "This is not a small matter. If Qingyunfeng let them go on like this, it won't be long before this green mountain and green water will no longer exist. I have suggested that the development should also be moderate, and we must not develop indiscriminately without planning, otherwise It's the destruction of the ecology!"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Uncle Chen, I will report this matter to the superior department. Well, Secretary Qin is going to take her father to visit you in Qingtai Mountain on May Day. You can tell her directly about this matter. She is the supreme leader of Chunyang. And her father Qin Chuanliang is now The senior consultant hired by our tourism bureau, you two must have a lot in common. But I'm secretly proud of myself, Andeheng, Andeheng. You are in my hands this time.

Chen Chongzhi. Hearing that Qin Qing was coming, he nodded and said, "Okay, I will definitely report this to her truth

Gu Jiatong's sisters have set up tables, chairs and benches and invited them to come over for dinner. They brought a lot of food in their mountaineering bags. Cooked beef, luncheon meat, ham sausage, roast chicken. In addition, the old Taoist priest burned a few wild animals, and the table was extremely rich.

The old Taoist priest is not the kind of person who eats and drinks for nothing. He brought a jar of self-brewed monkeys from Zixia Temple, which is brewed from mountain spring water and ships, and many kinds of Chinese herbs are added to it. According to the old Taoist priest, this brewing recipe has been obtained from his master

However, Zhang Yang still tastes like ordinary sorghum, but with some strong herbal flavor.

They chatted while drinking, and Gu Yangyang found that the old Taoist priest had a piece of beef and stuffed it into his mouth. I couldn't help reminding, "Taoist priest, that's beef noise!"

Li Xinyi chewed sweetly: "Beef? How can I eat pork? His cunning made a group of people laugh.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's not as good as Taoism in his heart. I think Taoist priest Li has reached the realm of Taoism in his heart!"

Li Xinyi's old face is hot. Director Zhang's words still sounded like sarcasm. He picked up the glass of wine and said, " Tell the truth. I've been a Taoist priest for so many years, and I'm still confused. I don't understand and don't want to understand. I just feel that this kind of life is leisurely and unrestrained.

After lunch, Gu Jiatong asked Chen Chongshan for a word. Chen Chongshan knew through Zhang Yang's introduction that Gu Jiatong wanted to give this word to her father Gu Yunzhi. Chen Chongshan was not interested in this kind of entertainment work. But with Zhang Yang here, he still thought about it very seriously and wrote down a line of words. And those who suffer from virtue are not respected; those who are not ashamed of wealth are not much, and those who are not ashamed of wisdom are not versed.

When Zhang Yang praised that the old man's calligraphy was getting tougher and tougher, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Shit, this is obviously teaching Secretary Gu. He looked at Gu Jiatong. Gu Jiatong is extremely happy. No one knows her father better than her. When he sees this word, he will definitely feel it and cherish it like gold.

Gu Yangyang had a strong interest in a blue and white porcelain bowl used by Gu Yunzhi to hold rice. After washing the bowl, he turned it over and over countless times. Chen Chongshan's eyes were like a torch. He saw the little girl's thoughts and smiled and said, "If you like it, take it. This blue and white porcelain bowl was given to me by the old Taoist priest. There were originally six, but now there is still one left."

Gu Yangyang blushed and said, "How can I be embarrassed!"

Chen Chongshan smiled and said, "It's just a porcelain bowl. What's there to be embarrassed about? I'll ask the old Taoist priest to send me a few later!"

It can be said that the two sisters got something from this trip to Qingyunfeng. She had the same thoughts and wanted to bring a gift to her father. After the conversation between Zhang Yang and Chen Chongshan, she was also a little dissatisfied with the development status of Qingyunfeng. When she went down the mountain, she went to Qingyun Bamboo Sea and found that An It is almost repaired. The mausoleum covers a large area, and a road is laid directly from the bamboo sea. It's like a sharp blade cutting the blue clouds and bamboo sea from the middle. There are also many stone men and stone horses on both sides of the road.

Gu Yangyang couldn't help saying, "Is it allowed to repair the tomb in the towering area?"

Gu Jiatong said unhappily, "The scenery of the bamboo sea has been completely destroyed! How can there be such a scenic spot development? Your Jiangcheng lacks a basic plan for tourism!"

Zhang Yang opened his mouth and said with a smile, "The daughter of a big family is different. When she speaks, she has momentum!"

Gu Jiatong stared at him and said, "As an official of the Jiangcheng Tourism Bureau, let them go here indiscriminately, a good place. It was destroyed like this."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "There is a saying that the county officials are not as good as the county officials. The specific development of Qingtai Mountain is under the management of Chunyang County. I am from the Jiangcheng Tourism Bureau, and the whip is beyond my reach. Besides, even if I want to manage it, they may not listen to me, right?" This man has begun to think about it in his heart. Andeheng, Andeheng, you *** are too arrogant. Who is your grandfather? Bandit, paralyzed, why are you building his tomb like this now? Do you think you are building the Monument to the People's Heroes?

That night, they did not return to Jiangcheng. Zhang Yang made a reservation at the Mingzhu Hotel, and he did not inform Niu Wenqiang's bad friends. In the evening, I took the Gu Jiatong sisters to have a meal in Zhiweiju. During the spring flood, Chunyang is the county with the most serious disaster in Jiangcheng. However, from the situation seen, the city streets of Chunyang have been restored quite neat, which shows that Qin Qing's management of Chunyang is quite powerful.

People have a hunch most of the time. When they were eating, Qin Qing called. With the experience of being caught by Qin Qing for dinner with Chu Yanran last time, Zhang Yang became much more stunned and honest this time. He told Qin Qing the truth about himself in Chunyang.

Qin Qing heard that he was with Gu Jiatong's sister, and he did not show any displeasure. The reason why she called Zhang Yang was that she returned to Jiangcheng in the afternoon. Unexpectedly, the two of them missed it.

Zhang Yang told Qin Qing what he saw in Qingtai Mountain today.

Qin Qing heard that Ande 1 Huan destroyed the Qingyun Bamboo Sea, and was also slightly stunned about repairing the tomb for An Dahud. An Deheng wanted to reorganize the tomb, but did not report it to her. During this period, she also went to Qingtai Mountain to inspect the construction of the road, but she did not go to Qingyun The specific situation in Li heard that Zhang Yang said that Qingyun Zhuhai had been greatly damaged, and then he realized the seriousness of the matter. Qin Qing pondered for a while before saying, "On May Day, I will accompany my father to Qingyunfeng to play. By the way, let's see the situation there. If the Hong Kong side really does not develop according to the prior plan, I will order them to rectify immediately!"

This is the effect for Zhang Yang. He deliberately sighed and said, "I was shocked today. It's a good blue cloud and bamboo sea. Because the tomb was forcibly split in half by them, there were many stone people and stones and horses on both sides of the road. I knew that it was the tomb of An Dayue. If I didn't know What about the appearance? We don't object to Andeheng repairing his grandfather's graves for filial piety, but we can't destroy the environment by repairing graves, can we? What's more ridiculous is that he spent money to re-rehabilitate the cottages of horse thieves in the past. We asked the An family to invest in the development of tourism. It's not to let them build their own mausoleum in Qingyunfeng and sing praises to his robber grandfather!"

Qin Qing knew that Zhang Yang had always had a sapposition on Ande Heng, but the matter reflected by Zhang Yang was not only taking advantage of the topic, but also private revenge. Long before the development of Qingtai Mountain, the plan she and An Lao jointly agreed on was to maintain the Qingtai workers. Under the original style, under the condition of development, An Deheng's current practice has obviously violated the planning settings of both sides. Qin Qing whispered, "Don't worry, I will follow up on this matter. If something violates the agreement really happens, I will deal with it in accordance with the regulations!" She paused for a moment and said, "Does Miss Gu plan to invest in Jiangcheng this time?"

Although this sentence was asked gently, Zhang Yang still heard that Qin Qing still had some ideas from his words, remembering that he had promised before. I can't help but feel a little sorry to accompany her and her father to Qingtai Mountain on May Day. Although Zhang's energy is unlimited, after all, time is limited. It is impossible to do everything. This matter can only be left to compensate Yiren in the future.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "That's what I planned. The ancient city wall of our Jiangcheng collapsed, and Ande Heng made it clear that he did not want to care about that matter. He said that the 200 million yuan invested in Jiangcheng should be used for the Nanlin Temple scenic spot. The ancient city wall is not in the investment planning, so we can only find another way

! Small.

Qin said with a light smile: "The first thing businessmen consider is their own interests. If you want others to invest, you must let them see considerable interests, and no one is no exception.

Zhang Yang deeply agreed with Qin Qing's words. He did not forget to compliment Qin Qing and said, "In such a short time, the order of Chunyang County has been restored so well. You, the county party secretary, is really awesome. I think you are really talented in Chunyang. You should be the secretary of the Jiangcheng Municipal Party Committee!"

Qin Qing was amused by him: "Go. Don't talk nonsense. Is there any purpose in complimenting me so much?

Zhang Yang turned around and looked into the distance, and then said in a low voice, "I love you."

Qin Qing was silent for a long time. He whispered, "I believe it."

Zhang Yang, he called for more than ten minutes. When he returned to his seat, Gu Jiatong couldn't help complaining, "Have you been on the phone since dinner?" Girlfriend?? Is it so hot?

Gu Yangyang didn't understand the relationship between his sister and Zhang Yang. He smiled and said, "Does Brother Zhang have a girlfriend? Why don't I know?

Gu Jiatong said angrily, "You are jealous. You should ask him how many girlfriends he has!" Zhang Daguan smiled heartlessly: "It's too much. It's not much. Add your fingers and toes as you should count."

Gu Yangyang's eyes widened in surprise. Zhang Yang has always been a super perfect image in her heart. He said so to let Gu Yangyang, a pure girl, accept it for a time. She shook her head and said, "I don't believe it. Brother Zhang is not this kind of person!"

Gu Jiatong looked at her serious sister. It was really funny and worried that the little girl was so superstitious about Zhang Yang. This person's flower heart was absolutely undeniable, but Zhang Yang admitted so calmly, and there was no guilt on his face, which was unprecedented. Gu Jiatong bit him. Sakura lips. The eyes in the beautiful eyes have expressed the thoughts in your heart. You are so thick-skinned!

Chunyang County is too small. While they were eating here, an acquaintance came over. Zhang Yang's second brother, Zhao Liwu, went out for a drink with several colleagues today, but he didn't expect to meet his younger brother here.

Zhang Yang introduced Zhao Liwu to Gu Jiatong with a smile. When the Gu Jiatong sisters heard that they were Zhang Yang's second brother, they were also quite polite.

Zhao Liwu said generously, "Third brother, I'll treat you to this meal. You can order whatever you want!" Small. He has now become the head of the security department of Jin Kaiyue, and his salary has been greatly improved. This is all thanks to Zhang Yang's care, so he is also grateful to this third brother from the bottom of his heart.

Zhang Yang was not polite to him. He quietly pulled him aside and said, "Second brother. Don't tell your mother about my coming to Chunyang, so that she won't complain!"

Zhao Liwu secretly glanced at Gu Jiatong's two sisters and gave his thumbs up to his brother sincerely, which means that you can stand it. Such a beautiful sister flower can be soaked. Zhang Yang knew that he didn't think of anything good when he saw his expression. I couldn't help laughing and said, "Don't think nonsense. I'm quite pure with them

Zhao Liwu nodded and said, "I believe," he paused and said, "It's strange to believe you." The two brothers laughed. Someone over there called Zhao Liwu to go there. Zhao Liwu has been very busy recently. Jin Kaiyue's business is getting better and better after the Spring Festival. Today, he also took time out for dinner.

Zhang Yang didn't want to stay here for too long. The spring sun was too small and there were too many acquaintances. After eating with the Gu sisters, he returned to the Pearl Hotel.

When the net arrived at the lobby of the Pearl Hotel, I saw a group of people coming down from upstairs. Zhang Daguanren saw that he was an acquaintance, and the first one was Hong Kong hooligan director Wang Zhun. Wang Zhun is indeed a Hong Kong director. The word hooligan was added by Zhang Yang. Because he has seen the two third-tier films that this director has seen, his impression of him has been fixed, and he feels that he is the director of the first and third-level films.

Wang Zhun saw Zhang Yang. He came over and shook hands with him enthusiastically. Every time I saw Zhang Yang, I could always see beautiful women around him. Gu Jiatong and Gu Yangyang's sister flowers were also beautiful in the world. Wang Zhun immediately wanted to invite others to shoot a film. But when he thought that Zhang was around, he said such words, and most of them would be ridiculed by him again, and he immediately gave up the idea.

Gu Jiatong said to Zhang Yang and went upstairs with Gu Yangyang first.

Wang Zhun said, "Director Zhang, I think you should change your job to be a star scout!" You know all the beautiful girls in Jiangcheng!"

Zhang Yang smiled proudly. At this time, a handsome young man came over and held Zhang Yang's arm excitedly: "Mr. Zhang, do you still know me?"

Zhang Yang only felt that he was a little familiar with his appearance, but he couldn't remember to see it in that film for a while? Jin Pingmei? Jade futon? Hmm. It seems to be Jin Pingmei. This guy looks a little like the one playing Ximen Qing, but how does he know himself?

The young man noticed from Zhang Yang's confused eyes that Zhang Yang did not remember himself, and still shook Zhang Yang's arm excitedly: "I'm Ou Peiguo. I came to Qingtai Mountain last year to shoot, and you saved me."

Only then did Zhang Yang remember it. It's true that. When he and Qin Qing went to Qingtai Mountain to investigate, Wang Zhun was filming a martial arts drama with the crew. When Ou Peiguo was hanging Wei Ya, he fell from mid-air and saved him by himself.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Remember. You are the one. Hong Kong stars!"

Ou Peiguo laughed and said, "It's just an ordinary artist, not a star!"

Wang Zhunhe said happily, "Guozi is now very popular. The Internet has been nominated for the Golden Statue Award for Best Supporting Actor. Our company is now focusing on supporting him!"

Ou Peiguo smiled modestly.

Zhang Yang is a little interested in the new play directed by the hooligan. Wang Zhun mentioned the play he was shooting. This play is a martial arts film with an investment of more than 7 million yuan. Ou Peiguo is the second male lead actor Liu Dezheng, the Hong Kong movie emperor. Queen Xi Ruolin. Zhang Yang is not interested in Wang Zhun's cast. He is now the director of the Market Development Department of Jiangcheng Tourism Bureau. The first thing he thinks of is his own work. He suggested that Wang Zhun should not only look at Qingtai Mountain. Jiangcheng still has a lot of beautiful scenery, such as the ancient city walls and old streets.

Wang Zhun couldn't help but light his eyes when he heard the ancient city wall. He really didn't know that there was a section of the ancient city wall in Jiangcheng. There was indeed a scene of the decisive battle of the city wall in his shooting plan 1. At present, the shooting location has not been determined. It is in the process of site selection.

Zhang Yang left his contact information to Wang Zhun, and agreed that he would call himself after arriving in Jiangcheng, and he would take him to the ancient city wall in person. Zhang's enthusiasm for work has gradually recovered.

Under Zhang Yang's arrangement, Fang Wennan was finally able to meet Li Changyu. Li Changyu did not like to drink. He specially chose the place to meet at the Spring and Autumn Tea House in Yayun Lake. This tea house is also his industry. The reputation of the richest businessman in Jiangcheng is indeed worthy of his name.

Sit in the snow hall on the second floor. Listening to the melodious sound of the guzheng played by the beautiful pianist, there was a faint smell of sandalwood in the air. The four walls of the room are hung with celebrity ink treasures, and the furniture is all antique mahogany, which seems to be far away from the hustle and bustle of the world.

There will be another update in the evening. At the end of the month, this double monthly ticket is so noisy. Octopus originally wanted to take a break, hey!,