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Chapter 148 Tit-for-tat Next

Chapter 148 [tit-for-tat] (Part 2)

Someone heard it. Today's battle is well watched by several leaders in the Nuyuan District, which is based on the system between Zhang Yang and the settled households. The representatives of the imitation weaving factory are quite confused, and Director Zhang seems to be talking to us.

And Heng said, "Mr. Zhang. You seem to have confused today's theme!" He has seen that Zhang Yang is consciously bringing the meeting in another direction.

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "It's not that I confused the theme, but there is something wrong with your concept. You took out 200 million yuan to invest in Jiangcheng, which is not a great merit. You have to have a correct understanding. This scenic spot development is a process of cooperation between the two sides. You take out funds, our Jiangcheng What is invested is land, places of interest and historical sites. These things are priceless. Let me give an inappropriate example. Buddha's relic alone can't be used to estimate his value with 200 million yuan, so don't think that our Jiangcheng has taken advantage of you. According to your habitually, you are just a small shareholder!" Interpolation of advertising time

Ande Evergrande said, "I never thought so. My cooperation with Jiangcheng is based on the attitude of mutual benefit and common development!"

"Since Mr. An is so sincere, he should say something about the imitation weaving factory. Since you intend to develop the plot of the imitation weaving factory, you should face up to the issue of compensation for demolition and relocation. Don't shift all the responsibility to Jiangcheng City and Wenyuan District."

Andeheng was obviously a little angry: "I'm doing things according to the contract! The demolition of the block of the imitation weaving factory is not my consideration!"

"Mr. An just wants to develop it. Don't consider the demolition of Aizhi, that is to say, all the responsibility for this matter lies with us, okay! It's not that we don't care, we can't control it, the workers have to pay for demolition and resettlement, and Wenyuan District has no money. There is no money in the city. To put it out, all the problems are still caused by one word! If you don't have money, you can't demolish the weaving factory. If you can't demolish it, you can't develop it immediately. In the end, you will only damage your interests!"

Andeheng said, "My investment in the towering area of Nanlin Temple in Jiangcheng is 200 million yuan according to the contract, and I will not invest additionally!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You won't make additional investment. The cooperation between the two sides will start. The increase in demolition and resettlement fees means an increase in development costs. That is to say, all the increased costs will be paid by Jiangcheng City, and a total of 1 point of the final benefit will have to be done according to the contract


Ande Heng stood up and said angrily, "You are simply unreasonable. I don't need to talk to you anymore!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "If you don't want to talk about it, don't talk about it!"

And Heng said angrily, "Mr. Zhang. You are deliberately targeting me today. There is a sentence that I must remind you that you may not be able to bear the consequences caused by your attitude!" He is threatening to be public.

Zhang Yang held an indifferent attitude: "What are the consequences? At worst, if you withdraw your capital, I will tell you that our Nanlin Temple scenic spot is the emperor's daughter and doesn't have to worry about getting married. If you don't invest, someone will naturally invest. There is no loss in our Jiangcheng!" Zhang Yang's attitude is extremely strong.

And Heng nodded with hatred. He said to Fan Boxi, "Secretary Fan, I think that's it for today. Your attitude disappoints me!" He put down this sentence and turned around and walked out of the boat gate. An Yuchen stared at Zhang Yang and got up to chase him out.

Fan Boxi's group was also a little stunned. They originally wanted to negotiate with the workers of the imitation factory today, but they didn't expect that the contradictions finally gathered on Zhang Yang and Andeheng. Fan Boxi smiled bitterly and said, "Xiao Zhang, what are you doing?"

Zhang Yang said disdainfully, "I still can't see this kind of person. What's the big deal with two stinky money? I want to invest a lot in Jiangcheng. There is no shortage of him. Don't worry, how much money he took away. I'm responsible for pulling back. I still don't believe that this Nanlin Temple Scenic Area won't turn around after leaving them!"

Qian Changjian said, "I think Xiao Zhang's words are very reasonable. The conditions for Hong Kong businessmen in our city are too loose. We can't blindly give in because of their investment. I don't want to pay anything. I just want to get benefits from Jiangcheng. There are not so many cheap things in the world. It's time

Several workers were confused by the talent matter. Xu Daguang whispered, "Leaders, what we have reported!"

Zhang Yang slapped again on the table: "I'm not talking about you people, what are you doing? We often gather people to make trouble. It's easy to say. Who is a family? We are. Why do we gather here? Isn't it for you to seek some benefits? Instead, you regard the people who sincerely help you as enemies. Do you understand what the internal contradictions of the people are? Don't be afraid of contradictions, say it, and solve it through negotiation and frankly. Can gathering people to make trouble solve the problem? Yesterday, you besieged the scenic area headquarters. This is the district leader who did not investigate it. If it is really investigated, it is a crime!" One sentence scared several employee representatives. Xu Daguang squeezed his lips and said, "We don't want to commit a crime"

Qian Changjian shouted, "I don't want to commit a crime. Look at the bad impact of the property losses you caused yesterday. Even if it's unintentional, it's a crime!" We are all party cadres. We don't work for the benefit of the people. Can we cheat you and harm you? I don't even have the minimum trust!"

Fan Boxi smiled and said, "Forget it. Everyone should wake up and review the mistakes and problems existing in themselves. I hereby assure you that I will pay attention to the problems of the weaving factory and will give you a satisfactory result!"

Because of Fan Boxi's words, there was a round of applause at the scene.

Fan Boxi and Qian Changjian handed over a small look. They all understood that today's meeting was so distracted by Zhang Yang. In fact, no problem was solved. They were not afraid of procrastinating, and it was not good for the family to settle down. However, Andeheng looked very angry when he left today, if he reflected this matter in the city. The city leaders will definitely blame them. However, when they saw Zhang Yang's fearless appearance, they were much more at ease. They were not afraid of causing trouble. What are they afraid of?

When Qian Changjian and Zhang Yang left the small conference room side by side, they kindly patted Zhang Yang on the shoulder. If Zhang Yang hadn't protected him with a square table yesterday, I'm afraid he would have been very embarrassed. Qian Changjian said: Xiao Zhang, the city still valued Hong Kong businessmen's investment very much!"

Zhang Yang smiled confidently and said, "Don't worry, they won't withdraw their capital. It's so cheap that they are reluctant to let go!"

Qian Changjian shook his head with a smile.

Zhang Yang's confidence is based on the premise that he is optimistic about Jiangcheng's tourism resources. An Yuchen did not go far, but stood at the gate of the weaving factory waiting for Zhang Yang.

The little girl's eyebrows are upside down, her face is majestic, and she looks like she wants to ask Zhang Yangxing to ask for a crime.

Zhang Yang and Qian Changjian talked while walking and pretended not to see her. An Yuchen said angrily, "Zhang Yang! Stop it!"

Everyone was shocked by this voice. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Miss Ann, what can I do for you?" He stood still. The expression on his face seemed to be smiling, and he was a little proud. This is the expression of the superior. This man made a little taste, but it's a pity that the person he faced was An Yuchen.

An Yuchen gritted his teeth in front of so many Wenyuan District! Zhang Yang, I've wanted to hit you for a long time!" Qin

Zhang Yang sighed and said, "Dwarf, do you know what it means to deceive your master and destroy your ancestors?"

In the eyes of people around you. They are more like a pair of rivals, and no one is happy to see this heat


Fan Boxi, Secretary of the Wenyuan District Party Committee, and Qian Changjian, District Chief, squeezed into a car. Looking at Zhang Yang and An Yuchen outside, they laughed unconsciously and said almost at the same time, "Talent!"

Although An Yuchen wanted to make it public, she finally restrained this impulse. She knew too well that she was not his opponent at all. She nodded with hatred and said, "From now on. I'll break off the master-apprentice relationship with you!"

"Whatever you want!"

"Your online talent's behavior is basically a public revenge!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's boring. What is private revenge? I'm talking about the matter. You keep saying that we should be mutually beneficial and seek common development. Why do I think this cooperation is beneficial to your old family?"

"But it's clearly written in your agreement!"

Zhang Yang sneered and said, "Did you know why Hong Kong has been divided for a hundred years? It is because of Qing** that an unequal treaty was signed. You can see clearly that the land under your feet is the socialist new China. On this land, it is impossible to betray the national interests again. The country does not allow it, the people do not allow it, and I do not allow it!"

An Yuchen said angrily, "You are the only Chinese, I am also Chinese, and I am also the descendant of Yan Huang!"

"Wow! Stop it. It's you. Descendants of Yan and Huang, I admit, Chinese, you'd better wait until Mao, stay, I admit that you are Chinese. If you are going to emigrate, I can only treat you as a devil! The status may not be as good as that of foreign friends!"

As soon as An Yuchen was in a hurry, Cantonese came out. Cantonese alone could not express her anger, and added an English sentence: "Yang!"

Now Zhang Yang is no longer the guy who used to know nothing. Hair department. "Why do you have a hair department for me? Playing hair department is also my hair department for you, but Zhang's official is now at the level of regular subject, and he still has self-restraint, and the level of speaking has naturally improved a lot: "One day Isn't it a little messy?"

An Yuchen's face turned red, and she was so angry that she raised her foot as if Zhang Yang had kicked it over.

Zhang Daguan easily dodged and sighed, "Do you think we can't talk calmly?"

"Talk about it. Today I'm going to teach you a scoundrel!" An Yuchen rushed to him again


Zhang Yang made a pause with both hands! Do you want to solve the problem, or do you want to make the problem bigger and bigger? An Yuchen's fist swayed in mid-air: "How do you want to solve it?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Any cooperation should be based on mutual benefit. Your fifth uncle just wants to take advantage of us. Are everyone else a fool? Why don't you report to your grandfather about this today and see what he says?

After listening to An Yuchen's report, An Zhiyuan was silent for a long time before whispering, "Business, I want to do it for a long time. We must take care of the interests of both sides, and settle down in the mainland. If you buy and sell with one hammer, you can't rush for quick success. I have read the cooperative development agreement. "The Jiangcheng government has indeed made great concessions, and we also have to show our sincerity." He paused for a moment and said, "We are not robbers. We invest in our hometown for a win-win situation, not for livestock." Xiaoyao told you, Uncle Wu, you will be responsible for the development of the Let him not participate!"

Grandpa's attitude was unexpected by An Yuchen.

When Zhang Daguan learned the result, he smiled and said, "I'm really right. Mr. An is the most reasonable person in your family!" This man also classified An Yuchen into a quite unreasonable category, and he was so angry that An Yuchen almost stopped.

After learning about his father's decision, Andeheng did not show much anger.

An Yuchen looked at the fifth uncle. The eyes seem to be somewhat sympathetic and unbearable. After all, the fifth uncle is starting from the interests of the whole family, but Grandpa's words are also very reasonable. You can't rush for quick success in business. If you only care about your own interests and ignore the feelings of others, then the business prospects of the family in Jiangcheng will obviously not go too She whispered, "Grandpa means to divide the development of the scenic spot and economic development into two parts. And you have to manage the business in Hong Kong, for fear that the fifth uncle will be too tired.

And Heng laughed and said, "Xiao Yao, it's best if you can help me. I'm really a little tired. I have to manage the affairs of Dongjiang, the affairs of Jiangcheng Development Zone, the Nanlin Temple Scenic Area, and the Qingtai Mountain of Chunyang. After all, I don't have three heads and six arms. How can I manage so many things? Investment in the scenic spot is a long-term thing, and it is impossible You have the best to take care of it."

An Yuchen said, "Uncle Wu, I don't have much experience in business and I don't know where I will invite you

Andeheng nodded and whispered, "Your grandfather is soft-hearted, and he has a deep affection for his hometown. My recent series of practices did not take into account his feelings, which made him sad.

An Yuchen shook his head and said, "Grandpa can understand what you do!"

Andeheng said, "Maybe I should take a milder attitude in my relationship with the local government." He looked at the time and said, "It's almost time. I made an appointment to meet with Secretary Qin to talk about the Qingyun Mountain Cemetery. I hope to find a proper solution."

"I'll go with you!"


The meeting between Qin Qing and Anjia is small. After careful consideration of this matter, she decided to limit the impact of the matter to the minimum. There is no problem with An Lao's plan to invest in Qingtai Mountain itself, but there are deviations in the specific process of operation. Correcting mistakes in time is the most important for both sides of the cooperation. Good result.

Small-scale meeting. It is also Andeheng's request, since the last time I learned Zhang Yang's nonsense in Jiangcheng imitation weaving factory. Andeheng had a sense of fear of this kind of multi-party talks. He was even afraid that Zhang Yang would still appear this time. He didn't have the ability to disturb others, but he was very good at it.

The meeting was arranged in the small conference room of the Chunyang County Government Guest House. Qin Qing only brought his secretary to be responsible for recording, while An Deheng only had him and An Yuchen.

Qin Qing's attitude has eased compared with the previous calls. She smiled and asked the two to sit down. First of all, she showed them some photos of the destruction of Qingyun Zhuhai, many of which were seen by An Deheng and An Yuchen. Qin Qing used this method to gain the upper hand psychologically. In fact, the destruction of the ecological environment of Qingtai Mountain was caused by Andeheng's construction of tombs and the destruction of planning.

An Deheng put the photo on the conference table and said lightly, "Secretary Qin, I admit that in this matter

Illegal advertising time, oh, Xi mule's re-drawing is that if anything happens, I can only guarantee that I will try to avoid the same kind of things in the future opening process.

Qin Qing said, "It is difficult for the people of Chunyang to agree to Mr. An's answer like this!"

Andeheng said, "What does Secretary Qin want to do?"

Qin Qing said, "Handling is not the purpose. Correcting mistakes is for better cooperation and development in the future. I put forward three opinions. Immediately stop the indiscriminate logging of the Qingyun Bamboo Sea. For the damage that has been caused, the Hong Kong side must be responsible for repairing the original mausoleum area as soon as possible in accordance with the prior planning. The land for the mausoleum area cannot exceed the scope of the approved land without authorization. Third, the reconstruction project of the cottage next To demolish!" Her words were resolute and there was no room for manoeuvre.

Ande Heng said, "Secretary Qin, we can give some compensation to the agent for the matter of Qingyun Zhuhai. I hope that there will be no more changes in my grandfather's tomb. Please consider the feelings of our children and grandchildren. This sentence is quite sincere.

Qin said with a light smile: "Mr. An, I think it is the greatest comfort for my grandfather to be born in this land and buried in this land. How much place can people really occupy after death? It may not be his intention to do this. If he knows it, he may not be happy because of what you are doing now. While asking others to take care of your feelings, have you ever thought about taking into account the feelings of your hometown? In fact, in the past, the rules of the mausoleum have fully taken into account your feelings. I hope Mr. An can respect the established rules instead of changing it at will.

Andeheng spread out his hands: "A few things should be flexIBLE. I have heard that the mainland system is very rigid. I didn't see it until today.

"If you don't have rules, you can't make a circle, whether you are an official or a business. There must be principles. If even the most basic principles are ignored, the world will become a mess. Mr. An, I have no say in the way of the mall. Similarly, you have no say in the political culture of the motherland!" Qin Qing replied without giving up.

What else did An Deheng say? An Yuchen interrupted, "Secretary Qin, we will try our best to cooperate with the work of the Chunyang government. I hope this matter can be properly solved! It will not affect our follow-up cooperation.

Qin Qing smiled and said, "I'm glad to hear Miss An say this. We will leave you enough time for you to deal with this matter by yourself." This sentence fully shows the respect and importance of the Chunyang county party committee and county government to settle down. In fact, Zhang Yang has advised Qin Qing to enforce the law barbarically before. This man is dedicated to beating An Deheng. As the first leader of Chunyang County, Qin Qing must take into account all aspects. The original intention of An Lao to invest in Chunyang is good. If he takes an extreme approach to this matter, it will inevitably hurt the feelings of the elderly.

An Deheng looked at An Yuchen and shook his head helplessly and said, "I don't care about these things in the future!"

Qin Qing said: "The process of reform is also a process of mutual understanding and running-in. For us, reform and opening up is a new thing. We must continue to learn and make progress in exploration. It is the same for you investors. Mr. An, I hope we can still uphold fairness, justice, mutual benefit and reciprocity in the future. Cooperate in principle and work hard for a better tomorrow in Qingtai Mountain.

And Heng felt an unprecedented sense of frustration. His frustration came not only from the seizure of power by the old man, but also from the sudden tough attitude of government departments at all levels in Jiangcheng and Chunyang. He realized that this change did not happen suddenly. Maybe his previous performance was too radical, which made others seize the fright. He thought of Zhang Yang, and he has never really realized Zhang Yang's influence in the Jiangcheng system. The events of the past two days have made him realize that Zhang Yang's network has expanded to all aspects of Jiangcheng. Li Changyu and Qin Qing are obviously speaking from his standpoint.

For Andeheng. Tourism investment in Jiangcheng is not the focus. The development of the development zone and the fabrication factory is the top priority of this investment. Since the contradiction has been concentrated on the development of the scenic spot, it is not bad for him to temporarily avoid the battlefield. He narrowed his eyes, and An Zhiyuan's old and dull face suddenly appeared in front of him. In his I was suddenly embarrassed. Is this old man confused? Has he been pretending to be stupid? Or did he see some truth? Andeheng soon rejected the idea. No one can stand such hatred. The love and trust shown by An Zhiyuan in front of him should not be a disguise. He slowly closed his eyes. The really important thing for him is how to unknowingly hold the property firmly in his hands, this large-scale investment in the mainland. It's also a kind of asset transfer. After everything is completed, it will be the end of An's life!

When Qin Qing and An Deheng were negotiating, Zhang Yang was also in Chunyang. He was talking about the disaster with Guo Daliang in Guo Daliang's pig farm. The flash flood a few days ago caused a lot of losses to Guo Daliang's pig farm, and the feed factory also suffered considerable losses. Guo Daliang is directing workers to carry out post-disaster reconstruction. The reason why Zhang Yang came here. Because Chu Yanran is also coming today, Chu Yanran asked him to come here to meet, and there is something important to tell him.

Chu Yanran also returned from the United States. A few days ago, the Benin consortium gave up its investment plan in Jiangcheng, but Chu Yanran did not give up her efforts. After returning from the United States, she went to Jingshan to have another consultation with Lin Xiu. After making a decision, she called Zhang Yang and asked Zhang Yang to come to the feed Meet in Chunyang.

At noon, Chu Yanran drove her red wrangler over. Guo Daliang came to entertain her and Zhang Yang's two distinguished guests. Specially prepared pig-killing vegetables.

Chu Yanran parked the car. Finding that Zhang Yang was digging something on the hillside, she walked over curiously and looked closer. Zhang Yang dug out a string of black balls from the ground, which should be the rhizome of some kind of plant. She said curiously, "What is this?"

"Pu Zhuan, a kind of medicinal material, can calm the mind!" Zhang Yang put Pu Zhu into his carry-on bag, looked at Chu Yanran's beautiful face with a smile, and sighed, "I didn't expect that the water and soil of the United States of America were also very nourishing. You seem to be more beautiful than before.

Chu Yanran sneered, but her heart was extremely sweet and useful. Which girl doesn't expect to be appreciated by her lover? She said softly, "Have you been unsatisfactory recently? How is it going in the Nanlin Temple Scenic Area? "I have encountered some difficulties, but I have overcome them so far!" Zhang Daguan wrote lightly that in fact, there have been a lot of ups and downs during this period. The theft of Buddha's relic once trapped him in a predicament, but what happened later turned the whole thing around. As the saying goes, there is no doubt about the mountains and rivers, and the willows are dark and flowers are bright in another Development, the things that troubled Zhang Yang in the past have been solved one by one.

Guo Daliang stood below and asked the two of them to come down for dinner. Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to hold Chu Yanran, and the rainy hillside was a little slippery. He was worried that Chu Yanran would fall, and the inadvertent concern had made Chu Yanran very warm. Interpolation of advertising time

Before entering the canteen, I have already smelled the seductive aroma of the old two, such as white water pig's feet, pork head meat, braised large intestines, cold pork noise..., pointed pork tripe, stewed hooves, braised pig's trotter tendon. Sometimes the food made by the mountain village chef is More.

Chu Yanran, who seldom eats meat, is also full of praise.

Zhang Yang and Guo Daliang opened two bottles of Qingjiang Daqu. While drinking, they chatted about the flood that occurred a few days ago in Chunyang. Speaking of Hu Aimin, Guo Daliang couldn't help panting. He did not expect that his former old partner and his old colleague could end his life in such a way. Guo Daliang sighed Comrade Min, I'm really ashamed to be younger than him.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "The deceased is gone. We who live should be ourselves better. Give back to the country to the society!"

Guo Jian said, "Mr. Zhang, my father has just donated 20,000 yuan to build a primary school, which is also a move to repay the society."

Guo Daliang reversed his chopsticks and knocked on Guo Jian's head: "Bunty boy, I told you to stop talking!"

Chu Yanran smiled and said, "In fact, if you do good deeds, you must be afraid that others will know. The more people know, the more people will be infected with your deeds. In this way, more and more people will do good deeds.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Daughter. I just like your kindness!"

The sentence made Chu Yanran blush. This man was really presumptuous and didn't care about the others around him.

Guo Daliang and his son just thought they didn't hear it. They picked up the wine glass and drank a cup. Guo Daliang said again, "In this flood, pig farms and feed factories have some losses, but it's not a big problem. In a few days, normal production can be resumed. This year, feed supply and demand are booming It's molded."

Chu Yanran said, "According to my understanding, the response of the feed is quite good, and it is imperative to expand the scale!"

Guo Daliang said, "When the feed factory was built, I only considered the problem of cost investment. I didn't expect it to develop so quickly. Now it's good. After the feed factory is put into production, I found that it is too remote and inconvenient transportation. On the contrary, it increases the cost, which is not conducive to the development of the

Chu Yanran said, "At present, the drawbacks have not appeared yet. Now that this problem has been found, we can improve this matter. Preparing for a rainy day is the foundation of smooth development."

When Zhang Yang heard Chu Yanran talking about it, he didn't expect her to talk about business. Zhang Yang was not interested in doing business. Hearing that they were all talking about pig farms and feed factories, they couldn't help interrupting, "I said we're eating here. Can we not talk about pig feed?"

Several people laughed at the same time. Interpolation of advertising time

Chu Yanran glanced at him and said, "Other people's affairs are not important except for yours, right?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Don't provoke contradictions among the people. How can you instigate the revolutionary friendship between me and Mr. Guo?"

Guo Daliang laughed and said, "Let's eat without talking about work, come on! Come on! Drink. Drink!" Of course, he knows the relationship between Zhang Yang and Chu Yanran. The young couple flirts and scolds, but he doesn't want to get along.


After lunch. Zhang Yang and Chu Yanran came to the stream to the east of the pig farm. Qingtai Mountain was full of beautiful scenery. The streams flowed between the mountain streams. It was clear to the bottom, and the swimming fish were countless. The clear stream hit the stop stone, and the jade beads splashed, just like a light plucking string.

Chu Yanran sat down on a polsk by the humble water, and Zhang Yang sat next to her: "Did, have you ever thought about me after going to the United States for so long?"

Chu Yanran bit the cherry lip and smiled like a flower: "I don't have time. My grandmother is sick and has to take care of her all day long. Later, she recovered a little better, so she took me to various parties frequently. She wanted to help me find a young talent to be my boyfriend. I was dazzled!"

Zhang Guanren gritted his teeth and said, "What's wrong with your grandmother? Has your head been squeezed by the door?

When Chu Yanran saw his jealous look, she was angry and funny in her heart. She punched him on the shoulder and said, "Your head has just been squeezed by the door!" The beautiful eyes looked at Zhang Yang affectionately and said, "Have you ever thought about me during my time in the United States?"


"What?" Chu Yanran raised her eyebrows and said, "How dare you miss me!"

"Why do I miss you? If you go to the United States to catch up with the villagers, I have to foolishly cause lovesickness here. Why?"

Chu Yanran hummed angrily, "I knew you wouldn't miss me. You went to hook up with the little girl again during this period!" "As I look like this, do I still need to hook up? They all hooked up with me!"

"The horse doesn't know how long his face is. Why didn't I see what you look good?"

"That's because you don't know how to appreciate, but any woman with a normal aesthetic will think I'm handsome!"

Chu Yanran covered her mouth and said, "Oh, my God, there are such thick-skinned guys like you!"

Zhang Yang leaned over with a smile and said, "This is personality. Do you know what it means to be outstanding, jade and trees in the wind? You have opened your eyes today!"

"I beg you, don't let me spit out all the overnight!"

Zhang Yang stretched out his very unhest hand and grabbed Chu Yanran's slender waist: "This is the charm of idols. People say that idols are the object of vomiting. I can make you spit out the overnight meal, which is enough to prove that I am your idol!"

Chu Yanran slapped him, but Zhang Yang held her soft little hand and held it into her arms. Chu Yanran pushed him away and said, "You don't miss me. Don't hug me!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You can't say it casually. This is called connotation, this is called level!"

Chu Yanran blushed and said, "I want you to say it. I think you have no connotation, no layer


"Isn't that forcing me to be a hooligan to you?" Zhang's eyes showed lustful eyes.

Chu Yanran grabbed his ear and said, "You are a rogue!" Her hands were soon caught by Zhang Yang, and her delicate body was held in his arms. Chu Yanran was so ashamed that she lowered her face and did not dare to look at him. Zhang Yang kissed her smooth forehead, and then kissed her beautiful eyebrows, eyes, nose, and finally fell on her hot cherry lips.

It didn't start until this month. The monthly ticket list is a little miserable. Probably the brothers and sisters are on holiday. They forgot to read books and vote for the octopus. These seven days are double the monthly ticket period. Once they are distanced in these days, it will be difficult to catch up in the future. The medical path comes from the shelves. At the most difficult time, the octop If you hope to see the book, check your monthly ticket and cast the bottom of the guarantee. Now one vote is the same as two votes. If it expires, it will be invalid. Let the monthly ticket exert its maximum power! (To be continued)