Medical official path

Chapter 165 Dongjiang mediation

The two people in the factory slowly aging along the shaded comb garden path. From time to time, there were two fierce campus couples. In the eyes of others, they also became one of them. Chen Xue whispered, "What's the matter with you looking for me?"

Only then did Zhang Yang say the purpose of his coming here.

Chen Xue thought for a moment and said, "Jin Menwu. I know this person. According to historical records, he was once an assassin of Goguryeo and wanted to assassinate Yang Guang, the Sui Yan Emperor. Later, because of the plan, he failed

"Is there anything else? Zhang Daguanren is very interested in the information of Jin Bowu.

Chen Xue shook her head and said, "Well, I'll take you to the library to check the materials."

Zhang Yang followed her to the Snow Library. All he needed to do was to wait. The work of checking the information was done by Chen Xue. Zhang Yang had nothing to do. He found two movie pictorials and looked at them. He accidentally saw the stills in it. The scene was a little familiar, like the Qingyun Bamboo Sea in Qingtai Mountain. If you take a closer look, it's just that. The movie is that Wang Zhun shoots a stunned martial arts film in Qingyunfeng, starring Liu Dezheng and Xi Ruolin, and He Xinyan also guest starred in the role of a female killer.

Zhang Yang suddenly came to his spirit. Seeing that the name of this movie is "Jiangshan Beauty", there are not only Qingyun and bamboo seas, but also a still photo with the ancient city wall of Jiangcheng as the background. However, He Xinyan was not found in it. Zhang Yang was somewhat disappointed. From the introduction of the film, he did This man's heart suddenly became a little unbalanced. Well, you Wang Zhun, I gave you such a strong support. In the end, you didn't even mention our Jiangcheng Tourism Bureau. What the hell do you mean? How dare I work in vain?

Chen Xue looked for the information for a while and returned to him. She held a tiring book and carefully looked through it one by one. Zhang Yang didn't dare to disturb her. Still looking down on those stills, I have to admit that whether there are stills on the Qingyun Bamboo Sea or on the ancient city wall, the stills are better than in reality. The more you are, the more you want to publicize them. If you print these stills into brochures, or highlight them in the movie, then the fame of the two tourism highlights of It will be bigger.

Chen Xue checked for nearly an hour before saying, "Here is an introduction about him!"

Zhang Yang leaned over, but heard Chen Xue whisper, "This is a wild history. After Jin Box Wu was killed, he also had a daughter who was determined to take revenge. In order to assassinate Emperor Sui, he did not hesitate to enter the palace, and later became one of the concubines of Emperor Suichang

Zhang Yang frowned. Why hadn't he heard of it?

Chen Xue sighed; "This noble concubine not only wanted to kill Yang Guang, but also wanted to seize the Sui Dynasty. Later, she somehow angered Yang Guang and was also killed."

The more Zhang Yang listened, the more confused he became. He knew more or less about Yang Guang's favorite harem beauty. He had not heard that there were women in Goguryeo, and he had never heard of those who were ambitious to seize the Sui Dynasty? Did all this happen after his death?

Chen Xue closed the book and said, "There are only so many. These materials are not credible. They are all folklore. Why did you suddenly become interested in the history of the Sui Dynasty?"

Zhang Yang said, "I happened to get some rubbings of Jin Mianwu's calligraphy in those years. I like it, so I am also interested in this person." This explanation is reasonable, and Chen Xue has no doubts.

Zhang Yang saw that it was more than four o'clock in the afternoon and took the initiative to invite, "Let's go. I'll treat you to dinner to express my gratitude for helping me!"

Chen Xue smiled indifferently: "Forget it. It's just a small thing. I'm used to eating at school, and I don't want to go outside!"

Zhang Yang knew that she was indifferent by nature and was not reluctant. He got up and said goodbye, "I'm leaving. Is there anything for me to take back?"

Chen Xue was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Zhang Yang was going back to Jiangcheng. She shook her head and said, "No, it will be summer vacation soon. I'm going back soon

"Good! When you have a holiday, I will call Zhao Jing and let's get together!"

Chen Xue did not refuse face to face this time and nodded gently, which was quite rare for her.

Zhang Yang left the university library and walked to the Santana parked in the southeast corner. Before he came to the car, more than a dozen sports students gathered around him, led by the number that had just been kicked away by him.

Looking at this group of young people, Zhang Yang smiled helplessly. Although he is not old, after all, he has the memory of two generations. In addition, he has been in the officialdom for so many years. I don't know how many times his level is better than these college students who have not left campus. Naturally, Zhang Daguan is not I will have the same experience as them.

The slogan has obviously recovered from the heavy hit just now, and his face looks a little embarrassed. These are all marks left by the swooping to the ground just now. He pointed to his open nose and said, "Kid, stop. If today's matter is not solved, don't go!"

Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes, and an invisible deterrent gas spread from his whole body. This is the legendary bastard's spirit. Zhang Daguan was immersed in the officialdom for more than a year before he realized a little taste. Originally, this taste could not be intimidating, but it was different if it was mixed with murderous air.

These college students who lack social experience obviously felt a stagnation in their breath, and then saw Zhang's proudly raised head and glanced at them with a look down: "You are all college students. If you don't study hard, you have to learn from others to gather people to make trouble. This is not good!" He paused for a moment and sneered, "Called so many people, do you want to hit me?"

The slogan widened his eyes and stared at Zhang Yang with his fierce eyes: "So what?

Zhang Yang sighed, "I don't know how thick the sky is! To tell you the truth, I'm from the National Sanda Team! I really don't want to hurt you!" His eyes fell on the big tree beside him, and he didn't want to fight with these college students, which scared them. Just let them retreat when they know the difficulties, raise their palms, gently pat on the trunk, and hug the thick tree to empty! With a muffled sound, when he raised his hand again, a clear palm print had been printed on the trunk of the tree. This hand greatly shocked the confidence of the college students present. They looked at each other one by one, and the kung fu that could only be seen in martial arts novels was actually confirmed by their own eyes today. In the face of such a master, not to mention more than a dozen of them, that is, the little twenty can only be beaten and stretch their arms proudly: "Who wants to hit me, come up and have a try!" After the sound, the group of college students in the Department of Physical Education have dispersed, and the fastest one is the one.

Zhang Yang laughed. Today is the most enjoyable day since he was plotted in the empty mountain.

But before his laughter fell, an old voice sounded behind him: Boy! How dare you destroy public property!"

Zhang Yang turned around and looked at him, but saw two old ladies, who were dressed in colored vests, staring at him. Zhang Yang hurriedly explained, "I just patted the tree for ten years and a hundred years of trees. How dare you destroy the Tsinghua Garden? Give me a call!" The two old ladies rushed up waving a Broom.

Zhang Daguan fled into the car in embarrassment. Despite this, he inevitably got two pimples on his back.

Chen Xue stood at the gate of the library. Looking at the embarrassed flamboy, the corners of his lips couldn't help showing a faint smile, like a camellia blooming in a secluded valley,

Although Zuo Yongjun specifically told her to hide from her daughter, Zuo Xiaojing still knew about her parents. Before the summer came, she returned to China in advance and the plane landed in the Dongjiang River.

She was greeted by her aunt Jiang Xinyue and cousin Tian Bin.

Looking at Zuo Xiaoqing, who was pale, Jiang Xinyue felt pity in her heart, and she quickly stepped forward. He held his nephew's cold little hand and whispered, "Xiaoqing!"

Zuo Xiaochai only called his aunt, and jumped into her arms and sobled.

Tian Bin helped Zuo Xiaoqing take his luggage and coughed and said, "People here are coming and going. It's inconvenient to talk. Let's go to the hotel first!"

Jiang Xinyue finally coaxed Zuo Xiaoqing to stop crying, put her arms around her shoulder and got into Tian Bin's car.

Zuo Xiaoqing cried for a while, and her mood stabilized a little. She took the paper towel from her aunt's hand and wiped her tears. He sniffed and said, "I want to go back to Jiangcheng immediately to see my father and my mother!"

Jiang Xinyue said, "They are fine. Now everything is under investigation, and the matter has not been finalized. It's too late today. Let's go back tomorrow!" She didn't tell Zuo Xiaojing that Tian Qinglong also came to Dongjiang and was working hard for Zuo's army.

Tian Qinglong is visiting Xu Changde's home at this time. They have a relationship between superiors and subordinates in Jiangcheng, and they have been getting along well for more than ten years. The reason why Tian Qinglong came to Xu Changde instead of Gu Yunzhi was the result of his repeated consideration. What happened to the Jiangcheng health system was made by Hong Weiji, the current secretary of the municipal party committee. Hong Weiji and Xu Changde had a good relationship. They were not only classmates of the party school. Before Hong Weiki came to Jiangcheng, Xu Carefully pave the way for him.

The relationship between Xu Changde and Zuo Yongjun is also very good. Xu Changde's wife has been ill in bed for many years. When she was in Jiangcheng, Zuo Yongjun was his family doctor, and Jiang Xinhui has always intended to marry his daughter Zuo Xiaoqing to Xu Changde's son Xu Jiayong. Xu Changde is Step by step, become your in-laws. With this relationship, Xu Changde will not stand idly by.

Xu Changde still showed considerable enthusiasm for Tian Qinglong's visit. The two first talked about the past in the living room, and then the topic soon came to the question of Zuo Yongjun.

Tian Qinglong said, "Gourden Xu. You know how to support the army. He is a nerd and can't see money, fame and fortune at all.

Xu Changde took a cigarette and said, "Qinglong, I have known Yongjun for a long time. Of course, I know very well how he is. Although I am in Dongjiang, I have always been paying attention to what happened in Jiangcheng. The problem of Comrade Guozheng has smeared the whole cadre team in Jiangcheng. The impact of this matter is bad and the consequences are unprecedented, and it is also unexpected.

Tian Qinglong was silent. He was not interested in Xu Changde's empty words. What he needed was Xu Changde to take action sincerely. As long as Xu Changde was willing to help, the problem of supporting the left army was still easy to solve.

Xu Changde said, "Li Guo is dead, but many of the problems he left behind are still not solved. The drug shady story explained by Feng Ailian has caused a great response in the province, and all the focus is on the comrades who support the army. It's not that I don't want to interfere, but if I intervene, what will others think? He paused for a moment and said, "As the mayor of Jiangcheng, this matter should be within his authority. He should communicate more with Comrade Weiji

I heard Xu Changde's words. Tian Qinglong has understood that Xu Changde will definitely not come forward for Zuo's army. Not only Zuo's support army, but now he doesn't want to interfere in anything in Jiangcheng. Previously, Li Guozheng's case had made Xu Changde anxious. Now Li Guo is not easy to die. Xu Changde is in the period of adjustment and cultivation I won't take the initiative to provoke this unnecessary annoyance.

Tian Qinglong said, "Gourden Xu. Jiang Xinhui has admitted that she collected all the property, and she didn't know it.

Xu Changde said bureaucratically, "We should believe in the organization and the working ability of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. This matter will definitely come to light. Our party will not wrong any good comrade."

That night, Tian Qinglong's family and Zuo Xiaoqing had dinner in the Wangjiang Tower in Dongjiang. Tian Qinglong had many friends in Dongjiang, but he did not disturb him. After hitting a nail at Xu Changde, Tian Qinglong realized that only Gu Yunzhi, the secretary of the provincial party committee, could help Zuo Yongjun. In It's him, but Zuo Yuanchao, but Zuo Yuanchao's retreat attitude in the matter of his brother and sister-in-law is really disappointing. In Tian Qinglong's view, Zuo Yuanchao cares too much about his future and lacks the necessary courage on his brother's problem. If he dares to argue with Hong We To this point.

Zuo Xiaochai has always been in a low mood. Fortunately, her aunt was with her to comfort her.

Tian Bin said, "Why don't you call Jiayong!"

Zuo Xiao guessed that his eyelashes trembled. She naturally understood the meaning of her cousin's tattoo. Most of all, the person who called Xu Jiayong should be herself, but she had an attitude of resistance to contacting Xu Jiayong from the bottom of her heart, but now that her parents are in such a dilemma, what should she should do.

Tian Qinglong glanced at his son coldly: "You children don't have to ask about these things, and I will naturally deal with them!"

Tian Bin's face was a little red when he was scolded by his father. Jiang Xinyue was afraid of his son's embarrassment and said with a smile, "Your father is also for your own good. You don't understand what's in the officialdom!"

Zuo Xiaojing lowered his head silently, and tears rolled in his eyes.

Tian Qinglong couldn't stand the depressing atmosphere and got up and said, "I'm going to the bathroom!"

As soon as Tian Qinglong walked out of the door of the private room, he heard a familiar voice behind him, "Isn't this Brother Tian?"

Tian Qinglong turned around and recognized Ji Shengwen, deputy director of the Dongjiang Baisha District Public Security Bureau. They were old friends for many years.

Za Shengwen strode over with a smile, held Tian Qinglong's big hand and said, "Brother. You are really boring. When did you come to Dongjiang? Why don't you even say hello?"

Tian Qinglong smiled and said, "Come to Dongjiang with your family!"

"Is your sister-in-law here too?"

Tian Qinglong nodded and said, "What a coincidence. Are you coming to dinner?"

"Give a little brother. Ah! By the way, you must know it. It's the publicity of your Jiangcheng Tourism Bureau!"

Tian Qinglong was really a little stunned. What a coincidence. Zhang Yang also had dinner in the same hotel. He knew about Zhang Yang's study at Dongjiang Party School. After all, as soon as he left, Jiangcheng had been much cleaner recently, and there were not so many troubles for him to deal with.

Qin Shengwen said, "Brother Tian, which room are you in? I'll give you a toast later!"

Tian Qinglong shrugged his room.

He went back to the private room, and Za Shengwen and Zhang Yang followed here.

Zhang Yang flew back to Dongjiang from Beijing this morning. Tian Qinglong is one of his respected figures in Jiangcheng. When he heard that Tian Qinglong came to Dongjiang, of course, he would come to toast in person, but he didn't expect Zuo Xiaoqing to be in the room.

Tian Qinglong returned to the private room and didn't have time to tell them that Zhang Yang was also there, so Zhang Yang's sudden appearance made Zuo Xiaoqing stay there. Looking at Zhang Yang's familiar warm smile, Zuo Xiao and Qing suddenly felt indescribable sourness and grievances. After enduring for a long time When she came down, she was afraid that Zhang Yang would see her appearance, so she hurriedly got up and walked to the rear window.

Despite this, everyone present saw it clearly, and Tian Qinglong's family knew the long relationship between Zhang Yang and Zuo Xiaoqing. I didn't feel too surprised.

Za Shengwen saw Zuo Xiaoqing for the first time, and he was also a criminal police officer. Looking at Zuo Xiao, Qing immediately realized when she saw Zhang Yang's performance. There was something between this little girl and Zhang Yang. He couldn't help but look at Zhang Yang. What kind of person is this? How come all the outstanding girls are involved with him?

The performance of Zhang's official is still very calm. The officialdom practice during this period was not in vain. There was a faint smile on his face: "Tianju, you are really not interesting. You don't say hello to me when you come to Dongjiang. Are you afraid that I can't afford to dinner?"

Tian Qinglong smiled and said, "You don't have any good words in your mouth. You have eyes. You can't see it. This is a family banquet! The whole family sits and eats together, do I have to report to you? When did you transfer to the Multi-mand Bureau?

Several people laughed at the same time, and Zhang Yang politely greeted Jiang Xinyue. Jiang Xinyue had heard of Zhang Yang many times, but it was the first time she saw this person himself. She felt that the young man was handsome, calm and sophisticated. What she appreciated most was the strong self-confidence on Zhang Yang's face. Even in the face of Tian Qinglong and Za Shengwen, who were taller than him, they did not show any sense of embarrassment, which was rare among her peers, at least her son Tian Bin could not do it.

Although Zhang Yang and Tian Bin have always had some pleasant memories, for Tian Qinglong's sake, they still greeted him with a smile. After a toast, he found that Zuo Xiaoqing was still standing facing the window. He couldn't help smiling and said, "Zuo Xiaoqing, you take me this. Did the old classmate forget it?

Zuo Xiaoqing turned around, and her bright eyes were slightly red. She showed astringent smile to Zhang Yang: "Zhang Yang, hello, I'm sorry, I'm a little uncomfortable. Let's go first." She didn't have time to do more nasal release, so she turned around and walked out of the door. Jiang Xinyue hurried

Tian Qinglong asked Tian Bin to send them back first.

Za Shengwen knew that Zuo Xiaoqing's departure must have something to do with Zhang Yang, but he deliberately said, "Does my sister-in-law not like me!"

Tian Qinglong stared at him. These old brothers are not good birds. He picked up his glass and said, "I didn't expect you to get together. As the saying goes, fish look for fish, shrimp and shrimp, so what,"

Za Shengwen laughed and said, "Isn't it me to scold me? Brother, I haven't seen you for so long. We don't have this! I'll have three drinks with you in a row! Zhang Yang, keep up!" He turned his face and looked at Zhang Yang, but found that Zhang Yang was a little absent-minded. He pounded Zhang Yang with his elbow. Then Zhang Yang came to his senses: "Okay! However, the field bureau has been running for a long distance, and we are getting old again. Let's not bully old comrades in partnership. Let's do this,

The three of them drank three glasses of wine together.

Only then did Zhang Yang ask Tian Qinglong about coming to Dongjiang.

Tian Qinglong did not say his real purpose, but just said to pick up Zuo Xiaoqing and relax in Dongjiang by the way.

How can Zhang Yang be so fooled? When he saw Zuo Xiaoqing, he had already guessed Tian Qinglong's purpose this time. Za Shengwen was not an outsider. He put down his glass and said a word to Tian Qinglong's real purpose of coming to Dongjiang: "Tian Bureau, are you here for Zuo Xiaoqing's parents?"

Tian Qinglong looked at Zhang Yang. This man was really becoming more and more shrewd. Since he had said it to this point, he no longer denied it and put a piece of beef in his mouth. Chew slowly, although he didn't say anything, his expression has undoubtedly acquiesced to Zhang Yang's speculation.

Zhang Yang said, "I came back from Beijing today. In Beijing, I learned about Jiangcheng through a friend of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. I heard that Secretary Hong is very determined this time. I'm afraid it's not easy to do."

Tian Qinglong still knew something about Zhang Yang's energy. He sighed and said, "This matter should not have caused such a big disturbance. Li Guozheng is dead, and now Feng Ailian is out of control. I don't even know which sentence she said is true and which sentence is false!"

Za Shengwen doesn't know much about Jiangcheng, so it's not easy to interrupt, so he can only look at them quietly.

Zhang Yang said, "Zuo Xiaoqing is a good friend of Daohe. Do you need any help? Director Tian just ordered!" Service

There are still some words on the table that can't be said too deep. Tian Qinglong nodded and got up and said, "It's too late. I'm going back first!"

Zhang Yang called the waiter and put the account of the table on his own. Tonight, Zhou Yunfan picked him up. There was no need for him to spend money at all. Tian Qinglong was not polite to him. Zhang Yang kept taking him outside the door of the hotel and called a taxi for him.

Before Tian Qinglong got on the car, Zhang Yang came up again and asked him about his place of stay. Of course, Tian Qinglong knew what he was thinking about. After thinking about it, he told him the location.

That night, it was Zhou Yunfan, the boss of Wangjiang Tower, who washed the dust for Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang had originally invited Gu Jiatong, but before Gu Jiatong came, he received a phone call from He Luo, saying that he had a stomachache, because Gu Jiatong promised Wei Zhicheng to help him take care of He Luo went to the hospital for a check-up, and he was really helpless. Wei Zhicheng has wronged Gu Jiatong for so many years. In the end, Gu Jiatong had to help take care of his lover, which was really unfair.

It's hard for Zhang Yang to forget the moment when Zuo Xiaoqing lost control and burst into tears. When he saw Zuo Xiaojing, the details of Chunyang and Zuo Xiaoqing came to his mind. There was no doubt that she needed help most. Zhang Yang drove to the Dongjiang Star Hotel where Zuo Xiaoqing stayed. After thinking about it, A phone call was made in the room.

Zuo Xiaoqing's weak and slightly sad voice sounded on the phone: "Hey!"

"Xiaoqing! I'm Zhang Yang!"

Hearing Zhang Yang's low and kind voice, Zuo Xiaoqing couldn't help feeling flustered. She wanted to hang up the phone, but after all, she was reluctant to do so. After a long hesitation, she said, "It's so late. What's the matter?"

"I'm in the hotel parking lot!"

Zuo Xiaoqing was stunned for a moment and didn't say anything.

Zhang Yang said, "I want to see you!"

"It's too late,"

"I want to see you!" Zhang Yang's words are full of strength that can't be refused.

Zuo Xiaoqing bit her lip, and after a long time, she said, "Fifteen minutes later, wait for me in the cafe downstairs!"

Zuo Xiaoqing just put down the phone, and the phone rang again. She said helplessly, "I didn't say fifteen minutes"

"Xiaojing!" It was Xu Jiayong who called the truth.

Zuo Xiaoqing didn't know until she heard his voice that she had heard it wrong. She said with some embarrassment, "It's you

Xu Jiayong said, "Xiaoqing. Why didn't you tell me when you went back to China? Why don't you tell me about such a big thing at home?

Zuo Xiaoqing whispered, "My family affairs, I don't want you to be ** heart!"

Xu Jiayong said, "Do we need such a birthrate between us? Don't worry. I'll go back to China right away and see if I can help you!"

"Don't! I really don't need it!" Zuo Xiaoqing said in a panic that she had already learned from her aunt on the way just now. Xu Changde said that she loved the unhelpable thing. Jiang Xinyue undoubtedly had a grudge against it. Originally, she didn't want to say it, but when her son mentioned that Zuo Xiaoqing asked Xu Jiayong for help again, she finally couldn't help it.

"Xiao, Qing, I really want to help you!"

"Thank you for your concern. I just want to be quiet!" After Zuo Xiaoqing finished speaking, she hung up the phone and refused Xu Jiayong's kindness. She suddenly felt much more relaxed, and it turned out that refusing was not as difficult as she thought.

Thinking of meeting Zhang Yang, Zuo Xiaoqing hurriedly changed her curtain suit and left the room.

Zhang Yang waited for 20 minutes in the cafe downstairs before he saw Zuo Xiaoqing coming in front of him. Zuo Xiaoqing was a little haggard compared with the last time he saw him, but this haggardness added a kind of soft beauty to her. I feel a little more pitiful.

Compared with when she suddenly saw Zhang Yang just now, Zuo Xiaoqing's mood was much more stable. She smiled faintly at Zhang Yang and sat down opposite him. Zhang Yang had ordered coffee for her and whispered, "Are you hungry or not? You can order whatever you want!"

Zuo Xiaoqing shook her head: "I just had dinner in Wangjiang Tower. I'm not hungry!"

"You've lost weight!"

Zuo Xiaoqing subconsciously touched her face: "Maybe it's because of the nervous study and life abroad!"

Zhang Yang also understands that with Zuo Xiaoqing's current state of mind, it is by no means the time to recount her. The main purpose of his visit to see Zuo Xiaoqing this time is to comfort her: "Xiao guess, I have heard about your parents, and I have consulted some people. The evidence against them now is almost all the words of Feng Ailian.

Zuo Xiaoqing bit the cherry lips. He whispered, "Are you comforting me?"

Zhang Yang nodded: "Don't forget, we are good friends. When you are in trouble, even if I can't help you solve it, I can at least share it for you."

Zuo Xiaoqing's heart was warm. She remembered that in the spring sun, every time there was trouble, Zhang Yang would appear beside her at the first time to solve the trouble for her and protect her with his powerful arms. Since she heard that her parents had an accident, Zuo Xiaoqing's heart has always been in a state of panic and helplessness, When she calmed down, she clearly realized that these were all Zhang Yang's enemies, and only Zhang Yang could bring her such a sense of security. After she went to the United States, although she was far away from Zhang Yang, she never forgot him in her heart.

Thank you!" Zuo Xiaoqing said.

Zhang Yang shook his head: "Never say thank you to me!" He took a sip of coffee and said, "I will try my best to help you solve this matter. Don't worry, the sky is falling. I'll support you!"

Zuo Xiaoqing's heart suddenly trembled, and she looked up and saw Zhang Yang's burning and firm eyes. This look gave her courage. It comforted her and made Zuo Xiaoqing have an inexplicable feeling. The long black hair fell down, and two crystal tears fell like pearls in the coffee cup.


Now Zhang Yang is no longer the intern of the health school who just arrived in the 1990s. His ability to analyze things has improved a lot. After he understood that Hong Weiji was the beginning of the Jiangcheng storm. Zhang Yang realized that the key to solving the problem may not be Jiangcheng. Not in the mansion but in the province, it is only possible for Gu Yunzhi to dispel Hong Weiki's idea of continuing to write articles.

Gu Jiatong returned to the villa in Qiuxia Lake very late. After taking a shower, she was watching TV and waiting for her.

Gu Jiatong was busy all night and looked a little tired. She came to Zhang Yang and hugged Zhang Yang from behind. He kissed him on the cheek.

Zhang Yang took her hand, led her to sit on his legs, and said with concern, "Are you tired?"

Gu Jiatong nodded and sighed, "It seems that I really owe Wei Zhicheng, and even his lover needs to help take care of him!"

Zhang Yang laughed dumbly. Gu Jiatong was undoubtedly kind. Of course, it was because she had never been emotional to Wei Zhicheng, so she could have such a heart. In her eyes, Wei Zhicheng is just a worthy friend of sympathy.

"How's it going?"

"It's okay. I only moved the fetal gas. I probably heard that Wei Zhicheng was stimulated."

"What did Wei Zhicheng say about that?"

Gu Jiatong played with her flamboyant fingers: "Play for about ten years, it's already the best result!"

Zhang Yang was speechless and suddenly remembered Zuo Yongjun and his wife. He didn't know what price they would pay in this incident.

Gu Jiatong got up and said, "I'm going to take a shower!" After two steps, I suddenly remembered one thing: "That's right. Tomorrow is Health Day. I will celebrate her at home. You call Zhao Jing and others here!"

Zhang Yang nodded, which was a good opportunity to talk to Gu Yunzhi, but he couldn't help but hesitate when he thought of Gu Mingjian.

Gu Jiatong saw through his thoughts and whispered, "Mingjian went to Hangzhou to relax!"

The next afternoon, Zhang Yang picked up Zhao Jing and several girls in her dormitory early. Because Gu Yangyang often went to them to play, he was very familiar with the girls in Zhao Jing's dormitory. Zhang Yang understood that Gu Yangyang had a kind of subtle affection for him, so he did not specifically choose gifts, but only bought a set of painting tools. Originally, he wanted to go directly to Ningjing Road, but on the way, he received a phone call from Gu Jiatong and asked him to go to the office kindergarten to pick up Gu Yangyang. During this period, Gu Yangyang was idle and worked as an amateur counselor in the office kindergarten.

Originally, Gu Jiatong agreed to pick her up, but because she had to prepare a birthday dinner for Gu Yangyang at home. I can't pull out now.

Zhang Yang's current location is not far from the kindergarten. He drove a jeep to the gate of the kindergarten. He asked Zhao Jing to wait in the car and came to the gate reception room to call Gu Yangyang.

At this time, the kindergarten network happened to be out of school, and the gate of the campus was full of parents who came to pick up their children. Zhang Yang stood in the crowd and waited for Gu Yangyang. After waiting for a long time, he saw Gu Yangyang wearing white trousers, pink, and a shirt appeared at the gate. Gu Yangyang saw Zhang Yang Hand, but her smile immediately condensed, and the expression on her face changed from joy to a kind of panic. Zhang Yang was keenly aware of something. He suddenly turned around and saw a man in the distance rushing out of the yard with a kitchen knife in his hand to the group of children who walked out of the yard.

Realizing that the innocent expression on the dangerous child's face turned into endless panic, they screamed in horror, and Gu Yangyang rushed up. She wanted to intercept the man before he approached the child. The bright kitchen knife in the man's hand had been cut down at a boy, regardless of his thoughts. Her arm stretched out and blocked the deadly knife with her right hand. The kitchen knife cut deeply into her snow-white arm, and the red blood splashed everywhere. There were frightened screams and helpless cries at the scene.

The man's eyes were red, and he raised his kitchen knife to try to attack for the second time.

Zhang Yang rushed to his side and grabbed his collar. It was the first time that Zhang Daguan was so angry. A person who could be cruel to children and women had already destroyed human nature. Zhang Yang grabbed his right wrist. A fierce twist was heard, and only a click was heard. The man's right arm had been forcibly twisted by him, and the man let out a hysterical scream, covered his lips and dragged his body aside. He was worried that the murderer would scare the innocent child. He clicked his acupuncture point and pushed him down in the side corner. He still couldn't understand his hatred. He grabbed the man's left enjoyment and pinched it, and it was the sound of bones breaking. The man's whole face was twisted with pain, and his eyes were full of resentment.

Zhang Yang gritted his teeth and said, "I'm paralyzed, I'm going to make your life worse than death!" Beast!" ! He punched Dantian, the one who was here, and used his internal strength to shock the meridians of the murderer. Zhang's official was quite thoughtful. In case he could not be sentenced to death, wouldn't this kind of scourge stay in this world? The internal injury caused by his punch would become more and more serious, and the murderer would

At this time, two security guards from the kindergarten rushed over and helped Zhang Yang push the subdued murderer to the ground.

Zhang Yang returned to look back on Yangyang's side, but saw that half of her body was stained with blood. People gathered around the curtain with concern. Zhang Yang picked up Gu Yang's delicate body, and Gu Yang's beautiful face became pale because of the loss of blood. She said in a trembling voice, "Son, are you

Zhang Yang nodded vigorously, and there were more and more people around him. He roared, "Get out of here!" I walked to the jeep with care in my arms.

The murderer's knife was deeply visible to the bone. After the doctor of the Provincial People's Hospital carefully sewed it, the situation of care and maintenance stabilized.

Gu Yunzhi, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and Gu Jiatong also rushed to the hospital as soon as they heard that Gu Yangyang was injured in front of the kindergarten. The main leaders of the Provincial Public Security Department, the Dongjiang Public Security Bureau and the Baisha District Bureau also came to the Provincial People's Hospital, and they stood outside the cadre ward one by one.

Gu Yunzhi, who has always been happy and angry, was really angry this time. He came to the door of the cadre ward with a pale face, and the head of the provincial public security department finally greeted him. Before they could go up to visit the nursing, they didn't expect that Gu Yunzhi had arrived, and the whole court had no time Gu Yunzhi had already roared, "What are you doing here? Your responsibility is to maintain social harmony and stability and protect the happiness and tranquility of the people. Do your own work!"

Finally, the whole court squeezed his lips. After all, he didn't say anything sorry. He saw Gu Yunzhi's father and daughter walk into the cadre ward. He waved weakly and said, "Go, don't stay here!"

Gu Yunzhi came to the door of the ward, and the kiln in the deceased ward went to Gu Yangyang and sat on the bed. While talking with a smile, he was surprised that Ganer was strong. He made a silent gesture to his eldest daughter Jiatong.

Zhang Yang carefully peeled the apples, and then handed the peeled apples to Gu Yang.

Gu Yangyang smiled and said, "I should have gone to get his wrist at that time, but I forgot it in a hurry. I foolishly stretched out my arm and just wanted to block his knife.

Brother Zhang, it's all because I'm not good at learning.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Silly girl, if You cut a little harder, your arm will not be preserved!"

Gu Yangyang blinked his eyes and said, "Even if I can't keep my arms, as long as I can protect those innocent children, I'm willing to do it."

Zhang Yang was moved for a while and was about to say something when he heard Gu Yunzhi's voice behind him and said, "Well said! This is my daughter!"

Zhang Yang stood up in a hurry.

Gu Yunzhi ignored him, but came to the bedside to hold his daughter's hand and said with concern, "Nurion, you scared your father to death. Secretary Gu rarely showed such warmth in front of outsiders.

Gu Jiatong looked at Zhang Yang with blood stains, shook her head helplessly, and pointed to Zhang Yang's body. He pointed to the outside again.

publicize your mind. Quietly retreated.

Zhang Yang came to the jeep, took a set of clothes from the car and changed them. He threw the blood-stained clothes in the trash can, but found that Ji Shengwen, deputy director of the Baisha District Public Security Bureau, was not far away.

Zhang Yangle walked over and said, "Miscellaneous, why are you hiding here?"

Za Shengwen looked around and was sure that no one was paying attention to them. Then he lowered his voice and said, "How's the big boss?"

Zhang Yang really can't laugh or cry. These people don't care about the injury, but care about Gu Yunzhi's reaction. I really don't know what to say about them. He sighed and said, "What else can I do? The daughter was stabbed for no reason. Do you think he can feel comfortable?

Zason Shengwen took the initiative to stay and listen to the situation. This incident shocked the whole public security system of Pinghai. Regardless of the injury incident, the nature of the matter itself is extremely bad. He whispered, "The murderer's hands have been broken by you"

Zhang Yang gave him a white look and said, "I said that your eyes saw that I did it? According to my temper, I should have broken that *** neck. If I hadn't been worried that those children would be afraid, I would have given him to Ling Chi with a knife.

Za Shengwen could understand Zhang Yang's anger, and he also hated this matter to the extreme. He vowed, "Don't worry, we can't spare that beast. The matter has almost been investigated. He is an employee of Dongjiang imitation department store. Because the mall closed down and was auctioned, his life is difficult, and his daughter is new Recently, there was a car accident and I was a little stimulated. "I think he has nine out of ten mental problems."

Zhang Yang sneered and said, "If you are stimulated, you can't vent your child's anger. Don't interrogate this kind of inhuman thing at all. One kills one!" Now think about it, fortunately, I have done it in advance. If any mental problem is really found out, wouldn't it be to let the murderer get away with it?

Of course, Za Shengwen didn't know that Zhang Yang had done something, and whispered, "I'm really sorry about Gu Yangyang!"

Zhang Yang stared at him and said, "You should be sorry not only for taking care of them, but also for those frightened children. And their parents. Miscellaneous situation, ensuring the harmony and stability of society is by no means an empty word. I think you should reflect on your work!" As soon as Zhang Yang finished speaking, the phone rang again. It turned out that Gu Jiatong called him to go up.

Return to the ward. Gu Yunzhi got up and walked to the balcony outside. Gu Jiatong wink at him, showed his mind, and followed him out.

Gu Yunzhi looked at the sunset glow in the distant sky, breathed a long sigh of relief, and put his hands on the railing of the balcony. He whispered, "Zhang Yang, did the murderer go to raise him today? Or did you go for those children?"

Only then did Zhang Yang understand what Gu Yunzhi was worried about. He took a step forward: "Secretary Gu, I saw clearly at the scene that the murderer was crazy. He wanted to hurt those innocent children and raised the knife that rushed out to block him in order to protect the child. It was all my fault and did not stop the beast in time!"

Gu Yunzhi shook his head. Since this matter was an accident, no one would estimate the consequences.

Zhang Yang whispered, "Secretary Gu, don't worry, the upbring will soon recover as before. I can make sure that she doesn't leave any scars on her arm."

Of course, Gu Yunzhi believed in Zhang Yang's magical medical skills. He sighed softly, "There are also discordant and unstable factors in peacetime. Our public security team can't take it lightly!"

Zhang Yang wanted to mention the matter of Jiangcheng to Gu Yunzhi tonight, but after this happened, it was a little difficult for him to speak. When he was hesitating whether to say it, Gu Yun knew, "Do you have something to say to me?"

Zhang Yang nodded: "Secretary Gu, I don't know if you heard about the Jiangcheng health system?"

Gu Yunzhi didn't say anything, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Zhang Yang said, "After Li Guozheng died, Feng Ailian provided a lot of evidence. Now things are becoming more and more known..."

"What does this have to do with you?"

Zhang Yang was stunned. Still said truthfully, "Because this matter involves several of my friends,"

"As a party member and a state cadre, don't you understand both public and private?" Gu Yun's tone is still plain, but it is full of reprimand.

Zhang Yang has said it anyway, and he simply stopped worrying about it. He argued, "Whether the evidence provided by Feng Ailian is true or not, now the cadre team in Jiangcheng is panicked, which is obviously of no good for the development and reform. It's good to fight against corruption, and it's not a good thing to overdo it!"