Medical official path

Chapter 176 Governing a big country is like cooking fresh food

The shooting at Tesco Hui Supermarket naturally shocked the Jing'an police. In an instant, it had spread all over Jing'an City. Tian Qinglong and his task force also got the news at the first time. Since they came to Jing'an, they tried to contact Zhang Yang to JL, but Zhang Yang still decided to be alone. Their work was completely in trouble. In response to the latest situation, Tian Qinglong reported to Gu Yunzhi, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. After deliberation, Gu Yunzhi finally decided to let Tian Qinglong seek cooperation with the Jing'an police, but the inside story of Xu Changde should still be kept secret.

One dead and two injured in the Tescohui supermarket shooting, and the injured have been sent to Jing'an First People's Hospital for emergency rescue. Tian Qinglong asked Qin Bai to continue to contact Zhang Yang, and he went to the Jing'an Public Security Bureau to meet Tan Chao, the director of the Public Security Bureau. Tan Chao and Tian Qinglong also had some friendships. The two had met several times at the National Public Security Conference, and because of the neighboring province, they had dinner together and felt some mistakes about Tian He was stunned, but he immediately inferred that this matter must be related to the shooting that had just happened.

Tan Chao has investigated the identity of the deceased. The deceased's name is Liu Xilou, who is from Lizhou City, Pinghai. This person has had many cases of murder and robbery. He is a key criminal who has been wanted. The injured person is his cousin, and the two have committed crimes in partnership many times.

Tan Chao said, "We found something in the live video of the supermarket!" He motioned his assistant to play the content of the surveillance video.

Tian Qinglong's eyes fell on the TV screen and saw that the scene was chaotic. Zhang Yang with sunglasses cut off the gangster's right wrist with a knife, and then shot another gunman with a saber. Tian Qinglong sighed that you can't run away from this drought.

Tan Chao said, "According to our preliminary investigation and comparison, this young man is the same as the suspicious person intimidation case in the No. 1 Department Store in Jing'an yesterday..." He looked at Tian Qinglong. In fact, Tan Chao has initially grasped the identity of this young man. There is no doubt that this boy is publicity. It is his The director of the City Public Security Bureau came here for a long time. There is still a reason why Tan Chao did not say that this matter was broken. As a peer, he has shown enough sincerity to the Jiangcheng side. Now it is the turn of Tian Qinglong to show his sincerity to him. He believes that Tian Qinglong must have some situations that he does not know.

To this point, it is no longer necessary for Tian Qinglong to continue to hide Zhang Yang's identity. He pointed to Zhang Yang on the screen and said, "I know this young man. If I'm not mistaken, he should be Zhang Yang from Jiangcheng Tourism Bureau!"

Tan Chao whispered, "Is Director Tian coming to Jing'an this time just for him?" He wants Tian Qinglong to reveal more information.

Tian Qinglong nodded and said, "Yes, he is related to an important case within us. I need his assistance - investigation!" He was cautious in wording, and using the word internal is equivalent to telling Tan Chao that some things are not convenient to tell Tan Chao.

Tan Chao said, "Yesterday, there was a threat incident in Jing'an. Someone shouted for a bomb, which caused panic in the mall. More than a dozen customers were slightly injured at the scene, and two criminal policemen from Dongjiang City, Pinghai Province, fought with Zhang Yang in the mall because Zhang Yang suddenly attacked them.

"Where are the two policemen now?

"After confirming their identity, they have been allowed to go. The purpose of their coming to Jing'an this time is to hunt down a murderer!" After saying this, Tan Chao deliberately paused for a moment and sighed, "Our quiet security has always been very good, but I don't know what's going on in the past two days. You Pinghai police and murderers rushed to us, making our public security system a little overwhelmed.

Tian Qinglong heard the element of the complaint and smiled with some embarrassment: "I think Zhang Yang should have nothing to do with this intimidation case. If you want to investigate this matter, you must find him!"

Tan Chao said, "We have found that he checked in at the Longjiang Hotel after he came to Jing'an. There were also traces of fighting in the room where he stayed. Blood stains and bullet marks were found at the scene, and bullet shells were found. His jeep is now parked in the parking lot of the Longjiang Hotel!" Tan Chao believes that he has provided enough information. He is no stranger to Zhang Yang. As early as last year, Zhang Yang was taken to the Pingtung Branch because he was involved in an underground racing case. At that time, he was also involved in the case with Sun Xiaowei, the son of Sun Guoping, the Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee. At that time, the ordinary case allowed Tan to ask. The main He was reprimanded by Song Huaiming, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, for handling it improperly. He stayed in the Pingtung Branch for almost one night that night, and also witnessed Chu Yanran, the daughter of the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Song Huaiming, deeply affection for Zhang Yang. Therefore, when he figured out that these two days were related Get it clear. Tan Chao is a person who is good at weighing the pros and cons. As the director of the Jing'an Public Security Bureau, there is no doubt about his business level, but his ability to deal with all aspects of relationships is higher than his business level. Tan Chao even thought about informing Song Huaiming of Zhang Yang's matter, but later he thought that it was not appropriate. This may be self-defeating.

Tian Qinglong said truthfully, "Now I can't get in touch with Zhang Yang. I hope Director Tan can help us!"

Tan Chao said, "No problem..."

At this time, the phone on the table rang. Tan Chao picked up the phone. After hearing what the other party said, his face changed again. When he put down the phone, he picked up his police cap and took it upright: "Tian Bureau, there has just been a vehicle collision and explosion on the Third Ring Road. According to the witness at the scene ! A body was found at the scene of the explosion, and some of his documents were found in the glove box of the car. This person is likely to be Yang Shoucheng, the criminal you have been looking for!

Tian Qinglong can't sit still anymore: "I'll tickle you!"

Zhang Yang's mobile phone has been turned off. He has cut off all contact with the outside world. Now he is leisurely walking on the pedestrian street of Hongyun Road, Jing'an. It is the best way to integrate into the crowd. As he walks, he checks the things in the black plastic bag. There are several tapes, as well as a dozen Notebook, there is a bribery record recorded on the notebook, and each record is marked in detail. From it, he found Xu Changde's name. He couldn't suppress his inner excitement, clenched his fist hard, and then put the notebook in a black plastic bag.

Walking into the public phone booth in front of her, she dialed the home of Gu Yunzhi, Secretary of the Pinghai Provincial Party Committee. Gu Yunzhi was not at home. It was Gu Yangyang who answered the phone. She heard that it was Zhang Yang's voice. "Shut a lot of a lot of fun: Jiangcheng participated in the Fuyang Festival, but it's a pity that he caught a cold and couldn't make it!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Ringyang, I have an emergency for Secretary Gu. Is he there?"

Gu Yangyang shook his head and said, "My father hasn't come back yet. He should be in a meeting now!"

"I have to find him!"

Gu Yangyang thought for a moment and told Zhang Yang the mobile phone number of Xia Boda, the director of the provincial party committee office.

Xia Boda didn't expect that Zhang Yang would call him at all. He was quite stunned and said, "Zhang Yang! What's the matter?

"I have an emergency to find Secretary Gu!"

"He is having a standing committee meeting!

"Be sure to find him!" Zhang Yang's f6 spirit is beyond doubtful. If he didn't know the relationship between Gu Yunzhi and Zhang Yang, Xia Boda would definitely ignore this boy, let alone tolerate his unreasonableness. After weighing it, he still walked into the small conference room of the Provincial Party Committee, came to Gu Yunzhi, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and whispered to him

Gu Yunzhi picked up the phone quietly and got up to the lounge next door: "Hey!"

Zhang Yang's voice seemed a little excited: "Secretary Gu, I have mastered Xu Changde's criminal evidence, including tapes, receipts and invoices, and notebooks about bribing him.

"Are you sure?" Gu Yunzhi's voice was still calm. I'm completely sure that it was Yang Shou who made the deal for me!" Come to Dongjiang right away. Don't tell anyone about this!" Gu Yunzhi stressed. OK!"

Gu Yunzhi closed the phone and showed a little relief in his deep eyes. After a while, he got up and returned to the small conference room. He smiled and said, "This is the end of today's Standing Committee!"

Xu Changde instinctively smelled some uneasiness. He felt that there was a pair of invisible hands approaching him again. These big hands seemed to have grabbed his throat, little by little force, tighter and tighter, making him almost out of breath. Yang Shoucheng was dead, but he always felt that the matter was not over, Zhang Yang Still alive, Xu Changde became restless when he thought of this. This boy seemed to be born to be against him. He plundered his feelings and trampled on his self-esteem. Now he has to challenge his status and official career. Xu Changde feels helpless and sad. As a senior provincial and ministerial official, he I have to be a headache from this small section-level cadre. He understood that Zhang Yang's rampant was due to Gu Yunzhi, the secretary of the provincial party committee, as his backer, but Gu Yunzhi's recent performance was not abnormal. Just now, after the Standing Committee, he specially exchanged views with himself on the agricultural production situation this summer. Did Gu Yunzhi just confuse himself with his appearance and never stop adjusting himself behind his Check?

The driver suddenly stepped on the car, and the road ahead was seriously blocked. Xu Changde looked outside and whispered, "Xiao Feng, I'll get off here and walk back by myself!" He pushed the door and walked down. Not far away was the vegetable market. Xu Changde remembered that he had not cooked for a long time. He went to the vegetable market to buy a few catties of pig's feet and a piece of mandarin fish, and bargained with the fish vendor with enthusiasm. He felt much more relaxed. When he walked into the provincial party committee Phone: "Jiayong, I bought a lot of dishes today. I'm going to steamed mandarin fish and braised pig's feet in the evening!"

"Dad, don't be greedy for me. I'm about to vomit after eating hamburgers these two days! In the early morning, Xu Changde laughed and whispered, "Son, when will you be back?"

"Dad, I'm in contact with several venture capitalists in the United States. The matter is almost done. My plan makes them very satisfied. I should go back at the end of the month."

"Well, you will always be the pride of your father!"

Xu Jiayong sensed something wrong and whispered, "Dad! Did something happen?"

"No, I just miss you!"

"When did Governor Xu become so sentimental?" Xu Changde smiled and said, "If you don't come back, I will eat alone in the evening!"

"Dad! I will never go back this time. I will have dinner with you every day!

"Oh..." Xu Changde answered, and suddenly felt the indescribable sourness in his nose. He hurriedly hung up the phone, and Gu Yunzhi's red flag car drove past him: "Lao Xu, I bought so many vegetables! I?"

Xu Changde quickly sorted out his mood and said with a smile, "Secretary Gu just came back. I bought some food when I passed the vegetable market just now! Haven't you eaten yet? Why don't you come over in the evening, have two drinks together and try my cooking?

Gu Yunzhi actually nodded with a smile: "Okay, I'll go home and go there later!"

Xu Changde didn't expect that Gu Yunzhi was really willing to come. He and Gu Yunzhi had been partners for so long, and Gu Yunzhi had never been to his house. Xu Changde returned home to cook in person, and Wen asked the nanny to buy a few small dishes.

At 6:30 p.m., Gu Yunzhi came to visit with a bottle of Maotai that had been stored for 30 years. Xu Changde was still wearing an apron and dressed as a housewife. He was busy welcoming Gu Yunzhi in and asked the nanny to send Tieguanyin, which had just been made.

Gu Yunzhi still knows something about Xu Changde's family situation. Xu Changde's wife has been paralyzed in bed for many years. His only son, Xu Jiayong, has been studying in the United States and spends most of the time at home alone.

Xu Changde untied his apron with a smile and said, "I usually like to make a few dishes at home when I have nothing to do. In the past, I used to do it when my son was there, but since he went to the United States, there have been fewer opportunities to cook!"

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "I can only make fried eggs. Compared with you, I'm not a competent father!"

Xu Changde said, "Secretary Gu is concerned about the whole Pinghai, and it is normal not to have the energy to take care of family affairs. People like me who like cook can't do anything big!"

"Humble and painful!"

The two came to the restaurant with a smile and sat down. Xu Changde opened the bottle of wine and gave it to Gu Yunzhi a cup. The wine was fragrant and yellow. Neither of them was a good wine person. He raised the glass and magnetically magnetized it. Xu Changde said, "Welcome!"

Gu Yun knew: "Excuse me!"

After drinking the glass of wine, the nanny brought a few dishes made by Xu Changde himself. Gu Yunzhi tasted them one by one and was full of praise.

Xu Changde laughed and said, "Secretary Gu has been praising me since I entered the door tonight. Shouldn't he want me to be a full-time chef for you?"

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "I think, but how can the governor be condescending!"

Xu Changde added wine to him and said, "In fact, my dream when I was a child was to be a cook. At that time, my family was poor and I was hungry all day long. What I envy most is the chef in the restaurant. I often think that if I am a cook, I must taste every dish first, and I won't

Gu Yunzhi smiled indifferently and said, "You can try it, but if you want to be a good cook, you must control your appetite. No matter how good the dish is, it is also the guest's. What do you eat after eating?"

Xu Changde recognized the meaning of Gu Yunzhi's words. He smiled and said, "So I have been restraining my appetite in the kitchen today. No matter how fragrant the taste of the dishes is, I will wait for you, a distinguished guest, to taste \\{! -! "

Gu Yunzhi laughed and said, "Comrade, if you govern a big country, those who can control the cooking will have the potential to govern the world. Aren't you a typical representative?"

Xu Changde smiled modestly: "I still have a lot to learn from Secretary Gu in politics and experience!"

Gu Yunzhi shook his head, picked up his glass and took a sip: "Comrade Changde, if I remember correctly, you should be fifty-six years old this year, right?"

Xu Changde nodded and didn't understand why Gu Yunzhi suddenly mentioned his age.

Gu Yun knew: "This age is the most politically mature time. It is not easy for the country to train a cadre, and it is not easy to get to this position!"

Xu Changde said, "I'm old. I didn't feel it when I was in Jiangcheng, but when I came to Dongjiang and saw so many rich and powerful cadres, I felt that my thinking could no longer keep up with the pace of reform and development, and I couldn't accept it." Xu Changde was able to win from Liang Tianzheng and Zhao Liting's group of competitors, and his relationship and connections played a considerable role.

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "I'm about to be sixty-four years old, but I still don't feel that I'm old. Are you implying that I'm old?"

Xu Changde smiled and said, "Secretary Gu, I don't mean that. I mean myself! I have high blood pressure and heart disease. I don't know when I went to see Marx!"

Gu Yun knows: "People's life is limited, and physiological aging is inevitable. In order to delay this aging, we cadres need to keep learning and accepting new things. In the past two years, I have often reflected on what I have done in the past. There are many things that I can do more. OK! "

Xu Changde said with the same feeling, "If time can go back, I think I will do better!" His words are from the bottom of his heart. If God gives him a chance to choose again, he will not make those low-level political mistakes. The ** that once moved him in the past seems to be not worth it at all, especially when he realizes the consequences that those things may bring to him. The fall of Li Guozheng, the mayor of Jiangcheng, was a huge blow and shock to Xu Changde. He just realized that what he had done in the past was quietly ruining his official career. He wanted to save all this and tried his best to save it, but the result was that he fell deeper and deeper and deeper, and he could not extricate himself.

Gu Yun knew: "In the past few years in Pinghai, the biggest regret is that I have not developed the economy in the northern part of Pinghai and shorten the gap in the northern part of Pinghai."

Xu Changde said, "This matter is my responsibility. I have been serving as the secretary of the municipal party committee in Jiangcheng. I have not allowed Jiangcheng, a leading city in the north of Pinghai, to give full play to its regional advantages and drive the economic development of the surrounding areas!"

Gu Yun knows: "Reform is a process of continuous exploration and learning. When we continue to deepen our leadership reform, our inherent thinking will often affect the process of reform. Compared with those young cadres, I feel more and more pressure, for fear that my aluminum misjudgment will affect the party and the country. Imaluable loss.

Xu Changde said, "Secretary Gu, you have done a good job!" He helped Gu Yunzhi pick up a pig's hoof with public chopsticks and said, "You should have found that I have promoted a group of young cadres recently."

Xu Changde nodded and said, "This is also in line with our party's cadre policy. The cadre team must be younger!"

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "Speaking of which, Qin Qing is still the F part you pulled up in one hand. It seems that you are still quite insightful!"

Xu Changde smiled and said, "Qin Qing has a higher education, is calm, and has a maturity beyond his peers. When he served as the secretary of the Jiangcheng League Municipal Party Committee, he has shown super working ability, so I gave Chunyang County to her at ease. It turns out that she can indeed bear this heavy responsibility!"

Gu Yun knows: "The party's training of a cadre is a long-term process. Just like you cook, some dishes must be stewed slowly. Only in this way can we really make a successful dish.

Xu Changde smiled and said, "I don't believe what Secretary Gu just said!"

Gu Yunzhi looked at Xu Changde.

Xu Changde explained, "You said you couldn't cook, but I listened and felt that you already had a master level!"

Gu Yunzhi did not lie. He is not a good cook, but he deserves the title of master. He is a master of management and a master of politics. Governing a big country is like cooking fresh food. How many people can't stand the temptation of fresh food and then slide into the abyss step by step. Since the death of Yang Shouyi, Secretary of the Chunyang County Party Committee, Gu Yunzhi has not given up the investigation of the current governor Xu Changde and taken a provincial and ministerial-level cadre, which is by no means an easy task. Therefore, Gu Yunzhi has always asked insiders to keep secrets and do not leak Yang Shouyi's words before his death Yang Shouyi was poisoned. Hou Baozhu, the leader of the working group of the most suspected Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the deputy secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, also had a strange car accident on the same day. This series of things can't be thought about. If all this has an unknown connection, then this invisible Lizhan alliance in Pinghai Province will Political arena.

Zhang Yang has shown on the phone that he has the solid evidence, but before Gu Yunzhi saw the evidence with his own eyes for a day, he still has to be cautious and not act rashly.

When Gu Yunzhi left No. 2 Jingjing Road, it rained in the sky. Xu Changde took an umbrella and wanted to see him off. Gu Yunzhi declined his kindness. He walked to the door and found that his daughter Gu Jiatong had come to the door to wait for him. An unspeakable warmth surged up in Gu Yunzhi's He walked to his daughter's home not far away.

"Secretary Gu, let's go!" Xu Changde waved goodbye.

Gu Yunzhi turned around and waved his hand, holding his daughter and walking into the wind and rain.

~ Zhang Yang was sitting in a taxi on this rainy night. In order not to attract the attention of others as much as possible, he chose to rent a car to Dongjiang. It rained heavily. The driver kept complaining about the terrible weather, and the speed could only be maintained at about 60. At this speed, it would be early tomorrow morning to arrive in Dong

Zhang Yang's mobile phone is always turned off. Guoan's training manual indicates that the current technology can track the location of the owner according to the mobile phone signal. Although he has not heard of such a thing in China, Zhang Yang does not want to take risks. Xu Changde was able to kill Yang Shouyi in full view of the public at the beginning, which was enough to prove his extraordinary ability. He was careful in Jing'an, and was still followed and killed by the people he sent by him many times. Xu Changde's old popularity can be seen"

If Yang Shoucheng did not lie to him, then the evidence in the black plastic bag should be enough to ruin Xu Changde's reputation. Zhang Yang calmed down from the initial excitement. If Gu Yun knew that they wanted to deal with Xu Changde mainly for the public, they wanted to eliminate the corrupt element. The party team brought him to justice, and Zhang Yang was selfish. At first, Zhang Yang did not know why Xu Changde targeted him. It was not until the Chunyang County Party Secretary Yang Shouyi died before he revealed this secret. Xu Changde hated him because of Hailan. He thought of Hailan and the first one he had after his rebirth. The woman, Zhang Yang's heart suddenly felt a tingling pain. Since the New Year's call, Hailan has never contacted him. Hailan pretended to be amnesia and then chose to leave his life. The fundamental reason is for his sake. Hailan is afraid that Zhang Yang will be retaliated by Xu Changde because of her.

After knowing Hailan's secret, Zhang Yang vowed to kill Xu Changde. He wanted Xu Changde to fall into the eternal deep test, so that he would never turn over. Only in this way can he give Hailan real freedom and truly free Hailan from this nightmare.

At this time, Zhang Yang did not know that Yang Shoucheng had been killed, nor did he know that the 500,000 yuan he gave Yang Shoucheng had been taken away. Zhang's official has never been much ** to Jin Cheng. Money is something outside his body. If he doesn't have it, it's gone. Can't he make money in the future? With his pair of skillful hands, it is easy to earn, not to mention 500,000 yuan, or even 500,000 yuan.