Medical official path

Chapter 201 Concession

Sanjun understands that it is too late to pass on the contradictions. Since Zhang Yang has Bu Pingqian to the province, he put pressure on the China Enterprise Bureau through the province to let the China Enterprise Bureau check the bank's accounts and prove that he has the ability to get this loan. Seeing Hong Weiki's intention, he doesn't want to help Individuals are a little old-fashioned and stick to the principle. I have also carefully verified the application of Jiangcheng Winery. They do meet the conditions for loans.

Hong Weiji said, aren't you looking for scolding? What did you do earlier? As the secretary of the Jiangcheng Municipal Party Committee, Hong Weiji has always had a positive attitude towards supporting local enterprises. Jiangcheng Winery did not find his head. If he was found, he would definitely speak for the winery. He Changjun was a cadre transferred from Lanshan, and he was a fellow villager. Hong Weiji still protected him in the bottom The positioning is a demon king. Although Hong Weiki doesn't like this kind of person, he doesn't want to take the initiative to provoke him. He Changjun caused trouble. It is necessary for Hong Weiki to remind him. Hong Weiki said, "Since you meet the conditions, try your best to do it. Why make everyone uncomfortable!"

Speaking of this step, He Changjun is a fool if he doesn't understand any more. At his level, there are still a lot of relationships. If you want to bow your head, you can't lose face too much. This requires an old peace. After thinking about it, this old man found Yan Xinjian, the deputy mayor. First, Yan Xinjian Come on, the whole process of Yan Xinjian's experience that day, and it's most appropriate for him to be the old man.

This dinner was paid for by Liu Jincheng, the director of Jiangcheng Distillery. In fact, He Changjun doesn't care about this meal, mainly because he can't afford to face it. Think about it, he didn't lend money to Jiangcheng Distillery at the beginning, but now he has changed his style because of the pressure of publicity He is a little shameless. He has to keep some self-esteem. Liu Jincheng has been hinted by He Changjun that there is still room for negotiation about the loan. Of course, this is good news for Liu Jincheng today. Not to mention asking him to treat him to a meal, he is willing to have ten meals.

At the suggestion of Vice Mayor Yan Xinjian, the location of the invitation that night was arranged in the municipal government. In order to show his sincerity, He Changjun specially called Qi Yanmei, the director of the Credit Department. Liu Jincheng came alone. Vice Mayor Yan Xinjian took his secretary Pan Haiyang and Zhang Yang to the banquet alone.

Zhang Yang came a little later, but he also arrived before the appointment at 6:30. He had heard from Liu Jincheng that He Changjun would come. He Changjun expected that he must have felt pressure, so he specially made such a scene to coordinate his relationship with himself. Due to the presence of Vice Mayor Yan Xinjian, Zhang Yang had to show a After saying hello to Yan Xinjian, he said hello to everyone present.

Yan Xinjian is very suitable for doing old work. He smiled and said to Zhang Yang and He Changjun, "Tonight, we are sitting together to clarify the misunderstandings of the past two days. They are all for work, but we can't turn different opinions on work into personal resentment.

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "The mayor of Yan and evil joked. I don't remember any misunderstanding. Work is work, life is life, two things!"

He Changjun also smiled.

After a few people sat down, the wine they drank was naturally Qingjiang special offering brought by Liu Jincheng. Yan Xinjian praised, "I have drunk so much famous wine, and it's still our Qingjiang special offering. Director Liu must find a way to spread the name of our winery. Let Qingjiang become a well-known brand in Jiangcheng, Pinghai, and even the whole country!"

Liu Jincheng took the opportunity to sigh, "I'm short of money!"

Qi Yan, director of the credit department, smiled and said, "Director Liu told us."

When He Changjun saw that the time was right, he immediately said, "I took back the application materials handed over by Director Liu that day and looked carefully. I found that the reform plan of the winery was very realistic and very touching. I think if Director Liu can really implement the reform steps according to your plan, it won't take long for the winery. It will definitely be revitalized and developed.

Listen to the voice. He Changjun's attitude from the beginning today is completely different from that of that day. Both Zhang Yang and Yan Xinjian have realized that his purpose today is to make concessions.

Yan Xinjian didn't know that since that day. What did Zhang Yang do again? However, He Changjun is also a difficult person to deal with. He, the deputy mayor, said that he put the loan amount to Jinwan. Now he can take the initiative to show his goodwill to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang must have poked his pain. Thinking through this floor, Yan Xinjian is also a little upset. He Changjun, He Changjun, you let me be a peacetimer today. You are afraid. You want to show your face, but have you ever thought about my face?

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Factory Director Liu, it seems that your loan is not a big problem."

He Changjun said, "Supporting local enterprises is the obligation and responsibility of our bank. As long as the enterprise is promising, we will give full help."

He Changjun's attitude changed so fast that Liu Jincheng couldn't react at all. It was not until Qi Yanmei, the director of the credit department, announced in public that the bank had approved the winery's loan of 10,000 yuan that Liu Jincheng believed that what had happened was the truth. He was so excited that he didn't know what to Dear leaders.

He Changjun took the initiative to drink with Zhang Yang and said, "Director Zhang, I'm really embarrassed that day. You may not know that there are regulations in our bank that loans exceeding the amount of thousands must be reported to the province. I really can't make the decision

Zhang Yang has learned something about the loan in the past two days. Who are you lying to? You wanted to make things difficult for me on purpose that day, otherwise you wouldn't have just promised to perfunctory me. Now you have agreed to the loan so happily. It's not because I went through the province and asked the China Enterprise Bureau to check your accounts. You're fucking afraid that something would happen, so you made such a concession. Since they have made concessions, they still have to take care of their face. Although they still don't like He Changjun in their hearts, do you think it's okay to admit your mistake? Wrong! It's not that easy to settle down. As long as I let me find your problem, you will also be unlucky. I said that if I want to take down your president, I must take you down.

Zhang Yang's political cultivation has obviously improved with the promotion of his official position. He has learned to hide his likes and dislikes for a person. Although he is very disgusted with He Changjun, he is now tolerant and generous. He smiled and said, "My temper was also a little aggressive that day. President He doesn't mind. Vice Mayor Yan is We are all responsible for our work, and there are no conflicts between us in the first place.

He Changjun was relieved when he heard Zhang Yang's words. He and Zhang Yang touched the glass and drank all the wine in the glass and praised, "What a good wine!"

Liu Jincheng advised, "If you drink good wine, drink two more cups!"

Vice Mayor Yan Xinjian laughed and said, "No matter how good the wine is, you can't drink too much!" At this time, his secretary Pan Haiyang whispered something in his ear. Yan Xinjian got up and said, "Please use it slowly. I have to take a step in advance!" After completing the task of peace, there is no need for him to stay here. What's more, he has some opinions about He Changjun in his heart. Is he very unhappy?

Strictly build a new building. Zhang Yang didn't want to stay any longer. He hated He Changjun unspeakably. Although the other party made concessions, he did not intend to make friends with such a person.

Because of the strong traffic control recently, Zhang Yang has no net. Liu Jincheng asked Zhang Yang to get on his golden cup van to make the driver Zhao Yong lonely. Zhang Yang didn't want Liu Jincheng to give it to him, but because of his courtesy, he still agreed.

After sending Zhang Yang back to the villa on the lakeside of Yayun, Liu Jincheng personally moved a box of wine. In the past few days, the Qingjiang special supply at Zhang Yang's home had piled up like a mountain. Looking at the van disappearing into the night, Zhang Yang shook his head helplessly. He returned home with the box of wine When I opened the cardboard box, I saw that there was a black plastic bag stuffed in addition to wine. When I opened it, there were a few crates of money in it. After a cursory look, it turned out to be as much as 50,000. Zhang Yang understood that this was given to him by Liu Jincheng, and he thanked him for helping him approve the

Liu Jincheng is obviously a person who repays kindness, but Zhang Yang doesn't like it. The reason why he helps Liu Jincheng. The initial starting point was because Xu Biao, Xu Biao helped him, and Liu Jincheng was Xu Biao's classmate. Zhang Yang has the element of repaying kindness. Of course, the main reason is that he first came to the enterprise reform office and wanted to make some political achievements. Zhang Yang's money is not **. Maybe it is his experience as a person The ** of beauty is even stronger.

After Zhang Yang entered the official career, he saw many people fall for money. This kind of money is hot, and compared with the future, it is undoubtedly stupid to take this kind of money.

Liu Jincheng received a phone call from Zhang Yang not far away. Zhang Yang's voice was very calm: "Factory Director Liu, take this box of wine back if you treat me as a friend, otherwise, don't step into the door of enterprise reform from today on."

Liu Jincheng was not reluctant. Ma Zhan asked the driver to turn back. When Liu Jincheng took the box of wine from Zhang Yang, he sighed a lot in his heart. There were too few cadres like Zhang Yang who were not moved by money. Without Zhang Yang, the 10,000 yuan loan could not be approved so smoothly. No With this money, the future reform plan of Jiangcheng Distillery will be completely failed. In a sense, Zhang Yang saved Jiangcheng Distillery.

Liu Jincheng said, "Director Zhang, your friend, I'll hand it over!"

Zhang Yang nodded with a smile. He likes people with a true temperament. Liu Jincheng is undoubtedly the same. He smiled and said, "If you treat me as a friend, don't be so polite. As long as I can help you, I will try my best to do it!"

Zhang Yang did what he said. With his help, not only was the loan of 10,000 yuan quickly in place, but also the advertisement of Qingjiang series wine was also signed a contract in the city, Taiwan, province and Taiwan, and the advertising fee can be delayed. Jiangcheng TV station has a policy of supporting local enterprises, which is naturally not a big problem. Pinghai Shaobin's relationship is settled. His old man is the Propaganda Minister of Pinghai Provincial Party Committee. Naturally, this kind of matter is not a problem. Liu Jincheng went to the provincial capital for this matter. He had to send a few boxes of Qingjiang special supplies to Chen Shaobin. As for the content, it is not known to outsiders;

After Hu Yinru's re-examation, after the coordination of Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory, we finally reached an agreement on the acquisition plan, and now we only wait for Gu Jiatong to come back to sign the contract.

Zhang Yang has not been in the enterprise reform for a long time, but the long-standing problems left by the two major enterprises, Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory and Jiangcheng Winery, have been solved by him. It can be said to be a remarkable achievement. Of course, it will take time to verify the future effect, at the Municipal Standing Committee. Hong Weiji, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, specially commended the matters of enterprise reform.

Zhang Yang heard from Li Changyu, the executive vice mayor, to convey this matter to him. Li Changyu smiled and said, "Zhang Yang, Secretary Hong of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee specially praised your work performance during this period of time. It's really good to be able to solve the problems of the two major enterprises in such a short time!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's just the beginning. When pharmaceutical factories and wineries can make a profit, I will be satisfied with merits."

Li Changyu seemed to know him again and looked at him up and down: "Ok, I feel that you are a little reborn. When did you become so dedicated?"

"I have always been dedicated to my work, but your eyes as leaders are used to looking at the distance and can't see the hard work of us at the bottom!"

Li Changyu laughed and reached out to touch the cigarette. Zhang Yang took out a lighter to help him light it: "Vice Mayor Li, you are becoming more and more addicted to smoking. Is there anything going wrong with you recently?"

Li Changyu pointed to the sofa, sat down on the sofa, touched the teacup on the coffee table and took a sip. Li Changyu said, "The affairs of the Education Bureau have caused a lot of ups and downs. Now the province is keeping an eye on us. Governor Song asked us to fundamentally solve the problems of the education system. Reform is not so easy."

Zhang Yang said, "Speaking of which, it's money. If you want teachers to go to class at ease, you have to let others see the benefits. No one can teach hungry, right?"

"Wages don't go up as soon as they go up. The country has a policy!"

"There are policies and countermeasures. In my opinion, the poorer the unit, the more worms there are. If you want to improve the benefits, you must kill the worms first!"

Li Changyu has been having a hard time recently. He is worried about the Jiangcheng education system. Song Huaiming, the new governor, has a bad impression of him. He went to the province for a meeting a few days ago and paid a special visit to Gu Yunzhi, the secretary of the provincial party committee. He wanted to hear some of his views on the Li Changyu was very disappointed that he didn't get any useful information from him. After Zuo Yuanchao recently settled in Lanshan in the national economic development zone, he did not give up his efforts. Recently, he has attracted several large-scale projects to settle in Jiangcheng, and his political achievements have performed well. Compared with the two, now Li Changyu has fallen into the trend. Recently, the only project that is possible to give him extra points is the Opening, the official opening day of the scenic spot is scheduled for September 18. It's close at hand.

Zhang Yang also came to Li Changyu this time for this matter. He promised Jiangcheng Winery to make a promotion for Jiangcheng Winery after the opening of the scenic spot, and also listed Qingjiang Special Supply as recommended wine for tourism.

Li Changyu said, "This matter is easy to do. You don't have to look for me at all. Just go to the tourism bureau and let me know!"

Zhang Yang said meaningfully, "But now we have not set up a comprehensive office for scenic spots, and a lot of power is concentrated on Hu Guanghai."

Li Changyu was so old-fashioned. Hearing Zhang Yang's words, he immediately understood that he was thinking about the enmity with Hu Guanghai. Zhang Yang had a big fall on Hu Guanghai. If it hadn't been for Hu Guanghai, he would not have left the Tourism Bureau. Li Changyu promised him at the beginning that this scenic spot was The office is a temporary unit. After a while, the office will be disbanded and Hu Guanghai will be hung up. Li Changyu smiled and said, "Don't do anything too quickly. In the past, there were two people fighting, and one of them took advantage of it, but he was always worried that the other party would retaliate against him. He was uneasy, so he became suspicious. He always felt that he didn't know when the other party would cheat him. This feeling was more uncomfortable than being beaten.

Zhang Yang understood that Li Changyu was dialing himself. He smiled and said, "I don't know if Hu Guanghai has such a quality.

"You'll know when you go to find him!"

Zhang Yang really went to Hu Guanghai for the advertisement of Jiangcheng Winery. Hu Guanghai was the person who took advantage of what Li Changyu said. Although he held a lot of power in the comprehensive office of the scenic spot, he gradually realized that all relevant units, including the Tourism Bureau, had resistance to him. The existence of the district comprehensive office is actually to share the power of others, and no one wants to let others share the functions and powers that originally belonged to them. The original intention of Li Changyu's establishment of this office was to arrange publicity. With the strength and ability of publicity, we can definitely make this comprehensive office of the scenic area work well. But Hu Guanghai is different. He is not a strong person in the first place. In addition, Li Changyu will not support him like a ostentatious person, so his work is overstretched everywhere, and he has received a lot of control. Now the main task of the comprehensive management office of the scenic spot is the public security and sanitation of the scenic area. It's not even as strong as when Hu Guanghai was in the Tourism Bureau.

When Zhang Yang appeared in Hu Guanghai's office, Hu Guanghai's heart fluttered and accelerated. He still remembers Zhang Yang's slap in the face. Although he did not fall behind in the end, and even took a small advantage, that advantage made it difficult for him to sleep and eat, especially after Zhang Yang was promoted to deputy not long ago. He began to realize what a powerful enemy he had set up.

Zhang Yang did not regard Hu Guanghai as an opponent. There is only one reason. He thinks that Hu Guanghai is not worthy, if it comes to fear. Hu Guanghai's wife is more powerful. Thinking that when the seven sisters scolded the street, the strong officials could only run away from the wind.

Zhang Yang is now more and more able to control his emotions and put aside personal grudges. Work is work. He mentioned the advertisement of Jiangcheng Winery to Hu Guanghai, and hung the advertising flag sponsored by Jiangcheng Winery on the road leading to the old street.

As soon as Zhang Yang said this idea, Hu Guanghai shook his head and said, "This can't be done!"

Zhang Yang was stunned as soon as he heard it, Hu Guanghai, Hu Guanghai, I came here today to give you face. You are so shameless that his face suddenly stiffed: "Why not?"

Hu Guanghai said, "The matter of the advertising flag has been chartered by Chunyang Longxing Winery, and the money has been handed over by others. I can't recommend it to others, can I?"

"Longxing?" Zhang Yang remembered that when he was in Chunyang, he had beat Diao Dezhi, the director of Longxing Distillery. He didn't expect that his arm was so long that he stretched directly to Jiangcheng.

Hu Guanghai said, "He is now a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and Chairman Ma of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference came to say hello."

Zhang Yang said, "In this case, let's find a place for Jiangcheng Distillery on the old day and have a promotion activity."

Hu Guanghai shook his head again and said, "No, the director of Longxing Winery asked us to open the park in the scenic area within a month. Advertisements from other liquor manufacturers shall not be accepted.

Zhang Yang is a little angry. What is this Diao Dezhi? How dare he make such a request! He suppressed his anger and said, "It's simply unreasonable. Is it a monopoly? Did you write the contract?"

Hu Guanghai's eyelids drooped in the newspaper: "Chairman Ma said hello, and I can't do it!" His meaning is the most obvious. Don't embarrass me. I have the guts to find Chairman Ma of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Zhang Yang said, "Jiangcheng Winery is a national enterprise mainly supported by our city. It is just a promotion activity. Is it so difficult?"

Hu Guang, Hai didn't say a word, saying that you don't play tricks on me, and I don't have the power to do it. If you want to find me, there is no way. I won't pay attention to you at all.

Zhang Yang did not embarrass Hu Guanghai. He called Vice Mayor Yan Xinjian in front of Hu Guanghai. Telephone, it is reasonable that Li Changyu is older than Yan Xinjian's official, and the tourism belongs to the part under Li Changyu's charge, but Zhang Yang is clear that now Jiangcheng Distillery has been treated unfairly, and Yan Xinjian, the deputy mayor in charge of the industry, should take the lead for the winery. Since Ma Yimin, chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, was able to stand up for Diao Dezhi of Chunyang Longxing Winery, Yan Xinjian should also make some efforts to be in charge of state-owned enterprises. This is called passing on the contradiction. Zhang Yang and Ma Yimin have no contact with him. It is meaningless for him to come directly.

When Yan Xinjian heard about this, he also felt that Longxing Distillery, a private enterprise, was too domineering. Why do you dominate the tourism resources of Jiangcheng? After hanging up the phone, he went to communicate with Ma Yimin, chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Ma Yimin is very good at playing Tai Chi. He just said that it is not clear about this matter. Jiangcheng's tourism resources are everyone's. Anyone who engages in promotion and publicity is welcome. With Ma Yimin's words, Yan Xinjian directly reached the comprehensive management office of the scenic spot. He asked Hu Guanghai to actively and seriously assist Jiangcheng Winery in doing a good job in publicity and promotion.

One pocket. Hu Guanghai in the circle still agreed to this matter.

Zhang's face drooped down. It's not that you, Hu Guanghai, can't do it, but deliberately make things difficult for me. It's shameless, isn't it? I'm going to be generous to you, but you want to die by yourself. You can't blame me anymore.

When Zhang Yang left the comprehensive management office of the scenic spot, he saw a Duke with a license plate of Chunyang County parked in front of the door. It was Diao Dezhi of Longxing Winery in Chunyang County who got off the car. Diao Dezhi is a well-known private entrepreneur in Chunyang. In the past two years, his business At that time, he was disrespectful to Hailan and was severely beaten by Zhang Yang. He still remembers it vividly. Diao Dezhi has not seen Zhang Yang for a long time, and he does not know that the deputy director of the Heishanzi Township Family Planning Office has now reached the deputy department level. As the deputy director of Jiangcheng Enterprise Reform Office, he is still quite afraid of Zhang Yang. Didn't you dare to say hello to Zhang Yang and hurried into the comprehensive management office of the scenic spot with two bodyguards?

Zhang Yang was in his car, but when he saw the duke king beside him, he suddenly remembered the experience of taking Chu Yanran to Qingtai Villa for dinner, and a bad smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

When Hu Guanghai saw Zhang Yang's front foot leaving, Diao Dezhi's back foot came. He said with a wry smile, "Factory Director Diao, you came just in time. Jiangcheng Winery is going to carry out promotion activities. Vice Mayor Yan called. I was about to inform you."

Diao Dezhi was anxious as soon as he heard it: "I said Director Hu, I didn't say that our Longxing Winery is the exclusive sponsor of scenic drinks. I have paid all the advertising fees. How can you let other manufacturers come in again?

Hu Guanghai said, "I don't count. I can't press it down. I have no choice but to execute it!" He paused and said, "The one who just left is the deputy director of Jiangcheng Enterprise Reform Office, who helped Jiangcheng Distillery with this promotion. Director Diao, I think this matter is over. Anyway, they are all enterprises in Jiangcheng. You can develop together!"

Diao Dezhi was silent. After thinking about it, he said, "That's also the top score. The conspicuous places at the entrance of the ancient city wall and the old street have to be assigned to us. Although we and Jiangcheng Winery are both enterprises in Jiangcheng, we sell liquor, and we are in a competitive relationship with each other. They That's less. This time I want to fight for an inch of land. Diao Dezhi was born as a farmer, so he didn't know what common development is.

Hu, the basket didn't make a statement

Diao Dezhi thought he was still hesitating and saw that it was almost time to get off work. He took the initiative to invite, "Director Hu, I'll treat you to dinner. Let's have a good chat in the evening."

Diao Dezhi gave Hu Guanghai a lot of benefits because of the advertisement, so Hu Guanghai was embarrassed to refuse his invitation. He simply cleaned up and went out with Diao Dezhi. When he went out of the door, he found that the Duke's four tires were all flat. Diao Dezhi's two bodyguards came over and saw at The silk knife was stabbed out.

After all, this is an acre of land in Hu Guanghai. He is still a little majestic and said angrily, "Who? Is this? Unwarned?"

Diao Dezhi is the most obvious one. Don't ask, it must be Zhang Yang's work. At the beginning, he stabbed his tire in Qingtai Villa. Today, he gave it back to him. Diao Dezhi is angry and funny. Is this also a national cadre? He was a pure first-class turg. He knew the loss and asked the bodyguard to find someone to repair the tire quickly, and he took a taxi to Futianju with Hu Guanghai.

After Diao Dezhi and Hu Guanghai entered Futianju, Zhang Yang also appeared outside the gate in his jeep. He followed them all the way. After all, Zhang Guanren is an agent of Guoan, and he still has some tracking skills. Hu Guanghai's behavior today made him angry, and new hatred and old hatred surged into his heart. Hu Guanghai has a good calculation of this account. After Zhang Yang confirmed the where they were going, he called Jiang Liang. Jiang Liang was a professional. He asked Jiang Liang to play with two police officers. Tonight, he helped him keep an eye on these two people and tried to help him find their problems.

Although Jiang Liang felt that Zhang Yang was a little nonsense, he still agreed to his request because of his friend's love, but he didn't expect that there was something wrong with this staring.

There is a saying that flies don't bite seamless eggs, and Diao Dezhi himself is not a good thing. His business has been booming in recent years. The fundamental reason is to send it. He not only dares to send it, but also knows how to send it. He is also very clear about Hu Guanghai's temper. He knows that Hu Guanghai is a strict wife at home. His wife Zhao Jinlian is a famous tough woman, but wherever there is oppression, there will He hides very deep. Diao Dezhi actually touched his temper. When he was drunk at night, he took Hu Guanghai to the Royal Holiday. The Royal Holiday is a newly opened bath. The so-called bath is just a cover, and there are some erotic management in it?

Jiang Liang sent the little police to stare at Diao Dezhi and Hu Guanghai all the way to the door of the Royal Holiday. After asking Jiang Liang, they also changed their plain clothes and followed him in.

The Royal Holiday belongs to Nanping District. Jiang Liang is the deputy director of the Development Zone Bureau. At the beginning, he only came out of the purpose of helping Zhang Yang. However, he heard two subordinates report that there was a good service in it, and the scale was very large. He immediately realized that this matter was not simple, so he quickly called Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang came to his spirits as soon as he heard this kind of thing. He was about to catch Hu Guanghai's problem. Now it's good. He not only caught it, but also caught a big handle. He said to Jiang Liang, "Fight them all!"

Jiang Liang is clear-headed than the publicity at this point. There must be a backstage who dares to open such a sexy * place in the downtown area, and he is the deputy director of the Development Zone Bureau. Taking action is a cross-district action, and it is hard to say within the Public Security Bureau.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "If he has a backstage, I don't have a backstage?" I'm in charge of the field bureau, you just send someone to catch me. Remember, you must catch both of them for me. I'm going to kill Hu this time, and the sea can't turn over."

Jiang Liang learned about Zhang Yang's backstage, otherwise he would not have become the youngest deputy in the history of Jiangcheng at a young age.

The relationship between Zhang Yang and Tian Qinglong is well known. The more Jiang Liang thinks about this matter, the more reliable it is. What's wrong with the cross-district action? Now is a great opportunity to make contributions. He is also thinking about taking a step forward all day long, and no one wants to always be a deputy.

occupies the number. At that point, a sensational anti-pornography operation suddenly began. Jiang Liang, deputy director of the Development Zone Bureau, dispatched an ugly police officer and rushed into the royal holiday like a divine soldier from the sky. He arrested men and women who were prostitutes from the facts.

When Zhang Yang greeted Tian Qinglong, Tian Qinglong had just finished taking a shower and was about to go to bed. Hearing this, Tian Qinglong's first reaction was anger: "I said Zhang Yang, are you confused about the promotion? You are responsible for the enterprise reform office. It's not the Public Security Bureau. When is it your turn to interfere in the affairs of our Public Security Bureau?

Zhang Yang said with a playful smile, "Tian Bureau, I'm investigating the enterprise reform, but the people I investigate have to go whoring. Hasn't this nature changed? So I can only turn to your public security organ. I'm not familiar with others, so I can only find my own buddy.

Tian Qinglong was angry, but he also hated the phenomenon of selling ** whoring. He put down Zhang Yang's phone and called Jiang Liang.

Jiang Liang made a simple report to Tian Qinglong. Today's action was very successful. A total of Miss Yang was arrested. At present, the case is under investigation;

Tian Qinglong didn't say much, but asked Jiang Liang to handle it impartially and put down the phone. Tian Qinglong frowned. He was not familiar with the situation of the royal holiday, but he could conclude that the backstage boss would soon surface. He looked at the phone on the table with calm and calm eyes. He believed that the phone would ring in a long time.

The first person to call was Dong Dezhi, deputy director of Jiangcheng Public Security Bureau. He called Shengtian Bureau, and then turned the topic to tonight's action: "Tian Bureau, did you order the palace holiday to check?"

Tian Qinglong didn't say yes or no. He said indifferently, "What's wrong? Did someone ask you to make an affair?

"That's not true, but it's a little troublesome. The palace holiday Taiwan joint venture involves a lot of complexity."

What Tian Qinglong hates most is that others beat around the bush with him. He said impatiently, "Lao Dong, just explain to me what you know. Don't hesitate with me!"

"One of the shareholders of the Royal Holiday is Ma Yiliang, Chairman Ma's younger brother!"

Tian Qinglong had long expected that this matter would not be so simple, so Dong Dezhi said that the brother of the chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference was involved, which did not surprise him too much. He calmly said, "What's wrong?"

"Not only him, but also Vice Mayor Li's son is also a shareholder. I'm afraid this matter is a little troublesome!"

Tian Qinglong frowned. He whispered, "Lao Dong, it seems that you are very clear about the royal holiday!"


, my wrist is a little injured, and the typing is a little slow. The update is a little late. Sorry, it's the end of the month. I'm going to ask for a monthly ticket! Octopus is really needed! (to be continued)