Medical official path

Chapter 209 The moon represents my heart

Several people dispersed at five o'clock in the morning. At this time, the sky was already bright. Zhang Yang saw Yu Xiaodong playing Tai Chi in the yard in a white practice suit. Thinking of using her to deter the police last night, he unconsciously smiled and walked to Yu Xiaodong and found that Yu Xiaodong's Tai Chi was really lame. Xiaodong was also a little embarrassed. He stopped and said, "I just learned from him, and his posture is not standard. Make Director Zhang laugh!"

Zhang Yang said, "It looks okay, but there is no problem for a laymen! How is your body?"

Yu Xiaodong said, "It's okay. I fainted at that time and hit my head!"

"Thank you!"

Yu Xiaodong was a little stunned and said, "Thank me for what?"

"Not everyone dares to stand up in that situation, Sister Yu, you are really a heroine!"

Yu Xiaodong smiled and said, "Is Director Zhang considering promoting me?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's done. As long as you want, I will transfer you to Jiangcheng Enterprise Reform Office!"

Yu Xiaodong shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'm used to staying in Beijing now, and I don't want to change places. I plan to buy a house in Beijing in the future and take root here." What she said is true. She really doesn't have much place to miss in Chunyang, but recently she heard a news that Zhu Heng, the new county party secretary in the county, wants to move her position. She is also very nervous. Unfortunately, it is not enough for Zhu Heng's relationship. This time, Zhang Yang has always wanted to mention this matter to him to see I can't help. But she didn't want to mention it rashly. She whispered, "Director Zhang, let's go out for breakfast!"

Zhang Yang smiled bitterly and said, "I just finished drinking the night wine, and I'm going to have breakfast now?"

Yu Xiaodong thought about it. She smiled shyly and said, "Director Zhang, go and have a rest!"

At this time, I saw Liu Jincheng from Jiangcheng Winery coming in from the outside. He has been busy introducing packaging production lines for the past two days. He often comes back very late. He didn't return all night last night and yawned and said, "I'm exhausted. I drank with two Koreans all night. These high-level sticks are really good to drink!"

Zhang Yang said, "Have you settled your business?"

Liu Jincheng said, "After looking at a few packaging production lines, they are still the cheapest for Koreans, and they have been decided.

Yu Xiaodong smiled and said, "Factory Director Liu is really dedicated to Jiangcheng Winery." Liu Jincheng said, "If it goes on like this, you will die!"

Zhang Yang said with a smile, "I'm sure I can recognize a martyr and live in Babao Mountain."

Liu Jincheng laughed and said, "Director Zhang, don't bury me. I don't have that blessing in my life."

"The world is unpredictable!"

"Even if I can go, I won't go. Why should I bury it there? At my level, I can't even line up my shoes!" He yawned again and said, "I need to have a good sleep. Director Yu, book a sleeper for me, and I'll go back to Jiangcheng!"

Yu Xiaodong said, "Don't you take a plane?"

Liu Jincheng nodded and said, "It's better to take the train!"

Looking at Liu Jincheng's back, Zhang Yang shook his head sympathetically. When he came to Jincheng, he was still very pragmatic. If the business leaders in Jiangcheng were like him, those enterprises would be different.

He turned to Yu Xiaodong and said, "I'm suddenly a little hungry. Let's go and eat early!"

Yu Xiaodong laughed. She and Zhang Yang left the Beijing office and came to Shaxian snacks diagonally opposite and asked for breakfast.

Although Zhang Yang had just finished drinking, he didn't eat anything. He drank wontons with relish and finally noticed that Yu Xiaodong wanted to stop talking. He couldn't help laughing and said, "Sister Yu, do you have something to do? Yu Xiaodong nodded. Only then did he tell him that Chunyang's office in Beijing might face changes. Zhang Yang and Zhu Heng, the current secretary of Chunyang, are not familiar with each other, but with his relationship, it should not be a problem to talk to Zhu Heng. He readily agreed, "Sister Yu, don't worry, I'll talk to Secretary Zhu about this matter when I go back!"

Yu Xiaodong knew Zhang Yang's energy. As long as he promised himself, nothing could not be done. She smiled and said, "Thank you for your kindness. I will repay Director Zhang's kindness in the future."


After breakfast, Zhang Yang rested for a while. A phone call for his private agent Liu Ming. When Liu Ming came, he still brought a bunch of photos. Although Zhang Yang was not in Beijing, Liu Ming still did not forget his mission. He took time to stare at Lin Yuwen and Wang Xuehai. He still took some photos. Of. But the photos he took are not very valuable. Zhang Yang looked at it casually, but one of the photos still aroused his idea. This is a photo of Wang Xuehai and Qiao Pengfei. He is very familiar with several people in the photo. They are all familiar faces that appeared in Zijin Pavilion last night. Zhang Yang said, "Where was this photo taken?"

Liu Ming said, "Last night in Zijin Pavilion, I followed Wang Xuehai to take a few pictures at the door!"

Zhang Yang was shocked. From the time he had a conflict with Qiao Pengfei until now, he did not expect Wang Xuehai to be present. If Wang Xuehai was present, there must be another inside story about this matter. Is Qiao Pengfei's behavior related to Wang Xuehai?

Seeing that Zhang Yang was silent, Liu Ming couldn't help but be curious and said, "Is there something wrong with Director Zhang? Zhang Yang shook his head and smiled, "It's not a big deal!" He continued to look at the photos and found that there were several photos of Wang Xuehai and Gu Mingjian together. Not only did he frown again, but Gu Yunzhi sent Gu Mingjian to Beijing. The purpose is to let him be a new person and try to stay away from the group of friends in Pinghai. Unexpectedly, this boy hangs out with Wang Xuehai again.

Zhang Yang contains the photos. Putting it back into the envelope, he has become more and more wary of Wang Xuehai. In the past, he has not had the idea of dealing with Wang Xuehai, but after what happened last night was linked with Wang Xuehai, Zhang Yang has locked Wang Xuehai as the biggest suspect. He wants to teach Wang Xuehai a lesson.

Liu Ming said, "Director Zhang, Wang Xuehai has traveled extensively in the capital: he is very talented!"

Zhang Yang smiled disdainfully. At this time, his phone rang, but it was Chu Yanran's call. It turned out that Chu Yanran was invited by Luo Huining to go shopping with her in the morning. Her grandmother wanted Zhang Yang to go to the Great Wall Hotel to pick her up at the Forbidden City. He was duty-bound to do this matter, and he readily agreed.

On the way to pick up the old lady at the Great Wall Hotel, Zhang Yang received another phone call from Liu Yuying. Liu Yuying wanted him to arrange a meeting with the old lady. Zhang Yang hesitated for a moment and did not answer immediately. After all, he did not know Margaret's attitude. He had to ask others for instructions on this matter. Liu Just ask him to convey his meaning to Margaret.

Zhang Yang drove the Santana of Chunyang's Beijing office. I picked up Margaret at the Great Wall Hotel and took her straight to the Forbidden City. The old lady didn't blow the air conditioner, and the weather in Beijing was particularly hot these two days. Zhang Yang was so hot that he sweated profusely.

Margaret sat on the co-driver's seat and looked at Zhang Yang and couldn't help laughing: "I had a good time last night! Yanran said that your martial arts are very good, and I don't believe it yet!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "If I couldn't do martial arts, wouldn't I have been beaten up last night!"

Margaret said, "It's the same thing not to be beaten. It's another thing to dare to come up for Yanran. You left a good impression on me!"

Zhang Yang really can't laugh or cry. Although the old lady is old, she has a childish temper. He deliberately said, "Is grandma going to Jing'an this time?"

Margaret looked at Zhang Yang meaningfully and said, "Do you want to ask me if I'm going to Jing'an to meet that bastard Chu Zhennan?"

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing. The old lady was bright-eyed. After she said a word, she heard what she meant.

Margaret said, "Go, why don't you go? He owes me, and I don't owe him. Why should I hide from him!"

Zhang Yang said, "The gap between Yanran and Uncle Song is very deep!"

Margaret smiled and said, "I don't want their father and daughter to do this, but Yanran is stubborn. She blames her mother's death on her father all the time. Maybe only time can repair their relationship."

"Uncle Song's wife wants to see you!" Zhang Yang took the opportunity to talk about it.

Margaret was stunned for a moment. Song Huaiming's wife was her own daughter, but she immediately realized that what Zhang Yang was talking about Song Huaiming's current wife. She nodded slowly and said, "I want to see her, too." Well, let's make an appointment for coffee at noon!"

Throughout the morning, Zhang Yang accompanied Margaret in the Forbidden City and came to the pre-arreserved cafe at 12 noon.

Liu Yuying has arrived here 15 minutes before the appointed time. By doing so, she not only showed respect for Margaret, but also showed her tension and expectations for this meeting.

Margaret looked at Liu Yuying; there was a kind smile on her face: "I've heard about you for a long time. But I've never seen you!"

"Good, auntie!" Liu Yuying whispered.

Zhang Yang smiled at Liu Yuying. He made an excuse to go out to wash the car and leave them a separate conversation.

Margaret took a sip of the coffee and whispered, "I'd better call you Yuying!"

Liu Yuying felt a burst of excitement in her heart. Before she came to see Margaret, she didn't expect the old lady's attitude to be so kind.

Margaret said, "Although Jingzhi is dead. But I think Huai Ming is still my child. Over the years, I don't want to go back to China because Jingzhi's death makes me very sad. I have lost hope and I have lost my future. I know that, including Yanran, blame Huai Ming for her death. One year after Jingzhi's death, I don't want to think about I closed myself until one day, I received a phone call..."

Margaret's hand stopped there. She whispered, "No one spoke on the other end of the phone. After a long time, I heard someone in Wu. It was a man's voice. He cried very sadly. I had never heard such a desperate and painful cry... Later, I heard a girl crying... I can't forget, I I can never do it. At that moment, I suddenly understood!"

Margaret's eyes were covered with tears: "I'm not the only one in the world who suffers for Jingzhi's death."

Liu Yuying burst into tears. She pulled out a tissue and silently wiped the tears off her face.

Margaret said, "From that day on. Yanran was taken away from Huai Ming by her grandfather. For many years, I know that Huai Ming must be very painful to have a drought. Yuying, you should understand the meaning of love. Jingzhi chose Huai Ming when she was alive, and Huai Ming also chose her. What right do they have to blame me as a mother?

Liu Yuying nodded, and her eyes were red. Margaret was undoubtedly enlightened. She did not hate Song Huaiming. She respected her daughter's choice. Liu Yuying said, "Auntie, I love Huai Ming, but I know that Huai Ming's love for me can never be compared with Sister Jingzhi. I have never expected to I just want to take good care of Huai Ming.

Margaret didn't say anything, with a faint smile on her face.

Liu Yuying said, "Huaiming rarely reveals what's on his mind, but what he longs most in his heart is to make up with Yanran and hear Yanran call him father. If Yanran can forgive him, I am willing to do everything!"

Margarita whispered, "Yuying, although it's our first time to meet, I can also see that your love for Huai Ming comes from the bottom of my heart. We can't help Yanran and her father's problem. This knot needs to be solved by themselves.

" She picked up the spoon and stirred it twice in the coffee cup: "Yangran will slowly mature. When she understand true love, she will understand what happened to her mother, and she will gradually understand her father. Yuying, believe me, this day won't be long.


Tian Ling received an anonymous letter and opened the anonymous letter, in which many photos were scattered, which were photos of her husband Wang Xuehai and a strange woman. From the photos, it could not be seen that there was anything special between the two, but Tian Ling still felt a little uncomfortable. There is also a letter in it, which clearly writes the woman's name and address, and even when her bar opened, Wang Xuehai's investment is very detailed. Tian Ling is not a simple-minded woman. The first thing she thought of was that the person who sent the letter wanted to instigate the relationship between her and her husband. She knew Wang Xuehai's body very well and knew that he had some physiological problems. He is not enthusiastic about things between men and women, and even a little repulsive. What he is really interested in is money. Tian Ling never asked about her husband's business. She put away the photos and planned to ask about it clearly.

But a subsequent anonymous phone call made Tian Ling more and more strange.

The phone call came from a man: "Tian Ling, have you received the letter?"

Tian Ling asked warily, "Who are you?" Why did you send me these things?"

The other party laughed and said, "I just think you are too pitiful. I don't want you to be deceived by Wang Xuehai, a hypocrite!"

"Do you want to provoke our relationship?"

"Is it necessary? Do you know how many years Wang Xuehai and Lin Yuwen have been together? Did you know that Wang Xuehai opened a bar for her behind your back and bought a house for her? I just don't like it. It's so pitiful for a woman to be deceived like this!"

"Shut up!" Tian Ling said angrily.

The other party hung up the phone with a sneer.

It was Liu Ming who called. He did this according to Zhang Yang's instructions. Zhang Yang speculated that after Wang Xuehai planned the Zijin Pavilion incident behind his back, he had a great antipathy to him. From today on, he wanted Wang Xuehai to have no peace forever.


September 30 is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Du Shankui and his wife held a banquet at home to entertain Margaret from the United States. They also invited Vice Premier Wen's family, but Wen Guoquan has other arrangements, and the family can't make a trip. Du Shankui and his wife inevitably have some ideas in their minds. It seems that the two Gradually, seeing the loss in his parents' eyes, Du Tianye couldn't help blaming himself secretly.

That night, Du Shankui's other two sons also came with their daughter-in-law. Their daughter Du Tianqing and her husband Yuan Tao came specially from Shanxi. All the members of the Du family have arrived. In addition, there are Margaret and Chu Yanran.

Zhang Yang specially brought a box of Maotai and a box of red wine, and Margaret also brought gifts to everyone in the Du family.

Song Huaiming is the last one to arrive, and this time he came. And Liu Yuying also came with him. When Chu Yanran saw her father coming, her beautiful face suddenly lost her smile. She turned around and walked out, but was caught by her grandmother. Margaret smiled and said, "Yanran, I invited them to come with me!"

Although Chu Yanran felt uncomfortable, since her grandmother made such a decision, she could only obey it. Seeing Zhang Yang walking over to greet Song Huaiming, a resentment in his heart fell on him, and he stared at Zhang Yang fiercely.

Zhang Yangquan didn't see it. After a while, he came to Chu Yanran's side and said with a smile, "Tianye called us to play cards!"

"I won't go!" Chu Yanran's beautiful face showed displeasure.

At this time, Liu Yuying came over and said with a smile, "Yanran!"

Chu Yanran's long black eyelashes fell down, and she raised her arm: "I want to go out for a walk!"

Zhang Yang was pulled out by her. Liu Yuying looked at Chu Yanran's back and couldn't help showing a trace of loneliness.

Zhang Yang was pulled out of the door of the Du family by Chu Yanran and complained bitterly, "Why did I say you pinch me?"

Chu Yanran's beautiful eyes stared round: "Look at your charming look, my uncle made me goosebumps come out!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "He is the governor of Pinghai, and that's what I have. Seeing that he is older than me, I can't help but want to pat the horse. It's an old problem. I can't control it!"

Chu Yanran couldn't help laughing and said, " Shameless!"

Zhang Yang said, "I still have to declare that what happened tonight has nothing to do with me. You go to your grandma!"

Chu Yanran said, "I really don't know what she thinks?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "We are the daughter of a large family, and we still need to be generous about some things!"

"You mean I'm mean, I'm stingy"

" No! You know, I'm on your side! I don't care what others think. What I care about is sweet words. Just coax me!"

Zhang Yang hugged Chu Yanran's slender waist, stretched out his finger to the night sky and said, "You asked me how deeply I love you, and the moon represents my heart..." But now most of the moon is hidden in the clouds, and this guy's expression can't help but be a little embarrassed: "Big fifteen, what do you think this moon

"That's your heart. I don't know how many things are hidden from me!"

The night wind is light. The clouds covering the bright moon suddenly dissipated, and Zhang Yang cleared his throat: "Well, it didn't count just now!" He reached out and pointed to the night sky again and said, "You ask me how much I love you, and the moon represents my heart!"

Chu Yanran looked at the bright moon like a silver plate in the air, and an unspeakable warmth rose in Fang's heart. She snuggled up in her open arms and whispered, "I believe that no matter what others do, you are always on my side!"

Perhaps he realized that he had caused trouble to his daughter because of his arrival. Song Huaiming said goodbye after staying for more than an hour. Margaret asked Zhang Yang to see him off. Zhang Yang and Du Tianye sent Song Huaiming and his wife out of the house. Liu Yuying got into the car first. Song Huaiming asked the driver to drive to Say it to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang and Song Huaiming walked side by side to the gate. He thought that Song Huaiming would mention Chu Yanran's matter, but he did not expect that Song Huaiming's topic was related to Jiangcheng.

Song Huaiming said, "The province attaches great importance to the case of Tian Qinglong's assassination. According to the latest investigation by the task force, this matter has been initially identified as a retaliatory murder. As the investigation progresses, more and more doubts have been locked in the palace holiday.

Zhang Yang frowned. He didn't think of the shareholders of the palace holiday, because that incident would remove Tian Qinglong's mind. If they want to hate, what they hate most now should be himself.

Song Huaiming said, "You must be careful when you return to Jiangcheng!" The purpose of saying this sentence is not just to remind Zhang Yang. She is also worried about her daughter's safety. When Yanran returns to China at this time, she must have spent a lot of time with Zhang Yang. If someone wants to retaliate against Zhang Yang, will she consider starting from Yanran?

Zhang Yang understood what Song Huaiming was worried about. He nodded and said, "Uncle Song, don't worry, I will definitely solve this matter as soon as possible!"

Song Huaiming was slightly stunned and didn't know what he meant by the solution. Song Huaiming sighed and said, "The public security in Jiangcheng should be well rectified. The province has decided to transfer Tian Qinglong to the deputy director of the provincial department. Rong Pengfei, deputy director of Dongjiang Public Security Bureau, was transferred to Jiangcheng Public Security Bureau to preside over the work!"

Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment. He still knew something about Rong Pengfei. At the beginning, Rong Pengfei was handling the case of beating the Japanese in Dongjiang Bailemen. This person was very smooth and had a good relationship with Zhou Yunfan. At that time, he was still the director of Guangsheng Branch. Unexpectedly, he had just been promoted to deputy In the meantime, he was promoted to the director of Jiangcheng Public Security Bureau. This person's promotion speed is really fast!

Zhang Yang was keenly aware that Rong Pengfei must have some background, and said sideways, "Uncle Song and Director Rong are very familiar with each other?"

Song Huaiming laughed. Zhang Yang was exploring the relationship between him and Rong Pengfei. He did not hide Zhang Yang's intention: "Rong Pengfei is my friend. He is a good person and has a strong ability!" This sentence is equivalent to indirectly admitting that Rong Pengfei's superiority this time is directly related to him.

Zhang Yang clicked that Song Huaiming's topic was very fluttering, and he shifted to the matter of enterprise reform without warning: "I heard that Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory was acquired by Secretary Gu's daughter?"

In his heart, Song Huaiming will never mention this matter for no reason. He is exploring his relationship with Gu Jiatong in this way. Zhang Yang's expression was like Gujing. He nodded and said, "It has been completed. The matter of signing the contract after the holiday is over. Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory and Jiangcheng Winery are important pilots of our Jiangcheng enterprise reform. If it can be successful, we will promote the experience."

Song Huaiming said meaningfully: "The pace of deepening reform is unstoppable, but you should grasp yourself in the process of reform. We must be clear-headed and clear-minded between public and private. His words were a pun, which not only reminded Zhang Yang of what to do, but also warned him what not to do.

Zhang Yang was silent. It is difficult to hide Song Huaiming's eyes from Song Huaiming's eyes. Song Huaiming's clear mind and deep scheming can definitely compete with Gu Yunzhi.

Unconsciously, he has come to the gate. Song Huaiming smiled and said, "Go back. You've been out for a long time. I'm afraid I'm going to blame you again!"

Zhang Yang smiled unconsciously and turned around and left.

Song Huaiming walked slowly to the Mercedes-Benz in front of him. His wife Liu Yuying was waiting in front of the car. He walked over and took the initiative to hold Liu Yuying's hand. The two did not get on the car, but walked slowly along the boulevard in the moonlight. He was silently comforting his wife in this . In fact, Liu Yuying can't choose to come at all, because she doesn't have to bear these grievances. Song Huaiming always believes that even if there is a mistake, it is herself who is wrong. Liu Yuying is innocent. It is precisely because she chose herself that she has just followed so many grievances.

Liu Yuying smiled gently and said, "It's rare for us to have such a walk.

"These years. I was busy with my work and ignored my concern for you. I'm really not a good husband!" Song Huaiming whispered.

Liu Yuying smiled and said, "From the day I chose you, I have accepted everything about you. You will always be perfect in my heart!" When she said this, Liu Yuying still had a little sadness in her heart. She didn't know if she was as perfect in her husband's heart. She immediately gave a negative answer. She thought that in Song Huaiming's heart, the most perfect one was always Chu Jingzhi, a living person, who could never be compared with the dead.


Not every family may spend the Mid-Autumn Festival in laughter. Wang Xuehai and Tian Ling came out of their parents' house and just got into the car. Wang Xuehai shouted angrily, "What's wrong with you? With a face all night, do my parents owe you money?

Tian Ling slowly closed her beautiful eyes and said weakly, "Drive, I don't want to quarrel with you!"

Wang Xuehai just hit the engine, but because of Tian Ling's words. Turning out the engine, he stared at Tian Ling and said, "What's your attitude? You can say that you feel uncomfortable. Who do you want to show it to? What do you eat and wear? What kind of money do I need from you?

Tian Ling could no longer suppress her anger: "Money! Money! Money! What else do you care about besides money? You can hide it from me for the sake of money, and you can lie to me?"

"What did I lie to you about?" Wang Xuehai was a little stunned.

Tian Ling said coldly, "I'm too lazy to tell you! Drive, if I don't drive, I'll get out of the car!"

Wang Xuehai nodded depressedly and restarted the engine. When the car slowly drove into the main road, Wang Xuehai whispered, "Have you stopped any rumors that are unfavorable to me?"

"If you want someone to know, don't do it unless you do it yourself!"

Wang Xuehai's lips moved, and finally he couldn't help saying anything.

Cai Xudong didn't expect that Zhang Yang would find him again. He thought that the matter between himself and Lin Yuwen was over, but after a few months of calm, Zhang Yang appeared in front of him again. Cai Xudong felt a little scared. He suddenly remembered a word called the ghost. Cai Xudong has seen this kind of scene countless times in movies and TV series. Once he is asked to catch the braids, he will not easily let go unless the other party is silenced. His eyes are full of vigilance and hatred, because without concealment, it is easy for him to notice this.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "There is no need to look at me so vigilantly, Director Cai. I came to you this time to catch up with you and exchange feelings. I don't mean anything else!"

Cai Xudong would not believe that it was so simple for Zhang Yang to find him. He folded his arms together and looked at Zhang Yang coldly and said, "What do you want me to say? What do you want me to do?"

Zhang Yang was not in a hurry. He waved his hand and called the waiter. He ordered a few dishes and asked for a bottle of Wuliangye. Then he unfolded the napkin and spread it on his knees: "I'm afraid Director Cai doesn't know me yet!"

Cai Xudong snorted coldly, saying that I know that you have turned into ashes.

Zhang Yang introduced himself: "My name is Zhang Yang, the director of Jiangcheng Enterprise Reform Office!" He politely stretched out his hand.

Cai Xudong frowned, or reached out his hand and shook it with Zhang Yang. Since the other party took the initiative to show his part, it proved that he still had a certain sincerity. Anyway, he had a handle in Zhang Yang's hand, and he had always been passively beaten in front of others. It's okay to listen to what he said. After thinking through this floor, Cai Xudong's heart was much calmer. He smiled and said, "Director Zhang, I'll treat you at noon today!"

After the wine and vegetables were delivered, Zhang Yang asked the waiter to leave the private room, took the initiative to pour wine for Cai Xudong, picked up the glass and said, "Today is National Day! Cheers to the birthday of the motherland!"

Cai Xudong happily raised his glass and bumped into Zhang Yang. The two drank the wine. Zhang Yang came straight to the point, "I'm looking for you to help me get to know someone!"

Cai Xudong said vigilantly, "I have no interest in conspiracy!"

"I want to know about Wang Xuehai, all aspects of him, the business he is engaged in, and the projects he contracted in the capital!"

Cai Xudong understood that Zhang Yang wanted to deal with Wang Xuehai. He wanted to find Wang Xuehai's problem. Since Cai Xudong and Lin Yuwen were found to have an affair, Cai Xudong has always believed that Wang Xuehai planned this matter. Even Lin Yuwen is a chess piece used by Wang Xuehai to deal with himself. He doesn't like Wang Xuehai. But Cai Xudong also knows Wang Xuehai's energy in the prince circle in the capital, and he doesn't want to offend such a person. What's more, he played with Wang Xuehai's mistress. In a sense, it was his loss. Cai Xudong shook his head and said, "I'm not familiar with this person!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "But you are very familiar with Lin Yuwen!" The meaning of this threat is too obvious.

Cai Xudong's old face is hot. He squeezed his lips and said, "Director Zhang, I know what you mean, but Wang Xuehai and I have no grudges. I don't want to get into your enmity.

Zhang Yang said, "What if. Do I have to ask you to choose between me and Wang Xuehai?

Cai Xudong looked at Zhang Yang and said, "Do you think it's okay?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "There are two ways to cooperate. One is to be forced to be helpless. Although such cooperation can be maintained, it must be very uncomfortable. The other is wishful thinking, if you look at the problem from another perspective. Maybe we will become good friends."

"Is there any difference?" Cai Xudong asked with a wry smile. For him, there was only one choice, that is, to be forced to be helpless. Zhang Yang wanted to force him to Fan. Cai Xudong thought about it for a moment and whispered, "I can pay attention to several of his recent projects in the capital. If there is any discovery, I will contact you."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Director Cai is a happy person. If we can maintain such a mentality to meet, I think we will become good friends in a short time."

Cai Xudong looks at the young man in front of him. He is really entangled. People really can't do something wrong. A few minutes of pleasure bring endless trouble. If he and Lin Yuwen can think of today's consequences when they go to bed. No matter how touching Lin Yuwen is, he won't look at her more. He regrets it!


Margaret's schedule in Beijing is very full. There are many old friends in Beijing. She is busy all day with Du Shankui and her husband and wife, accompanied by Chu Yanran, which makes her and Zhang Yangtong in Beijing, but few opportunities to meet every day.

When Zhang Yang was about to leave Beijing and return to Jiangcheng in advance, he received a phone call from Chen Xue. In his impression, this cold girl rarely took the initiative to call himself. He was a little surprised and thought that something had happened to Chen Chongshan again. Only when he answered the phone did he know that Chen Xue had returned to Beijing. Her words The question is related to a thing a long time ago. Chen Xue said, "Zhang Yang, do you remember the Jin Mian garrithem that you mentioned to me last time? I also specially took you to the library to check the materials!"

Zhang Yang said, "Of course I remember!"

"I found some fragments of gold and shallow inscriptions in Pan's home. Maybe you will be interested!"

Zhang Yang suddenly came to his senses: "Where are you? I'll be right there!"

Chen Xue didn't know that Zhang Yang was also in Beijing. She whispered, "There's no need to be so exaggerated. I'll expand it and bring it to you next time I go home!"

"I'm in Beijing, I'll be there soon!"

Zhang Yang immediately drove to Panjiayuan Antique Market, came to the place agreed with Chen Xue, and saw Chen Xue's long hair coiled on his head. Use the red hair card to pull it up at will, white shirts, military green casual pants, standing in the shade of the tree and looking at the parking lot.

Zhang Yang closed the car door and walked over. He smiled at Chen Xue and took two bottles of iced drinks from the cold drink stall beside him before coming to Chen Xue and handed her one of them.

Chen Xue showed a rare smile: "I didn't expect you to be in Beijing!"

"I've been in Beijing for a few days. I thought you were in Chunyang, otherwise I would have visited you long ago!"

Chen Xue took a few sip of drinks and took Zhang Yang into the antique market. She usually has no hobbies in Beijing. After studying, she often goes to the antique market. This morning, after watching the flag-raising ceremony, she came to Pan's home. I accidentally saw some inscriptions of Jin Group's shallow calligraphy, and remembered that the last time Zhang Yang went to school to find out about this person, so he called Zhang Yang.

The person who sells the fragments is an old man. He has more than a dozen fragments, most of which are complete. Zhang Yang looked at it. It is indeed a little similar to those fragments in Mr. Tianchi's yard. Many fonts can't even be understood by him. Zhang Yang asked about the price. The old man asked for a high price. If It's much cheaper to expand, and 500 yuan can take it all away.

Zhang Yang did not have the will to pull away all these fragments. After a bargain, 300 yuan can be used to get all the words on the fragments.

When the old man commanded the worker Tuo Wen, Zhang Yang asked about the origin of these fragments.

The old man did not hide: "These fragments were obtained from the Xibang Longji Quarry. It happened five or six years ago, and now it has been abandoned!"

"Is it far from the empty mountains?"

The old man shook his head and said, "It's in the eastern foothills of the empty mountain!"

After Zhang Yang paid. He went directly to Mr. Xiangshan Tianchi with the rubbings. When Chen Xue heard that he was going to visit this domestic calligrapher, she also showed considerable interest and proposed to join Zhang Yang.

When the two came to Mr. Tianchi's house, Mr. Tianchi was taking a nap. Zhang Yang did not dare to disturb him. At this time, he took Chen Xue to appreciate the debris inlaid on the wall.

Chen Xue has a deep study of history. During her study at Tsinghua University, she also had some research on archaeology. She carefully observed the fragments and took out the comparison of the rubbings just now. Chen Xue was a little surprised and said, "The text on it seems to be the same, but if you look carefully, it's a little different

Zhang Yang also came over. After comparing the fragments on the wall, it is also found that many words are the same, and even the writing style is the same. But there is another difference.

Chen Xue said, "I have checked Jin Moxu's information. This man is a master of Goguryeo swordsmanship, but his swordsmanship is from China. The original foundation has been reformed and improved. Some people say that his calligraphy is integrated into Kendo. I don't understand martial arts, and I can't see the mystery! But when I look at these fragments, they should not be as old as the ones we just saw!" Chen Xue's fingers stroked the fragments: "The fragments are also different, as if the years are a little different..."

Slow footsteps sounded behind him. Mr. Tianchi came behind them and smiled and said, "This little girl really has a different opinion. These fragments are indeed not from the same age. Some are inscriptions of the Sui Dynasty, and some are inscriptions of the Tang Dynasty, but they are all treasures!"

Zhang Yang and Chen Xue turned around at the same time. Chen Xue smiled indifferently and said, "Good, sir. Don't blame me for playing tricks on my class!"

Zhang Yang handed the rubbings he had just bought to Mr. Tianchi. Mr. Tianchi looked at it and frowned. He looked at the debris on the wall and whispered, "Where did you get these rubbings?"

Zhang Yang told Mr. Tianchi about what had just happened, "These should be fragments of the Sui Dynasty. I don't understand why there are two kinds." He pointed out the fragments of Sui Shi on the wall, pointing out that compared with the rubbings brought by Zhang Yang, "It's still incomplete. These words seem to be a piece of writing!"

Mr. Tianchi returned to the study, took out the pen and paper, and synthesized the rubbings and fragments to write the strings on it. There seemed to be two paragraphs left. He smiled and said, "If there is a chance, I will also go to Pan's home to have a look. Maybe the boss didn't take out all

Chen Xue said, "I don't think so. These fragments are not precious to him. He has no reason to collect the second part."

Mr. Tianchi smiled and said, "Loliterally, there is no special meaning. Zhang Yang, why are you suddenly so curious about Jin Jisui? Is it influenced by Wen Ling?

Zhang Yang did not deny it. He smiled and said, "I'm curious by nature. I just want to see what attracts her so much!"

He left those rubbings to Mr. Tianchi and said goodbye to Chen Xue.

Chen Xue whispered, "These words are really strange. How can Jin Jishu dare to compete with a country alone? Among them, he has revealed his intention to assassinate Emperor Sui Yan, and there is a lot of Jing Ke's tragic ambition to assassinate Qin. How was this matter revealed? How did he die in the end?

Zhang Yang said, "No matter how powerful Jin Shaosu is, he can't beat the joint attack of the four masters of the Sui court. You are curious. Why don's go to the Longji Quarry to have a look!"

Chen Xue readily agreed.

Zhang Yang drove to the empty mountain. The Longji Quarry has been closed for seven or eight years. In addition to the damaged mountain and the turbulent rocks, the scene is a pool surrounded by strange stones. The water is clear, look down, and the swimming history of the fish is countless.

The two walked along the pool and did not find any historical sites or inscriptions.

Zhang Yang raised his eyes and looked at the top of the empty mountain. He remembered that the last time he went to the empty mountain alone, because of the tracking of the lightning mink being plotted, it was very dangerous and he almost lost his life.

Chen Xue searched carefully by the pool. Her efforts were not in vain. She found a few rubble from it. Judging from the texture, it was the same as the fragments they saw in Pan's home today, but there was no handwriting on it.

Zhang Yang saw that the sun was gradually falling and whispered, "Let's go back!"

Chen Xue nodded and came to the pool to wash her hands. The jade bracelet on her wrist was also stained with a lot of mud. She took off the jade bracelet and washed it in the water. But accidentally, the jade bracelet fell down. Chen Xue exclaimed and reached out to grab it. It's too late. The jade bracelet was given to her by her grandfather. It was a relic of her grandmother in those years, which was extremely important to Chen Xue. Chen Xue's nervous face turned pale.

Zhang Yang comforted her and said, "It's okay. I'll go down and get it for you!" He quickly took off his clothes and jumped into the pool with only one pair of trousers. When the pool jumped into it, he suddenly felt cold to the bone. Zhang Yang's internal force dispelled the chill around him. He dived down little by little. Unexpectedly, the pool was extremely deep. He dived about six meters before he touched the bottom. Zhang Yang groped I just found Chen Xue's lost jade bracelet. When he was about to float up, his palm inadvertently touched the wall of the pool. He only felt that there seemed to be words in the unevenness of his tentacles. He stared at it and saw that there were some handwriting faintly engraved on the wall of the pool. This discovery surprised Zhang Yang. Could it be that all the remnants of the

He surfaced, but saw Chen Xuezheng looking at himself with concern, and said with a smile, "I found it!" He reached out and handed the jade bracelet to Chen Xue, and then said, "I have a waterproof flashlight in my car. Take it out!"

Chen Xue also guessed that he must have found something and whispered, "What's below?"

"It may be a monument fragment!"

Chen Xue took the waterproof flashlight and gave it to Zhang Yang. She said with concern, "Be careful!"

Zhang Yang nodded. He took a breath and dived into the pool again.

With the help of a flashlight. Zhang Yang can clearly identify the handwriting engraved on the wall of the pool, which is different from the fragments in Mr. Tianchi's yard and the fragments seen by Pan Jiayuan. These handwriting are all in Korean, and Zhang Yang knows nothing about Korean. It didn't take long for him to surface again and said to Chen Xue, "The inscriptions below are all in Korean. I don't know them!"

After entering Tsinghua University, Chen Xue took a Korean course. She wanted to go down and have a look. But it's embarrassing to think that I didn't bring a swimsuit in front of publicity. His eyes fell on the red mud not far away, and he had an idea and said, "I'm going to dig some red mud. I'll see what it's written!"

Chen Xue and a ball of red mud. Zhang Yang swam down again with red mud. The red mud is very sticky and can expand more than ten words at a time. Zhang Yang went back and forth five times in a row. Chen Xue had translated part of the content. She whispered, "Yinsha Shura's palm! Zhang Yang, this seems to be the secret of martial arts!"

Zhang Yang couldn't help thinking of the last attack on him. It turned out that this long-lost martial arts was still recorded here. No wonder the man used such martial arts when he attacked him last time. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but be vigilant. Wasn't he the first person to find the secret under the pool? He and Did Chen Xue's every move under the supervision of others?

At this time, the sun has set. The light suddenly dimmed in the whole empty valley and seemed to be more and more silent. He looked around and didn't find anyone.

Chen Xue whispered, "What are you looking for?"

Zhang Yang shook his head.

They didn't know that at this time, there was a ghostly figure standing on the high cliff of the quarry. The evening breeze was blowing gently, the long black skirt was flying in the wind, and the whole person seemed to fly away in the air at any time. Her pale palm gently stroked a purple mink, and her cold eyes looked down at the He said, "Xiaobao, why do some people always want to die?"