Medical official path

Chapter 222 Unlucky

The family decided to eat himself. Zhang Yang wanted to eat the black. He wanted to swallow his royal holiday. Zhou Shui was so angry that he almost left, but he didn't dare. In the end, he held his anger. He was not afraid of Zhang Yang. What he was afraid of was the Ande test behind Zhang Yang. If Andeyuan really wanted I'm afraid that he can't save all his business in Taiwan. Thinking about the life of his family and the future, Zhou Shuisheng can only choose to give in. To be precise, he bowed his head to Andeyuan. Instead of being frightened with an extra five million, it was better to honestly transfer the store to Su Xiaohong.

Although Su Xiaohong had confidence in Zhang Yang, he did not expect that Zhou Shuisheng would be so obedient that he really transferred five million yuan on the palace holiday to himself. In this transfer, Zhou Shuisheng lost at least two million yuan, but there was nothing he could do. Andeyuan's deterrent to him was great. After receiving Zhou Shuisheng's notice, Su Xiaohong raised five million yuan in just one day. She was afraid that there were many long dreams in the night. After finishing the transfer procedures with Zhou Shuisheng, Su Xiaohong was relieved. The palace holiday can be said to be her first industry. She worked as the general manager of Jinzun nightclub, but the actual boss was Fang Wennan, even the old street Confertion Gate, Fang Wennan also owns most of the shares, and she is only responsible for taking care of it. In the past, Su Xiaohong once thought that Fang Wennan was very good to her, but since Fang Wennan pushed her to Hong Weiki without hesitation, Su Xiaohong became suspicious. She increasingly found that Fang Wennan had never trusted her, so he was very close to money. On the surface, she seems to have given her a lot of things, but the real benefits are all in his own hands. In other words, as long as Fang Wennan is unhappy, he can let her leave at any time, and Su Xiaohong will have nothing.

Hong Weiji is another kind of person. He is more cold and selfish than Fang Wennan. For him, Su Xiaohong is just a tool to vent his desire. He will come and go. If he comes forward, he should be able to handle the holiday of the palace, but he is afraid that others will talk about it because of his face. Su Xiaohong's contempt and disgust for Hong Weiki has reached the extreme. With her efforts, Hong Weiki has inevitably helped her get a loan of 3 million yuan. With this money, Su Xiaohong can plan her future.

The matter of Su Xiaohong taking the palace holiday caused a sensation in the whole Jiangcheng business community. Even Fang Wennan knew it after this incident. His first reaction was that he was very angry. He drove to the old street lqlq bar to find Su Xiaohong, and forced his anger and asked, "Why don't you discuss such a big thing with "

Su Xiaohong said coldly, "Why should I discuss it with you? It's my own decision to take the royal holiday. I didn't spend your share. Why can't I make my own decision?"

Fang Wennan felt an inexplicable anger. He pointed to Su Xiaohong's nose and scolded, "You think you have found a backer now. Your wings are hard, don't you? Let me tell you, if I can give it to you, I can take it away!"

Su Xiaohong sighed, "Fang Wennan, what did you give me? Do you still have less to take from me? After so many years, I have followed you. What else is left besides humiliation? You think you have given me enough money, but have you ever thought that money can buy a person's self-esteem?

Fang Wennan looked at Su Xiaohong coldly. He found that this woman who had been bowing to him was not easy to deal with. These days, he had been busy with his son's affairs and ignored his attention to Su Xiaohong. Unexpectedly, she was not restless. After all, something happened. Fang What Wen Nan was angry was not that Su Xiaohong took the palace holiday. What he was angry about was that Su Xiaohong was trying to get rid of his restraint and control in this way. He used to think that Su Xiaohong was a vassal of his own, and he had to rely on himself for everything, but now he finds himself wrong. Fang Wennan thought that the reason why Su Xiaohong was able to win the royal holiday was that Hong Weiji played a role behind his back. This speculation made him more and more angry. He whispered, "It's really unexpected that I asked you to approach him and ask him to help my son speak, but you took this opportunity to get benefits for yourself. You are so disappointed in me.

Su Xiaohong said angrily, "Fang Wennan, you let me down. I'm not as despicable as you think. Hong Weiki doesn't want to contribute to you at all. You only think about your son in your heart. Have you ever thought about me? I'm your woman. Do you send me like a gift? Have you ever thought about my feelings?

Fang Wennan sneered. He shook his head and left two words "B bitch!" He turned around and left Su Xiaohong's office.

Su Xiaohong looked at Fang Wennan's back with red eyes. She resisted not letting tears fall. She vowed that she would not cry for this man from today on. Her mobile phone suddenly rang. Turning on her mobile phone, and Hong Weiki's low voice came: "I'm in the same place. Come here!"

Su Xiaohong roared like an angry female leopard, "Don't look for me again. I don't want to see you!" She raised her mobile phone and fell to the ground fiercely. The mobile phone fell to the hard ground. Su Xiaohong raised her head, and the sun was full of stubbornness and strength. She stepped out of the old street to Confess. She wanted to cut off the relationship with Fang Wennan, and she wanted to find herself. It rained lightly in the sky outside, and the bluestone pavement of the old street was washed clean. Su Xiaohong did not take an umbrella. She took a deep breath of moist air, bowed down to remove her shoes and socks, and walked slowly along the bluestone pavement road barefoot. The soles of her feet felt cool and hard. For the first Maybe everything will gradually get better. Su Xiaohong looked at the gloomy sky, and she seemed to see hope... Fang Wennan didn't see hope. Every time she went to see her son, she always felt that her son was thinner. Holding his son's hand, Fang Wennan felt a knife-like pain in the bottom of his heart. These days, he tried his best to use all the relationships, but the facts of his son's crime were there, and the lawyer also said that there was no way to exonerated him.

Fang Haitao's body was in Sesefake. He said in a trembling voice, "Dad... Get me out of here... I can't stay here. I really can't... Fang Wennan smiled. He tried to use this way to give his son spiritual comfort. "Haitao, don't worry, Dad is trying

Fang Haitao cried, "Dad, I can't hold on any longer. I really can't hold on. Hearing my son say this, Fang Wennan's heart is extremely sour. He nodded with emphasis: "Don't worry, Dad will find a way. Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid!"

Fang Haitao left crying. It seems that this prison career has caused great damage to him from ** to spiritual. Fang Wennan went to Beishan Detention Center to visit his brother Fang Wendong. Fang Wendong took all the responsibility for the fire incident.

Fang Wennan was full of apologies to his brother, but Fang Wendong was very open-minded about this matter. He comforted Fang Wennan, "Brother, are you worried about Haitao?"

Fang Wennan sighed and said, "And you!"

"I'm fine. I went out a few months later. These days when I came in, I thought about it calmly. In fact, we were too indulgent about Haitao. We didn't care about him. We only focused on making money, so I let him go on the evil path. I, an uncle, love him too much. I' I'm hiding everything from you. Now think about it, I hurt him!"

Fang Wennan shook his head: "What does it have to do with you to raise a godfather?"

Fang Wendong said, "Brother, in fact, have you ever thought that Haitao's imprisonment this time is not a bad thing. It can help him quit his drug addiction and give him a profound agricultural training."

"I just went to see him. He lost a lot of weight and kept telling me that he was going to die, and my heart was broken..." Fang Wennan couldn't go on.

Fang Wen said, "If a person makes a mistake, he has to take responsibility. If he can escape the crime this time, he will dare to do bad things in the future!"

Fang Wennan smiled bitterly and said, "Escape from guilt? How easy is it? Although there is insufficient evidence for drug trafficking, the two charges of drug trafficking have been established, and he has been identified as one of the suspects for the assassination of the Tian Bureau. I have great ability, and I can't let him be acquitted!"

Fang Wendong advised, "If you know you can't do it, why do you have to force it?

"He is my son. If I don't try my best, how can I be willing?" After saying that, Fang Wennan closed his eyes vigorously: "I suddenly found that money does not bring people real happiness!"

"That's because you have reached such a state. In the past, you often told me that there is nothing in the world that can't be done!"

Fang Wennan's voice was weak, "Su Xiaohong took the palace holiday, and I think... she left me..."

Fang Wendong was stunned for a moment. He finally understood why his eldest brother seemed so decadent. Su Xiaohong chose to leave in this critical situation, which was a deep blow to him. Fang Wendong has always had no good impression on Su Xiaohong. In the past, the eldest brother trusted this woman too much, and even in Shengshi Group, Su Xiaohong After surpassing him, to be fair, Fang Wendong also admitted that Su Xiaohong is very social and has her own way in business management. This kind of woman is not. Combined;;. Lack of the status quo, once her wings are hard, she will definitely fly away. Fang Wendong looked at God's "Brother, I don't know how to persuade him for a moment, and finally converged into a sentence; "Brother, ≠ Ding:, ≠" I:; Everything will pass!"

Fang Wennan's bad luck did not pass because of Fang Wendong's words. At noon the next day, he received the bad news of his son's death. Fang Haitao died. During the meal, the criminal had a group fight. In the chaos, Fang Haitao was stabbed in the liver by someone's sharp weapon. When he found He died on the way to the hospital for first aid. When Fang Wennan learned the news, he was convening the board of directors of Shengshi Group. He said with a blank expression, "My son is dead!"

All the directors were stunned.

Fang Wennan repeated the second sentence as if he had just woken up: "My son is dead!" Then his tears fell down, and the seven-foot man cried loudly in front of so many people. He walked out of the office crying and kept repeating, "My son is dead. They said that my son's death Rong Pengfei was also shocked by the news. He immediately made a decision and asked the task force to rush to the scene to investigate the case. The person responsible for the detention center. Violent murder in the detention center is no small matter. After he came to power, he faced the first serious challenge.

Fang Haitao's identity is quite special. He is not only the son of Fang Wennan, the richest man in Jiangcheng, but also the main suspect in the assassination of Tian Qinglong a while ago. At the beginning of Rong Pengfei's arrival in Jiangcheng, he specially told the detention center and asked them to focus on Fang Haitao. Unexpectedly, something Who hates Fang Wennan to this point? After his son is in prison, he still wants to kill him and put Fang Haitao to death? This kind of wrist is really too fierce.

Jiang Liang, deputy head of the task force, quickly reported back the investigation of Jiuchang, because the situation was too chaotic at that time, and no one noticed who assassinated Fang Haitao. Now he has controlled all the main criminals involved in the fight, and the case is under further investigation. Jiang Liang raised a very suspicious thing. During the fight, Fang Haitao did not participate in either side, that is to say, he was just a bystander.

Rong Pengfei said angrily, "This matter must have been premeditated. The real intention of the two sides of the fight is to attract the attention of prison guards and other prisoners. Someone took the opportunity to attack Fang Haitao! Interrogate those unfounded people for me. Even if you dig three feet, you still have to dig out the murderer for me!"

Rong Pengfei hung up the phone angrily. Dong Dezhi, deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, knocked on the door and walked into his office. Because there was another case in Jiangcheng, Dong Dezhi's face was not good-looking. He whispered, "I just received another report call, saying that it was Fang Haitao who was stabb

Rongying Guangfei said, "Sir, you are in charge of the technical department. You don't have to report to me about the tracking phone. What I want to hear is the result!"

Dong Dezhi said, "Rong Bureau, the person who calls anonymously is very cunning. He is very familiar with our tracking technology."

Rong Pengfei put on the policeman. He said to Dong Dezhi, "I'm going out for a while. You can sit in the bureau!"

The place where Rong Pengfei went was the morgue. The forensic doctor had done an autopsy, and the family had also identified the body. Rong Pengfei did not care about the results of the autopsy. The person he really wanted to see was Fang Wennan.

Fang Wennan left the morgue after signing. He stood in the yard and smoked silently. The rain in the afternoon became much stronger. His clothes were all drenched, but Fang Wennan didn't realize it.

Rong Pengfei's police car stopped beside him, and the window slowly fell down. Rong Hungry Fei looked at the richest man in Jiangcheng sympathetically. The grief of the middle-aged son was obviously huge. He whispered, "Mr. Fang! Can I talk to you?"

Fang Wennan's eyes were a little dull. He looked at Rong Pengfei and then nodded.

Rong Peng flew out of the car and refused the umbrella in the driver's hand. He accompanied Fang Wennan to stand in the rain and whispered, "My condolences!"

The corners of Fang Wennan's lips twitched: "My son is dead... in your detention center!"

Rong Pengfei can understand Fang Wennan's mood at this moment. He sensed that Fang Wennan was angry with these policemen. He whispered, "No one wants this to happen. Please believe me. All our policemen are trying our best to find out the murderer. I want to know if you have any enemies?"

"A lot!" After saying this, Fang Wennan walked to his Lincoln car.

It was not until Rong Pengfei, who watched Fang Wennan's back disappear in the wind and rain, returned to the car. The driver Xiao Liu said, "Ronghai, phone!"

Rong Pengfei picked up his mobile phone. The phone was called by Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang also heard about Fang Haitao's death, but he was not sure about this matter, and it was not convenient to call Fang Wennan. After thinking about it, he would call Rong Hengfei first to confirm.

After Rong Pengfei gave a positive reply, Zhang Yang couldn't help sighing. Although he didn't like Fang Haitao, such an ending was too tragic for a young man. Fang Wennan did have a lot of bad luck recently. Zhang Yang had his opinion on this. He thought that Fang Haitao's death was by no means an accident. Someone is targeting Fang Wennan.

Rong Pengfei said, "Zhang Yang, you have a good relationship with Fang Wennan. Do you know what enemies he has?"

"People in business, how can there be no enemies? Especially a successful businessman like Fang Wennan!"

Rong Pengfei obviously has no interest in speculation without evidence. He is also in a heavy mood now. He said a few words to Zhang Yang and hung up the phone.

Zhang Yang's heart is also heavy because of Fang Haitao's case. The reason why Fang Haitao's case has not been sentenced for a long time is that he is a major suspect in Tian Qinglong's assassination. So far, the two suspects in Tian Qinglong's case, Hei Ba and Fang Haitao, have died. If you Long and Fang Wennan have had bad luck recently. If Tian Qinglong hadn't happened to meet him, he would have died. In comparison, Fang Haitao is not so well-lived. Somehow, Zhang Yang suddenly remembered Gu Jiatong. He had no reason to call Leng Hao. He picked up the phone and called Gu Jiatong.

Gu Jiatong's soft voice came from the other end of the phone, "Fang Yang! What's the matter?

Zhang Yang was relieved. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's okay. I just want to ask how you are doing in Beijing?"

Gu Jiatong got up and said, "Very good, I will have lunch with your mother!"

"How about Mingjian?"

"It's much better. I went to see him yesterday. My mental state has basically returned to normal, and I have gained a lot of weight. This time I should be able to successfully get rid of drug addiction.

"It's getting cold. You should pay more attention to your health." "I know, Zhang Yang, why did you suddenly become so considerate today?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I have always been considerate of you!" Zhang Yang did not tell Gu Jiatong about Fang Getao's death. He didn't want to cause any shadow on Gu Jiatong, but he always felt that almost all these frequent events had happened around him, and he seemed to have something to do with him. He and Tian Qinglong were friends, and he and Fang Wennan were career partners. The reason for saying this is that the interaction between him and Fang Wennan is a combination of interests. Fang Wennan is a smart person, and it is precisely because he sees his ability that he interacts with himself. But I appreciate Wennan's courage and vision, and I deeply sympathize with his current situation.

Zhang Yang hung up the phone, but he was still a little worried. He specifically called Xing Chaohui and asked Xing Chaohui to help him protect Gu Jiatong. When Xing Chaohui heard his request, he almost fainted by him. This man became less and less and less regarded himself as an outsider, and actually made himself as a national A senior official of the bureau worked as a bodyguard for his woman.

Zhang Yang's reason is also very good. He suspects that someone has been dealing with him recently, which is related to the disclosure of his identity by the Guoan side. Xing Chaohui was dizzy by him and could only nod and agree. However, this is not an official promise. As a friend, he will help take care of Gu Jiatong.

Fang Wennan went to the old house in the south of the city. In the past, the family lived here before he made a fortune. Now the house has been vacant for many years. Open the door of the courtyard, the courtyard is full of weeds, and the eaves of the roof are also covered with moss. Fang Wennan slowly walked into The old locust tree is still there. The scene of him playing around the old locust tree with his son seems to be in front of him, but now things are different. The rain had stopped, and the stone stool in the courtyard was still wet. Fang Wennan sat down on the stone bench, groped for a cigarette from his arms, trembled and nodded. Although it was only a few hours, he seemed to be more than ten years old, and the wrinkles on his forehead became deeper and deeper, like cutting a knife and an axe. He smoked

High heels knocked on Ji in her ear, and Su Xiaohong's footsteps were slow and heavy. After hearing the news of Fang Haitao's death, she suddenly felt a little regretful. The disgust and contempt of Wennan disappeared in an instant. She still had feelings for Wennan. At this time, what Fang Wennan needed most was An. Comfort. Su Xiaohong called his mobile phone and found that he had turned off his phone, so he went everywhere to find him. Finally, he remembered that Fang Wennan still had such a place. When people are in pain, they often recall the past. Fang Wennan brought her here during the low ebb of her career, but now, Fang Wennan came to his former residence when he was in the most painful time.

Su Xiaohong has never seen Fang Wennan so decadence. Even when his business was at its lowest, he was still high-spirited and ambitious, but now Fang Wennan has been completely defeated by the cruel reality.

"Culmon Affairs..."

Fang Wennan raised his head. There were no tears in his eyes, full of red blood: "Are you here? Come and see my joke?"

Su Xiaohong shook her head: "Don't do this!" I don't need your sympathy. Get out of here! Get out of here!" Fang Wennan shouted loudly.

Su Xiaohong bit her lips hard and held back her tears before they fell. She finally turned around and left the house. As night fell, the autumn wind was getting colder. Only Fang Wennan's lonely figure sat quietly in the courtyard, so lonely and desolate... Fang Wennan soon understood the true meaning of misfortune. After five o'clock in the afternoon on the day of his son's death, there was an accident in the Rose River section of the East Third Ring Road, which had been opened to traffic. After only three days, there was a collapse on the Rose River Bridge. Two cars fell into the water from the collapsed bridge, resulting in one death and three injuries.

The accident shocked the leadership of Jiangcheng. Li Changyu, who was in charge of the commander-in-chief of the Third Ring Road Project, rushed to the construction site as soon as possible. If such a thing happened, he must be responsible. Li Changyu was thinking about the four words of disaster. A lot of people came to the scene to point out the collapsed bridge.

There is a common saying, "In the past, the Happiness Bridge was built for more than six years, but it has not collapsed in 30 years now. The new bridge collapsed only three days after it was opened to traffic!"

"It's not cutting corners yet!" The tofu dregs project, now the government is irresponsible to repair these tofu dregs. "What do you think of us ordinary people? It's a waste of human life!"

The more the onlookers said, the more indignant they became. When Li Changyu came to the scene with the cadres in charge, the crowd whispered abuse from time to time.

Li Changyu's face was tense, and his heart was as heavy as a brocade. He looked at the broken bridge and the fire officers and soldiers fighting in the mud. How could the scene in front of him not make the common people feel cold? How could he not be scolded? He began to reflect on himself. Maybe what he first considered should not be In fact, do good deeds for the people and do good deeds for the national spring.

After understanding the situation at the scene, Li Changyu came to one side, and soon Gu Xin, the director of the Transportation Bureau, came to him. From Gu Xin's pale face, it can be seen that he was very scared. He was the deputy commander-in-chief of the Third Ring Road Project and the on-site command. He had already realized that I can't even keep the black veil on my head.

Gu Xincheng said in panic: "The cause of the accident is still under investigation..."

Li Changyu gave him a cold look; "Investigation? The bridge that had just been built for three days collapsed. This is **'s face against the government. What else is there to investigate? None of the people responsible for the accident can escape!"

Gu Xin's forehead was full of sweat.

Li Changyu entered his car without looking back and dialed the phone number of Rong Pengfei, the director of the Public Security Bureau. He wanted to react quickly. No matter whether the ultimate responsibility for this matter fell on him or not, he must respond in time. He briefly explained the situation to Rong Pengfei and let Rong Xiangfei control the contractor of the project immediately. The third ring road project was jointly contracted by Fang Wennan and Gu Jiatong. At this time, Fang Wennan was in the process of shutdown, and Gu Jiatong's identity was extremely **, which made the municipal leaders of Jiangcheng City extremely embarrassed by Hong Weiji, the secretary of the municipal party committee, and Zuo Yuanchao Yuanchao, the acting mayor, Although the casualties are not large, the impact is too bad. The Third Ring Road Project is a key municipal project in Jiangcheng. It has not been fully completed and opened to traffic. The Rose River Bridge has been opened for three days, so it will inevitably have an impact on the image of the whole Jiangcheng Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government.

Hong Weiki took a cigarette and didn't take a sip for a long time. He thought of a sentence... It's an eventful time, and this autumn is really being verified. He whispered, "Zu Chao, do you think how to deal with this matter? Zuo Yuan Chao sighed: "Control the relevant responsible person first, and then investigate the real cause of the collapse of the bridge. After finding the cause, we will investigate the individual. We must deal with this matter before reacting to the province, otherwise the impact will be very bad."

Hong Weiji smiled bitterly and said, "The impact has been very bad. Zuo Yuanchao said, "The commander-in-chief of the Third Ring Road Project is Vice Mayor Li, and the contractor is Fang Wennan..." He paused for a moment and then said again; "Secretary Gu's daughter is also a contractor. If you are in After saying this, Su Xiaohong hung up the phone again.

Hong Weiji's thick eyebrows condensed together. He stood up, put his hands in his waist, and turned to look out of the glass window. The night had been degraded to Jiangcheng. The city was strange and heavy in his eyes. After coming for so long, he didn't have any familiarity with Jiangcheng. He is not suitable for this city at all. Hong Weiji had an indescribable boredom in the bottom of his heart. He was eager to open here. Everything here made him feel like he was about to suffocate. He couldn't stand it.

Li Changyu gently knocked on Hong Weiji's door. His footsteps were very heavy. In the face of this immediate boss and old classmate, he had a feeling that he did not know how to speak. Hong Weiji gave him the command of the Third Ring Road project. The original intention was to let him balance the left aid of the mayor, and also took advantage Wen Nan, but now something has happened. He doesn't believe that Hong Weiki is willing to take this responsibility for him. Hong Weiki will only feel that he has lived up to his expectations.

Hong Weiki looked at the old classmate with a complicated expression. There was no blame in it. Many things could not be controlled by human resources. Li Changyu caught up and could only say that Li Changyu was unlucky.

Li Changyu whispered, "Secretary Hong, I'm guilty of coming here this time!" Hong Weiki pointed to the chair opposite, "Sit down!"

Li Changyu sat down, took out a cigarette from his pocket, pulled out one and handed it to Hong Weiki. The two lit the cigarette, but no one said anything. He smoked relatively silently. After smoking one cigarette, he continued the second one. Li Changyu just said, "I will bear the responsibility this time!" He is clarifying his attitude to Hong Weiki. He will not shirk responsibility or involve Hong Weiki.

Hong Weiki smiled indifferently and said, "The cause of the accident has not been investigated, and it is too early to talk about responsibility! What's the specific situation?"

Li Changyu Road Worker "Fang Wennan has been found and controlled. He is the general contractor, and the bridge part is subcontracted. The Rose River Bridge was jointly constructed by his company and another Tianxiang Construction. Tao Wei, the person in charge of Tianxiang Construction, has escaped when he heard the news, and the relevant personnel responsible for the design of the The agency is under control, and the real cause of the accident is still being demonstrated." He paused for a moment and said, "This matter has been reported to the province, and the relevant experts of the provincial design institute will come to participate in the demonstration immediately.

Hong Weiki nodded. Li Changyu added: "Gu Jiatong is in Hong Weiji, Beijing. Now he understands why Li Changyu suggested Gu Jiatong to participate in the bidding for the Third Ring Road. This old classmate is still quite meticulous in considering things. Whether Gu Jiatong is reluctant, she has been involved in this matter, and she has to bear a certain joint responsibility. She had the responsibility, and Gu Yunzhi, the secretary of the provincial party committee, had the responsibility. When the province dealt with this matter, she had to consider the factors of Secretary Gu. Thinking of this, Hong Weiki's mood was finally a little easier.

When Li Changyu returned to the office, he found that Zhang Yang was waiting for him. He was a little tired and said to Zhang Yang, "Let's talk about it another day. I'm busy today!"

Zhang Yang shook his head; "You must say it today!"

Li Changyu noticed that Zhang Yang's tone was a little bad. He looked at Zhang Yang and finally nodded and said, "Come in and talk, I don't have many words!"

Zhang Yang was very angry in his heart. After knowing that there was an accident on the Third Ring Road, he first thought of Gu Jiatong. At the beginning, Fang Wennan wanted to contract the Third Ring Road project and went to find Li Changyu through Zhang Yang. It was Li Changyu who suggested that Zhang Yang to persuade Gu Jiatong and Fang Wennan to bid Yu considered the risk of the Third Ring Road project from the beginning, and the real purpose of letting Gu Jiatong join was to tie her in, which was equivalent to buying insurance for himself. Zhang Yang is not afraid of being used by others, but what he hates most is the woman who is used by others. Even Li Changyu will not give face.

Entering Li Changyu's office, Zhang Yang couldn't help shouting, "Does this matter have anything to do with Gu Jiatong?"

Only then did Li Changyu know why he came here and whispered, "She is one of the contractors, and of course she is jointly and severally responsible!"

"How did she participate in this matter? You know better than anyone else!"

Li Changyu said, "The reason why she is willing to participate in this matter is that she sees the benefits that the project may bring her, and any benefits are risky! If something happens, of course you have to take responsibility!"

Zhang Yang was deeply stabbed by Li Changyu's words. He said coldly, "It doesn't matter to matter to Gu Jiatong. If I know who wants to pull her into the water through this matter, I won't punch anyone!"

Li Changyu is also angry, Xiao Gu, you are too rampant. I'm the deputy mayor of Jiangcheng City. You actually threatened me in my office. Li Changyu slapped the table again and said, "Go out!"

Zhang Yang nodded and turned around and left Li Changyu's office.

The dispute between him and Li Changyu will appear sooner or later. Gu Jiatong's incident can be said to be a trigger. Zhang Yang believes that Li Changyu is using Gu Jiatong. This idea makes him extremely angry. He has been in the system for a long time, and he has analyzed many things very well. This time the bridge collapsed. The impact must be very bad, which is bound to cause trouble to Gu Jiatong. This is what Zhang Yang doesn't want to see.

Not long after Zhang Yang returned home, Gu Jiatong called. Although someone from Jiangcheng and A told her about the collapse of the bridge, Gu Jiatong still learned about it through other channels. She called Zhang Yang to ask about the specific situation of the matter.

Zhang Yang didn't want Gu Jiatong to worry. He introduced the situation lightly, saying that the final responsibility would be investigated for the specific construction party of the bridge, which had nothing to do with Gu Jiatong.

Gu Jiatong is used to things in the officialdom by her father's side. Besides, she has been fighting in the mall for many years, and she still knows something about the consequences of this kind of thing. She whispered, "Zhang Yang, don't lie to me. I can't get rid of my responsibility for this matter. It seems that

Zhang Yang whispered, "Don't come back!"


Zhang Yang asked, "Did your father call you?


"Did Jiangcheng inform you?"

"There is none!"

Zhang said, "That's the end. Everyone feels that this praise has something to do with you, but no one wants to take the initiative to mention it. What are they afraid of? I'm afraid that whoever is the first to raise this matter, and whoever raises it will offend Secretary Gu!"

Gu Jiatong, "Then I should go back. I should take my own responsibility. I don't want my father to be implicated!"

Zhang Yang said, "They can't wait for you to come back. What are you doing when you come back? The responsibility has not been figured out yet. Let them toss around. You are not evading responsibility. Wait and see. When the investigation results of this matter come out, it's not too late for you to come back!"


Zhang Yang said, "It's nothing, but I'll keep an eye on this matter. I'd like to see who the hell dares to make a fuss about it!"