Medical official path

Chapter 232 The goal is you!

When San Changyu came to Hong Weiki's office. Hong Weiki is using the TV in Qiu Rui next door. The news broadcasted a picture of the full opening of the Nanlin Temple scenic spot, with a faint smile on his face. With a cigarette in his hand, he watched it with great interest.

Li Changyu sat down on the sofa next to him. Pull out a cigarette from the cigarette box on the coffee table, take out the lighter and light it.

The sound of turning on the lighter attracted Hong Weiki's attention. He smiled and said, "The lighter is good!"

Li Changyu took a cigarette and gave the lighter to Hong Weji to appreciate it. Then he put it in his pocket: "It was sent by Zhang Yang!"

Hong Weiki flicked the smoke ash: "This boy's Taoism has improved a lot!"

Li Changyu looked at the TV screen and was broadcasting a picture of Zhang Yang being interviewed by a reporter. Li Changyu laughed and said, "After practicing in the system for so long, if the head of an enterprise reform office can't even meet the reporter's questions, what room for improvement is there?"

Hong Weiki said, "I didn't expect that Comrade Aid North Korea would give him the opportunity of Shangtou Zhuxiang!"

Li Changqian smiled and said nothing.

Hong Weiki said, "What are you doing? On such an occasion, there is no mistake in letting this young boy represent the Jiangcheng government? Is he qualified?"

Li Changyu sighed and said, "Old classmate. No one wants to be made by others on the issue of faith!"

Hong Weiki pointed to Li Changyu: "Before and after, there are too many worries. How can you do a good job with your attitude!" Although he said so, if he had been at the scene, he would not have done this kind of worship to the Bodhisattva, which is also the main reason why he did not attend the opening ceremony.

Li Changyu's mood is not relaxed now. Zuo Yuanchao's performance in Nanlin Temple today is sending him a signal. The relationship between Zhang Yang and Zuo Yuanchao has been very harmonious, and Li Changyu has always believed. In the process of competing with Zuo Yuanchao for mayor, Zhang Yang can play a certain role, but Zhang Yang is not a key figure. The reason why Zuo Yuanchao repeatedly showed his goodwill to Zhang Yang is not to seek Zhang Yang's help, but to let Zhang Yang not do bad things. There are so many things that have happened during this period, and Li Changyu is not as confident in his prospects as before.

Hong Weiji took a look at Li Changyu, and he also began to doubt this old classmate. What he questioned was Li Changyu's ability. Li Changyu's ability to wrest in officialdom was questioned by his mother's mediocrity, but his ability to govern, with the recent series of events, made Hong Weigi's initial

Hong Weiji said, "How is the progress of the Third Ring Road project?"

"It has been smooth recently. The quality of the project is strictly checked, and the construction period will not be delayed!"

Hong Weiji extinguished the butt in the ashtray. He whispered, "The impact of the collapse of the Rose River Bridge is so bad that the people are suspicious of the ring road project. Because of this incident, Gu Xin, director of the Transportation Bureau, was taken down, and there are many relevant responsible people involved."

Li Changyu heard Hong Weiki's unspoken meaning. In fact, he has to bear a lot of responsibility for this matter. Fortunately, the province did not delve into this matter, although Gu Jiatong did not have any responsibility in this accident. But after all, she is one of the contractors of the Third Ring Road project. It is precisely because of her factors that she has affected the strength of handling this matter. Li Changyu dodged the responsibility, but he also realized that this is not a good thing. No matter what his original starting point is, Gu Jiatong's influence has been used in this matter, and many They all saw it clearly, not to mention Gu Yunzhi, the secretary of the provincial party committee.

Hong Weiji also realized this. Sometimes it may not be a good thing to escape from responsibility. He is no longer optimistic about Li Changyu's political future. Let's not talk about Jiangcheng, Secretary Gu, the big boss. I will not be willing to be used by others. Whether it is direct or indirect, this account will be counted on Li Changyu sooner or later.

Li Changyu said, "The matter has been investigated clearly, the relevant responsible person has also been dealt with, and Fang Wennan has also paid the fine!"

Hong Weiki nodded, but when he heard Fang Wennan's name, he felt very uncomfortable in his heart. In the past, he did not have any fear of Wennan, but since the death of Fang Wennan's son. Hong Weiki felt inexplicably panicked, which made him feel uneasy. When a person lost his close relative, a change in temperament was inevitable. Maybe he would become stunned and didn't care about anything and was not afraid of anything. This kind of person is undoubtedly quite terrible. Although Fang Wennan has not threatened him so far, Hong Weiki always feels that this day will come soon.

Chang Hailong took over the decoration project of the water family. According to his budget, the decoration cost will be about 5 million, highlighting the theme of the water family. It should also have local characteristics. According to the initial agreement with Gu Jiatong, Zhang Junxiang is responsible for the decoration and operation of the hotel in the future. Zhang Junxiang looked for Chang Hailong for decoration, and the human factors accounted for a lot of aspects. However, when Chang Hailong took out the renderings, Zhang Junxiang found that Chang Hailong was indeed very capable, and his decoration creativity was by no means similar to that of ordinary decoration companies.

As a landlord, Zhang Yang naturally wants to entertain Chang Hailong brothers and sisters for dinner. After thinking about it, he chose the farmer's restaurant in Nanhu Reservoir. The Chang brothers and sisters are people who have seen the world, and ordinary restaurants are meaningless. It's still a little bit of rural fun.

Zhang Yang ordered a black-capped boat and rowed on the South Lake. While enjoying the scenery of the South Lake, he enjoyed the farm food. Chang Haixin looked at the dishes on the table, and his beautiful eyes were stunned and round. Chang Hailong picked up the dark thing with his chopsticks and said, "What is this?"

"Fried water turtle!"

Chang Hailong tasted it and nodded: "It tastes good!"

Chang Haixin shook her head. She didn't dare to eat it. She picked up a small fried fish and ate it gently.

Chang Hailong and Zhang Yang touched a cup and looked at the vast water surface of the South Lake. They couldn't help sighing, "The water area here is much larger than that of Yayun Lake, and the scenery is beautiful. Why didn't the Jiangcheng government vigorously develop it?"

Zhang Yang said, "Jiangcheng is an old industrial city. In the past, it did not value tourism. It was not until I went to Jiangcheng Tourism Bureau that tourism development gradually developed."

One sentence made Chang Hai's heart grin: "Zhang Yang, if you don't brag that you can suffo to death, huh?"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm telling the truth. From the development of Qingtai Mountain, the Sichuan Lulin Temple, the ancient city wall, and the old street, I have made great contributions and made great contributions. Mayor Zuo can give me the opportunity to burn the head pillar incense?"

Speaking of this matter, Chang Hailong also laughed: "I said, buddy, I'm sorry this time. I didn't expect to rob you of your first lot in the end!" He is still very grateful for the publicity.

Zhang Yang said with a smile, "Isn't it the same who burns that pillar incense? I'm **, and I'm also an atheist. I don't care about those things at all.

Chang Hailong said, "I'm not a ** member. I'm still very superstitious."

"You are not superstitious, you are greedy!" Chang Haixin broke the essence of the second brother's burning incense.

Chang Hailong laughed. At this time, the boat sailed to the river fork in the northwest. The length of the river fork was about three miles. At the other end of the river fork was a small lake, called Xiaonan Lake, which was as flat as a mirror. The surrounding vegetation is rich in late autumn. Most of the leaves have turned golden yellow, occasionally mixed with a few maple trees, and the bright red leaves are particularly dazzling in the golden color, burning like flames.

Chang Haixin picked up the camera and kept shooting, sighing, "It's so beautiful here!" Several white dragonflies flew up in the distance, drawing a few bright silver lines in the blue sky.

Chang Hailong said, "The ecological environment here is better than that of Lanshan Cuiyun Lake, but it's a pity that the development is not perfect."

Zhang Yang said, "Now the development zone has focused on the development of the Nanhu tourism economy, and I believe that it will soon become another hot spot of Jiangcheng tourism."

Chang Hailong said, "This river is good. We have recently built a new water street in Cuiyun Lake. You might as well copy it in Jiangcheng!" The person who spoke did not want to listen to the intention. Zhang's official unconsciously remembered that in the past, when there was a worry-free river in the Sui Dynasty, it was called prosperity. However, at that time, the river was full of painting, and the business was full of prostitutes, according to the current situation. That's called the sex industry, in today's society and era. It is definitely not feasible to copy that kind of thing. Chang Hailong's words still opened up his thinking. It should be good to build a water street here.

Chang Haixin said, "With the current economic level of Jiangcheng, it is not realistic to blindly develop the tourism economy. Instead of casting a net, it is better to focus on it. Do it in the east and the west, but there is no point. In the end, it became a mess!"

Chang Hailong smiled and said, "Hai Xin is right. I didn't expect that you were in the system for a few days, and your vision was much higher than in the past.

Chang Haixin smiled and said, "I have learned a lot from Vice Mayor Qin!" Speaking of which. She remembered one thing: "Zhang Yang, you can accompany me to Uncle Qin's house in the evening. Come to Jiangcheng, I will visit him anyway."

Zhang Yang nodded. Chang Haixin was Qin Qing's secretary, and he should visit Qin Chuanliang out of etiquette.

After dinner, Zhang Yang accompanied Chang Haixin to Qin Chuanliang's house. Qin Chuanliang was sitting in the yard and closing his eyes to refresh himself. Zhang Yang taught him this method of nourishing his spirit. He was quite happy to see Chang Haixin coming. In the past, he had a good impression of his daughter's secretary in Lanshan.

Chang Haixin put down the gift he brought, and Qin Chuanliang naturally wanted to be polite.

Zhang Yang was interested in a rendering in Qin Chuanliang's living room. He didn't know until he asked Qin Chuanliang. This rendering is from the old government office. Recently, Qin Chuanliang, as the renovation consultant of the old government office, has been busy with this matter every day. He has consulted a large number of historical materials and just made a restoration effect drawing with the relevant personnel of the Garden and Cultural Relics Bureau. When talking about the old government, Qin Chuanliang suddenly frowned.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Uncle Qin, you'd better take it easy. Revolutionary work is important, and health is also important. If you are tired and sick, Mayor Qin will definitely trouble me in the future!"

Qin Chuanliang smiled and said, "How come? I'm in good health now. The method you taught me to meditate and practice qi. I practice every day. I feel that my physique is much better than in the past, and my sleep is better.

As they were talking, Qin Bai came in from the outside. Since he entered the task force, Qin Bai did not leave work on time. He came over to say hello to Zhang Yang and others with a tired face, and went to the kitchen to eat by himself.

Qin Chuanliang looked at his son with some heartache. He whispered, "What has Zhang Yang Xiaobai been busy with recently? I seldom see him on weekdays!"

Qin Bai heard his father's words and came over with a bowl: "Dad, didn't I tell you? I'm in the task force now! Busy investigating the case of the assassination of the field bureau!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I remember what you said. I went to Dongjiang to see the field bureau this time. He was very unwilling!"

Qin Bai said, "Don't say that he is unwilling. There are also many people in our bureau who are unwilling. No one wants to leave the field bureau!"

Zhang Yang took a sip of tea and said, "How about the Rong Bureau's internal comments on your public security?"

"Not bad! He smiled at everyone, but they all said that the Rong Bureau was too soft and felt that it was not appropriate for the director of the Rong Bureau.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "What do you think?"

Qin Bai said, "I think the Rong Bureau is good. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't know where I would be on duty. How could I have a chance to join the task force!"

Qin Chuanliang sighed and said, "If I can choose, I'd rather you don't join the task force. Now it's okay. Your sister has gone to Lanshan. Although you are by my side and can't see anyone all day long, I usually don't even have a speaker."

Chang Haixin smiled gently and said, "Uncle Qin, this proves that your children are very promising. If they don't do anything and surround you all day long, maybe you will be bored again!" Chang Haixin's words made Qin Chuanliang laugh.

Qin Bai had dinner and had to go out again. Qin Chuanliang told him, "Work is back to work, but you should also pay attention to your health. What you do in public security is a high-risk profession. You must be careful!"

"Don't worry, Dad!"

Zhang Yang and Chang Haixin chatted with Qin Chuanliang for a few more words before leaving.

After getting on Zhang Yang's jeep, Chang Haixin couldn't help sighing and said, "Uncle Qin is really lonely. Vice Mayor Qin is so far away from him, and Qin Bai is so busy with his work!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's okay. He is also an idle person. There are so many ancient building restoration projects in Jiangcheng waiting for his guidance and give full play to his enthusiasm. It's also a kind of happiness. It's still early to see. Zhang Yang proposed to go to the old bar in the old street. When Chang Haixin arrived in Jiangcheng, everything was arranged by Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang asked her to call Chang Hailong and meet him at the bar.

Su Xiaohong returned to the bar again. The reason was that Fang Wennan called her and said that the bar was for her. She wanted to continue to operate it. If she didn't want it, she would transfer it. Su Xiaohong thought about it and chose to come back to continue to operate here. The decoration of the Royal Holiday is also coming to an end In her heart, she also began to draw a blueprint for her future career. Through recent events, Su Hong realized that she had lost emotionally, and she had to devote all her energy to her career.

Su Xiaohong and Chang Haixin had never seen each other before. Zhang Yang made an introduction for the two. Su Xiaohong could talk and soon became enthusiastic with Chang Haixin. She asked the tuner to make two cups of explosions and sent them to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang drank a cup and shouted that the wine smelled strange.

Su Xiaohong smiled and said, "You still can't get used to foreign wine. Can I get you a bottle of Maotai and get some small dishes?

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "Forget it. I'm afraid you'll laugh at me for being rustic. Let's have some beer and try some dark beer!"

Su Xiaohong waved to the waiter and motioned to get the beer. He shrugged, "Have you seen Mr. Fang recently?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "No, I think he is in a bad mood, so I didn't disturb him!"

Su Xiaohong sighed and said worriedly, "Zhang Yang, he has changed so much, as if he has changed. I'm so worried." She didn't finish her words.

Zhang Yang was keenly aware of something. He picked up the dark beer he had just sent, took a big sip and said, "What are you worried about?"

"I'm worried that he won't be able to withstand the pressure!" Su Xiaohong didn't tell the truth. What she was really worried about was what Fang Wennan would do? No one knows Fang Wennan better than her. Fang Wennan is a person who will not be easily defeated by pressure, but what Fang Wennan value most is his son, for his son. He can do anything. A series of recent events have undoubtedly brought Fang Wennan's life to a low point. He gave up many hotels under Shengshi Group, not only because he was short of funds, but also meant that he could give up the foundation of his original development. The relationship between Su Xiaohong and Hong Weiki is a nightmare for her. Although she tried her best to get rid of it, she clearly realized that this nightmare would not end there. Fang Wennan was not a person who gave in vain. It was not time for him to take advantage of these things about herself and Hong Gengji. It is impossible for Su Xiaohong to tell others about these things, and Zhang Yang is no exception. She whispered, "Zhang Yang, you'd better talk to him when you have time. He is willing to listen to your words!"

"Then go over, and now he may not be willing to listen!"

At this time, Chang Hailong and Zhang Junxiang arrived as promised. Zhang Yang asked them to sit down and introduced Su Xiaohong. When Su Xiaohong heard that Peng Junxiang was the future boss of the hometown of fish and rice, he immediately laughed. She chatted with Peng Junxiang very speculatively and introduced the past business situation of the hometown of fish

The old street in Jiangcheng has been passed down by word of mouth and is now widely known. There are many guests here, and Zhang Yang has met many acquaintances. Among them are Xu Jiayong and Qiao Mengnuan.

Xu Jiayong was the first to find Zhang Yang. He had a keen sense of hatred and walked into the bar. At first glance, I saw Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang was talking to Chang Hailong at that time and did not find them immediately.

Qiao Mengnuan took Xu Jiayong's arm and walked towards them. Su Xiaohong saw them first and greeted them with a smile: "Mr. Xu, Miss Qiao. Why are you two free tonight?

Qiao Mengnuan smiled and said, "Jiayong said that your environment here is good, so bring me here to have a look! Unexpectedly, I met an old friend!" When she said this, her eyes looked at Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang did not get up, only Zhang Junxiang stood up. He smiled and said, "Good, Sister Qiao."

Zhang Yang is a little dissatisfied with Peng Junxiang's attitude. However, he did not show it to his face. He nodded slightly and said, "Jia Yong, Mr. Qiao, let's sit down together!"

Xu Jiayong did not refuse. He took Qiao Meng's hand and came to their table to sit down. Qiao Meng warmed up two cocktails, and Su Xiaohong got up and went to Zhang Luo. Zhang Yang made the people present a mutual


Qiao Mengnuan didn't know the background of Chang Hailong's brother and sister. She just thought it was Zhang Yang's friend. She looked at Peng Junxiang and smiled and said, "Boss Peng, you took away the hometown of fish and rice. I have a complaint about you!"

Peng Junxiang smiled awkwardly. He was looking for money, but he didn't want to offend people. It was also Gu Jiatong who robbed the hometown of fish and rice. It had nothing to do with himself, but he didn't dare to say such words anyway.

Zhang Yang said, "I can't wait for you all to invest in Jiangcheng. The more prosperous your business is, the faster our Jiangcheng will develop!"

Xu Jiayong smiled and said, "Zhang Yang can't forget his identity anywhere. You are the deputy director of the China Merchants Office!"

Qiao Mengnuan said, "Zhang Yang, did you meet Mr. Lin from Tianjiao in Dongjiang?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "She is Liang Chenglong's fiancee. They are getting married soon!"

Qiao Mengnuan picked up the wine glass and took a sip and said, "I am good friends with Sister Invite Hong. I told her about the Jiangcheng imitation weaving factory. If I want to solve this matter completely, I must make a change in the system. I heard that the workers of the imitation weaving factory went to the province to make trouble again two days

"Miss Qiao's news is really well-informed!"

Qiao Mengnuan said, "I've been thinking about Nanlin Temple Commercial Square recently, so I pay special attention to the imitation weaving factory."

Zhang Yang said, "Lin Qinghong is very interested in the imitation weaving factory. He should come to talk about cooperation recently!"

Qiao Mengmei said, "If there is a chance, please ask the An family for me. I gave them the cooperation plan, and I haven't replied yet!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "No problem!"

After leaving the bar, Peng Junxiang couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief.

Zhang Yang glanced at him and said, "Are you nervous?"

Peng Junxiang smiled bitterly and said, "I'm a little nervous!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Relax. Qiao Meng slowly opened a hotel just to play tickets. She didn't see this kind of small business at all!"

"I hope so."

In response to the petition of the workers of Jiangcheng imitation weaving factory in the province, Wenyuan District held a special seminar. Xinjian, the deputy mayor in charge of industry, went to attend the meeting, and Zhang Yang, deputy director of the Enterprise Reform Office, also attended the meeting. There was no textile factory at the meeting

Yan Xinjian began his speech with an extremely indignant voice. The petition behavior of Jiangchengfang Weaving Factory made a bad head for Jiangcheng enterprises and caused an extremely bad impact. This kind of petition by bypassing the direct leader made Jiangcheng leaders at all levels embarrassed.

Fan Boxi, Secretary of the Party Committee of Wenyuan District, heard his dissatisfaction with the work in the district from Yan Xinjian's words. But Fan Boxi is an exquisite person. He usually doesn't like to talk more, and he will lose more words. In the officialdom, this is a big taboo. Fan Boxi's recent affairs are also very serious. He and Xiao Ming, director of the management committee of the development zone, are the most popular candidates for the new deputy mayor. In terms of experience, He is very close to the acting mayor Zuo Yuanchao, and Fan Boxi did not pay attention to the discussion at the scene.

Qian Changjian, the head of the clerk's district, said: "The problem of Jiangcheng imitation weaving factory has not been a day or two. Our district has always given in to these people. But in exchange for their aggressiveness, in exchange for their gains and measures, they didn't feel the benefits to them. Instead, they felt that we were afraid of them. I really don't understand why they felt that the country owed them?

Zhang Yang said: "The transition from a planned economy to a market economy is inevitable. I talked with several worker representatives in Dongjiang. They have considerable misunderstandings in their minds, thinking that we have ruined their iron rice bowls, and it is the country that has ruined their livelihood!"

Qian Changjian said angrily, "It's a joke! We are helping them reform. If we continue to be conservative, there is only one way to die in the weaving factory.

Zhang Yang said, "As far as I know, the reason why the weaving factory fell to today has a lot to do with the inaction of the leaders of the imitation weaving factory!" This sentence was positively recognized by Qian Changjian. Qian Changjian said, "I have long found that several leaders of the textile factory not only can't play a good role, but have become a black sheep. We should resolutely take down this kind of cadre!"

Vice Mayor Yan Xinjian slowly said that Tianjiao Group intended to invest in Jiangcheng imitation weaving factory, which was a good matchmaking. Recently, Lin Qinghong, the president of Tianjiao Group, has made several phone calls with Yan Xinjian. Recently, he will come to inspect in person and come up with a specific capital injection plan.

Qian Changjian is deeply in favor of the reform, especially the difficult bones of Jiangcheng imitation weaving factory. However, the problem they are involved in Wenyuan District is the relocation of Jiangchengfang weaving factory. The new factory of Fangfang weaving factory is located in the development zone, and there will be problems in Jiangcheng Development Zone in the future.

The theme of today's meeting is the future direction of Jiangcheng imitation weaving factory. How can we ensure that the same kind of things that workers petition will not happen again. The meeting reached an agreement, that is, to carry out the reform of Jiangcheng imitation weaving factory as soon as possible and punish the current leadership of Jiangcheng imitation weaving factory. This is called killing chickens. Isn't your weaving factory noisy? We don't work with workers. Dealing with a few leaders first will have a certain effect in the short term.


Tian Bin hasn't had a good time recently. Because he abused his power to beat Fang Haitao, he was given a serious warning and punishment within the public security bureau. Although he did not record it, the bureau gave him a big vacation. It's not easy to get to work. Just after reporting, he was suspected of being related to Fang Haitao's case. He was called to assist in the investigation several times. The reason was that Fang Haitao's death was related to Liu Wu, and Liu Wucha was once his informant. Tian Bin was very annoyed. When his father was the director of Jiangcheng Public Security Bureau, no one could give him a But now he has a sense of trageousness. Maybe it's unwise for me to stay in Jiangcheng.

Tian Bin was very depressed. He was not familiar with the current director Rong Pengfei, but he still found the deputy director Dong Dezhi. Dong Dezhi was his father's old partner and Tian Gan's superior. Before Tian Qinglong left, he specifically told Dong Dezhi to take care of his son.

When Dong Dezhi saw Tian Bin's expression, he already knew what he wanted to say. First, he asked Tian Bin to sit down, poured him a cup of tea, put it on the coffee table, and said kindly, "Tian Bin, what can I do for you?"

Tian Bin said, "Dong Bureau, I have made it clear about my where I have been during this period, but the bureau still investigates me repeatedly. Liu Wu has indeed been my informant, but I can't take responsibility for what he has done! I am a policeman. I know the law. I can't know the law and break the law. I admit that I don't like Fang Haitao. I beat him, but at that time, I was so impulsive because of my father's assassination, and I also got the punishment I deserved. No matter how stupid I am, it is impossible to collude with prisoners to commit

Dong Dezhi laughed: "Tian Bin. Who said you killed Fang Haitao? The bureau is just a routine investigation. You are a policeman. Of course, you should understand our procedures. Investigating you is not because you are suspicious, but to help you clear the suspicion!"

"Wash the suspicion? Just treat me as a suspect!"

Dong Dezhi sighed and said, "Tian Bin. I know you feel bad now, but there are some things that I don't have the final say."

Tian Bin said angrily, "Why did he doubt me? Don't our public security organs pay attention to evidence?"

Dong Dezhi looked very flustered. He made a gesture to speak in a low voice and looked at the door pretendingly. In fact, the door was closed well. Dong Dezhi whispered, "I don't dare to agree with many of the practices of the Rong Bureau, but when they have just come here, it's time to make political achievements!"

"He can't doubt other production indiscriminately, can't he? Now that my vacation is full, I don't even arrange specific work for me. What's the matter? Do you really think I'm a suspect? At worst, I won't do this policeman."

Dong Dezhi patted Tian Bin on the shoulder: "You boy is always so impulsive. If you can control your temper, how can you encounter so many troubles?" After saying that, he paused for a moment, and then suggested, "Why don't we change to another place!" Your parents went to Dongjiang. You can go there, too. Everything should be better in a different environment.

Tian Bin shook his head and said, "I won't go. This case has not been investigated for a day, and I won't leave for a day!" I'm a policeman, and I won't leave with humiliation." After saying that, Tian Bin left Dong Dezhi's office.

Dong Dezhi looked at Tian Bin's back, with a faint smile on his face.

After thinking about it, Tian Bin still went to Rong Pengfei's office. There was a fire in his heart. He had to ask clearly. When he came to the door of the director's office, he was about to go out. When he saw Tian Bin, he was slightly stunned! "I have something to do with me." Door

Tian Bin nodded: "Rong Bureau, I want to talk to you. It won't take you too much time!"

Rong Pengfei closed the door with his backhand and continued to walk forward: "Come with me, let's talk about it on the way!"

Tian Bin followed Rong Peng down the stairs.

came to Rong Pengfei's police car; Rong Pengfei threw the car key to him: "Development Division!"

Tian Bin drove out of the gate of the Public History Bureau. Rong Pengfei reached the radio and pressed the noon news.

Tian Bin saw that he listened carefully and it was not easy to disturb him. After a while, Rong Pengfei turned off the radio and whispered, "Say it!"

"Fang Haitao's death has nothing to do with me."

Rong Pengfei laughed and said, "It doesn't count!"

Tian Bin's voice seemed a little excited: "I swear by my personality! I have never done it!"

Rong Pengfei looked out of the window carelessly: "The big ear that provided drugs to Fang Haitao has been arrested!"

Tian Bin was stunned for a moment: "I'm no longer in charge of this case!"

Rong Pengfei said, "Do you want to know what I think of you?"

Tian Bin nodded.

Rong Pengfei said, "You are very reckless and impulsive. Sometimes it's even stupid, but I believe you are a good policeman, and you won't betray that golden shield!"

Tian Bin squeezed his lips hard, and his faces in all directions looked particularly resolute.

Rong Pengfei said, "Do you think Fang Haitao's death is a game?"

Tian Bin didn't say anything. He didn't have the opportunity to intervene in more cases, so he had no say.

"Fang Haitao's death is just the beginning. Someone is deliberately leading us to a wrong path. Your father is a target. After he was stabbed. Why did you target Fang Haitao? Because of an anonymous phone call, it was the threatening phone that focused the suspicion of assassinated the field bureau on Fang Haitao. So you will do it to Haitao in grief and indignation, which violates the law and discipline.

Tian Bin was speechless.

Rong Pengfei said, "In fact, at that time, the target of the other party was locked on Fang Haitao. After Fang Haitao's death, the doubt was locked on Liu Wu, and Liu Wu contacted you again. Because you have a record of beating Fang Haitao, it is reasonable for you to become a suspect. From the matter of Fang Haitao The other party's goal is you!"

After listening to Rong Pengfei's analysis, Tian Bin had a feeling of Mu Hu's enlightenment. He broke out in a cold sweat: "Why did this person do this?"

Rong Pengfei said, "I don't know, all this is just a theory, but if such a person really exists, this person is undoubtedly quite terrible."

Tian Bin suddenly felt a little chilly. If Rong Pengfei's inference is true, then this person lurking in the dark may attack himself at any time.

Rong Pengfei said, "Are you afraid?"

Tian Bin shook his head: "I just don't understand. Why did he target me!"

Rong Pengfei narrowed his eyes and said, "Tian Bureau, Fang Haitao, Fang Wennan, you! Just think about it carefully. It is not difficult to find out the relationship that exists in it. How did you hate Fang Haitao at the beginning? I think how Fang Wennan will hate you now! Maybe he just wants to see you repay each other like this!"

"Let me know who he is, and I will never let him go."

Rong Pengfei whispered, "This is a mystery. The other party is very smart. Every step is carefully calculated, and everything comes to Liu Wu. At present, it has become a dilemma. Let's wait. If he let go, it will become a dead end. If he doesn't let go, there will only be more and more people involved. Therefore, we must take the initiative and break the game first!"

Rong Pengfei motioned Tian Bin to park his car on Binjiang Avenue. He pushed the car door and walked to the riverside.

Tian Bin followed him silently. Neither of them said anything. Looking at the Qingjiang River flowing slowly under the dark sky, each other's mood was very heavy.

Rong Pengfei said, "During this period, there are still a lot of anonymous calls. Evidence from all aspects shows that your suspicion cannot be cleared for the time being!"

Tian Bin whispered, "He is trying to focus his doubts on me and trying to force me into a desperate situation!"

Rong Pengfei took out a cigarette, lit one by himself, and then handed one to Tian Bin. Tian Bin lit the cigarette and took a sip hard. It could be seen that his mood was extremely complicated at this time.

Rong Pengfei said, "Do you have any suggestions?"

Tian Bin sucked the cigarette hard, and the soot soon grew long. The river wind blew, and the soot drifted away with the wind. Tian Bin exhaled a cloud of smoke and looked up at the gloomy sky: "Maybe I can do the key to breaking the situation!"

Rong Pengfei's eyes lit up, but he still didn't say anything.

Tian Bin said, "Under pressure, my spirit is about to collapse. With my temper, I may do something stupid again. If I get out of the problem, this potential enemy will think that his plan will succeed. He will be very proud. Maybe he will take action again soon!"

Rong Pengfei said meaningfully, "You may suffer a lot, and you may be spurned by the people around you. Maybe it will carry unbearable pressure!"

Tian Bin looked at Rong Pengfei and said after a long time, "Can I trust you?"

Rong Pengfei nodded: "Except for me. No one will know the truth, because I suspect that your father's case is related to the police station. My patience has always been very good. I will watch the fish eat the bait. No matter how the bait struggles desperately, I will never take action until the fish is hooked!"

Tian Bin nodded heavily and said, "I would like to be that bait. If I can ask justice for my father, if I can wash away my own suspicion. I won't feel wronged. No matter how much I pay, I won't complain!"

Rong Pengfei shook his head: "This is not the answer I want!" He turned to the car.

Tian Bin was stunned there for ten seconds before he shouted, "I'm a policeman."

Rong Pengfei's footsteps stopped there. He turned around and stared at Tian Bin, and finally a heartfelt smile appeared on his face.


Ask for recommended tickets for monthly tickets! ( To be continued)