Medical official path

Chapter 235

Wu Xinyi looked at An Zhiyuan carefully. Looking at it, the eyes are so moist※

An Zhiyuan smiled and said, "If the Taoist priest has anything to say, just say it directly"

Li Xinyi said, "I came here to help you with a matter of my mind. Are there any people you care about, and is there anything that you can't let go?

An Zhiyuan closed his eyes and thought, "I still have a younger brother who doesn't know life and death,"

Li Xinyi said, "I'll help you calculate." His voice was low and hoarse: "Your brother is famous, Tietou. When you went to Hong Kong, he was only six years old. He remembers you. You used to take him to catch birds and fish. Once, you took him on a horse, and the horse was suddenly shocked. You pulled the reins and were dragged all over by the horse, but you didn't want to let go.

An Zhiyuan suddenly opened his eyes and couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes.

Li Xinyi said, "Not long after you left, the Heifengzhai was cleared. The cottage brothers died and died. Only Sun Erniang fled with an iron head. Later, the mother and son had a hard time in Shangqinghe Village. After meeting the bad guys, the mother and son had to hide in the mountains to live. Later, the second mother died of illness, and the iron head wandered around alone. Finally, she saw through the world and escaped into the door!" He held An Zhiyuan's skinny right hand and whispered, "Big brother."

An Zhiyuan's eyes were full of tears, and he never thought of it. This Taoist who became a monk in Zixiaguan turned out to be his brother. In the vast sea of people, after dozens of years of ups and downs, the two brothers finally reunited in Qingtai Mountain.

That night, Zhang Yang went to Chunxi Valley Hot Spring Resort, and Chu Yanran and Grandma Margaret still stayed here to recuperate. Zhuang Xiaotang, vice president of Dongjiang Agricultural University, also made a special trip here to meet Margaret.

Margaret passed this period of recuperation. Both her body and mood recovered a lot. When Zhang Yang saw her, the old lady was playing Taijiquan with Zhuang Xiaotang in front of the mountain villa.

Chu Yanran lay on the hanging** and looked at the newspaper. Zhang Yang's sudden appearance surprised Chu Yanran. She came down from hanging and said anxiously, "I thought you had forgotten me."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "How can it be? I've been too busy with work recently, and I've been running on both sides of the Dongjiang River, which makes me dizzy!" He said hello to the two old ladies, came to the small wooden table and sat down. Chu Yanran poured a cup of black tea for him, raised the newspaper in her hand and said, "It's promising! Shortlisted for the top ten young people in Jiangcheng.

Zhang Yang read the newspaper, on which there was a shortlist of the top ten young people in Jiangcheng, with dozens of them, sorted in alphabetical order, and finally found his name.

Chu Yanran said, "I just called Zhihang to ask the newspaper. This time, the ten-panel youth is carried out in two ways: by distributing votes and public election in newspapers."

Zhang Yang looked at her, and Chu Yanran whispered in his ear, "The newspaper will publish votes on Friday. I asked him to buy as much as he could and buy all the newspapers that Jiangcheng could buy.

Zhang Daguan was very happy to hear it. But he said, "It's not good. Aren't we cheating like this?"

Chu Yanran's beautiful eyes showed a gentle affection and said, "I'd love to!"

There was a sound of footsteps behind him, and Zhang Yang looked back. It was Lin Qinghong, the president of Tianjiao Group, who came to the resort yesterday, but her purpose was not to take a vacation, but to find her mother Zhuang Xiaotang.

Chu Yanran was very familiar with Lin Qinghong through a day's contact. She smiled and said, "Sister Qinghong is here! Let's drink tea together!"

Lin Qinghong looked at her mother. Zhuang Xiaotang didn't even look at her and was still beating her Taijiquan. Lin Qinghong sat down beside Chu Yanran and whispered, "Yangran, how is my mother's mood today?"

Chu Yanran smiled and said, "It's okay. She is angry with you on the surface, but she still cares about you very much." She poured a cup of black tea for Lin Qinghong and handed it over.

Lin Qinghong took a sip of tea, and then said to Zhang Yang, "I'm going to Jiangcheng imitation weaving factory tomorrow, Zhang Yang. You have to come forward and help me arrange it!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Mr. Lin acted so vigorously that he didn't greet me in advance.

Lin Qinghong said, "Is a small thing worth so much trouble? I'm here to inspect the situation of the imitation weaving factory this time! If you can't arrange it, just tell me earlier that I'm looking for someone else." She is not so polite to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang nodded with a smile and said, "Yes! It's up to me."

"It's almost the same." Lin Qinghong picked up the newspaper on the table, saw the candidate list of the top ten young people in Jiangcheng, and smiled and said, "Oh! It's amazing! He was elected as one of the top ten young people at such a young age."

Zhang Yang said modestly, "The candidate is not elected!"

At this time, Margaret and Zhuang Xiaotang came side by side. Margaret smiled and said, "I heard someone plotting to buy tickets"

Chu Yanran blushed and said anxically, "Grandma!"

Zhuang Xiaotang still didn't look at his daughter when he sat down. He said to Zhang Yang, "It's not right at a young age!"

Lin Qinghong said, "This is not a bad trend. I was elected as one of the top ten young people in Yun'an the year before last, and it was also a public vote at that time. Anyone who is not disadvantaged to use his own influence to compete for votes, you have to compete with others. Why don't you show your strength?

Zhuang Xiaotang gave his daughter a white look: "As you say, is it also a kind of strength? The social atmosphere has been ruined by people like you."

Lin Qinghong was scolded by her mother in front of so many people, and her face was somewhat unable to hang.

Margaret smiled and said: Xiaotang, is there something wrong with you? It's too late for such a good daughter to hurt. Look at you. As soon as you see her, it's like seeing an enemy!"

Zhuang Xiaotang sighed and stopped talking.

Margaret also picked up the newspaper and read it. She found Zhang Yang's name: "Isn't it just a top ten young man, not running for a senator, do you need to make such a big fanfare?"

Lin Qinghong smiled and said, "Auntie! China's national conditions are different from those of the United States, and reputation is very important in the system. With this reputation, it is equivalent to a certain political aura, and the official career will be smoother in the future, isn't it, Director Zhang?

Director Zhang was very unhappy with her calling Aunt Margaret. She followed Chu Yanran to call her grandmother, and Lin Qinghong called her aunt. Isn't it obvious that she is taller than her own generation? However, he shouted at his mother Zhuang Xiao and Tang, don't they want to call her that? Zhang Yang nodded.

Lin Qinghong said, "I support you. Do you want me to buy more newspapers to vote for you?"

Zhang Daguan's charge

Delete the old public foil! We rely on our strength. If we don't do small moves, I will win! Old※

Lin Qinghong smiled and said, "That's right. Voting and so on are all shown to outsiders, and the final result has little to do with voting!"

For the first time in the history of Jiangcheng Daily, newspapers with the top ten youth ballots were acquired by people as soon as they left the printing house. Each newspaper has an extra dime. The biggest handwriting is Miss Chu, but Jiangcheng Distillery and Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory are not idle. They are also using their own means to help Zhang officials solicit votes. For a while, Luoyang paper is expensive. In the end, the price of each newspaper has to be increased by 20 cents. This strange phenomenon has attracted the attention According to the preliminary estimate of the voting results after the event, 80% of Jiangcheng Daily on that day were bought by Zhang Yang's friends, and the result was voted for Zhang's official without exception. The result of the public vote is naturally that Zhang Yang, the director of the Enterprise Reform Office, rode the dust, and the remaining candidate Lu and all the votes added up to less than one-fifth of him.

Zhang's official is not surprised, this is strength! Connections! Money is indispensable!

Because Hong Weiji, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, went to Beijing temporarily, the Standing Committee was temporarily presided over by the acting mayor Zuo Yuanchao. For Zuo Yuanchao, it was the first time in his life that he presided over the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. Although he has dreamed of removing the words in front of the mayor countless times, he never thought of sitting here to preside over the Standing Committee one day. In the days when Hong Weiki left, every member of the Standing Committee was aware of the signs of the wind and rain, and the atmosphere of today's Standing Committee seemed a little strange.

After Zuo Yuanchao said a few words about the overall development of Jiangcheng City recently, he talked about the problem of Jiangcheng imitation weaving factory, emphasizing that the reform of this imitation weaving factory must be focused on, and strive to completely solve all the remaining problems.

Li Changyu, the executive vice mayor, has also been a little restless recently. Hong Weiki, the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, also has a lot to do with him. Xian and Hong Weiji are old classmates. There are many signs that Hong Weiki's trouble this time. If Hong Weiki is not down because of this incident, then he will There is no advantage in the competition of the dynasty.

Li Changyu did not listen to Zuo Yuanchao's speech. When Zuo Yuanchao asked for his opinion, he called Comrade Changyu twice in a row. Only then did Li Changyu come to his senses. He smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry, I'm thinking about what Mayor Zuo just said!"

Zuo Yuanchao smiled secretly in his heart. You didn't listen to what I said at all, did you? He didn't break it. He said calmly, "Chang Yu talked about his views on the reform of the imitation weaving factory?"

Li Changyu said, "I don't know the specific situation of the textile factory, but Tianjiao Group is very powerful in the domestic imitation clothing industry. If they intervene in the imitation factory, I think Jiangchengfang weaving factory will reach a very popular level in the short term. As for the specific cooperation model, you can refer to the Jiangcheng system. Pharmaceutical factories, cities and enterprise reform offices have done a lot of ICBC, and now they should have some experience. What he said was very mediocre. In fact, there is nothing new.

Zhao Yanglin, director of the National People's Congress, said, "Let's talk about enterprise reform. I heard something new recently!"

All the members of the Standing Committee turned their eyes to Zhao Yanglin.

Zhao Yanglin said slowly: "I heard that yesterday's Jiangcheng Daily was sold out of stock, and the last newspaper was sold for 20 cents!" It's the first time I've heard of such a strange thing, so I went to the newsstand to buy one!" He raised a copy of Jiangcheng Daily and threw it on the conference table, pointed to the candidate bar of the top ten young people in Jiangcheng, and smiled, "Who is so bold? A large number of acquisitions of Jiangcheng Daily? Presumably everyone understands that it's not the trouble of these top ten young people!"

Someone laughed out loud in the half of the committee, but it was Xu Biao, the head of the organization. He reached out and picked up the Jiangcheng Daily: "Luoyang paper is expensive! Thanks to the top ten young people running for election. If you are running for mayor, you can't raise the price of a newspaper? One sentence made everyone laugh.

Zuo Yuanchao said happily, "Lao Xu, your spearhead is directly pointed at me!"

Xu Biao smiled and said, "I don't dare, but there are strange things every year, and there are many this year. Don't discuss this kind of thing at the Standing Committee." He has a good personal relationship with Zhang Yang. This sentence is clearly a return to Zhang Yang.

Zuo Yuanchao nodded.

But Zhao Yanglin couldn't stand it. This time, the first of the top ten young people was his son-in-law Sun Dongqiang. Zhang Yang did this and went to his authoritative challenge. He couldn't stand it. He whispered, "This is not a small matter. This is fraud!"

Zuo Yuanchao frowned. Although the matter was not as serious as Zhao Yanglin said, it was indeed a little too much for Zhang Yang to do so. He thought that he would be elected as the top ten young people by buying all the newspapers? This boy is greedy, the top ten in the city is not enough, and he still wants to be the top ten in the province. Zhao Yanglin is the oldest member of the Standing Committee, with high morals, and he has long made it clear that he wants to take advantage of this top ten youth elections to help his son-in-law take office. Zhang Yang is so clear

Rong Pengfei, director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, said with a smile: "Election, election, election! The right to vote is one thing. It's another thing to choose the right of recommendation!"

Li Changyu, the executive vice mayor, smiled and said, "It's wrong for Comrade Pengfei to say so! But these top ten youth elections are different from the formal elections in the system!"

Zhao Yanglin heard that these people were speaking for Zhang Yang. He nodded and said, "Although the nature is different, we should also adhere to the principle of fairness and justice. We can't promote this kind of evil spirit, right?"

Zuo Yuanchao smiled and said, "Director Zhao said what to do?"

Zhao Yanglin said, "Since there is such a big problem with the newspaper vote, it proves that it is not feasible at all. Doesn't anyone want to do it right? We should stop the unhealthy wind from the root! I suggest that the result of the newspaper vote is not included in the final result! Let the Commission for Discipline Inspection investigate this matter and disqualify the ticket buyers!"

In one sentence, all the members of the Standing Committee were stunned. Lao Zhao's hand was poisonous enough. Even if Zhang Yang bought newspaper votes, at least it was a kind of competition. Zhao Yanglin wiped out all Zhang Yang's hard work in one sentence, and he still wanted to kick Zhang Yang out of the top ten young people.

No one expected that the election of the top ten young people in the city would be so noisy. Everyone could see that Zhao Yanglin was really angry.

Yang Qingsheng, Propaganda Minister of the Municipal Party Committee, is a role that has never easily expressed his position. This time, the city's top ten youth are jointly organized by the Youth League Municipal Party Committee and them. Sun Dongqiang, Secretary of the Youth League Municipal Party Committee, is a small local. In fact, the public use of newspapers to collect votes This situation.

Zuo Yuanchao broke the deadlock and said with a smile, "I read that the newspaper votes will be invalidated according to Director Zhao's suggestion. As for other things. There is no need to investigate. They are all young people. In case of the final investigation, all candidates are suspected, and they can't be disqualified. This sentence is extremely clever. It's not that I won't give you Zhao Yanglin face. The newspaper votes can be invalidated, but the shortlist cannot be changed. Zhang Yang is my guarantor. If you want to kick him out, there is no way!

Zhao Yanglin is also a smart man. He has heard his attitude from Zuo Yuanchao's words. Just earn his face back. Do you really want to kick Zhang Yang out? Thinking about the background of publicity, Zhao Yanglin, an old politician, did not dare to offend him easily.

Zhang Yang has been running between Jiangcheng and Chunyang in the past few days. Mr. An died on the fifth day of arriving in Chunyang. He walked peacefully after seeing his brother. The old man's last wish in his life has come true. His ashes were buried in Qingyunfeng and buried next to his father An Dahu, fulfilling his wish to be born in Qingtai Mountain and died in Qingtai Mountain.

On the day of the funeral, all the relatives of the An family flew from all over the country, and the two filial sons, An Deming and An Deyuan, also cried bitterly. The people of Shangqinghe Village spontaneously attended the old man's funeral. Li Changyu, executive vice mayor of Jiangcheng, chairman of Jiangcheng CPPCC, director of the Civil Affairs Bureau, secretary of Chunyang County Party Committee, county magistrate and leaders of important departments all came to the scene to attend the funeral. The funeral was very grand, and the funeral was carried out in an orderly manner when all aspects of work was done. Master Puyuan, the abbot of Nanlin Temple, was specially invited to lead the monks to save the elderly.

Zhang Yang was really worried about An Yuchen. He knew An Yuchen's feelings for An Lao. An Lao's departure was a great blow to her. He was worried that An Yuchen's body would have an accident in this situation, so he almost paid attention to An Yuchen's every move during the funeral. Fortunately, An Yuchen today The mood is still stable.

Li Changyu personally delivered a eulogy for Mr. An. After his speech, he went to comfort the family of the deceased. Ande Ming and the And Yuan brothers expressed their gratitude for the government's concern.

Zhang Yang put a bunch of white daisies in his hand in front of the grave and bowed deeply to An Lao's tombstone. He still remembers that Mr. An held his hand and said two words before his death, which was Mr. An's uneasy granddaughter's condition. He hoped that Zhang Yang could take care of his granddaughter. Zhang Yang said silently in his heart, "Mr. An, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of the little demon." He raised his head and faintly saw one standing in the direction of Beixiaguan. The hazy figure, the figure is so lonely among the ethereal clouds. So desolate

Li Changyu called Zhang Yang aside and whispered, "The impact of the top ten abandoned annual elections is very bad. You should reflect on it

Because Zhang Yang was busy with An Lao's funeral, he ignored the election these two days. Hearing Li Changyu's words, he was slightly stunned and said, "What do you mean?"

Li Changyu said, "The fact that you asked people to buy newspapers to vote has been known by the city."

Zhang Yang said, "When will I have someone buy it? They want to vote for me, that's why they bought newspapers to support me!"

"All right, it's better to do something down-to-earth than to have that effort. Elected as one of the top ten young people is an honor in itself. Why do you care who is the first and who is the second?" Li Changyu sighed and said, "There is nothing wrong with your top ten young people in the first place. The voting incident is simply to add snakes!"

Zhang Yang said, "Does anyone want to follow me in this matter?"

Li Changyu said, "It's not that others want to make trouble with you, it's you who complicate the problem yourself! There is no investigation in the city this time. If you really want to investigate it, you can't even keep the top ten young people.

Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes and said, "Are you afraid that I will rob my grandson?" The limelight of Dongqiang?

Li Changyu shook his head with a smile and said, "You! Don't think so much. Be down-to-earth and do a good job in enterprise reform. This is your job."

Zhang Yang's mood became worse because of Li Changyu's words. He didn't think he had done anything wrong. Chu Yanran bought a large number of newspapers to vote for their own good. Zhang Yang can't refuse their kindness. Of course, Zhang Yang thinks that he has contributed the most to the top ten young people. . Li Changyu's words gave Zhang Yang a hint that there must be someone in the city who saw him unhappy. His sharpness stole Sun Dongqiang's limelight. Zhao Yanglin, the director of Sun Dongqiang's father-in-law's National People's Congress, must be unhappy. Zhang Yang quickly figured out the joints in it.

But what happened later made Zhang Yang more and more unhappy. Chen Shaobin called from the province, saying that he got the news. Someone told Zhang Yang to the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, saying that he cheated in the top ten youth votes in Jiangcheng. Chen Pingchao, Minister of Propaganda of the Provincial Party Committee, was Chen Shao I also know that Zhang Yang is the future son-in-law of Song Huaiming, the governor of the province, so he revealed this matter to his son in an idea to remind Zhang Yang through his son.

Zhang Yang is really a little angry. It is said that the top ten young people in this vote adhere to the principle of fairness and justice. He is nothing more than canvassing for votes. Who provoked whom? The U.S. presidential election is still popular for votes. How can it become a fraud and a big trend of malpractice when you come here? Zhang Yang is very unconvinced. After he returned to Jiangcheng that day, it was very late. Rong Pengfei, the director of the Public Security Bureau, asked him to go to the stadium to exercise. Zhang Yang drove straight to the stadium.

Rong Pengfei and Du Qianfeng were practicing in the boxing gym. Jiang Liang sat there and watched. When he saw Zhang Yang coming in, he smiled and said, "Would you like to try it?"

Zhang Yang shook his head: "I'm in a bad mood today, and I'm afraid of hurting people!"

Du Yufeng punched the effective part of Rong Pengfei in the boxing ring. Rong Pengfei staggered and sat on the ground. Du Yufeng hurried over to help him. Rong Pengfei smiled and waved his fist and stood up. He was sweating all over. He lay on the ring and looked at Zhang Yang and said, "Zhang Yang, come up and have a try."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Forget it! I like to use my feet!"

Du Yufeng smiled and said, "As far as I'm told, you still like to use slaps. Jiang Feng panicked countless tricks!" Several people laughed. Yufei got out of the ring and said, "I'm going to take a shower. Let's have a barbecue outside the stadium later. It's my treat!"

Jiang Liang said, "It's rare to treat you. I'm going to eat with my stomach open tonight!"

Rong Pengfei smiled and said, "What are you talking about? It makes me stingy."

They came to the sixth barbecue in the east of the stadium and sat down. Rong Pengfei ordered two catties of skewers, and ordered some sheep balls, sheep's waist, crescent bone, plate tendons and so on. Zhang Yang took two bottles of Qingjiang special supply from his car.

Rong Pengfei said, "What's the matter? I'm in a bad mood today?"

Zhang Yang picked up his glass and touched him and said, "Nothing? Mr. An was buried today, and it is inevitable to be a little sad!"

Jiang Liang and Du Yufeng both knew that Zhang Yang and Anjia were very close, and they also understood when they saw that he was depressed.

Zhang Yang recorded a peanut and threw it into his mouth. He whispered, "Rongju, I heard that the city almost exempted my top ten young people this time!"

When Rong Pengfei mentioned this matter, he couldn't help laughing. He slowly dropped his glass and said, "You can really toss around. You fired 20 cents for the whole newspaper in Jiangcheng that day!"

Jiang Liang smiled and said, "I also contributed. I bought four newspapers and voted for you four!"

Du Yufeng said, "I bought 20 copies!"

Rong Pengfei smiled and said, "What are you? I heard that a rich lady made 50,000 copies. Almost wiped out the daily newspapers on the Jiangcheng newsstand!"

Jiang Liang and Du Yufeng gave a thumbs up at the same time.

Zhang Yang sighed and said, "Someone sued me to the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, saying that I was doing something wrong. Say I'm lying!"

Rong Pengfei smiled and said, "It's not so serious. Someone in the Standing Committee raised this matter and proposed to qualify you as one of the top ten young people, but several members of the Standing Committee led by Mayor Zuo are protecting you, so this matter is over. He paused and said, "Newspaper votes are no longer included in the final election results!"

Zhang Yang heard the news for the first time: "What? So isn't it in vain for me to have so many tickets?

Jiang Liang said, "I heard that the top ten young people in the province this year are Sun Dongqiang. Is the city afraid that you will steal his limelight?"

Rong Pengfei said, "What's the top ten or the top ten? You really take it seriously!"

Du Yufeng nodded and said, "Yes, this matter is probably decided internally!"

Zhang Yang drank the wine in the glass: "I wonder, where is Sun Dongqiang better than me? In terms of contribution to Jiangcheng, I'm no worse than him. Why do I have to make way for him?

Jiang Liang said, "He is Director Zhao's son-in-law! The Secretary of the Youth League Municipal Party Committee is at a higher level than you!"

Du Yufeng stood aside and said, "We are not bad. He is the future son-in-law of Governor Song. It's still the director of the Enterprise Reform Office. It's not certain who will make way for whom!"

Rong Pengfei said, "Don't make trouble with you two. Do you know what is most important in the cadre team? Harmonious and stable! It's not a big deal. Why do you have to have a conflict?

Du Yufeng looked at Zhang Yang sympathetically, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Brother, in fact, the second brother is also good. This time you can be the second brother!"

"You are the second brother!"

Rong Pengfei and Jiang Liang laughed.

Rong Pengfei said, "Fang Wennan has officially sued Tian Bin!"

Zhang Yang did not feel any surprise at this news. Since Fang Haitao's death, Fang Wennan seems to have changed. He is taking revenge for his son.

Rong Pengfei said, "It's unlikely that he will win the lawsuit, but I'm afraid that Fang Wennan will not stop here!"

Zhang Yang said, "Rong Bureau, I heard a piece of news that it has something to do with the arrest of Su Xiaohong!"

Rong Pengfei looked out of the window and whispered, "The situation in Jiangcheng has been very complicated recently. Secretary Hong has been on a business trip to Beijing for a week!"

Zhang Yang realized that there should be other meanings in his words, but he did not ask. When it comes to high-level matters, even if he asks, Rong Pengfei may not be willing to say it. A few people didn't drink much that night. After drinking two catties of white wine, they went their separate ways.

After preliminary investigation, Lin Qinghong was satisfied with the situation of Jiangcheng imitation weaving factory, but she had one condition that she would take over Jiangcheng imitation weaving factory and take Jiangcheng No. 2 clothing factory together. This is a good thing for the Jiangcheng government. Both enterprises have suffered serious losses. Lin Qinghong's doing so is equivalent to starting the restructuring of the two enterprises at the same time. Of course, the municipal government fully supports it, but the municipal government is most worried about the problem of workers. If Tianjiao Group takes over the enterprise and makes large-scale layoffs, it is obviously unacceptable to them.

What Jiangcheng didn't expect was that Lin Qinghong promised not to dismiss any worker as much as possible. This is because after inspecting the situation of Jiangcheng Development Zone, she felt that the investment environment and production conditions here were good, and she wanted to set up the future production base of Tianjiao Group in Jiangcheng.

Expand reproduction on the existing basis. I'm afraid the current number of employees is not enough, and she has to recruit from the society according to her plan.

The negotiation of the imitation weaving factory went unusually smoothly. Vice Mayor Yan Xinjian has also been in high spirits recently. He is in charge of industry. Since Zhang Yang presided over the enterprise reform work, he has brought him good luck and solved the reform problems of Jiangcheng Winery and Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory one after another. Now it is the most difficult bone. Toujiang Chengfang weaving factory should also be successfully solved, which means a series of political achievements, Zhang Yang has made achievements, and the leader in charge of Yan Xinjian of course has face. In the past, he was in the middle of the municipal government, but now feels that his position is constantly improving.

Strictly build this. A person has a good point, that is, he protects his shortcomings, which is reflected in the protection of Zhang Yang. At the Dongjiang Economic and Trade Fair, Yan Xinjian stood firmly on Zhang Yang's side, and now the relationship with Zhang Yang is getting closer and closer.

Monthly ticket is urgent! Finally, please give fire support! If you want to know what will happen in the future, please land in the state. More chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!