Medical official path

Chapter 283 Rabbits don't eat grass in their nests

Er Shi Ye originally wanted to ask about Guan Gan's biological father Chen Chongshan. Thinking back, Chi felt that Zhang Yang should know some inside information. It can be seen that Zhang Yang finally didn't say anything.

Since his father's death, Du Tianye has been used to being alone for a lot of time. Shortly after Zhang Yang left, Du Tianye also left the office building. He drove out. It was not until he drove out of the city that he realized that he did not have a clear purpose. He didn't know where he was going? Du Tianye turned off the car and stood alone in front of the road sign and watched silently. To the right is Chunyang, and to the left is Fengze. Seeing the word Chunyang, Du Tianye suddenly realized that he wanted to go to Qingtai Mountain. He wanted to see his biological father Chen Chongshan. But he was not prepared. In the past, he didn't know that Chen Chongshan could face it calmly when he was his biological father, but now, what does he really want to say when he wants to meet?

A gentle female voice suddenly sounded behind him: "Secretary Du, why are you not planning a decisive battle in the municipal party committee building?"

Du Tianye turned around and looked at it, but saw Su Xiaohong parked in a red Audi not far behind him. Su Xiaohong pushed the door and walked down and looked at Du Tianye's Santana: "Is the car broken?"

Du Tianye shook his head and said, "It's okay, just turn around casually!"

Su Xiaohong said, "It's going to be dark. You haven't eaten yet!"

Du Tianye smiled and said, "I'm going back!"

Su Xiaohong pointed to the southeast: "There is a bamboo forest yard in Yuquan Bay. The farm food is well cooked. I'll treat you!"

Du Tianye hesitated for a moment.

Su Xiaohong said, "Aren't you afraid that eating with me will have a bad impact?"

Du Tianye said, "What am I afraid of? By the way, do you still have your ancestral wine?

Su Xiaohong smiled and said, "There are royal holidays, but there is self-brewed sorghum wine in the courtyard, which is also quite good!"

Du Tianye followed Su Xiaohong down the road. The road ahead was very bad. He drove five or six kilometers with twists and turns. He crossed a pontoon bridge on the way, and then arrived at Yuquan Bay. Su Xiaohong parked his car in the open area in front of the bamboo forest. Du Tianye parked his car side by side Did you find it?"

Su Xiaohong smiled and said, "I'll talk to you later!" She led Du Tianye into the path in the bamboo forest. There was also an open space in the bamboo forest, on which a bamboo building was built with green bamboo. There were seven or eight pots in front of the door, stewed in front of them. The aroma of the food drifted around with the night wind, which made people's appetite.

There are several tables of business in the small yard, all of which are eaten by locals. Su Xiaohong and Du Tianye sat down in an empty room, ordered a pot of chicken and two cold dishes. The two of them didn't have to waste too much to eat.

Sorghum wine was brewed by the shop. Du Tianye took a sip. The wine was very strong and spicy. He drank it like a knife in his mouth. After entering his throat, it slid down the esophagus like a ball of fire. Du Tianye frowned: "What a strong wine, more intense than a burning

Su Xiaohong said, "This wine is called three bowls of wine!" She picked up the small black bowl in front of her and said, "I can only drink half a bowl at most. Secretary Du is very good at drinking. I think three bowls should be fine."

Du Tianye took another sip, and the second sip felt much more comfortable, and he also began to taste the mellow taste of the wine. The environment here makes him feel relaxed. No one knows him, he can drink happily, and he can speak freely.

Su Xiaohong also heard about what happened to Du Tianye recently. She accompanied Du Tianye to take a sip of sorghum wine and whispered, "I heard about Uncle Du. I originally wanted to go there to express my condolences, but it was not convenient, and I was afraid of causing you trouble."

Du Tianye nodded and said, "Thank you, the matter has been dealt with!"

Su Xiaohong said, "As long as you live in this world, you will always encounter a lot of disappointments. If you hadn't pulled me in time, I'm afraid I would have become flying dust now!"

Thinking of the scene he first saw with Su Xiaohong, Du Tianye couldn't help laughing. He whispered, "I still can't figure out how you became like that at that time?"

Because of drinking some wine, Su Xiaohong's beautiful face floated up with two pieces of red clouds, which looked delicate and lovely. She whispered, "I really lost the courage to live at that time. I felt like a walking corpse. No one cares about me, and no one looks up to me."

Du Tianye shook his head.

Su Xiaohong said, "I once loved a man deeply, but he always regarded me as a prop and a chess piece that can be used. When he needed it, he could betray me and hurt me without hesitation, but I have always been willing to be used by him."

Du Tianye said, "Emotion is a very strange thing. Obviously, others don't care about themselves, but they have to go on one way!"

Su Xiaohong said with the same feeling: "Until the head is broken!"

The two laughed at the same time, picked up the wine bowl and touched it. Du Tianye drank it all.

Su Xiaohong was keenly aware that the secretary of the municipal party committee must have been deeply troubled emotionally. She did not ask, but just quietly became a listener.

Both of them had a lot of the same topic and drank a lot of wine. Du Tianye unconsciously broke the rule of not going to work three bowls. He drank eight bowls of wine back and forth. The sorghum wine was very strong, and the two of them were a little frivolous when they walked out of the bamboo forest yard.

Du Tianye wanted to drive. Su Xiaohong advised him, "After drinking so much wine, don't drive back. I have a house here!"

Du Tianye shook his head and said, "I'm sober up. I'll go later!"

Su Xiaohong smiled and didn't continue to stay. She pointed to the southeast and said, "Go and have a rest. I'll make you a cup of strong tea to sober up."

Du Tianye followed Su Xiaohong to her house. The house was newly built not long ago, and the yard was very large. He opened the courtyard door, which had not been sorted out and was very messy.

Su Xiaohong smiled and said, "I haven't had time to pick it up!"

Du Tianye said, "The yard is not small!"

Su Xiaohong said, "The land I bought through my relationship is used to living in the city on weekdays, but I yearn for a quiet life."

Walking into the living room on the first floor of the small building, he found that the interior had been decorated. The furniture had just been bought for a short time, and it was still covered with wrapping paper. Su Xiaohong came forward to tear off the wrapping paper on the sofa, invited Du Tianye to sit down, and whispered, "You take a break first

Du Tianye nodded. At this time, he only felt drunk and fell asleep on the sofa in a daze.

When Su Xiaohong came to him with coffee, he found that Du Tianye had fallen asleep. He shook his head helplessly, put the coffee on the coffee table, and found a blanket to cover him, but heard Du Tianye whisper: "Xiaoling

Su Xiaohong was slightly stunned, and then Rui... Xiaoling in Du Tianye's mouth should be his lover. When she turned off the light and was crazy, Du Tianye hugged her: "Don't leave me,"

Su Xiaohong's whole. When the person was frozen there, she whispered, "Secretary Du, you're drunk"

In the dark, she felt Du Tianye's enjoyment rubbing her chest. Su Xiaohong was a little flustered, but for some reason, she did not feel resistance. Maybe it was the effect of alcohol. She felt that there was a fire burning in her heart. Night and alcohol were easy to relax themselves. Everything came suddenly and seemed to be very Nature...

When Du Tianye opened his eyes, he found that the sky was already bright outside, and his body was covered with a blanket. Du Tianye rubbed his eyebrows and carefully recalled the scene of last night. The scene of confusion with Su Hongyi flashed in his mind. Du Tiansi closed his eyes tightly, as if it were a dream?

Su Xiaohong's voice came from the kitchen: "The toothbrush and towel are all ready for you. Wash up and come out for dinner!"

Du Tianye hummed, went to the bathroom to wash the seedlings, looked at himself in the mirror, and breathed a sigh of relief. Recently, the concubine he had suffered was too big, otherwise he would not have drunk so much last night and done that kind of thing.

Su Xiaohong's expression was not different. She tied up her ponytail and looked very capable. The breakfast she made was set on the table and smiled at Du Tianye, "Secretary Du, eat whatever you want!"

Du Tianye nodded, sat down opposite Su Xiaohong, ate a fried egg, picked up the milk and took a sip. His eyes fell on Su Xiaohong's face. He wanted to say something, but he still didn't say anything after all.

Su Xiaohong handed him the milky bread and whispered, "I just heard your mobile phone ring several times. Maybe I urged you to go back. Eat quickly and go back early. You are indispensable in the city."

Du Tianye finally summoned up his courage and said, "Last night..."

Su Xiaohong said indifferently, "I drank too much last night. I don't remember what happened. You can drink with me and treat me as a friend!"

Du Tianye understood what she meant from Su Xiaohong's wise eyes. Su Xiaohong would not mention what happened last night, and she didn't want him to mention it. Su Xiaohong's attitude made Du Tianye feel grateful and apologetic at the same time. But he knows that in this case, maybe he shouldn't say anything, and it's better not to say it.

After breakfast, she saw Du Tianye walk out of the door. From beginning to end, Su Xiaohong did not mention what happened last night. Du Tianye was a righteous and perfect image in her heart. Because of this, she did not dare to ask what would happen between herself and Du Tianye. After what happened last night, Su Xiaohong had no back. Regret, without any other ideas, she attributed all the reasons to alcohol. After experiencing Fang Wennan and Hong Weiki, Su Xiaohong's emotional life has long been like a group of ashes, and she has long dared not ask for feelings. She knows more about her reputation and knows that her status is very different from Du Tianye. If outsiders know what happened between them, it will inevitably have a great impact on Du Tianye. Su Xiaohong will not do so.

Du Tianye was obviously a little absent-minded during the meeting. The members of the Standing Committee saw that he was not in a state. After the meeting, the acting mayor Zuo Yuanchao found him and smiled and said, "Secretary Du, you didn't have any comments on the plan I just proposed to renovate Jiangcheng Airport. I want to

Du Tianye said, "The idea is very good. This matter is not so easy. You must declare the project of the State Council and the Central Military Commission! I don't know when it will be approved.

Zuo Yuanchao said, "Secretary Du, let's talk about your opinion!"

Du Tianye said, "Jiangcheng Airport should indeed be renovated! It's better to make a complete plan for everyone to discuss this matter. After he finished speaking, he left.

Zuo Yuanchao did not finish this matter and kept up with Du Tianye: "Secretary Du, do you think it is feasible to build a new airport?"

Du Tianye stopped: "Now you know the financial situation of Jiangcheng. Unless we can attract foreign investment, our municipal government can't afford such a large amount of money. I have heard the prediction of relevant experts that it will take at least 1 billion yuan to build a new airport. Where can we get the money?

Zuo Yuanchao said, "The existing airport is too close to the city, which has a great impact on the surrounding environment and can no longer adapt to the development of Jiangcheng."

Du Tianye said, "Since you have this idea, let's make a new airport plan. I don't think the transformation will solve the fundamental problem!"

Zuo Yuanchao nodded.

Du Tianye and Zuo Yuanchao returned to his office after leaving. He called Zhang Yang and wanted to know something about his biological father Chen Chongshan through him, but after the call, no one answered. He called his office and knew that he had gone out early in the morning and put down the phone. Du Tianye couldn't help scolding: " If you don't go to work honestly, where have you gone!"

In fact, Zhang Yang is not idle. He is staying in the operating room with Yu Ziliang now. Only after he met Yu Ziliang, Zhang suddenly developed a strong interest in Western medicine. To be precise, he was interested in surgery. Although Yu Ziliang said that only learning to open an operation without learning basic theoretical knowledge can be a knifesmith at most, but for Zhang Yang, a knifesmith is enough. In his opinion, Western medicine is nothing special.

Yu Ziliang praised Zhang Yang's understanding and put aside the knowledge of medical theory. Zhang Yang's progress in the level of surgery can be described as thousands of miles a day. Often after Yu Ziliang points out something to him, he will remember the know-how and key points. Yu Ziliang has brought many students, most of whom are famous medical science. After graduating from college, it can be seen that all students' understanding of surgery is much worse than that of publicity.

When he finished washing his hands, Yu Ziliang couldn't help praising, "Director Zhang, it's a pity that you don't be a doctor!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "When a doctor treats patients and a cadre treats the country, the latter is relatively more meaningful."

, Wanbi North

Yu Ziliang smiled and said, "I don't have Director Zhang's ambition. I'd better be a doctor!"

Zhang Yang wiped his hands and said, "Dr. Yu, when will your private hospital open?"

Yu Ziliang said, "After careful consideration. I still decided to cooperate with the First People's Hospital. President Zuo is right. In the domestic medical market, it is not enough for me to fight alone.

Zhang Yang said with a smile, "In fact, Dean Zuo is also a business that brings practical benefits to the people."

Yu Ziliang smiled and said, "You are becoming more and more official."

Zhang Yang touched the back of his head and said, "Really?" He took out his mobile phone from the locker, and then saw that there were many un answered calls on it. One of them was Du Tianye's. He did not dare to neglect the call of the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Zhang Yang immediately went back.

Du Tianye answered the phone and shouted, "If you don't stay at work honestly, where have you gone?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Can you attract investment by sitting in the office every day? I'm a doer!

"Why don't you answer the phone?"

"The network inspected the situation in the development zone, and the phone was forgotten in the car." Zhang Yang's lies and opened his mouth.

Yu Ziliang secretly admired himself. Although this man is young, the flexibility of his mind is not good.

Du Tianye said, "I have nothing to do with you. I just want to chat casually!"

"No problem, let's drink together in the evening!"

Du Tianye sighed and said, "That's what I thought, but now there will be another meeting, and I don't know what time it will be. Forget it!"

Zhang Yang knew that he was in a bad mood recently, and he didn't force him. He whispered, "Go out more if you have nothing to do, or take time to go to Qingtai Mountain!"

That's what Du Tian's ambition was thinking about. He hummed: "Let's go there together on Sunday! I also want to go back to Uncle Chen!" He was afraid that Zhang Yang would hear something from it, so he hurriedly changed the topic and said, "You should hurry up and settle down the personnel for the mission to Europe, do things efficiently, and don't procrastinate."

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "We are discussing this matter with Vice Mayor Yan. The leaders of many enterprises in Jiangcheng want to participate in the delegation. They all feel that this is a rare promotion opportunity. We are considering it comprehensively and trying to determine the specific quota within ten days!"

Du Tianye said a few more words and hung up the phone.

Zhang Yang saw that the power of the mobile phone was not much. I opened the handbag and took out a battery and replaced it. I didn't think of it, and the battery didn't have much power.

Yu Ziliang walked out of the operating room side by side with him and smiled, "What's wrong? Do you want to gather the country for inspection?

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Organizing an economic and trade inspection group to Europe is to implement the investment policy of inviting you to come in and go out!"

Yu Ziliang smiled and said, "Europe is good. I should go out and learn from the advanced experience of other countries. I have a lot of friends in Europe. If necessary, I can introduce you."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Don't bother the country!"

Yu Ziliang nodded and said, "It's not easy to do investment. Europeans are very picky!"

Zhang Yang said, "Our Jiangcheng is the emperor's daughter. They don't have to worry about getting married. They can't come. The purpose of going to Europe this time is to promote our Jiangcheng and establish a good international image."

Out of the operating room, the nurse on duty told them that Zuo Yongjun was waiting for them in the office.

Zuo Yongjun came here this time to talk with Yu Ziliang about the future rules of the hospital. He had a design drawing on hand.

Yu Ziliang took a brief look. He is not a professional and can only look at the decoration renderings. Yu Ziliang was not satisfied with the renderings. He frowned and said, "I don't like it!" He has a straight temper and has nothing to say.

Zuo Yongjun sighed helplessly and said, "It's already the fifth one. I have found a larger decoration company in Jiangcheng. You don't like the design plan. It seems that you can only go to other places to hire another smart one."

, Stone

Zhang Yang also took the rendering and looked at it. He smiled and suggested, "I have a candidate. I have a friend named Chang Hailong. His Jindian decoration company is very famous in Lanshan, and his own design level is quite excellent. He decorated our Jiangcheng water family. Do you want me to contact him? ."

Zuo Yongjun and Yu Ziliang nodded at the same time.

A little nurse sent three bottles of mineral water. Zhang Yang picked up a bottle of unsealed the lid and drank it. He immediately called Chang Hailong. When Chang Hailong heard that it was this matter, he promised very readily. He took the designer to leave today. He will go to the scene tomorrow and take a look and come up with the design plan as soon

Zuo Yongjun also heard about the economic and trade investigation group sent by Jiangcheng, and he inquired about the situation.

Zhang Yang said, "Dean Zuo, are you interested in going to have a look together?"

Zuo Yongjun laughed and said, "I want to go, but I can't get away from the hospital, so I have to wait for the future. I believe that with the development of Jiangcheng's reform and opening up, there will be more and more such exchange opportunities.



Back to the China Merchants Office, Chang Lingfeng and Xiao Guitang are sitting there waiting for him. There are a total of 20 places for the delegation to Europe this time. According to the preliminary agreement between Zhang Yang and Vice Mayor Yan Xinjian, it is mainly based on enterprise leaders. Yan Xinjian has five places on hand, Zhang Yang has three, and the other .

Zhang Yang, the quota is going to be selected internally in the China Merchants Office. He originally wanted to take Chang Lingfeng there, but Chang Lingfeng said that it was of little significance to go out, and he still stayed in Jiangcheng. What's more, there will be an investigation group from Japan soon, which was facilitated by him and must be received by

Fanze must be brought. Except for Chinese, Zhangguan doesn't know any foreign language. If he insists on understanding a little, it is the hair oil learned from Xiao Anzi. Now he already knows that hair oil is not a good word. If he arrives in Europe, it is a hair oil, I'm afraid this time. The investment task should be completely completed. The most suitable candidate is Zhang Ruirong. Zhang Ruirong is not only proficient in many languages, but also has the experience of studying in Europe. He is very familiar with the road conditions and terrain of Europe, and even saves the guide.

Counting himself, the two places have been used. There is another place that is particularly precious. Xiao Guitang wants to go very much. First, because his son is studying in the UK, London, England is also a must-stop for the inspection team. He can see his son on the Internet. In addition, if this investment inspection can be successful, he may even complete the annual task, and he also wants results. Xiao Guitang thought that this quota should have been his own, and he looked at the investment promotion office. In addition to Zhang Yang, the executive deputy director, he is the oldest qualified one, and of course he is the most qualified.

But Zhang Yang doesn't think so, except for Xiao Guitang. He was also greeted by someone. Ma Huacheng, director of the Enterprise Reform Office, wanted Zhang Yang to take his son Ma Dejun to see the world. Xiao Ming, the director of the Development Zone Management Committee, also called Zhang Yang in private. He was fighting for his nephew Xiao Lin

After weighing, Zhang Yang still chose Xiao Lin, not only because Xiao Ming is the director of the management committee of the development zone, but also because he will be elected as the deputy mayor of Jiangcheng after the People's Congress, but also because Xiao Lin himself is young and energetic and has a strong ability to do things. Ma Dejun and Xiao Guitang, one is not flexible, and the other is too old-fashioned. Let them go out and there is no practical help for themselves or investment promotion work.

Xiao Guitang handed the list of feedback from the city to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang looked at it. The leaders of several large enterprises in Jiangcheng City were among them, including Cao Zhengyang of the construction machinery factory, Liu Jincheng of Jiangcheng Winery, and Xue Ming of the first imitation weaving factory in Jiangcheng. Because this time it was He used to be the leader of state-owned enterprises. Zhang Yang nodded. He was not very interested in those enterprise leaders participating in the investment inspection group. He put the list on the table, looked at Xiao Guitang and Chang Lingfeng and said, "What do you have?"

Chang Lingfeng smiled and said, "What can we do with the matters settled in the city? Just now, Mayor Yan's secretary said that let's determine the list as soon as possible, and we will arrange the formalities for overseas inspection soon."

Zhang Yang said, "I have confirmed the list!"

Hearing this, Xiao Hangtang suddenly became nervous. He stared at Zhang Yang and looked forward to his own name in the list said by Zhang Yang, but to his disappointment was that Zhang Yang said Zhang Ruirong and Xiao Lin.

Zhang Yang's reason is also very simple: "Give young people more opportunities!"

Xiao Guitang left full of disappointment. Chang Lingfeng waited for him to leave and said to Zhang Yang, "Director Xiao is very disappointed!"

Zhang Yang said disdainfully, "I'm too lazy to care about him. This time it's an investment inspection, not a family visit. He can't recognize all the 26 letters. What are he doing with him?" When he said this, he didn't think about it. Can he recognize all 26 letters by himself?

Chang Lingfeng said, "This time, all the leaders of state-owned enterprises are leaders. Since we are going to attract investment, we should show the all-round image of Jiangcheng. The delegation has an exhibition in Frankfurt. I have asked several representative private and joint ventures of Jiangcheng Bodhisattva Factory, Huitong and Tianjiao to do a In the past, publicize it at the exhibition.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "No problem!"

Chang Lingfeng said, "If everything goes well this time, all the tasks assigned by the city may be completed."

Zhang Yang said, "Didn't you say that if Hyde Group is negotiated, we can complete half of our tasks throughout the year?"

Chang Lingfeng smiled and said, "If you don't sign a contract for a day, you can't be sure. There is no difference between attracting investment and doing business. There are many variables. Anything can happen. We can't hang ourselves in a tree."

In business, Zhang Yang only admires Chang Lingfeng. In fact, he is not very interested in attracting investment in Europe. When it comes to going abroad, Hong Kong can barely count that once. After all, there are all Chinese people with yellow skin and black eyes. Thinking about going to the Western world this time, Zhang Daguan is really a little hesitant. "If not, I'll guard Jiangcheng, and you can go to Europe to attract investment!"

Chang Lingfeng laughed and said, "Director Zhang, you are the deputy head of the investment delegation to Europe. If you don't go, the dragons have no leader!"

Zhang Yang said, "Don't wear a high hat for me. I know what I am. I'm okay in China. I can do it when I should do it. I'm not am am not ambiguous when it's time to do it, but you let me go abroad. I don't know what I say to others at all.

Chang Lingfeng couldn't straighten up with a smile. After a long time, he recovered: "Director Zhang, this Internet is a great opportunity. Go out and let those foreigners see our Chinese kung fu and promote our country's prestige! When it's time to take action, take action!" He already knew something about Zhang Yang's character. He knew that Zhang Yang was by no means as impulsive as he showed. Every time Zhang Yang took action on the basis of careful consideration, he knew it.

Zhang Yang knows that Chang Lingfeng is making fun of himself. If he really goes abroad, he can't act as often as he does at home. It's not that he is afraid of foreigners, but that his every move when he goes out involves the image of the country. Maybe there will be a diplomatic dispute. It's better to be cautious.

Chang Lingfeng said, "It's really a problem if you don't understand the language. However, it should be no problem to have Xiao Zhang. She is fluent in English, French and German, and has experience in European life. With her around, things will be much smoother.

Zhang Yangle said, "You seem to know Zhang Ruirong very well!"

Chang Lingfeng said, "As a leader, it is also appropriate to know your subordinates."

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Zhang Yang said cunningly, "I feel that you know more deeply!"

Chang Lingfeng said, "Director Zhang is thinking wrong again. She and I are just working, and I have no other ideas!"

Zhang Yang said, "Onlookers are clear, and the authorities are fans. In fact, Zhang Ruirong is also good. He is smart and beautiful. Men will be moved!"

Chang Lingfeng asked, "Are you moved?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "I'm too busy with my own business. What's more, I always adhere to the principle that rabbits don't eat the grass around the nest!"

"If you don't eat the grass in the nest, I should eat it together?"

"Don't you want to eat? If you really don't want to eat it, you're welcome? He bluffed.

The expression on Chang Lingfeng's face remained unchanged, but his words still revealed his inner thoughts: "You are not afraid that Governor Song will trouble you!"

Zhang Yang laughed and pointed to Chang Lingfeng and kept shaking his head.

Chang Lingfeng also laughed with embarrassment.

At this time, Zhang Ruirong came in with the document in his hand. Seeing the two of them like this, he couldn't help asking, "What are you talking about? Are you so happy?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Talk about rabbits!"

Chang Lingfeng's face was hot by this kind of words.

"Rabbit?" Zhang Ruirong was full of surprise and said, "Where did our investment come from?"

Zhang Yang said meaningfully, "Where there is grass, there will be rabbits!"

Unconsciously, the middle of the month has passed. The update of this month of the octopus is not satisfactory, and it is barely updated. There are still more than ten days left in this month. The octopus is going to work hard. Brothers and sisters give me some encouragement, cheer me, stimulate my energy with monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, Make the octopus with 10,000 more yuan today. I hope the monthly ticket will roll in!,