Medical official path

Chapter 289 Fire Line Blocking Up ~ Chapter 289 Fire Line Blocking Down

Second explosion makes the whole ground! Trembling, Zhang Yang and Gelong subconsciously lay down on the club brush. On the surrounding floors, including the William Garden Hotel, the glass was shattered one after another, and dust and glass debris were flying everywhere. The scene was full of frightened screams, mixed with the cries of women and children.

Zhang Yang shook his hair and shook off the dust and debris on his body. At this time, a black golfer drove to the immortals. The driver was Liv. She pushed the door and shouted, "Get in the car and get out of here immediately!"

Zhang Yang and Li Long stumbled into the car. Li Long was shocked and dizzy, and his face was injured by glass in many places. He pulled out a tissue and wiped the blood on his face while scolding, "*** It's too vicious!"

Zhang Yang picked up the mineral water on the beverage rack and took a sip. Wang Zhan obviously made a trap for them to drill. Since they met in St. Paul's Cathedral, their every move was in Wang Zhan's calculation.

Liv said, "The bomb should have been buried by Brown. He is a blasting expert. This is the real purpose of Wang Zhan's contact with him!"

Zhang Yang said, "This guy is too cunning. He made an appointment to meet me at St. Paul's Church in order to lead me into the trap."

Liv said, "In a hostile position, of course, it will be unscrupulous."

Zhang Yang said, "You want to use me as a bait to arch people out, and now the goal has been achieved. These guys have all aimed their firepower at me. You should take action and kill them as soon as possible!"

Liv said, "He is very cunning and is not so easy to be caught!"

Li Long said, "What you asked me to do has been done. What you promised me should also be fulfilled!"

Liv smiled and said, "Are you afraid of death? There are still more than ten hours!"

Li Long's life was pinched in Ru's hand. Although I was angry, I dared not say anything.

Li Long proposed to go back to find Josephine. However, she was denied by Zhang Yang. This matter must have something to do with Josephine, but she set this trap. It's impossible to stay where they are and wait for them to go back to find her.

Liv put them in the subway station. Before Zhang Yang got out of the car, she couldn't help saying, "Are you leaving like this?"

Liv smiled and said, "What's wrong? You can't bear to part with me?"

Zhang Yang said, "Does it mean that my task has been completed?"

"I have nothing to do with you for the time being!" Liv handed Zhang Yang a small note: "The hotel has arranged it for you, and there is an address on it. There is also an emergency call. It's mosquito's. Keep these things in mind. It's better not to show up in public these two days. When will you leave London? I'll let you know."

"If you don't inform me, won't I wait endlessly in London?"

"Don't worry, you can leave the day after tomorrow at the latest!"

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Zhang Yang looked at Liv with some depression. He knew that Liv must have mastered some secrets that he didn't know, but his bait task had been completed. Liv didn't want him to go deeper, and now it's like kicking him away.

Liv gave him a black needle box again: "There is an antidote in it. Would you like to give it to him by yourself!"

Zhang Yang put away the needle box and returned to Li Long. Li Long whispered, "What are you talking about?

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Nothing, in short, this matter is completely over for you and me!"

Li Long's phone suddenly rang. He answered the phone. It was him. His restaurant in Chinatown was bombed. Because it was not meal time, no guests were injured. However, two employees of the hotel were affected by the explosion and the injuries were sent to the hospital.

After closing the phone, Li Long's face turned pale and he gritted his teeth and scolded, "Damn it!" Before he could vent his anger, the phone rang again.

It was Wang Zhan who called this time. Wang Zhan's voice was not in a hurry, with a faint complacency: "The explosion is just the beginning. If you want to settle this matter, kill Zhang Yang!"

Li Long roared, "Fang you!"

Wang Zhan is still not angry: "I'll give you seven hours. If Zhang Yang doesn't die, everything in Chinatown will be gone, and the restaurant bombing is just the beginning." After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Zhang Yang had guessed what had happened from Li Long's expression and whispered, "What's wrong?"

Li Long nodded and said, "My restaurant in Chinatown was blown up and injured two people." He paused for a moment and said, "Wang Zhan just called and asked me to kill you!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Do you want to do it?"

"I want to, but I can't kill you. So I still gave up this idea. Li Long answered frankly.

Zhang Yang nodded. Pass him the needle box: "It's an antidote!"

Li Long received the antidote and showed unspeakable gratitude in his eyes. He whispered, "Wang Zhan gave me seven hours!" What's going on with this?"

Zhang Yang said, "Wang Zhan found the black-hearted Peter through you. The black-hearted Peter contacted Brown. He and Brown joined hands to carry out a terrorist action."

Li Long said, "Why don't you report it to the British government?"

Zhang Yang said, "I think the British government should already know. However, our country does not believe in the ability of the British government, so it wants to crush Wang Zhan and others before they take action.

Li Long's phone rang again, and this time it was still not good news. Ruan Wenyuan, a powerful subordinate of the black-hearted Peter, led the Vietnamese gang to smash his other two restaurants and injured a number of clerks. Li Long had no choice but to be involved in it from the beginning, and now he is deeply involved in this incident. Even if he wants to stop, the black-hearted Peter will not let him go.

Zhang Yang was also very uncomfortable. Although Liv said that his task had been completed, he was very disgusted with the practice of using himself and kicking him away. It took a lot of effort to hold down his restless mood. After breaking up with Li Long, he came to the West End of London according to the address Liv gave him. Crystal Palace Hotel.

After taking a shower, Zhang Yang lay on ** and watched TV. He had nothing else to do except watch TV. His calmness did not last long, at 9:30 p.m. The mosquito called and told him that he was in the lobby of the Crystal Palace Hotel.

Zhang Yang knew that mosquitoes would not come here for no reason. Only he and Liv know that they have settled. Something important must have happened. Zhang Yang had already figured it out on his way to see the mosquito. This time, he would never help Guoan do anything. He didn't mind being used by Guoan, but the practice of kicking away immediately after using it made him extremely disgusted.

When the mosquito saw Zhang Yang, he did not immediately go to say hello, but stood up and walked out.

Zhang Yang followed him outside and entered the dilapidated Toyota car of Mosquito. Zhang Yang Xiaoyun finished his eyebrows and frowned. There was a pungent smell of tobacco in the carriage. He was extremely **. He sucked his nose and finally couldn't help sneezing twice: "Damn it, you should clean it up!"

The mosquito laughed: "I keep a low profile!" However, his expression was still a little nervous. Looking around, he said in a low voice, "There's something wrong!"

Zhang Yang said, "What do you mean?" The word "mosquito" is not completely expressed.

The mosquito said, "The night is missing. I can't find her!"

Zhang Yang was shocked, but there was an expression on his face as if nothing had happened: "My task has been completed. This has nothing to do with me. Besides, Guoan can't be the only two members in Europe. You can ask others. You can reflect it to your superiors."

The mosquito said, "We are all single-line contact. My superior is her. This is for the sake of safety!"

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"It's just an interruption of contact, which doesn't necessarily mean something happened!"

The mosquito said, "There must have been something wrong. She sent me a distress signal! The missing place is near the Moon Goddess Club.

Zhang Yang has seen Liv's skills, and ordinary people can't control her. He thought about it carefully.

The mosquito looked at him helplessly: "What should I do?"

Zhang Yang said angrily, "You ask me. Who should I ask? I have nothing to do with this matter at all. You brought me in as a bait. I felt that I had no use for nothing and kicked me away. Now something has happened and I'm thinking of it again!"

The mosquito said, "The nightingioles are not kicking you away. She is worried that it will be dangerous for you to continue to get involved. What? You don't even know your fiancee?

Zhang Yang was stunned: "What did you say?"

The mosquito said, "Aren't you the fiance of the nightingiole?"

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing: "You are really gossip!"

Although he complained, he was still very concerned about Liv in his heart: "Tell me the details, and I think there is any way to find her!"

The mosquito told the story back and forth. In fact, he doesn't know much about it. The confidentiality principle of Guoan is very strict. Many of them are single-line contacts. In this operation, the mosquito is Liv's subordinate. The main job is to be responsible for data collection and equipment provision. To put it bluntly, it is a logistics. When it comes to the battle of real knives and guns, he must stand aside. Mosquitoes also have self-knowledge. He has seen Zhang Yang's skills in dealing with those black foreigners and knew that this is a tiger general, so after the disappearance of

After listening to the mosquito's words, Zhang Yang had more or less time in his heart. He nodded and said, "This matter has something to do with those Irish gangsters!"

The mosquito whispered, "What are you going to do?"

Zhang Yang's eyes widened and said, "What else can I do? Of course, it's to kill the door!"

The mosquito smiled bitterly and said, "Brother, is it too violent?"

Zhang Yang said righteously, "Do you expect me to negotiate with them? I don't understand the language. I can only use body language to deal with these foreigners. Anyway, if something happens, I will have Guoan for me. At worst, I will be deported. I'm not afraid!"

Mosquito has no choice but to meet this person, but thinking that Zhang Yang's statement makes sense, can you still expect him to negotiate with foreigners? The mosquito took out a button-like device: "This is a sensor. There is also one in the body of the nightingo. As long as you are within 200 meters close to her, you will generate an induction, and the sensor will flash red light!"

Zhang Yang put the sensor, and the mosquito gave him the car key again: "There are the weapons you need in the trunk. Remember not to use violence, don't use violence. In case violence is used. Leave the scene as soon as possible, don't be caught by the British, and we will solve the follow-up.

Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes and looked at the mosquito: "Why do I think you can't wait for me to do a big fight? You'd better not to yin me. If you let me know that you yin me, hey hey, the meaning of Zhang's threat is extremely fully expressed.

Zhang Yang drove the shabby Toyota car of Mosquito to the Moonlight Goddess Club. Although the car is dilapidated, the anti-navigation is still easy to use. Zhang Yang parked his car in the parking lot, opened the trunk of the car, and found the black box that the mosquito said. There are two pistols and more than a dozen grenades in the black box. Zhang Yang shook his head with a smile and scolded in his heart. Damn it, he also told me not to use violence, and even prepared the tools of violence for me.

Zhang Yang didn't need to use these things. He closed the trunk again and saw a silver-gray Land Rover stop beside him. A person who got off the car was Li Long. Li Long didn't expect to meet Zhang Yang here. He nodded to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang said, "What are you doing here?"

Li Long gritted his teeth and said, "Peter caught my daughter. I'll come to him!"

Zhang raised his eyebrows: "Do you have a daughter?"

Li Long's mood is obviously extremely bad: "Yes!"

Aunt Tang saw Zhang Yang and Li Long in front of the gate of the Moonlight Goddess Club. He came to them with a ferocious smile. Tom pointed to Li Long's nose and said, "How dare you come here?" The boss has given the order to kill you!"

Li Long sneered and said, "That depends on whether he has the ability!"

Aunt Tang nodded and said, "The boss asked you to go to the West warehouse to see him!"

Zhang Yang walked to the Moonlight Goddess Club without saying a word. He expected the sensor to react. If Liv was nearby, the sensor would emit red light. Tom was afraid of Zhang Yang. He winned, and the four men surrounded Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang snorted coldly: "It's paralyzed, shameless!" He slapped out with his backhand, pulled a black man close to him in a 360-degree circle and sat on the ground. This man came here today and had the idea of making a scene. If others don't provoke him, he wants to make trouble, not to mention that someone takes the initiative to come forward to smoke. Tom shouted, "Give it all to me!"

Chapter 289 Fire Line Block (Part 2)

A number of big-shaped men rushed to Bu Zhangyang and quickly raised his tip and jumped to the way. In the middle of the way, he shouted and kicked out three feet in a row. This is the one he learned from Bruce Lee's kung fu film. There is also a trend to put aside the practicality of these three feet. What a handsome word!

Li Long was stunned. He was a fighting master who looked at Zhang's brave performance like this and only sighed.

Tom saw that the situation was not good, and more than a dozen people couldn't stop Zhang Yang's hand touching his arms. Li Long knew that he was going to take out a gun and rushed up to hold Tom's wrist. Tom was not idle for so many years of boxing. He just punched Li Long in vain.


Li Long has known him for many years and has a considerable understanding of Tom's boxing. His body has been slightly one side and bullied Tom. He kicked him on his lower yin to deal with this kind of tall and strong guy. He must take a decisive blow. Tom will be kicked painfully and howled. He covered his crotch and squa The attack was also because he was shot by Li Long before.

Zhang Yang's side has broken through layers of encirclement and rushed into the Moonlight Goddess Club. The lights in the club are still not moving. It seems that Liv is not here. He walked up the stairs. A strong white man rushed down to him like a bull and punched Zhang Yang's face. Zhang Yang took his wrist and took the opportunity. The man flew out of his head and fell heavily on the dance floor. He was trampled on one after another without waiting for him to get up.

The wild music and confused lights are easy to arouse people's potential ferocity. Inexplicably, two or three people joined the regiment and then the fight expanded like a plague. In an instant, the whole hall was in a mess.

Wang Zhan sat in the Mercedes-Benz business car in the Moonlight Goddess parking lot. He looked at the messy scene in front of the club with great interest. He turned around and looked at the nightingio with a smile and said, "I didn't expect him to be so good at fighting!"

The nightingiole's hands were put away. Josephine held a pistol against her waist. The nightingler disdained and said, "Aren't you tired of holding a pistol?"

Wang Zhan sighed and said, "Use the bait to dig me out. You are really good at a calculation!"

The nightingiobler said coldly, "Wang Zhan, you forgot that you or the descendants of Yan Huang actually did such a thing to shame the ancestors."

Wang Zhan smiled and said, "It's really funny. I'm a serious Chinese. I don't need you three mixed-race children to teach me!"

The nightingiobler said, "I've never seen such a shameless person as you!"

Wang Zhan laughed and Josephine raised the handle of the gun and hit the back of the nightingiole's head. She took out the muffler and tightened it on the muzzle and aimed at the nightingor's forehead.

Wang Zhan shook his head and said, "You don't have to kill her. It's still useful to keep her first!"

Josephine whispered, "She is very cunning!"

Wang Zhan laughed and said, "No matter how cunning the fox is, he can't escape the hunter's shotgun! Give her the bedroom type four and four. I'd like to see what these people in Guoan can do!"

Josephine opened the medicine box; took out the needle Jane. Slowly inject the light green ** into the vein of the nightingale's arm. At this time, a gunshot came from the club. Josephine looked up at Wang Zhan.

Wang Zhan said, "Let the Irish accompany these people to toss around!" The Internet attracts the attention of the police. In a few hours, our operation will be fully launched!"

The gunshot just now was the chaos in Li Long's moonlight goddess. Li Long knew that there was no result if he was entangled like this, so he fired two shots in the sky.

The sound of gunfire scared many people to squat down and some timid women screamed harshly. Zhang Yang took the opportunity to break free from the entanglement of the three big men and put them in. Zhang Yang looked at the sensor and there was still no response. It seemed that Liv should not be in the nightclub. However, the premise is that the mosquito sensor is effective.

Li Long punched down the person in front of him. He came to Zhang Yang and whispered, "Let's go. It won't take long for the police to be recruited. It will be troublesome then."

Zhang Yang nodded and followed Li Long from the side door to leave Li Long. He got on the silver-gray Land Rover. Zhang Yang drove a tattered Toyota car and followed him. The two left the Moonlight Goddess Club one after another. Li Long's purpose was very clear that he went to the West warehouse to rescue his daughter. Li Long stopped Get off the car. Zhang Yang came out of the car and said, "Is the black-hearted Peter here?"

Li Long nodded and said, "It should be here!" As he spoke, he took out his pistol and put the magazine on it.

Zhang Yang also opened the trunk. Li Long leaned over and stared at him and said, "Are you here to fight?"

Zhang Yang picked up two pistols: "Since he has brought you here, he must be ready. Isn't it waiting to be slaughtered without weapons?

Li Long grabbed four grenades and put them away: "Black-hearted Peter is not a good thing. If you want to do it today, you can do it vigorously!"

Zhang Yang said, "Do you really have a daughter?" Li Long said, "Yes! Twelve years old!"

"Do you have a wife?"

Li Long stared at Zhang Yang with wide eyes and said, "You are really gossipy! I don't have a wife. How did I get my daughter?" Both of them spoke in a low voice. They all knew that the West warehouse was a trap. Black-hearted Peter set a trap for them to get in.

Zhang Yang actually showed two bulletproof vests from the trunk. The protective effect of bullets is stronger than the body protection. Naturally, the general public should put on the bulletproof vest and feel much more secure.

Li Long said, "Are you ready?"

Zhang Yang nodded: "What are you going to do?"

Li Long pointed to Zhang Yang's tattered Toyota car: "Lend your car!"

Li Long used a tool to support the accelerator and release the brakes. Toyota crashed into the door of West's warehouse. The closed iron door was hit by a car. The trend of Toyota cars has been bumping into the containers in the yard. There is a huge crash sound in the quiet night, but what surprises them is that there is no response in the warehouse, only the harsh engine sound of Toyota continues to sound.

Zhang Yang and Li Long looked at each other in consterance. They didn't expect that there was no one in the West cargo yard. If someone makes such a loud noise, he will not go unnoticed. He raised his gun and rushed to the tip and saw the empty spears everywhere. Only the lights in the northwest came out.

The two of them carefully approached the warehouse over there. Looking into it from the gap of the gate, there was no light inside, and no one listened to Li Long and faintly heard a voice inside: "Save the warehouse and save the rest"

Zhang Yang's ear strength is better than Li Long. He had already heard the girl's voice and saw that the expression on Li Long's face suddenly became extremely nervous. Obviously, the voice was his daughter.

The door of the warehouse was not locked. Li Long pushed the door open and went in. Zhang Yang was worried that he had made a mistake and rushed in.

There was no ambush in the warehouse, only the cries of children.

Li Long was worried about his daughter's safety and ran forward quickly, but was caught by Zhang Yang and reminded him, "Be careful!"

Li Long shook his head and whispered, "You cover me."

Zhang Yang nodded. He looked at the surroundings with two guns in his hand. It was so strange that the black-hearted Peter led them here, but there was no one to ambush. What's going on? Li Long raised his gun around the container and aimed at it. The light was very dark for a while before he got used to it. There was no sound inside. Li Long grabbed the woven bag from behind the woven bag and his face suddenly changed, but he saw a bomb below. His action touched the red reading on the bomb's timer quickly: 6, 4, 3

Only then did Li Long know that Black-hearted Peter used his daughter's recording to lead him here. His action just now touched Li Long and roared, "Bomb!"

When Zhang Yang heard Li Long's shout, his heart also sank. He quickly turned around and ran out of the door. He didn't wait for him to run out of the door to explode. In the loud noise, his body was lifted up like a dead leaf in the wind and flew more than ten meters in the air before falling from the air. It was not the first time that Zhang Daguan had been exposed to an explosion. When he exposed Xu Changde, he was almost killed by the explosion. Zhang Yang's wisdom is precious to anyone. Zhang Yang knew how to protect himself to the maximum extent in this situation. He was still wearing a bulletproof suit. In addition, Li Long reminded Zhang Yang was lucky to avoid it at A powerful explosion.

Although it was very painful to be hit by the air wave, Zhang Yang was not too traumatized. He quickly got up from the ground and shook off the dirt and sand warehouse on his body. The fire had raging. Zhang Yang remembered Li Long. If it hadn't been for Li Long's timely reminder, he must have been too late to escape the The word rushed in.

The thick smoke and the fire seriously affected Zhang Yang's sight, but fortunately, not long after he rushed into the fire, he heard Li Long's painful howl. Li Long's left leg disappeared. He lay down in a pool of blood. Zhang Yang stretched out his hand and Li Long's acupuncture point to help him stop the blood. Then pick up Li Long. He ran out of the warehouse.

As soon as he entered the jeep with Li Long, he heard the rapid siren in the distance.

Although Li Long's left leg was blown off, his mind was still clear and said in pain, "Go to Zhujiang Lane, Chinatown"

Zhang Yang drove Li Long's Land Rover to the Suhuo District. Li Long's consciousness was sometimes sober and sometimes blurred. With his intermittent Jiang Point, Zhang Yang just successfully found the Pearl River Lane. This is a traditional Chinese medicine clinic called Huichuntang. Li Long looked at the light of the clinic and everything in front of the clinic suddenly became hazy

The reason why Li Long came back to Chuntang is that Song Dejian, the boss of Hui Chuntang, is his good friend. If it hadn't been for his help, Song Dejian would have died in the hands of the snake's head. He was Song Dejian's lifesaver. When Li Long encountered this kind of thing, the first thing he thought of was Song Dejian.

Song Dejian is indeed willing to go through fire and water for Li Long. But when Song Dejian saw Li Long, who was like a bloody man, he suddenly became a masterless person. He was a traditional Chinese medicine doctor. Before he came to the United Kingdom, he was a massage doctor of a traditional Chinese medicine hospital in China. After he came to the United Kingdom He was also helpless when he was seriously injured.

Song Dejian asked Zhang Yang to drive the car to the backyard. Then he helped Zhang Yang get Li Long into his temporary operating room. The so-called temporary operating room is that the conditions in his basement are extremely simple, but the good thing is that the surgical instruments with shadowless lamps have also been disinfected.

After looking at Li Long's wound, Zhang Yang immediately came to the conclusion: "I want an amputation!"

Song Dejian nodded. He whispered, "Send me to the hospital or I will definitely die!"

Li Long woke up again at this time. He said in a trembling voice, "No" has shocked the police. I can't go to the hospital."

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "If you don't go, I'll help you!" He asked for a pen and paper and wrote down some necessary medicines on the paper to ask Song Dejian to handle Song Dejian's departure. Li Long told him, "The police will definitely look for me everywhere." Don't tell me about it

Song Dejian said, "Brother Long, don't worry, I will never reveal half a word!"

Li Long looked at Zhang Yang, who was changing his surgical gown: "Will I die?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It would have happened, but you won't meet me!" He reached out and hit Li Long's acupuncture point. Li Long suddenly lost consciousness.

Zhang Yang's surgical techniques were all learned from Yu Ziliang. Although he didn't learn for a long time, Zhang Yang's understanding was very high. In addition, the famous teacher was a master. He did not take any detour amputation in the operation technique. He followed Yu Ziliang twice, but it was the assistant's personal knife or the Hands.

Song Dejian was in a panic at this time. Li Long's condition was very bad. Judging from the current situation, he may die at any time. If Li Long dies, it will become extremely serious. His black clinic will definitely be closed, and there will be a lawsuit. Song Dejian had made the worst plan. He looked at the calm Zhang Yang and had an idea in his heart that the ignorant man was fearless! This young man obviously doesn't know the power of this matter.

But after Zhang Yang waved the scalpel, Song Dejian immediately changed his view. Zhang Yang's knife method was accurate and proficient in his movements. The broken part of Li Long's left leg was soon cleaned up. And bandage to stop the bleeding.

At this time, Song Dejian remembered to read the prescription written by Zhang Yang, although he did not scold Qi Yu in the book tomorrow. The specific function of Chen's prescription. It can be seen from the use of medicine to show that Zhang Yang's laxity to traditional Chinese medicine is in him


Li Long fell into a deep sleep.

Zhang Yang took off his blood-stained gloves and took off his surgical gown and went to the pool to wash his hands. Song Dejian came over and whispered, "How is he?"

Zhang Yang said, "There should be no life danger, but you have to walk with a prosthetic limb in the future."

Song Dejian raised the recommendation in his hand and said, "I'm going to get the medicine!" Zhang Yang nodded: "Take good care of him. I'll go first!"

When Zhang Yang took Li Long's Land Rover to start the vehicle, he saw the photo hanging on the rearview mirror. A seven- or eight-year-old girl smiled innocently and thought that this was Li Long's daughter. Zhang Yang gently stroked the photo and remembered that the anger in Liv's heart, who also did not know her whereabouts, exploded like a volcano. Lifu and the little girl's disappearance were all because Wang Zhan wanted to find Wang Zhan in a short time in the sparse Britain. It's almost impossible. What's more, Zhang Yang doesn't know English at all. All he can contact is mosquitoes, but mosquitoes are just a low-level intelligence officer. He doesn't know much.

The biggest advantage of Zhang Yang is that he can ensure a calm mind at any time. After analyzing the whole thing, he made it clear about the cause and effect of the matter. The reason why Wang Zhan used the Irish to create chaos is to create tension between China and Britain. I want to find Wang Zhan. You must know the purpose of the Irish. On the surface, this matter is of no benefit to them.

It was more than one o'clock in the morning when Zhang Yang drove to the Moon Goddess Club again. The police have left the Moon Goddess. After the riot, many clubs closed early tonight.

When Zhang Yang arrived, Peterson was commanding to close the door and leave.

Knowing that there is a tiger in the mountain and the tiger mountain, Zhang Daguanren is best at such a means. What Zhang Daguanren does not lack the most is such boldness. Peter Pan Johnson limped to his car and rushed out like lightning without waiting for the other party to react. He had put Johnson's two men to the ground and grabbed Johnson's golden ponytail and pressed his head on the hood of the car.

Johnson howled in pain and put a pistol into his mouth and sneered, "Don't tell me, I don't understand. I'm looking for Peter!" Peter! Do you understand?"

Johnson looked at the pistol inserted into his mouth in horror and kept nodding. His eyes were almost scared into a fight.

Zhang Yang grabbed his braid and stuffed him into the Land Rover car and let Johnson sit in the driver's seat and sit next to him with a pistol against Johnson's **: "Take me to Peter Peter."

Johnson obviously understood what he meant and started the car to drive the Land Rover into the night.

Sometimes violence is the best way to solve the problem. For Zhang Yang, the only way for him to get into trouble is to fight! Although there was some ambiguity between him and Lifu, there was nothing substantial about it, but Zhang Daguan's nature of pity for Yu was that Li Long's experience, which would never change, made him indignant and despised him for the Irish who kidnapped Li Long's daughter. It was Vice Premier Wen and his wife that forced him to finally take this step. Tomorrow is the day of Vice Premier Wen and his wife's visit. If Wang Zhan is not dug out in time to eliminate the danger, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Johnson took Zhang Yang to a public palace building five kilometers away from the Moonlight Goddess Club. Zhang Yang grabbed his ponytail and pulled him down. Johnson had suffered Zhang Yang's loss. He was very afraid of him and took him to the elevator honestly.

The public security guard knew Johnson and looked at Zhang Yang. Johnson wanted to make some hints. After all, Zhang Yang didn't know English, but Zhang Yang saw his intention in advance and hit his waist with a pistol. He was so scared that Johnson's back sweated coldly and smiled at the security guard and dared not talk nonsense.

The two got on the elevator and stopped at Johnson on the 11th floor. He rang the doorbell.

The one who opened the door was Xiaopi, the son of the black-hearted Peter. He has a good relationship with Johnson, but he is also a little dissatisfied with Johnson's interruption so late. He muttered, "What time is it, Johnson?"

Johnson didn't say anything and was pushed to the ground by the acupuncture point.

Only then did little Peter see the publicity hidden behind him. He was so scared that he hurriedly fled back and was caught up by Zhang Yang. He kicked little Peter on the buttocks and made a dog eat shit and fall to the ground. Zhang Yang put a pistol against his head and sneered, "Little*** I want to find your father to get you out unexpectedly!"

A cold voice sounded from the side: "Let him go!"

Zhang Yang turned his head and saw Chen Meilin, dressed in a crimson leather coat, aiming at herself with a gun in both hands. Zhang Yang frowned and looked at little Peter and then at Chen Meilin. Only then did he figure out the relationship between the two of them. Zhang Guanren has always been very disgusted with Chinese girls looking for foreigners. He sighed: "I'm willing to degenerate!"

Chen Meilin's beautiful eyes burst out with bitter hatred. She pointed her pistol to Zhang Yang's forehead and looked at her with a smile as she suddenly stretched out her hand like lightning. He slapped Chen Meilin. Then he clicked her acupuncture point and pulled her to his side and sneered, "Don't hesitate to shoot next time."

Chen Meilin gritted her teeth and said, "You bastard."

Zhang Yang sneered and said, "I know very well that you are Chen Xiangyi's daughter. His death is his own fault. If he didn't take the hostages. It won't end up like that!"

Chen Meilin screamed, "You lie that my father won't do that. He is a policeman!" In her heart, the image of her father has always been glorious and great.

Zhang Yang was too lazy to talk nonsense to her. He slapped little Peter in the face and pointed to the phone in the room: "Call you. I want to have a good talk to him!"

Little Peter looked at Zhang Yang angrily.

Zhang Yang remembered that he didn't understand his words. He said to Chen Meilin, "Give me my words to him."

Chen Meilin said angrily, "Why should I help you?"

Zhang Yang pointed a gun at little Peter's head and said, "You won't help me? Believe it or not, I shot your foreign boyfriend in the head?"

Chen Meilin actually acted quite indifferently and said indifferently, "It's no big deal to kill if you want to kill you."

Zhang Yang said loudly, "It's really looking at the hill. You are cruel enough! He pulled out his saber and pointed his blade at Chen Meilin's pretaughty and said, "Now help me turn over it now. If you don't agree, I'll scratch your face. These Irish people caught my fiancee. I'll risk Chen Meilin. I dare to do anything!"

Although Chen Meilin is not afraid of death, her appearance is more important than her life. In fact, this is also a common problem for girls. She was scared by Zhang Yang and her lips trembled. Finally, she turned over Zhang Yang's words.

Little Peter had already been scared by Zhang Yang's fierceness. After listening to Chen Meilin's turn, he immediately made a phone call to his father.

Black-hearted Peter shouted angrily when he learned that his son was caught by Zhang Yang. In fact, he did not know Lifu's whereabouts, but Li Long's daughter, Li Huizi, was arrested by him. Zhang Yang asked Chen Meilin to tell Black-hearted Peter that his conditions were the first to hand over Lifu and Li Hui

Neither of these two things could be done by the black-hearted Peter. He could only pretend to meet Zhang Yang at Nelson Pier in the Thames two hours later to exchange hostages.


Black-hearted Peter hung up the phone and was so angry that he grabbed the bottle beside him and threw it out. The bottle broke in response. The wine inside splashed on the snow-white wall and was as red as blood.

Black-hearted Peter pressed out the cigar in his hand and took a deep breath before he picked up the phone. After the phone was connected, he whispered, "The matter has changed. My son was caught by the Chinese. Can you return Li Huizi to me?"

The other party hung up the phone without saying anything.

Black-hearted Peter roared at the microphone: "Come out"

Little Peter lay softly in the cabin. Chen Meilin sat there motionless. Both of them were controlled by Zhang Yang. Johnson was responsible for driving the speedboat. Zhang Yang sat behind him and felt that Chen Meilin's cold eyes threw at her like a knife. Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing: "Do you hate me so much?

Chen Meilin nodded and said, "Yes!"

Zhang Yang pointed to little Peter and said, "He is an Irish gangster who kills and set fire to all kinds of evil. Why did you come to England? Your father sent you here so that you can study hard and learn your real skills to serve the country instead of letting you fool around with these foreign underworlds.

"You don't have to teach me!"

Zhang Yang said, "I don't care about you, but these Irish people kidnapped my fiancee and a minor child. There is evidence that they want to be against Vice Premier Wen

Chen Meilin didn't expect this to be so serious. She frowned and suspected that Zhang Yang was alarmist.

Zhang Yang said, "You can't believe that there is no need for a national cadre to lie to you. The ultimate purpose of these Irish people is to destroy Sino-British relations through this incident. You are also a knowledgeable and educated person. I believe that you don't want to be a sinner of the country and the nation!"

Chen Meilin bit her lip and said, "How do I know you're not lying to me?"

Zhang Yang said, "Do I need to lie to you?"

At this time, three black Wolta cars stopped at Nelson Pier and Tom limped out of the car. Zhang Yang said to Johnson, "Gear them a signal!"

Chen Meilin relayed his words to Johnson.

Johnson flashed the headlights of the speedboat and then drove the speedboat slowly to the dock.

The publicity is very good, although the night is dark. I still saw that there was no one from Liv or Li Huizi on the dock.

He said to Chen Meilin, "Ask them where the person I want is?"

Chen Meilin shouted to the shore according to his words.

Black-hearted Peter sat in the car and said coldly, "I hate that the Chinese have told him not to hang out with Chinese women for a long time. Now I'm in such a big trouble."

Tom leaned over the window and whispered, "Boss. What if he insists on exchanging hostages?

Black-hearted Peter sneered and said, "Drag him! Henry is in place. This guy dares to go to the meeting alone. You will see his head explode later.

Henry is one of the four effective assistants of his men and an excellent sniper.

At this time, he was lying on the top of the seventh floor on the east side of Wilson Pier and aimed his sniper rifle at the publicity on the speedboat.

Zhang Yang is also paying attention to the movement around him. Although he is wearing a bulletproof vest, his head is a weak link. If someone sniping around him, it is quite dangerous.

Chen Meilin whispered, "Are you scared?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "What are you afraid of? If he doesn't care about his son's life, he can play tricks with me!" He said to Chen Meilin, "Help me tell the black-hearted Peter that if he dares to play tricks, the first person to die must be his son."

Chen Meilin nodded and shouted to the shore again.

Black-hearted Peter snorted coldly and contacted Henry through the walkie-talkie: "How about it? Are you ready?

"The target is very cunning and can't be locked for the time being!"

"How sure?"

"Seventy percent!"

"I want 100%!"

"I can't guarantee it!"

Black-hearted Peter said in a low voice, "If you calm down, you must do it again!"

At this time, his phone rang and he picked up the phone and heard the hoarse voice on the phone: "Give up your action, you have attracted the attention of the British police!"

"My son is in his hands!"

"Anything should be subject to the interests of the organization!"

Black-hearted Peter roared, "Brown! Go to your mother's organization. It's my son who was arrested. I want to save him."

"Do you know what you are doing?

"I know that no one in the world is more important than my son's life. You and your organization, get out of here!" Black-hearted Peter shouted angrily.

Zhang Yang asked Chen Meilin to help him send a message to ask the black-hearted Peter to let him go again, but not to mention Liv, even Li Long's daughter Li Huizi did not see Zhang Yang who had realized that the black-hearted Peter had not brought them over at all. He said coldly, "Give them ten seconds" could not We are old!" After Chen Meilin finished his words, the black-hearted Peter finally made up his mind to signal Henry on the roof to shoot Zhang Yang!

Henry aimed at Zhang Yang's head and decisively pulled the trigger bullet to Zhang Yang at an incredible degree.

The Thames River at night was not calm. The speedboat shook his body with the ups and downs of the waves and the night wind. It was this shaking that pulled him back from the ghost gate and shot his left shoulder. He hurriedly squatted down and raised his pistol and shot at the roof. His goal was not clear, so he failed in two consecutive shots.

Henry didn't dare to continue to make up the shot when he saw that the shot failed. After all, if Little Peter hurt Little Peter's name in the other party's hand, Black-hearted Peter would definitely not let him go.

At the moment Zhang Yang was hit, Johnson seized this rare opportunity to catch little Peter and jumped into the River Thames together.

Henry saw little Peter get out of trouble and shoot several shots in a row. Zhang Yang and Chen Meilin jumped into the River Thames one after another.

The cold river soaked the wound on Zhang Yang's left shoulder and hurt through the bone marrow. He stopped his acupuncture point and was about to chase Johnson and Peter Jr., but he saw Chen Meilin struggling not far from her right. It turned out that she could not swim.

Zhang Yang swam over and dragged her to the heart of the river. He didn't dare to come out of the water. He knew that it was bound to be the target of the sniper now. He hit Chen Meilin's several acupuncture points underwater and let her temporarily enter the turtle breathing state. Avoid choking into too much river water and suffocate to death.

Henry fired a few shots blindly on the surface of the water and never saw Zhang Yang coming out.

At this time, Johnson and Peter had successfully climbed up the river bank. The black-hearted Peter was overjoyed to command his men to save the two of them and ordered Henry to shoot Zhang Yang. At this time, more than a dozen police cars surrounded them from all directions.

Black-hearted Peter ordered loudly, "Don't shoot. Don't shoot!"

Zhang Yang dragged Chen Meilin up the river bank. Seeing the flashing police light on the opposite side, he breathed a long sigh of relief. Obviously, the British police had stared at the black-hearted Peter. He saw that his left shoulder clothes had been soaked with blood. The clothes on his right palm was attached to the skin. The internal force attracted the warhead to move out of his body little by little. The war I felt extremely painful. Although his physique was so painful that his forehead was covered with cold sweat and his face was extremely pale. It took nearly three minutes to take out the warhead. He applied some golden sore medicine to the wound and pat Chen Meilin's acupuncture point.

Chen Meilin coughed violently and quickly figured out what she was facing.

Zhang Yang said, "Get out of here immediately and the police will find you soon!"

The two quickly left the bank of the Thames River. After getting into the taxi, Zhang Yang remembered that his mobile phone and communication equipment were all soaked in water. He punched the seat with some chagrin.

Chen Meilin whispered, "Go to my apartment first!"

Chen Meilin's apartment is not far from here. This is a room of less than 20 square meters. Although the room is very good, the facilities are still complete. Zhang Yang used the phone to contact the mosquito. Things have reached this point, and he doesn't care about the principle of confidentiality.

After half an hour, the mosquito rushed to Chen Meilin's apartment.

Mosquitoes were also surprised to see Zhang Yang, who was covered in blood: "Are you hurt?"

Zhang Yang nodded: "Black-hearted Peter sent snipers to deal with me!"

At this time, the sound of water coming from the bathroom looked at the mosquito in surprise.

Zhang Yang whispered, "Chen Meilin is taking a shower!"

If mosquitoes are at ordinary times, they will definitely be very interested in the relationship, but now the situation is serious. He didn't have time to laugh and whispered, "Is there any news about Liv?"

Zhang Yang shook his head: "The black-hearted Peter's gang was targeted by the British police and all the clues were broken."

The mosquito bit his lip and said, "What should I do?"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm going to inform you of this matter!"

The mosquito said, "You mean to tell the embassy?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "There is no other way. Only through the embassy can Vice Premier Wen and his wife be reminded to pay more attention!"

The mosquito said, "But we don't have any real evidence. They may not believe it!"

Zhang Yang said, "Do your best to listen to fate. If you do it, I will find a way to find Wang Zhan. Even if I dig three feet, I still want to dig him out."

After taking a shower, Chen Meilin came out in a white bathrobe. She sat down on the sand and crossed her legs to reveal a pair of slender legs. The mosquito's eyes involuntarily fell on her legs and swallowed a big mouthful of saliva.

Chen Meilin looked at him sarcastically: "Have you seen enough? Do you want me to lift it so that you can see it more clearly?

"Of course it's best" "not good" "not good" The mosquito's face turned red. Zhang Yang took off his blood-stained top and changed the clothes brought by the mosquito.

Chen Meilin looked at the shocking blood hole on his shoulder and couldn't help wondering if this guy was shot like this. She whispered, "Are you all spies?"

Zhang Yang smeared some gold wounds on the wound and then put on his clothes: "It's not good for you to know too much. Be careful that we kill people!"

The mosquito laughed and said, "He scared you!"

Chen Meilin said coldly, "I thought I would be afraid of you?"

Zhang Yang said, "Our grudges will be counted as my father's enemy in the future. I have no problem with it. I also saved you today. I hope you can put our grudges aside for the time being! Don't mess with me!" He raised his head to the mosquito and said, "Moss, let's go!"

The mosquito stood up.

Chen Meilin suddenly said, "Take me with you."

Zhang Yang and the mosquito turned around at the same time.

Chen Meilin said, "I know something about the IRA. Peter told me about them!"