Medical official path

Chapter 293 Chinese Characteristics

Kefu was much more refined than him about this. She found the contact from the refrigerator with a clear surface, stabbed part of the blood sample at her fingertips, and saw from the change in the color of the reagent that the antiviral serum should be true.

"How's it going?" Zhang Yang said with concern.

Li Ying said, "The serum is effective. After five minutes, the virus in our body can be controlled and no longer contagious!" She is also a little surprised why Wang Zhan is so cooperative this time. Is Josephine really important to him?

After the serum worked, Zhang Yang released Li Huizi's turtle breath. The little girl woke up leisurely. A pair of big black gem-like eyes flashed, looking at Zhang Yang full of panic and confusion, but she soon saw Liv and said in surprise, "Sister Liv!"

Lifu took off the gas mask, hugged Li Huizi and comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid. Everything is over!"

Zhang Yang said, "It's not safe here. Let's leave first!" He picked up Li Huizi, climbed up from the pier with Lifu, returned to the bridge, and boarded the merchant who had been waiting there for a long time


When Li Huizi saw her father, she cried and ran over. Although Li Long lost one leg, he was extremely comforted to see that his daughter was safe and sound.

At this time, there was a rapid siren outside, and the behavior of Zhang Yang and Liv still attracted the attention of the British side. As soon as they boarded the business car, they were targeted.

Although Li Long was calling for wind and rain in Chinatown, he encountered such a thing, but he was a little helpless. He looked at Zhang Yang for help.

Zhang Yang quickly dialed the mosquito's phone. Li Wei was still the one who answered the phone. He and the mosquito were waiting for Zhang Yang's news. Zhang Yang whispered, "I need your help!" The British are staring at us!"

Li Wei asked where Zhang Yang was and whispered, "If you drive all the way to Queen Street, I will pick you up!" Putting down the phone, he pushed the door and walked forward. The mosquito followed him: "What are you going to do?"

Li Wei said coldly, "You are so curious!" He came to the front of a truck, smashed the window with one punch, pulled the door from the inside, and smiled, "I want to review the quality of these British people!"

Zhang Yang and they accelerated according to the route mentioned by Li Wei. The performance of this business car is really not flattering. The two military jeeps have been hit one left and one right. Li Long sat there, holding his daughter in one hand, gritted his teeth and said, "Hit them! Hit and kill these ***!" After saying this, he saw his daughter's surprised eyes. He sneered in a hurry and said with a smile, "Daughter, Dad said something wrong!" The driver manipulated the steering wheel to rush left and right, collided with two military vehicles one after another, and an alarm sounded in the military jeep.

Zhang Yang said, "Don't worry about him, keep moving forward!"

The two military trucks in front of them rushed towards them; blocking the road ahead, the driver widened his eyes and shouted in horror. Liv rushed over and shouted, "Step on the accelerator to the end!" She pulled the steering wheel hard, and the body of the business car tilted under strong traction. Only two left wheels landed and drilled out of the narrow gap between the two military vehicles.

The most unlucky person was Li Long. He fell from one side of the vehicle to the other, and the wound on his leg was tender, which made him grin.

After the business car rushed through the blockade, the four wheels landed again. In front of Queen Street, Zhang Yang received a phone call from the mosquito: "Turn left at the first street!"

Zhang Yang immediately gave the order. The commercial car was about to drive past the first street. The driver hit the direction, and the body turned at a right angle of nearly 90 degrees. Li Long rolled from here to the other side again. He scolded angrily, "A Hu, ** your uncle! Oh, I'm sorry, daughter. I can't help swearing again!"

Three British jeeps followed, and they were about to drive to the corner of the street. A heavy truck slowly drove over and blocked them there.

Li Wei dialed the light as a distance, then calmly picked up the phone, dialed a number, and said respectfully, "Madam, they will arrive in three minutes!"

The business car drove straight ahead along the road, and the sound of the helicopter propeller came from the top of his head. The British army was under the trap, and they wanted to catch everyone this time.

Zhang Yang and Liv looked at each other. They both saw the worry in each other's eyes, and it was impossible to get rid of the British side in the end.

Li Wei called at this time: "Madam is waiting for you in front of you!"

The business car finally made use of the street. At the end of the street, there were three black cars parked. Luo Huining, wearing a black windbreaker, stood there accompanied by two bodyguards, with a smile on her face.

Seeing the smile on Luo Huining's face, there was an unspeakable warmth and feeling in his heart. He pushed the door and jumped down first: "Gomama!"

Luo Huining nodded: "Get in the car!"

Everyone boarded the car of the Chinese embassy, and the British helicopter in charge of tracking obviously found this. They did not dare to take action without authorization. While following the three cars, they reported the progress of the matter to their superiors.

The reaction of the British high-level officials is to wait and see what happens.

Three cars drove safely into the Chinese embassy.


Shortly after that, General Wilson once again visited Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Wen Guoquan.

Wen Guoquan had learned all about the matter before receiving Wilson, but he still showed considerable courtesy and listened to Wilson's story. Then he calmly said, "General Wilson. Do you mean that several people infected with the four-four virus are currently in the Chinese Embassy?

Wilson tried his best to master the diplomatic rhetoric: "I'm just skeptical!"

Wen Guoquan laughed and said, "Doubt? If your suspicion is confirmed, will you close our embassy in the UK?

Wilson didn't say anything, and obviously acquiesced in Wen Guoquan's statement.

Wen Guoquan said, "I really don't understand your country's actions. I'd rather believe that it's just a misunderstanding than an act with any purpose!"

Wilson said, "Wu Xiang doesn't need to emphasize the seriousness of the four-legged virus to the Prime Minister!"

"It's not necessary!" Wen Guoquan said loudly. He stood up and said, "We don't have the confidential information about the four-four virus. Since General Wilson has this towering guess, I also guess once. I heard that the first state... The fourth four-four virus is your country. If this is true, your country should be responsible for the secretion of the sick island and any consequences caused. Any citizen of our country who is inadvertently infected with the four-four virus has the right to pursue and claim compensation from your government.

"Mr. Prime Minister, I think you misunderstood me. For the sake of public safety, not only for the United Kingdom but also for the safety of your citizens, we should work together to control the situation."

The sharp power of the country looked at Wilson coldly: "Can the general make it clearer?"

Wilson said, "Your Excellency the Prime Minister, please promise us to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the embassy!"

Wen Guoquan shook his head and said, "Are you kidding me? If we do the same thing to the British Embassy on Chinese soil, will you agree?

Wilson said, "Your Excellency, we will never allow the spread of the four-four virus!"

"That's your problem!"

Wilson didn't expect that Wen Guoquan's attitude would be so tough. He had to give in: "Your Excellency, I don't mean to let the military intervene, but I want to give all the staff of the embassy a physical examination!"

How can Wen Guoquan not understand what Wilson means. The man determined that there must be four-four virus carriers in the embassy, if this matter cannot be solved. There must be a lot of follow-up troubles. Wen Guoquan finally nodded and said, "In this way, you can send two health officials to the embassy to take blood samples!" Under the full monitoring of our personnel, if it is proved that we have no four-four virus spreaders. I hope you can formally apologize to us!" Wen Guoquan is quite cautious in using words. He already knows the truth of the whole matter. The reason why he uses the communicator rather than the carrier is that he is invincible. If the British side detects that someone has been infected with the four viruses, I also have something to say.

Wilson nodded without hesitation. He had determined that at least three people infected with the four-four virus had entered the Chinese embassy. According to his estimate of the speed of the spread of the virus, the staff of the entire embassy may now be infected. Wilson sneered secretly. When I find out the evidence, what else do you have to say?

The results of the examination naturally surprised the British side. Although two people infected with the four-four virus were finally detected, they were all healed. The British understood that they must have been injected with antiviral serum. But Wen Guoquan has his explanation. The four viruses are not great, and there are all kinds of strange ones in the world. Lifu and Li Huizi are born with virus antibodies.

There was no point in continuing to pester this kind of thing. In the end, the British apologized and left the Chinese embassy.

Dawn finally came, and the drizzle stopped overnight. There was no sun in the sky, and the whole London was still shrouded in a fog.

Liv carefully cleaned up the wound for Zhang Yang. Then he applied Jin Chuangyao and said softly, "Does it hurt?"

Zhang Yang shook his head.

Liv bent down and kissed Zhang Yang's face. Then Zhang Yang ran away quickly before trying to catch her. Yanran smiled and said, "Although you saved me, don't expect me to put yourself in!"

Zhang Yang said with a smile, "You underestimate my revolutionary sentiment, and I never ask for anything in return for doing good things!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door, but it was Luo Huining who came to see him.

Zhang Yang put on his shirt and greeted Luo Huining with a smile: "Gama! What did the British say?

Luo Huining said, "It has been solved. Although Lifu and Li Huizi have been infected with the four-four virus, they are not infectious, and their serum has antibodies!" Speaking of this, she couldn't help laughing: "The British have suffered a dumb loss in this matter. Their virus has no threat to us anymore."

Zhang Yang thought of more from this. If the foot four virus is the secret of the British side, how can Wang Zhan master it? Is he employed by the British side?

Luo Huining said, "The embassy has arranged today's flight. In two hours, you will return to China!" This is also the decision after Wen Guoquan's consideration. The identity of Zhang Yang and Liv determines that they are not suitable to stay in the UK. Instead of waiting for the British side to find the evidence and deport them, it is better to send them back to China first.

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "I've wanted to go for a long time. I haven't even seen a sunny day since I came to this place. If I had known that the environment in London was so bad, I wouldn't have come to carry the sedan chair."

Luo Huining smiled indifferently, and she whispered, "Your godfather said that an unorganized and disciplined cadre like you should be punished. You'd better be mentally prepared!"

Zhang Yang nodded with a wry smile. He found that every time he contributed to the country, he often had no good end.

Not long after Luo Huining left, mosquitoes came to meet them under the leadership of Li Wei. Vice Premier Wen had urged Guoan to explain to him the European affairs. The senior management of Guoan also contacted mosquitoes, and the mosquitoes reported the matter to him. Because of this incident, the ten bureaus will face drastic changes, regardless of the final result. Mosquitoes will obviously be promoted, and the senior management of Guoan has made a guarantee.

Liv's return to China is also a high-level decision of Guoan, and her work will be rescheduled.

The mosquito quietly said to Zhang Yang, "Chen Meilin contacted me!"

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing: "She's fine. When did you two hook up?"

The mosquito blushed and said, "She is asking me for your news!" Do you see her?

Zhang Yang said, "Forget it, that girl has always regarded me as an enemy who killed my father. It's better to stay away from me."

The mosquito said, "She knows a lot of things and is pestering me to join our department!"

Liv also laughed: "Okay, check her background. After I leave, there must be a shortage of people in Europe. If you cultivate her well, you may really cultivate feelings!"

The mosquito didn't say anything, but there was some intention on his face. This man did have this idea in his mind.

The second update is 4,000 words, ask for a double monthly ticket, this week's recommended ticket! ( To be continued). If you want to know what's going on, please log in, Zhuojie more, support the author, support the genuine version